Руководство по установке модов Skyrim
Об этом руководстве
Это руководство является братом моей графики и игрового процесса Skyrim LE. руководства, в одном - и результат многомесячного моддинга Скайрима. Моя цель — дать полное руководство, чтобы сэкономить время других людей, чтобы они могли иметь полный базовый список модов для ультрареалистичной графики и сложного игрового процесса нового поколения, зная, насколько эти моды повлияют на производительность и в каком порядке они должны устанавливать моды, которые совместимы, а какие нет и т. д. В Skyrim доступно более 100 тысяч модов, и проверить их все довольно сложно, но я потратил некоторое время и сделал это, и выбрал почти все, что вам нужно, чтобы преобразить вашу игру, а также иметь несколько вариантов модов подобного типа на выбор. Список из 4500+ модов (но при этом “качество о количестве”, включая различные варианты на выбор) для установки, чтобы ваша графика Skyrim выглядела как некстген, а игровой процесс - на абсолютно новом уровне - все структурировано должным образом, поэтому вы можете создать как 50, так и 1500 модов, в зависимости от вашей цели. Порядок установки, заметки о производительности, список исправлений и личные рекомендации включены.
В этом руководстве есть как графическая, так и геймплейная части, два в одном. Для установки графических модов порядок [установки] имеет наибольшее значение, поэтому для достижения наилучших результатов скромно рекомендуется следовать тому же порядку, в котором перечислены моды. Для руководства по геймплею порядок установки не имеет значения, но имеет значение порядок загрузки, поэтому внимательно прочитайте страницы модов/мои собственные заметки, если они предварительно настроены. Также вы можете просмотреть видео на моем канале YT, чтобы увидеть, как игра может выглядеть после полной модификации. Чтобы упростить навигацию по гайду, я поместил разделы гайда в так называемые “спойлеры” - когда вы видите кнопку “Показать” - просто нажмите на нее, чтобы развернуть соответствующую группу модов. Нажмите «Скрыть» еще раз, чтобы закрыть его :) Также обратите внимание, что это руководство по-прежнему предназначено для современных ригов, но в нем также есть раздел для младших ригов и много других советов тут и там,
Но вот наступает еще одна захватывающая часть! В руководстве также есть так называемые “модули” - готовые списки модов (не путайте с пакетами модов, пожалуйста) для разных вкусов и целей - которые вам нужно только имитировать, не беспокоясь о несовместимости и других проблемах. Модули отлично подойдут тем, у кого не хватает свободного времени, чтобы самостоятельно пройти весь гайд.
Не стесняйтесь предлагать любой мод, который вы хотите видеть в этом списке, или задавать мне любые вопросы о совместимости/стабильности Я запускаю Skyrim без каких-либо сбоев и проблем с установленным около 1500 модов - и вы можете иметь даже больше, и ваша игра все еще будет полностью стабильной . Это не какое-то преувеличение - все, что вам нужно, это внимательно следовать инструкции :)
Не загружайте это руководство повторно на другие веб-сайты и/или ресурсы, не претендуйте на его собственную работу и не продавайте его. В остальном - не стесняйтесь переводить на другие языки (только сначала напишите мне в Discord), я был бы рад, если вы дадите ссылку, чтобы помочь другим людям и так далее. Я здесь, чтобы служить - чем больше людей сможет иметь стабильную ультрамодную игру, тем счастливее я буду :)
Особенности руководства
Полный список графических и игровых модов для лучшей игры следующего поколения, всего более 4500 модов. Пейзажи, беспорядок, флора, погода и освещение, доспехи, одежда и оружие, города и деревни, модификации тела, лица и кожи, бой, магия и перки, существа и фракции, квесты, новые земли и подземелья, выживание и полезность - и многое другое. , гораздо более. Ни одна текстура не останется уродливой после того, как вы закончите это, и все возможные геймплейные механики будут улучшены, а также может быть добавлено множество новых, черт возьми!
Все, что вам нужно, но ничего лишнего. Не огромный список модов, заполненный субъективными вариантами, но дорожная карта, показывающая, как создать свою собственную установку мечты. Пока, если вам не хватает времени - для вас подготовлено несколько списков модов, [дополнительно] для руководства.
- Подробный порядок установки.
- Удобный и простой в навигации дизайн.
- Список патчей для совместимости и мои личные замечания для лучшего результата.
- Заметки о производительности.
- Список всех основных вещей/инструментов/настроек, которые вам понадобятся, чтобы начать моддинг и иметь стабильную игру.
- Руководство по установке ENB + советы по настройкам/исправлениям.
Самая большая проблема игр с тяжелыми модами, перегрузка скриптов, никуда не ушла в SE, к сожалению, игровой скриптовый движок Papyrus не был изменен, а слишком много модов с большим количеством скриптов может сломать даже самую стабильную игру. Не беспокойтесь! Многие моды с большим количеством скриптов отмечены в руководстве специальной пометкой, поэтому вы заранее будете знать, с какими модами вам нужно быть осторожным.
Слияние модов проще, чем когда-либо прежде! Моды, которые можно легко объединить в несколько кликов, помечены специальным знаком, поэтому вам не нужно тратить собственное время на проверку множества факторов. В настоящее время уже отмечено более 200 модов, а это означает, что буквально более 200 модов вы можете объединить сразу, и я буду расширять это постепенно.
Отдельный раздел для владельцев слабых ПК (который вы все равно можете использовать, даже если ваш ПК мощный, чтобы повысить FPS).
Предварительно составленные списки модов на разные вкусы и цели, которые вам нужно только подражать и не беспокоиться о несовместимости и других проблемах - в дополнение к самому целому руководству. Окончательный модуль, Спаситель Отечества , теперь также доступен.
Постоянные обновления и поддержка :)
Вопросы и ответы
В: Какие характеристики ПК необходимы для запуска такой же модифицированной установки, как и у вас, чтобы иметь [наилучшие] возможные графику и игровой процесс?
О: Это не такой компьютер NASA, как вы думаете! Intel i5 6600k или аналог AMD, GTX 980Ti/1070 или аналог AMD, 16 ГБ ОЗУ - с аналогичными характеристиками вы сможете запустить абсолютно чудовищный сетап со всем ретекстуром, всеми необходимыми модами освещения/погоды/иммерсии, на ультра настройках, с любой ENB, который вы хотите, 3D LOD и так далее. Да, это руководство сделано для ВСЕХ ригов - независимо от того, сильный ли у вас компьютер, не очень или полный картошка - вы можете найти рекомендации и собрать наилучшую игру с модами.
В: Значит, мне нужно установить ВСЕ моды из этого списка?
О: Технически можно, но это не обязательно. Это руководство - оно дает вам возможность сравнивать и выбирать. Открывайте страницы модов, просматривайте изображения, читайте описание. Устанавливайте то, что вам нравится, и не устанавливайте то, что вам не нравится :) Наконец, есть готовые списки модов, которые вы можете повторить.
В: Какой монитор лучше всего подходит для модифицированного Скайрима и в каком разрешении играть?
О: Подробная, но простая для понимания статья здесь , прочтите ее.
В: У меня игра не на английском языке, это проблема?
О: Гайд сделан для оригинальной, т.е. англоязычной версии игры. Графические моды в большинстве случаев будут работать нормально, но что касается модов геймплея, нет гарантии, что они будут работать с неанглоязычной версией игры или вообще будут работать. Более того, многие переводы часто устаревают, что приводит к различным ошибкам и конфликтам. Если вы хотите в полной мере использовать стадию моддинга Skyrim и это руководство, используйте англоязычную версию игры. Я не смогу предоставить поддержку по устранению неполадок для версий, отличных от английского.
В: Я тоже хочу установить ENB, где советы по этому поводу?
О: Конечно! Все, что вы хотите - это здесь ;) Просто читайте немного дальше.
В: У меня бесконечный экран загрузки/игра вылетает/у меня падает FPS на современной машине.
О: Пожалуйста, внимательно прочитайте раздел «Как начать». Прочтите его и установите все необходимое, прежде чем приступать к установке самих модов.
Теперь первое и самое главное правило. Без исключений:
Прежде чем вы начнете моддинг. Отключите оверлей Steam, оверлей Afterburner, добавьте Skyrim в «белый список» вашего антивируса/брандмауэра. Отключите все возможные программы-оверлеи, «бустеры», «тюнеры», которые вы вообще можете использовать. Все они могут и, скорее всего, испортят вашу модифицированную игру и/или ее многие настройки.
Также обязательно отключите автосохранение в SkyrimPrefs.ini (установите bSaveOnPause, bSaveOnTravel, bSaveOnWait и bSaveOnRest на 0). Не используйте контент CC (Creation Club). У всех модов CC есть лучшие (и бесплатные) альтернативы, доступные на этапе моддинга. Я не смогу предоставить поддержку по устранению неполадок, если используются моды CC из-за возможных ошибок и проблем с совместимостью. Следуйте за гидом медленно, без спешки. Если тут написано ограничивать свой фпс с помощью enblocal fps limiter - делайте, и не используйте для этого и сторонний софт и тд. Вы поняли идею. Кроме того, никогда не устанавливайте Skyrim в Program Files. Если он у вас есть - переустановите его на другой диск, или на тот же диск, но из папки Program Files. Наконец, настоятельно рекомендуется отключить автообновление игр в Steam.
**1) Скачайте и установите менеджер модов.**Выберите между Nexus Mod Manager (используйте файл .exe), Mod Organizer 2 ID 6194 ID 6194 или Kortex Mod Manager . Все трое — отличные менеджеры модов, каждый из которых может принести пользу игроку. Какая разница? NMM «простой, но эффективный». MO — это менеджер модов, наполненный кучей крутых функций, если можно так выразиться, менеджер модов на стероидах. Кортекс — нечто среднее, больше похожее на МО, но имеющее свои плюсы и минусы по сравнению с ним (см. здесь для сравнения). Почти все моды можно (и нужно) устанавливать через менеджер модов. Не устанавливайте моды вручную. Руководство содержит примечания относительно некоторых исключительных случаев, когда вам нужно будет установить какой-либо мод/часть мода вручную, но в 99,9% случаев - всегда используйте менеджер модов. Вы также можете найти этиУчебник NMM , учебник MO2 и информационная страница Kortex полезны. Дополнительное примечание: если вы используете MO2, дважды, трижды убедитесь, что вы просмотрели ссылку на учебник и знаете, как правильно его использовать, прежде чем обращаться за поддержкой по устранению неполадок :) ВАЖНОЕ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ
№ 1: менеджер модов Kortex был протестирован мной на предмет правильной работы - мне понравилось это, просто лично я не предпочитаю его MO2 или NMM. Кроме того, это не самый популярный менеджер модов, поэтому в нем отсутствуют руководства по использованию, и вам нужно будет научиться его использовать/устранять неполадки самостоятельно. По той же причине я не смогу предоставить поддержку по устранению неполадок Kortex в Discord, но, повторюсь, это отличный менеджер модов, и вы можете совершенно свободно попробовать его. ВАЖНОЕ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ № 2:Команда Nexus Mods в настоящее время разрабатывает менеджер модов под названием Vortex. Визуально он выглядит довольно причудливо, но, к сожалению, он все еще очень глючный и довольно нефункциональный. Я не смогу предоставить поддержку по устранению неполадок, если вы используете его, поскольку он не подходит для моддинга таких игр, как TES или FO. Мой совет: если вы действительно хотите, отследите и протестируйте его, модифицируя некоторые другие игры с гораздо более простыми этапами моддинга. Не используйте Vortex для модификации Skyrim. Еще раз: НЕ ИСПОЛЬЗУЙТЕ VORTEX ДЛЯ МОДИФИКАЦИИ SKYRIM . Да, это примечание по-прежнему актуально для 2021 года. Если однажды все будет хорошо, я дам вам знать.
**2) Скачайте и установите SKSE . Если он у вас уже есть - отлично. Если нет - установите. Это обязательно.**SKSE [необходимо]. Моды стабильности также работают через него, как и подавляющее большинство потрясающих модов геймплея. Считайте это основным невидимым элементом эволюции Скайрима. Обязательно загрузите правильную версию! 1.7.3 для Skyrim LE - сейчас он вам вообще не нужен. Если у вас [именно] версия игры Skyrim SE (1.5.97, вы можете нажать правой кнопкой мыши на .exe файл игры и там посмотреть версию) - получите SKSE для 1.5.97. Если вы используете AE (в вашей игровой библиотеке он по-прежнему называется Skyrim Special Edition, отличается только .exe) — получите текущую версию AE и версию VR для VR. Скачайте архив куда-нибудь, распакуйте его. Из папки возьмите файлы .dll, .exe и папку \Data и поместите их в папку Skyrim SE/AE, как показано здесь . . Пользователи MO должны заархивировать папку \Data и установить ее как любой другой мод через MO (вы можете сделать то же самое и в NMM, если хотите). Отныне запускайте игру только через SKSE (skse64_loader.exe), а не через обычный лаунчер игры.
**3) Скачайте и установите SkyUI ID 12604 ID 12604 .**Как и сам мод, SkyUI — это, по сути, «компьютеризация» уродливого ванильного интерфейса Skyrim. На практике он также требуется большинством известных модов в дополнение к SKSE. Также установите для него это исправление , это ==NEW== (получите версию ESP), это ==NEW== и это . При желании (но очень рекомендуется, так как он выглядит намного живее и красивее) установите для него мод с анимированными значками (не забудьте выбрать тип значков «Кельтский» в SkyUI MCM, чтобы этот мод работал). ID 22938 ID 22938Также при желании установите этот «более широкий» аддон для внешнего вида MCM. Также установите iHUD .
**4) Скачайте и установите LOOT .**LOOT is a must-have tool if you’re planning to have many mods. It’s very easy to install and use. Its most basic and important function is mod sorting. Many mods should be loaded in strict load order to work properly together. “This mod should be loaded before that mod, but after that”, and so on. LOOT makes miracles! You can automatically sort most of your mods properly by just clicking a button twice. Sometimes (it happens rarely, so you probably won’t have to think about it) some mods have direct instructions about how they should be loaded, in this case it’s also easy to sort them manually using it. Also, LOOT shows you all you need to know about your installed mods - errors, missing records etc. In many cases, if something is not right - it will let you know and it will advise you. In most of cases, you’ won’t need to read and learn more than this to use it, but if something is unclear or you want to learn advanved usage of LOOT (which can come in handy from time to time), check this awesome video . Use LOOT sorting each time after you’ve installed a few mods.
**5) Install Address Library for SKSE Plugins ID 32444 ID 32444.**Note: make sure to get a proper mod version, depending on whether your game version is SE or AE. If you’re on Skyrim “VR”, get this one ==NEW== instead. This mod is a partial solution to endless game update issues in SE (which breaks dll SKSE mods) - it allows for such mods to keep working properly not depending on the game version. Solution is partial because it doesn’t work automatically - each dll SKSE mod must be updated by its author to depend on this one, and as not all authors are aware about this or just active, this solution won’t be universal - but it clearly will help you with many mods which are usually broken after every update. Also, install this ID 53000 ID 53000 (make sure to get proper version too, depending on whether you’re modding SE or AE).
**6) Install SSE Engine Fixes ID 17230 ID 17230.**Note #1: mods has TWO parts - first main file, the “Part 1” you can install with mod manager. Second, “Part 2”, you should download manually, unpack and place all 3 .dll files to your Skyrim root folder (where Skyrim exe is). Note #2: if you’re using Skyrim VR, get this ID 62089 ID 62089 ==NEW== instead.
**7) Install Bug Fixes SSE ID 33261 ID 33261.**Fixes some SE engine bugs. In its configuration file (BugFixesSSE.json), disable the Magic Effect Conditions fix (set magicEffectConditions to false instead of true). Make sure to also install .NET Script Framework which is required for Bug Fixes to work.
**8) Install SSEEdit ID 164 ID 164.**It’s an awesome tool for cleaning your mods, making changes to mod records (like balancing various values up to your taste, deleting conflicting and/or unneeded objects and so on) and more. Mods may contain “dirty” records and some other issues, and when you have hundreds of mods, that could be a problem and cause crashes. Clean all mods that have dirty records (until it’s directly written by mod author to not do that for some reason) and all Skyrim’s DLCs (which have [hundreds] of dirty records. Yeah - Betheshda didn’t even bother to do this for the game “remaster”). Don’t be afraid of it, it’s not as hard to use as it may look. Check these awesome video tutorials about it. Also there is a lot of info and videos on its Nexus page. Note #1:Обязательно очистите все мастер-файлы основной игры (Update.esm и все 3 плагина DLC .esm) — иначе вы столкнетесь со случайными сбоями.
**9) Установите Wrye Bash .**Получите версию установщика и установите ее. WB — это удивительный и важный инструмент для достижения максимально возможной совместимости между всеми вашими модами. Мы будем использовать его позже в нашем путешествии, так что просто возьмите его сейчас. Я объясню это позже в руководстве :) Примечание: если вы заметите, что вы явно превышаете ограничение на 255 активных плагинов .esp где-то еще в процессе добавления все новых и новых модов - обратитесь к шагу № 2 в «действиях». производиться в концевом сечении на глубоком дне направляющей.
**10) Скачайте zMerge (настоятельно рекомендуется) или Merge Plugins ID 69905 ID 69905 .**Да, Merge Plugins размещается в разделах Skyrim LE, и да, он отлично работает с SE. С другой стороны, zMerge (это часть zEdit) прекрасно работает со всеми менеджерами модов, а не только с MO2 (большое спасибо Euphemia за то, что однажды указали мне на это). Вам это понадобится, если вы сделаете очень большую загрузку и достигнете предела в 255 плагинов (.esp). Объединяя моды, вы технически можете иметь почти бесконечное количество установленных модов, поэтому вы будете ограничены только характеристиками вашего ПК и самими модами (это означает отсутствие использования сломанных/опасных модов и не перегрузки вашей игры модами с большим количеством скриптов). Этот инструмент (опять же, zMerge рекомендуется вместо Merge Plugins) легко объединяет плагины в один файл .esp, резко уменьшая общее количество плагинов и позволяя вам устанавливать все больше и больше модов. Но почему zMerge вместо плагинов слияния? Проще говоря, он более мощный и позволит вам легче объединяться по сравнению с инструментом Merge Plugins. Простые учебные пособия по использованию zMerge или подключаемых модулей слияния можно найти здесь (для Zmerge) и здесь (для подключаемых модулей слияния) . Примечание:А как насчет .esl’fing модов? Это якобы крутая функция, так что, может быть, нам вообще больше не нужно объединять моды? Об этом есть еще кое-что — действительно, пометка плагинов как .esl — это новый альтернативный способ не достигать лимита в 255 плагинов, но: 1) не все те же моды, которые вы можете объединить, могут быть esl’fied, так что рано или поздно , в конечном итоге вам все равно придется объединять моды 2) плагины esl/ified имеют некоторые специфические ошибки 3) Некоторые другие моды, особенно моды с динамическими патчерами (такими как ASIS, Bashed Patch и т. д.), просто не распознают плагины .esl [ВО ВСЕХ ], что означает, что если у вас будет, скажем, 200 плагинов esl, а затем вы создадите Bashed Patch (который необходим для любой игры со средними и тяжелыми модами), все изменения/дополнения, независимо от того, что эти плагины делают, не будет присутствовать в вашей игре с максимальной вероятностью, делая их бессмысленными с самого начала. Чем раньше вы научитесь объединять моды (руководство поможет вам в этом), тем лучше будет для вас - более того, как только вы освоите основы, вы увидите, что бояться вообще нечего :3 НЕКОТОРЫЕ моды подходят для использования в качестве esls, и если для некоторых модов/патчей, которые вы используете, нет альтернативы, кроме esl-версии его плагина, установите его. Объяснение/решение этого завещания упоминается в конце руководства.
11) Установите [ОДИН] из этих модов:- Альтернативный старт - Живи другой жизнью ID 272 ID 272 Установите аддон озвучки ID 66541 ID 66541==НОВОЕ== поверх основного мода (+ дополнительные аддоны здесь , здесь , здесь ==НОВОЕ== или здесь ==НОВОЕ== ). Skyrim Unbound Reborn ID 27962 ID 27962 RASR - Случайный альтернативный старт Reborn ID 8328 ID 8328 Realm of Lorkhan - Произвольный альтернативный старт ID 18223 ID 18223 Дополнительный быстрый старт ID 63953 ID 63953==NEW== Зачем вам это нужно? Эти моды предоставляют множество альтернативных вариантов начала игры для тех, кто не хочет проходить длинную вступительную часть в Хелгене. Дело в том, что ванильный старт (сцена в Хелгене) ОЧЕНЬ сильно заскриптован. А когда вы установите, скажем, 200+ модов и начнете новую игру, ваш Скайрим будет очень сильно перегружен. И очень высока вероятность того, что ваша игра вылетит (потому что Papyrus, скриптовый движок Skyrim, [не] обновлялся в SE и он такой же неуклюжий и ограниченный), даже если сама игра абсолютно стабильна. И теперь эти моды спасают положение! Вы можете просто пропустить эту сложную сцену и начать с любого места. Кроме того, у них очень много альтернативного старта, отлично подходящего для ролевой игры. Какой использовать, в чем разница? Короче говоря, ASLAL обеспечивает более «ролевой» запуск — вы появляетесь в определенной ячейке, в зависимости от вашего выбора варианта запуска, а также имеет множество дополнительных дополнений для вариантов запуска. Unbound будет вызывать вас случайным образом, так что старт будет менее «иммерсивным», но он позволяет вам настраивать персонажа (снаряжение, заклинания и т. д.), чего нет в ASLAL, и самое главное — он позволяет вам играть НЕ-Драконорожденным (но вы может «стать» им в MCM в любое время), что действительно отличный вариант. RASR чем-то похож на смесь этих двух, довольно недооцененная жемчужина, а Realm of Lorkhan — действительно свежий и уникальный альтернативный начальный мод, который может показаться некоторым игрокам довольно «дружественным к лору», но он действительно хорошо разработан и дает у вас очень интересные начальные варианты для вашего класса персонажа и даже проклятия - отрицательные атрибуты для баланса классовых бонусов (если хотите, все эти функции совершенно необязательны - мои единственные 2 цента об этом в том, что некоторые классовые бонусы все еще слишком сильны даже с curses, поэтому вы можете настроить их в SSEEdit, что очень просто). И, наконец, в Realm of Lorkhan есть вещь, разрушающая погружение (для некоторых игроков) — кристаллы, из которых вы появляетесь после запуска игры, никуда не денутся, а просто разбросаны по Скайриму. Чтобы удалить их, используйте этот патч ID 36348 ID 36348. Также обязательно установите это исправление . Необязательный быстрый старт — это сверхпростая альтернатива, которая не совсем является модом «альтернативный старт», а скорее «пропускает Хелген».
**12) Получите оптимизатор активов собора ID 23316 **ID 23316****Этот шаг является необязательным. Простой в использовании инструмент для преобразования мешей/текстур из LE в SE (и обратно). Этот инструмент поможет вам получить лучшее из обеих версий игры с точки зрения таких модов.
**13) Последний в этом разделе, но важный и обязательный шаг.**Install all these amazing mods/patches/fixes which are oriented on fixing huge amount of various little bugs or irrational things in game or just to make you your game much more comfortable. Note: Make sure to install proper versions of mods (where needed) for your SE/AE game version - thus, don’t use the “Vortex” download button, but always go to “Files” tab and download proper mod version from there.
**Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch ID 266 ID 266****This mod should be already considered as part of vanilla game. It fixes literally thousands glitches and bugs in Skyrim. Note: if you’re modding the SE version of the game (1.5.97, not AE), simply use the latest SE version of the patch from here (add the file to your mod manager and install as usually)..NET Script Framework Required by some other things. Framework for memory editing, native code hooking and writing DLL plugins in any .NET language. Also provides crash logs which are sometimes and somewhat useful (SE - for AE, install this ==NEW== , can use it in SE/AE instead).RaceMenu Character creation menu how it should have been originally and great amount of customization options. For Skyrim SE (1.5.97), get the “RaceMenu Special Edition v0-4-16” version (direct download link in case of what). Also get this ==NEW== (make sure to - but only if you’re on SE, not AE) and this .Stay At The System Page NG ==NEW== This mod brings back the behavior of original Skyrim’s Journal Menu. Whenever you press the Escape key, mod will open the System page instead of Quest page. Muh convenient!Better Dialogue Controls + Better MessageBox Controls Ever pick the wrong item in a dialogue with a NPC or struggled with not cozy controls in messagebox popups? No more!1st Person Candlelight Fix Have you ever been annoyed that the candlelight spell is much brighter in 3rd person view than 1st person view? This mod aims to reduce that difference and make them more equal. Note: Don’t let any other mod overwrite it, in case of what. Also, if you’re modding Skyrim “VR”, use this one instead.Better Jumping SE Allows to jump while sprinting.Equip Enchantment Fix Fixes engine bugs where item enchantments don’t apply when equipped or stop working while the item is still equipped. SKSE64 plugin.Major Cities Mesh Overhaul ==NEW== Improves meshes and also some textures of many buildings, terrain meshes and other objects, which are used in the major cities of Skyrim.Assorted mesh fixes Fixes various issues with vanilla Skyrim meshes that caused them to render incorrectly.Don’t Stay in The Water Fixes the bug that stupid enemies may stay in the water and look at you angrily but just don’t come up.Scrambled Bugs A collection of several misc engine bug fixes, including couple of dll alternatives to existing plugin form of some bugfifixes. Get the proper version (SE/AE) and read the mod description page for the list of features and (possible) compatibility notes. Also make sure to install .NET 5.0 as it’s required for Scrambled Bugs to work. Note: enable the “attachHitEffectArt” (set to True instead of False) in ScrambledBugs.json file.powerofthree’s Tweaks ID 51073 ID 51073****Similar thing here as well, as well as plenty optional QOL (quality of life) options. If you’re in Skyrim “VR”, install VR version ==NEW== instead.Barter Limit Fix ==NEW== SKSE plugin that fixes trading with merchants with more than 32,767 gold.Atlas Map Markers - Updated with MCM Essential mod that drastically increases amount of map markers. Remember how you was able to fast travel only to Whiterun itself or Dragonsreach? Now you can fast travel to Arcadia’s Cauldron, Jorrvaskr etc. More than 700 new map markers! Also grab these small fixes and make sure to endorse the original mod .Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes + Armor and Clothing Extension These two mod fix hundreds of bugs and inconsistencies for Skyrim’s weapons, armors, clothing, jewelry, and clutter items and add more diversity and lore-friendly clothing options and gives NPCs more appropriate attire.Complete Crafting Overhaul Essential mod from author of previous two fixes. CCOR is reworking all vanilla craft recipes, offers many options for mining, chopping, smelting and so on - simply making everything crafting-related to be logical and really interesting. That’s why you need it even if you never actually crafted a single thing in Skyrim - because now it’s not that dull crafting system. Consider it as the vanilla part of the game as it always should have been from the release. Most of mod options can be enabled/disabled and configured via MCM.Navigator - Navmesh Fixes ==NEW== Navmesh improvements (read - NPCs getting stuck as idiots in some places) for dozens interiors in Skyrim.CritterSpawn Congestion Fix ==NEW== A fix for the critter (bugs, fish etc) spawner that decreases the general script load of your game.Unequip Quiver An SKSE plugin which removes the quiver/bolts when equipping weapons and spells or when the character unequips the bow or crossbow. Improved version of “Auto Unequip Ammo” mod.More Informative Console This mod edits the UI to show a great deal of additional information on npcs, items, and other objects when the console is opened, similar to the way MFG console worked for Skyrim LE. It may help you in various cases of game testing and possible issues solving.ConsoleUtilSSE NG==NEW== Needed for some other mods.Fuz Ro D-oh - Silent Voice An SKSE plugin that adds support for unvoiced in-game dialogs. Isn’t doing anything by itself, by it’s needed for many mods for mod-added dialogues to work properly.Base Object Swapper ==NEW== A utility SKSE plugin, will be needed for some other mods further in the guide.AnimObject Swapper ==NEW== Mod of a similar kinds for animations, will be used by some mods too.powerofthree’s Papyrus Extender ==NEW== SKSE64 plugin that extends Papyrus (Skyrim’s script engine) functionality - needed for couple dozens mods in this guide, install and forget.Lightened Skyrim **Gain FPS across Skyrim with no visual difference. Note: install it later, when you’ll finish “The Rest” section of the graphics guide.
Congrats, you’re ready now!
Before you start, download this little software:DDS VIEWER It’s a free, small and awesome tool that allows you to open .dds (texture) files just like any other images. Doing this, you can compare same textures from different mods and decide which one to install. It’s a must-have tool. P.S. Installer .exe file doesn’t contain eny viruses. Just ignore your antivirus. P.P.S. If you have problems with it on Windows 10 and you’re NVIDIA user, try this . P.P.P.S. If you’re happy Photoshop owner, simply install this plugin instead and enjoy.
Important tip #1: During the installation process, overwrite all the files when you will be notified about this. There will be a few cases when you not need to overwrite some files or you need to install texture partially/manually, but I will notify about it.
Important tip #2: To install 200 mods and then launch your game is not a best idea. I personally recommend to do in this way: install a few mods (let’s say 5-7 if these mods are big, 20-25 if small), sort them with LOOT, launch your game, check it’s stable. Install 5 more and so on.
Important tip #3: Don’t use the “Vortex” button on top of mod pages to download the mods. This button automatically downloads the main version of the mod and that’s it - it may be not the version you need, it may be not the only file you need etc. So make a good habit now - never use this button. Instead, always just go to “Files” tab and see what files are there.
Important tip #4: Don’t use 4k textures untill you have 4k monitor with huge monitor size itself and you have Titan videocard and you’re not aiming for screenarchery (like shotting a bugs or leaves). You won’t see any difference between 4k and 2k textures until you come absolutely closely to them. 2k is perfect option for 1920 and even higher (2k) monitors. Using 4k textures you’ll just waste tonns of VRAM but won’t notice this actually. Using 2k will save tonns of VRAM and you’re still having beautiful textures. The only where you can install 4k textures are interior cells (caves/mines etc) as interior use much less VRAM and some underground creature retextures (Dwemer/Falmer) due to the same reasons, as well as personal standalone armors/weapons mods. If your PC is not the strongest, or you just want to save some VRAM for something else - for example, latest ENB effects or 3D LODs from DyndoLOD - simply don’t waste your memory on that. Graphics quality will be just fine.
Q: But why “waste” of VRAM? A: It’s pretty simple. Texture is basically a square img file. Most of people are used to think that 2k uses x2 more VRAM then 1k, and 4k uses x4 more VRAM then 1k, for example. But as texture img is a square, we will receive a bit different values. 1x1=1. 2x2=4. 4x4=16. So as you can see, 2k textures actually use x4 more VRAM compared to 1k, and 4k use x16 more VRAM, which will be not a big deal for people on beefy rigs, but can be also a dealbreaker for ones one mid to low end rigs.
**Let’s go! **
Q: What is ENB? Why I ever need it? A: Ok, listen, young padavan. ENB is a graphical enhancement engine that adds visual affects that are not supported by the game initially, at all. Proper antialiasing, real HDR, qualitative bloom, ambient fog effects, various new shaders, ambient occlusion, complex particle lighting, depth of field and much-much more. ENB is also a PC-only engine - that’s why modded Skyrim graphics are looking so superior compared with Skyrim graphics on consoles.
Q: I have the feeling ENB in SE doesn’t look same good as in LE…am I hallucinating? A: You aren’t. The thing is, indeed, ENB in Skyrim SE is not able to look the same good as in LE. But wait, SE is 64bit and LE is 32bit, and SE is newer, how come, you may ask. Yeah, but all those facts are not related with ENB possilities, in which SE engine is somewhat limited because of running on DX11, while LE is running on DX9. Long story short, ENB works different on DX11 and has less powers. It doesn’t support some features and has overally weaker shaders quality and features quantity in general. Lastly, it often has less (or none) customization options for many essential shaders (see the comparison here ). All together, this leads to worse look and much smaller diversity of ENB presets compared to LE. If you are aimed on 101% of modded graphics results, you may want to mod Skyrim LE (which is literally fully stable today even heavy-modded, and sometimes, even more stable than modded SE as SE introduced more bugs/crash cases which never existed in LE to begin with) instead, following my existing guide .
Q: How much FPS will ENB eat? How do I know that? A: First of all, you need to understand that ENB is ofc FPS-hungry and as it interracts with objects in game and adds a lot of visual effects, ENB performance will depend on several factors - how many effects are turned on, what your PC specs are etc. But ENB effects are totally and more than worth their price :) Also, in SE, almost all ENB presets make more or less same FPS hit, so if you can normally run one ENB preset, you most likely will be able to run any preset without issues.
Q: Why installing ENB before the graphics mods? Texture mods are most important, no? A: No. The thing is, as already mentioned, ENB adds completely new shaders and visual effects to the game - that’s why it’s the most important part of graphics transformation. A game with good ENB preset and no texture mods at all will always look better than game with even 200 texture mods but no ENB. ENB preset is very much determining the visual style your game will have - so first, it’s better to decided which ENB preset you like the most and get it, and then tune your game with retexturing and other mods.
Q: But what about weather/lighting mods? ENB preset I want to use requires that weather mod! A: Don’t worry. You can install weather/lighting mods required anytime. Weather/lighting “incompatibility” with ENB will not cause crashes, it’s just about how the ENB colors and other effects are looking the best possible exactly with required weather/ligting mods.
Q: My PC/laptop is pretty weak and ENB gives me really low FPS! A: Rrefer to the end of the guide where I prepared a section especially for low-end PCs - most likely it will allow you to use ENB even if your PC is pretty weak (up to some extent, ofc).
Q: I saw your videos and I like that ENB, what’s the name? A: I’m using the amazing Rudy ENB ID 4796 ID 4796 for Obsidian Weathers.
Some of the best Skyrim SE ENB presets comparison:
Before installing the ENB, make a few tweaks/installations for ENB to work and look 100% properly:
- Disable ingame DOF (depth of field) like it’s shown here .
In Skyrim SE launcher settings, disable Ambient Occlusion.
In Skyrim SE launcher settings disable the improved snow options, or in SkyrimPrefs.ini (make sure you’re editing the one in \Documents ( if you’re using NMM) or MO’s own folder (if you’re using MO), not the one inside the game \Skyrim folder), set bEnableImprovedSnow= value to 0.
In SkyrimPrefs.ini, make sure bDrawLandShadows= and bTreesReceiveShadows= values are set to 1.
In SkyrimPrefs.ini, make sure fGamma= value is set to 1.0000.
Install particle patch for ENB. Download the archive, add it to your mod manager and install as any other mod.
Install either Smooth Sky mesh ID 18350 ID 18350 or Picta Series - Improved Sky Meshes .
Install ENB Light Inventory Fix ID 66411 ID 66411.
Install ENB Helper ID 23174 ID 23174.
Install Auto Parallax ID 79473 ID 79473 ==NEW==.
SKSE plugin which automatically disables parallax on meshes which have missing height textures or conflict with single-pass shaders, and thus, saving you from some headache automatically.
Now, install the ENB binaries (core files) themselves: go here and download the latest version. Unpack the archive and from \WrapperVersion folder, grab d3d11.dll, d3dcompiler_46e.dll and enblocal.ini, and place them to your Skyrim SE root folder (where game .exe is located). That’s it!
Choose and download the ENB preset you like and drop it’s content to the same folder (where Skyrim .exe is). Usually, it’s simply the \enbseries folder and enbseries.ini file. Basically, the process of siwtching between ENB presets is as simple as deleting your current \enbseries folder and enbseries.ini and placing a new ones into Skyrim root directory. That’s it.
Make sure to cap your fps at 59 in enblocal.ini (set EnableFPSLimit= to true and FPSLimit= to 59).
Antialiasing: there are a few options. First one - use the edge AA from ENB (set EnableEdgeAA=true in enblocal.ini). Second one - don’t use ENB AA and use TAA (set in game launcher settings). Third one - use ENB SMAA. Not every ENB preset provides it - usually you can choose it in ENB GUI (like in Rudy ENB, for example). Fourth one - DSR (dynamic super resolution). With DSR enabled, game is rendered in higher resolution than your monitor resolution is and then squeezed to your monitor resolution. The difference between those methods: Edge AA is the most simple and fps-friendly, but the also not perfectly smooth (yet still superior to awful ingame AA). TAA is looking very good, but often causes weird “ghosting” artifacts when moving. SMAA is the best in terms of fps price and quality. DSR is superior to any of them, but the most fps-hungry due to how it works. Try all of them and choose the one most suitable for you. If you have somewhat midrange rig, it’s either Edge AA, SMAA or TAA. If you have pretty strong rig and video memory is not a problem for you at all, try DSR for sure.
Also look here ID 78976 ID 78976 to see a few options for lately introduced parallax option for SE ENB.
Not a tweak itself, bur rather a useful info that not everyone are aware about: DOF (depth of field, “blurred effect/focus”) is usually different for each ENB preset - as certain author sees it better in own perspective. Some ENB presets may have “lightweight” gameplay DOF - so only very distant views are blurred. Some may have a very strong “screenarchery” DOF - when everything further then a few feets from your character is blurred. And so on. So often it may happen you find an ENB preset greatly fitting your taste, but with terrible (for your taste) DOF. You can, ofc just disable it in ENB GUI, but there’s a better thing - you actually can use [any] DOF with [any] ENB preset! Even more, you can actually even use DOF files between different TES/FO games - for example, I’m using Rudy ENB LE DOF in New Vegas and Oblivion, and so on. So just find ENB preset which DOF you like the most and just take it’s DOF files (enbdepthoffield.fx and enbdepthoffield.fx.ini) and drop them into your \enbseries folder. Profit!
ENB presets list:
When you’ll be browsing the ENB presets for Skyrim SE, you may get the feeling that not all, yet many of them are very similar to each other. Unfortunately, that’s how it is - due to different level of ENB support in Skyrim SE, it’s not possible to have same visual quality and diversity of ENB presets as in Skyrim LE . Yet, today SE ENB presets look pretty great and so here are some of the most well-made of them, and with different styles as much as it’s possible in SE. Let’s see some (•̀௰•́ )
Also some shortening for weather/lighting mods you will see below: Vanilla - original game, no weather/lighting mod, Obsidian - Obsidian Weathers and Seasons, COT - Climates of Tamriel, NAT - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel, Vivid - Vivid Weathers, Aequinoctium - Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons, Solas - Solas Weathers, Mythical Ages - Mythical Ages - weathers and lighting overhaul, Rustic - Rustic Weathers and Lighting, Dolomite - Dolomite Weathers - Natural Lighting Vivid Atmospherics II, Surreal - Surreal Lighting, Autumn Skies - A Weather and Lighting Mod, NLA - Natural Lighting and Atmospherics (was ported to SE in early 2021), ELFX - Enhanced Lights and FX, ELE - Enhanced Lighting for ENB, LUX.
**Rudy ENB ID 4796 **ID 4796****While ENB preset choices is a matter of taste more then anything else - still, there are always some presets that are top-notch in terms of overall quality and balance. And Rudy ENB is one of them - it’s my personal favorite for both Skyrim LE and Skyrim SE. It has amazing quality of shaders, a gret balance between fantasy, cinematic and realistic look, great performance. Great lighting, great water look and just absolutely polished approach to ENB tweaking in general - that’s all about Rudy’s preset. In addition, you can always be sure it’s always uptodate with all newest ENB effects and it’s also an absolute champion in terms of compatibility - it has version for almost each weather mod and compatible with all 3 popular lighting mods at the same time. If you are not quite sure about ENB choice now, but wanna start from something really great - seek no more!Weather mods compatibility: Obsidian, CoT, NAT, Aequinoctium, Vivid, Rustic, Dolomite.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, LUX, ELE.
**PATRICIAN ENB ==NEW== ID 77357 **ID 77357****Patrician, from ENB genius, Marmotte, is now for SE. Incredibly beautiful photorealistic preset, tailored at the cutting edge in every region, exteriors and interiors, using everything possible from modern ENB capabilities. My personal favourite together with Rudy ENB, but when it comes to more vibrant, photorealistic look of the game.Weather mods compatibility: Solas.Lighting mods compatibility: LUX. Looks ok with ELFX too.
**THE VANILLA ENB ==NEW== ID 69595 **ID 69595****Probably the best vanilla+ looking preset with with a nice performance attitude. One of my favourite presets right now as well. You can also try a tweaked version of it here .Weather mods compatibility: Vanilla.Lighting mods compatibility: LUX. Looks good with ELFX too.
**Silent Horizons ENB ID 21543 **ID 21543****Greatly customizable fantasy-cinematic ENB preset with great compatibility spectrum. A member of my personal TOP-10 ENB presets list.Weather mods compatibility: Obsidian, NAT, Dolomite, Aequinoctium, Mythical Ages, Vivid, Cathedral.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, ELE.
**Mythical ENB ID 11660 **ID 11660****Vibrant fantasy ENB preset of a great quality. A member of my personal TOP-10 ENB presets list.Weather mods compatibility: Mythical Ages, Rustic.Lighting mods compatibility: None officially supported, but looking fine with ELFX.
**Ominous ENB ID 27333 **ID 27333****A new ENB preset from a popular and talented ENB maker. Inspired by Grim and Somber ENB in Skyrim LE, this preset is cinematic, dark and grim.Weather mods compatibility: Obsidian.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX.
**Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB ID 27141 **ID 27141****A successor to very popular PRT ENB, NAT ENB is an incredibly cinematic ENB preset with unique filmic touch. A member of my personal TOP-10 ENB presets list.Weather mods compatibility: None. Use ENB preset’s own weather plugin.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, ELE.
**Aequinoctium ENB ID 16008 **ID 16008****A bright ENB preset with a bit of photorealism touch, with cinematic and vibrant look as well.Weather mods compatibility: Aequinoctium.Lighting mods compatibility: None officially supported, but looking fine with ELFX.
**GRIM ENB ==NEW== ID 59679 **ID 59679****A new, grim preset from the author of NAT ENB.Weather mods compatibility: Looks best with own weather plugin, but can be made compatible with other weather mods - read the instructions on the mod page.Lighting mods compatibility: Same thing. Looks ok with LUX or ELFX.
**Ruvaak Dahmaan ENB ==NEW== ID 71957 **ID 71957****Simple but great, realistic preset - now for SE too.Weather mods compatibility: Vanilla.Lighting mods compatibility: LUX.
**Satura ENB ==NEW== ID 61659 **ID 61659****Stands for its name. Vibrant, saturated preset, looking a bit inspired by Tetrachromatic ENB in LE to me.Weather mods compatibility: Picturesque.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX. Looks ok with LUX too.
**Naturesque Revamped ==NEW== ID 65358 **ID 65358****Another quality preset for Picturesque, but with the opposite kind of look.Weather mods compatibility: Picturesque.Lighting mods compatibility: LUX. Looks good with ELFX too (use the provided patch).
**Semirealis ENB ID 25163 ID 25163,Intrigued ENB ,NVT ENB **Three modern SE ENB presets from the same author - with pretty similar look, but a bit different in details. Cold, dark and cinematic vibes with great shaders quality. First two presets are for Cathedral and Obsidian weathers respectively, and NVT has a lot of version for different weather mods. A member of my personal TOP-10 ENB presets list.Weather mods compatibility: Vanilla, Obsidian, NAT, Dolomite, Aequinoctium, Mythical Ages, Vivid, Surreal, Mythical, Cathedral.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX.
**eisVogel v2 ENB ID 20714 **ID 20714****A very vibrant preset with cinematic touch. Can be called a stripped down version of Tetrachromatic ENB for Skyrim LE (as unfortunately proper vibrant, saturated presets are not possible on the same level as it was possible in LE). If you’re fan of vibrancy - this one is what you should definitely try. Also has a few color presets inside. A member of my personal TOP-10 ENB presets list.Weather mods compatibility: Dolomite.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX.
**Imaginarium ENB ID 17858 **ID 17858****Good-looking mix of “light” fantasy and realism. A member of my personal TOP-10 ENB presets list.Weather mods compatibility: Obsidian, NAT.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX.
**Organic ENB ID 2876 **ID 2876****A stripped down brother of the same named preset in Skyrim LE, it comes with good touch of realism, a bit of vibrancy and generally soft look.Weather mods compatibility: Vanilla, Vivid, Obsidian, Dolomite, COT.Lighting mods compatibility: None officially supported, but looking fine with ELFX.
**Dark Shadows ENB ID 24503 **ID 24503****Pretty unique-looking, dark and grim preset.Weather mods compatibility: Vanilla.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX.
**Sin Xtreme Realism ENB ID 831 **ID 831****A very realism-centered preset that also went not too far from vanilla look, but made it more contrast.Weather mods compatibility: Obdisian, Dolomite, Rustic, vivid, NAT, COT, Mythical, Aequinoctium and all weather mods of this preset author.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, ELE.
**Vividian ENB ID 26065 **ID 26065****Nuff said from the name. An ENB preset for Vivid Weathers author for Vivid Weathers mod.Weather mods compatibility: Vivid.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, ELE.
**Obsidian Weathers ENB Preset ID 23393 **ID 23393****Pretty much underrated ENB preset for Obsidian weathers - with really well-rounded visual balance and pretty dark.Weather mods compatibility: Obsidian.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, ELE.
**Desmond’s Lusty ENB REDUX ID 29700 **ID 29700****Somewhat photorealistic (as much as SE limited ENB is capable on that) preset.Weather mods compatibility: Vivid Weathers.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX, ELE.
**Sinister ENB ID 32223 **ID 32223****Somber and cinematic, somewhat “lifeless” preset.Weather mods compatibility: NAT, Obsidian, Rustic, Cathedral.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX.
**Touch Of Natural Tamriel (TNT) ENB ID 41317 **ID 41317****A mix of cinematic and natural looking preset.Weather mods compatibility: Obsidian, NAT.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX (with Enhancer).
**Naturalystika ENB ID 47151 **ID 47151****Realistic-to-fantasy preset.Weather mods compatibility: NLA.Lighting mods compatibility: ELFX>
**FENB ID 43998 **ID 43998****Super bright, photorealistic to fantasy preset, inspired by Suki ENB in Skyrim LE.Weather mods compatibility: NLA.Lighting mods compatibility: LUX.
**The Truth ENB **Wanna your game still look vanilla just a bit better? That’s a preset for you then.Weather mods compatibility: Anything.Lighting mods compatibility: Anything.
**Gameplay Performance ENB ID 37397 **ID 37397****Simple, a bit brighter than original lighting, vanilla+ performance-friendly preset.Weather mods compatibility: Anything.Lighting mods compatibility: Anything.
**Vanilla Extended ENB ID 40856 **ID 40856****Another vanilla+ preset with a super light photorealism touch, good for low-end rigs.Weather mods compatibility: Any.Lighting mods compatibility: Any.
**Impression ENB - An Aesthetic Cartoon Overhaul ID 33913 **ID 33913****Pretty special preset which images speak for themselves.Weather mods compatibility: Anything.Lighting mods compatibility: Anything.
**Scenery ENB ID 35545 **ID 35545****Vibrant, bright preset for Skyrim VR.
**Pala - Custom Palettes for ENB ID 34623 **ID 34623****A pack of palettes (colour overlays) which can be used with any ENB preset.
Now, let’s go! To the graphics mods!
Once again, here’s a simple “rule” - as the guide’s task is to save your time as much as possible, installing and overwriting is very simple - just follow the lists of mods, pick what you like, install and overwrite everything (“yes to all” for NMM and giving bigger priority in MO). Mods are listed in the order which, after endless tests and mixing approaches, will lead to the most balanced and beautiful look. In some separate cases where a selective overwriting will be needed, I’ll notify you :)
Also, as Skyrim SE itself requires at least somewhat decent rig to run it without issues, the overall performance impact scatter of graphics mods is different from Skyrim LE, and if you can run Skyrim SE on max settings without issues, you will be able to run most of texture/mesh mods without issues as well, so there is no need for “green-yellow-red” marking system as for Skyrim LE. Still, some mods have pretty “different” level of quality or some other details that may impact performance greatly on weaker PCs, and such mods will be marked with a special ==FPS== mark. This does NOT mean such mods will destroy your performance if you don’t have “NASA PC” - but it means you should install such mods carefully (basically, testing ingame performance after such mod installation) even on strong rigs, and avoid certain options or mods entirely on weak rigs.
First of all, let’s install some “core” texture/model mods that will serve us as a base:
Static Mesh Improvement Mod ID 659 ID 659A core mod that greatly improves hundreds of flat vanilla models. Also grab this fix patch for it. Also install this visual upgrade , the improvement patch ==NEW== and small improvement patches here , here and here ==NEW==. During the mods installations further, we’ll be adding to it and improving what SMIM already improved, even more. If you have a low-end rig but still wanna try using this mod, this optimization patch will be useful.Ruins Clutter Improved Speaks for its name clearly. Another one huge core mod with myriads of models and texture improvements for various ruins and related clutter.Deadly Spell Impacts Essential mod for HD spell impacts. Also install the fix for ENB and the ENB parallax patch ==NEW== .Underground - a dungeon texture overhaul Huge mod that greatly improves a lot of texture for all types of dungeons.High Quality Food and Ingredients Basic omnomnom retextures. Bellyaches HD Dragon Replacer Pack ID 2636 ID 2636 + Bellyaches Animal and Creature Pack Revamped ==NEW== A base retextures for dragons and plenty of animals/critters.
Now choose between the next few mods. Basically, they all are very big packs covering +/- same amount of textures, installing one after another will severely or almost completely overwrite the first one you’ve installed. As an option, you can compare texture images manually and keep the ones you like, mixing these mods. But in most cases, you won’t need this, especially if you’re a newcomer to Skyrim modding. Same is applied to each further “choose” notifications.
SSE Texture Pack - Osmodius ID 1782 ID 1782This texture pack can be basically considered a “vanilla plus” retexturing project.Skyrim Realistic Overhaul Another one “vanilla-wise” texture overhaul with a really huge coverage. Its disadvantage is it has plenty of unnecessary 4k texture where it’s absolutely not needed - not the best optimization, in other words. But it may be a great choice if you 1) Just wanna bump vanilla textures, sticking to original look 2) Don’t actually want install many other mods.Noble Skyrim Mod This beautiful and qualitative mod stands for its name - it’s an amazing texture project which gives Skyrim an indeed a noble touch. One of my two personal favourites in Skyrim SE. Install full pack or get the separate standalone smaller packs for certain locations/texture types. Also don’t forget to install the SMIM patch.Skyrim 202X Textures by Pfuscher ==NEW== Note: the current version has mostly 8k and 4k textures, which is unneeded overkill in vastly majority of cases. It’s generally recommended to get the 2k or 4k (if you have high-end rig) pack here (it’s from the same author). The most popular texture pack on SE Nexus - and that’s absolutely deserved. Almost all Pfuscher’s textures are pure piece of art - great quality, great optimization, fresh look, yet - still sticking to original Skyrim look at the same time in most of cases. Take into account - there are a lot of separate mod files at Files tab - you need to download them all, if you want maximum coverage. Also recommended to get this ID 54860 ID 54860 ==NEW==.Vivid Landscapes - All in One This pack doesn’t give same big coverage as previous packs (mostly the landscapes and farmhouses), but it’s also incredibly qualitative work and has own original look.Skyland AIO All Skyland textures in one pack. Grab the parallax patch ==NEW== too. You can these textures in form of smaller standalone packs for certain kind of texture from author’s profile .aMidianBorn Buildings and Landscapes Note: This one is optional - Amidianborn textures are old but great and you may find them better to your likings then same textures covered by bigger packs above. Try and see.Skurkbro’s Retexture Project (SRP) Landscapes ==NEW== Same here - optional mod. It’s not a complete world textures pack, changes landscape meshes and textures only, but of a stunning quality and with parallax support.
Just a few recommendations if you can’t decide what to pick: 1) Get the Skyland and then overwrite it with Noble. 2) Get only Noble 3) Get the Skyland and overwrite with Pfusher’s packs. 4) Get the Noble and overwrite with Pfuscher’s packs. 5) Get Noble only for cities and then get Pfuscher’s pack, but don’t overwrite Noble’s cities texture. Though, it’s just my personal recommendations - always do as your heart and eyes are telling you :)
Now, caves/mines mods and few options for them. Note - for interior cells, like caves & mines, you can easily grab the 4k version of the mod if it’s present - interiors eat vastly less VRAM.
4K HD Fine Mines ==NEW== ID 19639 ID 19639Note: already included in Pfuscher’s AIO pack above.MD’s Photoreal Mines ==NEW== CC’s HQ Mines CC’s HQ Caves Gecko’s Dwarven Ruins Textures
Now choose one from the next 3 mods which are retexturing Nordic dungeons somehow “forgotten” by big mods before, or just doing it better:
Skyland Nordic Ruins ID 19116 ID 19116Gecko’s Nordic Ruins Textures Rudy HQ - Nordic Ruins SE My absolute favorite between Nordic retexturing mods - the level of details is just astonishing. You can install Skyland Nordic Ruins and then this mod on top, as Skyland covers few objects not touched by this mod. Also don’t forget to get all optional addons and higher resolution textures.
Fine, let’s move
Blended Roads ID 8834 ID 8834Amazing mod doing exactly how it’s called. One roads mod to rule them all. Also install the fix and optionally (but pretty much recommended), improved textures ==NEW==, as well as fitting bridges retexture addon ==NEW==.
Now, choose between the next few mods:
Skyrim Flora Overhaul ==FPS== ID 2154 ID 2154The most popular tree mod for Skyrim which provides better textures and mods for vanilla trees, as well as new tree models. Note #1: Until you absolutely love SFO’s grass (in my opinion, other grass mods have grass handled better), install “Trees Only” (no grass) version of the mod, as grass will be handled by other mods in the section below. Owner of medium-to-low-end rigs may also find this patch ID 41577 ID 41577 useful. Note #2: if you love this mod, but have non-pleasant FPS drops with it, try this optimized textures addon ID 21529 ID 21529 for it (overwrite the mod files). Note: Similar as with previous mod, use it only with SFO and/or Realistic Aspen Trees (make sure to grab proper version in Files tab). Mods listed below are not compatible with it and don’t need it. EVT, for example, has own option for bigger trees with much better performance impact.Tree Bark in High Definition A bark texture addon. Note: Usage - same as previous mods - with SFO, and/or RAT, and/or SBT only. Not needeed for EVT or “3D” trees mod.Enhanced Vanilla Trees ==FPS== ID 11008 ID 11008My personal favourite tree mod for Skyrim. It greatly improves both models and textures of the trees, giving more lush and detailed look, while sticking to original appearance of the trees at the same time, and adding some trees here and there. It also has Realistic Aspen Trees included (choose it in installer options) as well as big trees option, which is the best between all similar “bigger” tree mods in terms of effect/performance hit ratio. Myrkvior - The Flora Of Skyrim ==FPS== ID 28406 ID 28406New, original trees overhaul with a unique look and great quality. Only moment here is that it’s placing plenty of new trees across the game world as well - so if using it, test the game deeply if you’ll be using landscape overhauls. Yet, it’s giving a really fresh touch to Skyrim trees look and definitely worth a try.Traverse the Ulvenwald - Forests of Skyrim ==NEW== ==FPS== Overhauls Skyrim’s Regional Flora, giving each region a unique feel. One of my favourites currently. Note: make sure to install “No Enhanced Landscapes” file after you’ve installed the mod itself, and approve overwriting.BlubboDE profile ==NEW== A profile is linked here as the author currently doesn’t have AIO trees overhaul. At the same time, you can either grab all of his works together to reach the same effect, or use separate tree replacers on top of other large tree mods. There’s also a 3D LODs addon available for them.David’s pine and Tamu75’s aspen trees redux A beautiful alternative to pine and aspen trees - can be used in combination with the bigger tree mods above.Lush Vanilla Trees If you have performance issues with the mods listed above, you can try this one. Much simplier but also much more fps-friendly tree mod.
Aspens only replacers:
Realistic Aspen Trees ID 4423 ID 4423Retexture of aspen trees for a more realistic and diverse look. Yellow, orange and red colors. Note: Use this mod only with Skyrim Flora Overhaul or vanilla trees. EVT (listed below) has it included and “3D” trees mod (listed below) has own aspen trees modification.Green and Lush Aspen Trees ID 26319 ID 26319An overhaul of the aspen trees for a green and lush look - can use on top of the mods above - overwrite other mods when asked if using it.Aspens Ablaze One more aspens alternative. Looking really vibrant and comes with 3D LODs support. Also get this patch ==NEW==.
Great, now a few more mods for core graphics setup:
Immersive Fallen Trees ID 8767 ID 8767Stands for its name. A must-have mod, compatible with everyting. Make sure to install fix patch for it.Nature of the Wildlands - Forest Debris Only ==NEW== Optonal mod. Beautiful stumps, logs and such.SD’s Farmhouse Fences For many years, “Fences of Skyrim” mod was the to-go fences mesh/texture mod, but not so long ago, a next-level 3D fences mod appeared. Grab it!.aMidianBorn Book of Silence The quality of Cabal (Amidianborn) mods simply doesn’t get worse with years. It’s still unrivaled for many armors/creatures/objects models/textures - we will overwrite it with some other mods here and there, but it’s a solid base for armors, weapons, creatures and some unique items models and textures improvement.
How to install:
Install the mod files in this order: Armors, Creatures, Dragonborn DLC, Unique Items, Weapons. Always overwrite. Also install this patch ID 41711 ID 41711 for matching glass items look.
Optionally, install this retexture addon ID 27994 ID 27994 for elven weapons.
Optionally, install retextures for elven and glass armors (make sure to get SE versions). Also this ID 45160 ID 45160 addon may be interesting to you as well.Book Covers Skyrim The one and only mod to retexture close to every book in the game. Desaturated version recommended. After installing the mod itself, also install this ==NEW== (don’t mind the “deprecated” note - author meant it wasn’t made for the last AE version of USSEP, for SE it works just fine - and for AE, don’t use it) and this ==NEW==. Highly recommended to also install this ==NEW== addon on top to get books from previous TES games semlessly injected into the game world.Enhanced Blood Textures The ultimate blood and blood decals texture mod. I’d recommend to install High Res Darker Color version (choosing in installer). Optionally, install this retexture on top.
Water. Choose one:
Realistic Water Two ID 2182 ID 2182Install the main file and then ENB textures file. Also, install this fix and download Blended Shorelines - No more jagged water edges - but we will install it a bit later. There’s and optional patch here , and a retexture addon for it here . Water for ENB ID 37061 ID 37061An alternative water mod from talented mindflux, with a really beautiful look and plenty options in installer. Also recommended to install this ==NEW== on top. Pure Waters Also an [alternative] to Realistic Water Two - don’t use both at the same time. Download the file manually somewhere, add to your mod manager and install as usually. File is hosted by the original author of the mod. If you’ll have a free moment, rate the mod here . Simplicity of Sea - Water Mod with ENB Displacement Textures ==NEW== ID 56520 ID 56520 HD Photorealistic Ivy ID 10305 ID 10305 Make ivy great again ID 2407 ID 2407Much better, more realistic dust particles look.Gemling Queen Jewelry An almost essential HD texture and mesh replacer for rings and necklaces. If you’ve got the circlets option from the mod installer, also get the USSEP patch here ==NEW==.
Vanilla Skyrim’s grass is absolutely hideous. Let’s change that! Remember - you can have only ONE grass mod (asides from couple of special cases, which are mentioned below). Try’em’all and choose your personal favourite :)
Note #1: Always read the grass mod pages carefully, as each mod usually requires of settings in Skyrim.ini [GRASS] section. Implement them. Note #2: If you absolutely love some grass mod, and can use it, but FPS hit is bigger than you expected, you can always play with grass density settings, namely the iMinGrassSize= value. The LOWER is the value, the DENSER is the grass - so if you wanna have more FPS, make the value HIGHER (try 80, 100 or even 120).
Northern Grass ==FPS== ID 25459 ID 25459My personal favourite between the grass mods available on SE Nexus. A great combination picked from other popular grass mods with a beautiful, dense and immersive result. Don’t forget to install the fix file as well and this one too. Grass cache addon for AE available here ==NEW==.Voluptuous Grasses-The T H I C C K E N I N G ==FPS== My second personal favourite between the grass mods available on SE Nexus. Beautiful and original look with great coverage that makes groundcovers look much more volumetric.Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin ==FPS== The most popular Skyrim grass mod with a great quality.Veydosebrom Regions ==FPS== Another qualitative grass mod that combines several grass resources.Viscous Foliage- a T H I C C grass mod ==FPS== A beautiful grass mod with a “wild” touch.Short Grass ==FPS== Short green grass mod, looking pretty fresh and original, but also has great FPS hit.Grass Field - More colors ==FPS== Vibrant “green” grass mod.Fantastic grasses and where to find them ==FPS== Fresh, unique-looking and region-fitting grass mod and one of my personal favourites now. You can also see a video showcase of it here . Note: SE version of the mod is hosted on LE page, at Files tab.Grass and Ground Overhaul ==FPS== Updated version of the similarly named grass mod from the same author, with better blending look and performance compared to the original mod.Folkvangr - Grass and Landscape Overhaul ==FPS== Beautiful grass overhauls which also alters the corresponding terrain textures for better blending. There’s also a “summer” retexture available for it and one more optional addon .Aquatic Jungle ==FPS== An underwater grass mod, can be used together with other major grass mods. Depth of Skyrim patch available in the Files section.Origins Of Forest - 3D Forest Grass ==FPS== A complementary grass mod to reflect the dynamic growth of a great forest. Can be used together with other grass overhauls. Optional “smaller size” addon available, as well as Folkvangr patch ==NEW== and Verdant patch ==NEW==.Riften Summer Edition - Green Grass in The Rift ==FPS== Completely changes the grass in The Rift to be a summer-y and fantasy like green grass. As it affects Rift only, it can be used together with one of other “global” grass mods - just let it overwrite and give priority in load order. Similar addon for tundra is available.Realistic Grass Field ==FPS== Improved version of popular “Grass Field” mod above, with changed textures so grass in each region will be more fitting it. One of my personal favourites atm.Midsummer - Stylized Grass for Skyrim ==FPS== Shorter, stylized flora and saturated, summertime landscapes.
The next mods are optional, get a peek:
ENB Grass Collisions ==NEW== ID 67886 ID 67886Applies collisions from characters to the grass to bend it. You can see a showcase here .ENB Complex Grass - Patch Compendium for various grass mods ==NEW== Patches for Complex Grass feature of ENB for various grass mods.Grass Addon for Veydosebrom Verdant and others Texture improvements/changes for popular grass mods above.Whiterun Grass Overhaul ==FPS== ==FPS== ==FPS== Adds beautiful green grass to Whiterun streets. Note: As a drawback, this mod will perform EXTERMINATUS your FPS in Whiterun, even on strong gaming rig. Even on GPU like RTX 2070 it may give you from 15 to 20 fps hit alone. Use with caution :)Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods ID 9005 ID 9005If random grass clipping through some land objects is bothering you - this mod is your magic pill. For some extra dense grass mod, you may also want to install this ==NEW== on top.Landscape Seam Fixes ==NEW== Simple and great as that. Comprehensive fixing of the landscape seams that result in ugly visuals.No grass in caves If you wanna…
Note: You can also make grass to be more “windy” (sway more noticeable under the wind) by adding the next line under the [Display] in Skyrim.ini - fWindGrassMultiplier=X, where X is the value like 3,5,7, 11 etc. Experiment to your leisure :)
With the mods you have now, your game is already has an immense visual improvement in general. If you are not aimed on max results in terms of graphics, you can just skip the rest of graphics mods and continue to gameplay part of the guide. But trust me - we’re only beginning! The improvement in models, textures, lighting, weathers and various little, yet important details, can be significantly better. I invite you to continue :)
Mountains mods. Some are also covering rocks. Choose one:
Majestic Mountains ID 11052 ID 11052A retexture addon for it is also available here , as well as improved collision patch here ==NEW==.Northfire’s Photoreal Mountains Excellent Mountains True Nordic Mountains - HD Mountain Textures ==NEW== 4k dark brown version recommedned.Real Mountains RUSTIC MOUNTAINS 8K Mountains CC’s UHQ Mountains Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains Granite Mountains Kanjs - Chromatic Mountains Remiros’ Mountains HD
About these mods and which one to choose. Majestic is my personal #2 favourite mod, Northfire’s are really photorealistic which fits the mod name, Excellent Mountains is a little gem from Pfuscher with immersive look and incredible texture details, Real and Rustic are pretty much close to vanilla look, and 8k (exactly the 8k version is an overkill, so use 4k version) and CC’s UHQ mods are both looking pretty unique. But what mod you’re using, Sinitar? My fav is “Vivid Landscapes - Rocking Stones and Mountains” one.
Rocks/stones mods:
Skyrim 3D Rocks ID 17732 ID 17732Rapid Rocks Примечание: включен в пакет текстур AIO от Pfuscher.Северные реалистичные скалы
Для всех модов, связанных с ночным небом, если такая версия доступна, всегда устанавливайте ее с разрешением 2k. Разрешение 4k, а иногда и 8k не имеет абсолютно никакого практического смысла для такого типа текстур.
Моды ретекстур галактики/звезд/туманностей:
Внутри туманности ID 29556 ID 29556Мой любимый мод для фэнтезийного ночного неба. Примечание. Не используйте версию файла 2k «ITN Original» (ее версия 4k и все остальные файлы в порядке).Видение Лорхана - Ночное небо V2 Раньше мой любимый мод на галактику и звезды. Доступна только версия LE, установка аналогична предыдущему моду. Рекомендуется версия “LV Night Sky V2 - Low Saturation for enb”.Текстуры Skyrim переделаны - улучшенное ночное небо Еще один отличный вариант, универсальный мод ретекстурирования ночного неба с установщиком FOMOD. Визуально - хороший баланс между оригинальным видом и фантазией.Skygazer - Созвездия HD Еще один HD мод созвездий из раздела Skyrim LE.Ночное небо 8K — звезды и галактики Ретекстур галактики и звезд, близкий к ванильному. Хотя на самом деле мод находится в 8k, что не имеет никакого практического смысла, у мода все еще есть варианты 4k, которые вы можете использовать (или безопасно сжать до 2k с помощью Ordenador или Photoshop).Nightsky 4K Galaxy 2K Masser 512 секунд Подробнее Alien Skyrim - Галактика Туманность Солнечные блики и звезды Определенно не очень дружелюбный к лору, но определенно уникальный, этот мод может быть интересен тем, кто любит превращать Скайрим во что-то… другое.4K Звезды и галактики Яркий, красивый, фэнтезийный ретекстур.ЗВЕЗДЫ Мод ретекстурирования звезд типа «ванильный плюс».Звезды и Галактика Нирна Фантастическая галактика и звезды.Прейди Скай AIO Мой фаворит здесь, с множеством вариантов на выбор.
Ретекстурные моды Masser и Secunda:
Skygazer Moons - Массер и Секунда Ultra HD ID 32057 ID 32057Мой личный абсолютный фаворит среди всех модов, ретекстурирующих луны Скайрима. Супер четкий и в то же время сохраняет оригинальный вид.Просто луны Не очень реалистичные, но круто выглядящие фэнтезийные ретекстуры.Массер и Секунда из Морровинда Просто как тот. Не самое большое разрешение текстур, но ностальгияФэнтезийные Массер и Секунда.Изменения размеров лун Изменения размера Луны для Массера и Секунды. Четыре различных размера на выбор с сотнями возможных комбинаций. Совместим со всеми заменителями текстур.Арктическая Луна Заменяет луны-близнецы Нирна более традиционным, люминесцентным лунным телом.
Weather and lighting - realistic storms and snowfalls, new weathers, both grim and vibrant up to your taste, greatly improved & more realistic world lighting, and completely new immersive little things - from rainbows to rain splashes. Everything is here. Make sure that ENB presets are often tweaked for certain weather and/or lighting mod, so it won’t look properly with some random weather/lighting mod installed. Incompatibility between ENB preset and weather/lighting mods does [NOT] mean your game will crash or something, but ENB may look weird. Remember this if you’ll decide to switch your weather/lighting mod.
Weather mods. Choose only one:
Obsidian Weathers and Seasons ID 12125 ID 12125My personal favourite between all weather mods for Skyrim SE, from the authors of the most amazing weather mod for Skyrim LE - NLVA. Obsidian adds plenty of new weathers while keeping the ambience in the borders of canonic Skyrim look. Sharp and beautiful clouds, diverse weathers, volumetric mountain fogs and much more, making a beautiful, truly Skyrim’ish picture. It’s also the most ENB-supported weather mod, meaning the amount of ENB presets available to choose from, tweaked for it. You may also be interested in some addons/patches for it: MCM Patch ID 44781 ID 44781Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch VIGILANT Patch Seasonal Calendar (also works for Aequinoctium) Note: Read the mod page carefully and install only ONE esp from many that are in the archive. Download the archive, choose plugin you want, archive it, add to mod manager and install.Supreme Weathers for Obsidian Weathers ==NEW== Improved and strengthened, harsh storms. Also install the volume control addon .
Solas Weathers ==NEW== ID 49004 ID 49004A beautiful photorealistic weather mod, inspired by NLA weathers in Skyrim LE - my personal favourite to go if you want photorealism in your game. Get only the weather mod itself from the Files tab - but make sure to disable the “SOS Patch” plugin after installation. Technically, nothing stops you from using its own ENB preset on top - but there’s a much better preset for this weather mod, such as Patrician ENB.
Vivid Weathers ID 2187 ID 2187The most popular weather mod for Skyrim SE which stands for its name - vivid, vibrant, tasty weathers with a very big variety. The subjective downside of the is that it makes game really more vibrant in many cases, so if you like cinematic/realistic look, that most likely not your best candidate. The objective drawback is that it has somewhat more minor visual glitches than the LE version of the mod, but it’s nothing critical and on practice, most likely you won’t even notice. Also has enough of ENB presets tweaked for it, but not close as much as Obsidian has, for example.
Dolomite Weathers ID 7895 ID 7895While Dolomite is technically a predecessor to Obsidian, I personally still prefer some elements from it over Obsidian’s composition. It’s really diverse, with plenty of beautiful weathers (but not that vibrant as Vivid Weathers), and with absolutely unrivaled clouds look. Also, if you possibly love its rain/snow effects, but wanna use other weather mod, you can use this little addon with other weather mods.
Climates Of Tamriel ID 2237 ID 2237“Old but good” weather mod that’s making Skyrim weathers more interesting than it was in vanilla game, but still sticking much to original atmosphere as much as possible. One can call it “vanilla weathers plus”. Alternative sounds patch available.
Aequinoctium - Weathers and Seasons ID 15884 ID 15884A sharp, fantasy-realism weather mod with a noticeable photorealism touch. You can also make a nice mix - using Obsidian, but with some Aequinoctium weathers merged in it, with the help of this patch . Also has a good support in terms of ENB presets available.
NAT - Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ID 12842 ID 12842An amazing candidate if you wanna weathers and general ambience be more cinematic. Also has a good support in terms of ENB presets available. But take into account while most of weather mods are giving 0 performance impact, NAT is much “heavier” compared to other weather mods for some reasons.
Rustic Weathers and Lighting ID 8398 ID 8398A really well-made mod which has somewhat desaturated, “rustic” look, sticking close to original ambience.
Azurite Weathers ==NEW== ID 42731 ID 42731Weather mod aimed on realism. If you want more harsh storms, install this addon ==NEW== .
Picturesque - weathers mod plus ENB ==NEW== ID 32364 ID 32364As the mod title mentions, page contains both weather mod itself and the author’s ENB preset for it. You may or may not use this preset, or use the weather mod only - there are other ENB presets for it available in ENB presets list of the guide. There are also some patches for popular mods here .
Surreal Lighting – vibrant and cheerful weathers and lighting ID 2770 ID 2770Deep fantasy weather/lighting mod with gentle purple touch. Take into account though that it’s [both] weather and lighting mod at the same time, so it may have minor conflicts with lighting mods here and there, so use with caution/testing.
Mythical Ages - weathers and lighting overhaul ID 11578 ID 11578Another fantasy and bright weather mod, being somewhere between Obsidian and Vivid Weathers, I’d say.
Northern Saga Weathers and Seasons ID 14878 ID 14878One more vibrant weather mod, but with some cold touches from time to time.
Scandinavian Seasons Extended ID 41634 ID 41634One more interesting weather overhaul from the author of mod above.
Autumn Skies ID 14379 ID 14379Warm, saturated weather mod.
Serious Weathers ID 49847 ID 49847A simple weather which is aimed on a bit of more diversity and basically amplified vanilla weathers - clear weather is actually clear, foggy weather is more foggy etc.
Accompanying weather mods. You [can] use each and all of them [together] with other weather & lighting mods:
True Storms Special Edition - Thunder Rain and Weather Redone ID 2472 ID 2472The mod make all types of storms much more realistic - severe, loud, deep, by overhauling both visual and audio apperance of them. For me personally, it’s doing this job better than any other weather mod above. But what about compatibility? Worry not! Check out this amazing author’s page to get a compatibility for many other popular weather mods.
Storm Lightning for SSE and VR ID 29243 ID 29243Vanilla game, even in “remastered” version, didn’t have actual lightnings during the storms. That fixes it. By default, its lightnings amount/strength is pretty unrealistic and can be even disturbing for some players - but this can be configured in MCM. Yet, if you like extreme thunderstorms - it may be a good pick for you for actual walkthrough as well. Sound overhaul available.
Wonders of Weather ID 13044 ID 13044Rainbows. Shooting stars. Rain splashes. Simple as that. Compatible with each and every weather/lighting mod. Note: it’s recommended to disable the splashes feature of this mod, and for that, use the mod below.
Splashes of Storms ==NEW== ID 72115 ID 72115Also install the mesh improvement . It also allows you to tweak the splashes in ENB GUI. If you’re modding Skyrim “VR”, install this as well.
Rudy fix for Smoke ==NEW== ID 78495 ID 78495In-game smoke always goes in one direction. Now the behavior of the smoke (chimneys, fires, braziers) is influenced by the wind direction and its strength (it changes with the weather).
Foggy Morthal and Swamp SE ID 23571 ID 23571Makes Morthal region always foggy. Load after other weather mods if using any. If using Obsidian Weathers, install this ==NEW== instead.
Clear Skies Fix SE ID 25676 ID 25676This mod is optional - use it ONLY if you have Clear Skies shout not working properly if you have one of “main” weather mods above.
Lighting mods. Choose only one (but, there’s one “but”, explained inside the section):
So, the “but” explanation. Generally, it’s recommended to go with only one of the mods (or mods combos) listed. If you want to experiment, you can try to mix mods at some extent. For instance, Lux Orbis mod only affects exteriors but not interiors. At the same time, you can get ELFX and install only its main part (which affects only interiors, but not exteriors) - so you’ll have interiors lighting changes from ELFX and exteriors from Lux Orbis. You got the idea. This said, while it’s technically possible, it not a guarantee of a good result, as the lighting “approach” may be too different in the end.
Enhanced Lights and FX ID 2424 ID 2424The well-deserved most endorsed lighting mod of all times. A complete overhaul to vanilla lighting while keeping it simple and not going away from original look. Better lighting. New light sources where needed. More realistic lighting in dungeons and other interiors. Huge coverage. Best support from the side of ENB presets. Everything is here. Personal recommendation - if you’re aimed on a heavy mod list, choose only the core mod itself and enhancer option (and ofc SMIM-related option) - don’t choose exteriors option. And don’t use ELFX weathers module - it’s not compatible with other weather mods and almost not supported by ENB presets. Choose “no [vanilla player home name]” or “no player homes” if you are planning to use mods that overhaul vanilla player home/s. Lastly, do NOT overwrite Rugnarok, Rocks/Mountains, Realistic Water Two, Pfuscher’s mines and Rudy’s nordic mods meshes. It also has plenty of addons to improve it/make more compatible. This patch plus this patch and this one are [absolutely essential]. Also recommended to get this one ==NEW==. This one and this one are very much recommended as well. This mod has some patches for mods you may possibly have. If you’re using ELFX hardcore module and ASLAL, this will be useful. Lastly, there’s a fresh and impressive ELFX Shadows ID 63790 ID 63790 ==NEW== addon that drastically improves shadows and lighting effects further. Also grab a Hearthfire addon and take a look on various patches . Note: if you’ll be using ELFX Shadows, this ID 25498 ID 25498, this and this patches are not needed - don’t use them or remove them if they’re already installed.
Relighting Skyrim ID 8586 ID 8586 + Enhanced Lighting for ENB These are two mods, but can be considered as a single one, as they perfectly compatible and basically should be used together. Alternative and more lightweight approach to changing the game lighting - if you aren’t sure, just try both mods above, and this combo, and then choose one you like the most :) ELE mod Files tab also has a few patches for some popular mods.
LUX ID 43158 ID 43158 + LUX Orbis ==NEW== Newest of similar mods and actively updated, LUX is another complete lighting overhaul aimed on realism. The LUX mod is for interiors, LUX Orbis is for exteriors. Note: both mods require Lux Via resources pack [only the resources pack, not the mod itself - so you can still use any other similar mod for that goal]. Also take a look on some patches for environmental mesh replacers here ID 67266 ID 67266 ==NEW==. Also, take a look on lots of addons ==NEW== and patches for it here ==NEW== and here , and some extra patches for Lux Orbis here ==NEW== . Note: install the mod in the end of making your setup - as its installer contains tons of patches for many mods you’re about to install while going further through the guide.
Window Shadows ==FPS== ID 37831 ID 37831Basically a port of “SHADOWS” mod from Skyrim LE. Amazing mod that’s adding and improving shadows in interiors. The quality of these shadows sometimes gives really a great difference in interiors look - but even alone, it’s quite FPS-hungry, and if using together with other lighting mods (it’s technically possible), FPS hit will be even higher for most of users - so see yourself. There are some patches for: USEEP ==NEW==, Relighting Skyrim ==NEW== and JK mods ==NEW== .
Ambiance - A Vanilla(plus) Ambient Lighting Overhaul ID 46383 ID 46383A vanilla+ lighting mod which recalibrates ambient lighting adhering to vanilla colors and creating a balance between stealth gameplay and looks. Can be used alone instead of major lighting mods, but also can be used together with the next mods: ELFX (without Enhancer option), Relighting Skyrim and Windows Shadows.
Shadows Of Sunlight - In Small Exterior World Spaces ID 41368 ID 41368Adds sunlight and shadows to some small exterior world spaces that lacked sunlight: Shalidor’s Maze, Giant’s Grove, and Castle Volkihar Courtyard. Can be used on top of other major lighting mods.
This one is opitonal, read below.
Enhanced Volumetric Lighting and Shadows (EVLaS) ==NEW== ID 63725 ID 63725Плагин SKSE, который улучшает объемное освещение и тени, синхронизируя их с солнцем и луной в Скайриме. В то же время, это не обходится без минусов, и в некоторых случаях вы можете заметить странное поведение теней. Попробуйте сами и посмотрите, хотите вы этого или нет. Если вы используете Majestic Mountains, также скачайте этот патч исправления ==NEW== .
Учтите, что улучшения облаков часто включаются в погодные моды, поэтому, если вы планируете использовать погодные моды, внимательно прочитайте соответствующие страницы модов — отдельные облачные моды могут быть с ними несовместимы.
ЭФИРНЫЕ ОБЛАКА ID 2393 ID 2393Качественный ретекстур облаков, сохраняющий первоначальный вид.Северные реалистичные облака Красивый облачный мод, вдохновленный скандинавской погодой и облаками.ОБЛАКА ==НОВОЕ== Realistic Clouds for NAT, Obsidian, Cathedral and Azurite Weathers.Obsidian Mountain Fogs Beautiful, immersive, volumetric mountains fog mod. Take into account that it’s [included] on Obsidian weather mod itself and not needed if using the Mists of Tamriel mod below. If you have issues with DynDOLOD generation with this mod installed, or plan to use option for reduced size, get this ==NEW== tweaked version instead.Mists of Tamriel ==NEW== The next generation volumetric fog mod that adds volumetric mists, distant animated mists and morning fogs, controlled via MCM and editable via ENB, with patches for many popular weather mods. Highly recommended.The Fog Machine Analogue to Fogrim mod in Skyrim LE, it makes weathers almost cosntantly foggy and adds more distant fogs.Dimmer Fog and More Mod reduces fog effect transparency and brightness when exploring dungeons with torches and other light sources.Darker Interior Ambient Fog Tweaks interior fog. Use only if you aren’t running any lighting mods (like ELFX or ELE).No Fog on World Map Simple as that.
All the mods in this section are optional. They transform the landscapes of Skyrim in this or that way - adds or remove trees, making wilderness more dense or barren, change the look of terrain, roads, bridges, or just completely transforming Skyrim into something new - with spring, summer or purely winter region. Choose and use what you personally like :)
Enhanced Landscapes - Oaks Standalone SSE - Marsh Pines - Dilon Vul ID 27367 ID 27367A stripped down module from Enhanced Landscape only for Marsh region. Also fully supports 3D LODs.
The Great Forest of Whiterun Hold ==FPS== ID 3212 ID 3212Want the tundra region more forested? Think no more! This mod creates a giant forest Falkreath-style in the desolated tundra of Whiterun hold. Also take a look on patches page - but take into account that mod doesn’t have FOMOD installer - download the archive manually, delete all patches you don’t need, keep those you do, archive it back, add to your mod manager and install.
Whiterun Forest Borealis - Fixes ==FPS== ID 18439 ID 18439A mod with similar goal and coverage, but somewhat different approach. Don’t use together with previous mod, choose only one.
Trees Addon ID 22053 ID 22053A really well-made tree mod that follows “quality over quantity” approach and carefully places trees here and there to make scenery look better. It also adds beautiful “king trees” from Enderal to Skyrim. Optional look change addon available here ==NEW==.
Bent Pines II ID 8306 ID 8306Another mod that adds huge trees here and there, but with different look. Technically, you can use it together with Trees Addon, but on practice, I’d recommend to choose one.
Dark Forests of Skyrim ID 21934 ID 21934My personal favorite between all landscape/tree overhauls. It places several thousands of trees/plants over the Skyrim, yet doing this very carefully & logically. It features both dead and new alive trees types, making some places more grim and other - more alive, fitting the overall ambience of the regions. It’s also more performance-friendly and better compatibility-wise (but still it’s recommended to avoid using other massive tree addons together with it, as this will result in frequent clipping), than, for example, Enhanced Landscapes and has full 3D LODs support. EVT as main tree mod and balanced, cinematic ENB preset like Rudy ENB are recommended to be used with it.
Dark Forests of Skyrim SE - Solstheim Apocalypse ID 21957 ID 21957You don’t need this mod if you’re using the previous one. If no - you can try this one as an amazing Solstheim tree addon.
Solstheim Trading Posts ==NEW== ID 58643 ID 58643A simple yet immersive addition.
Project Rainforest - A Tropical Climate and Environment Overhaul ID 20636 ID 20636Skyrim SE lacks summer/spring landscape overhauls, but gladly this amazing (and pretty underrated) mod is here. It’s a tropical rainforest overhaul for the Skyrim, covering most worldspaces of the base game and DLCs minus the visual overkill. Trees, plants, grasses, weather ambience, sounds - everything to transform Skyrim into tropical-looking beauty. It’s not recommended to use is with other massive flora overhauls, building visual setup around this mod in first turn.
The Ruins ID 9933 ID 9933Beautiful mod that adds various ruined structures and statues across Skyrim. The flaw of this one is sometimes it may feel “too much” in certain places, and mod also has some events and references that are not lore-friendly and made for fun (for example, Shrek references). Still, this is all up to player’s taste :)
Ancient Land ID 22900 ID 22900Don’t want lore-unfriendly moments and occasional too much clutter that previous mod has, but love its approach still? Think no more and try this one. Plenty of patches for popular mods available here ==NEW==.
Road overhauls.
Skyrim Better Roads ID 2640 ID 2640One of the most simple yet one of the most favorite mods of such type for me personally. It makes huge amount of Skyrim roads to look more authentic and logical. It’s also perfectly compatible with almost all the mods in this section. My personal advice is to install version without bridges coverage to be able to use bridges-dedicated mods below. Installing [all] main files is also recommended. Choose this mod or the one below.
Lux Via ==NEW== ID 63588 ID 63588A rework of all main roads while focusing on lighting, adding consistent light sources between towns and villages, improving or reworking from scratch many bridges, crossroads and adding a lot of points of interest to make roads a bit more interesting. Choose this mod or the one above. You can see a video showcase of it here .
Prettier Roads by LGG ==NEW== ID 61533 ID 61533Upgrade your Skyrim roads with some much needed scenery and some lore-friendly additions.
Interesting Roads ID 42749 ID 42749Immersive and non-intrusive addon for Skyrim roads from the “Ancient Land” mod author (and compatible with it). Can be used with one of the mods above (minus Lux Via). You can see a video showcase of it here .
Bridge overhauls.
Skyrim Bridges ID 21263 ID 21263My favourite bridge mod. Gives an overhaul to close to every bridge in Skyrim, making them look really unique and immersive. Do NOT use together with the mod below, choose one or another. Also (optionally) install this improvement patch (it’s somewhat subjective, imo, hence “optionally”).
Improved Bridges of Skyrim ==NEW== ID 65455 ID 65455Anothe great bridge rework mod.
Covered Bridges of Skyrim ID 22605 ID 22605An alternative if you don’t like previous mod. More “simple” bridge overhaul. Do NOT use together with the mods above - choose oner.
Northern Marsh Bridges ID 9107 ID 9107Adds several wooden bridges across the northern marshlands of Hjaalmarch (the region where some bridges would actually not hurt, imo). You CAN use this mod together with one of previous mods as it only adds new bridges.
Standing stones visual overhauls. Choose one.
Standing Stones Stand Out ==NEW== ID 73683 ID 73683Adds some clutter to some of the standing stone locations around Skyrim. My personal favourite here. Link leads to LE version of the mod, but you can use it just fine in SE.
Ryn’s Standing Stones ==NEW== ID 64969 ID 64969Another great visual standing stones overhaul.
Nice. Let’s continue.
Winter Overhaul 2019 ID 22071 ID 22071An all-in-one overhaul that turns Skyrim into a real winter region - whole of it, from the author of Dark Forests of Skyrim. New snow-covered trees, dead trees, more snowy weathers, snow-covered cities and so on. If you always thought that Skyrim should be more cold and snowy - that’s a perfect mod for you. Compatible with Obsidian and Vivid Weathers. Compatible with survival/immersion mods like Frostbite/R.A.S.S. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT use it with other massive landscape overhauls, as this will definitely lead to massive clipping and other conflicts, and just weird look.
Nordic Ruins of Skyrim ID 20382 ID 20382Absolutely brilliant that overhauls some of the most memorable Nordic ruins of Skyrim, making the look much more badass, but immersive, feeling like the original part of the game at the same time. A must-have mod in my humble opinion.
Mostly Treeless Tundra ==NEW== ID 60655 ID 60655Transform Skyrim’s tundra into a more realistic one by removing most trees. Simple but highly effective (and with actually beauitul effect) mod.
Stave Church of Skyrim ID 44480 ID 44480Adds a stave church to 7 optional locations around Skyrim. Purely cosmetical mod.
Camps Re-Covered ID 43700 ID 43700Visual facelift to many bandit camps and areas around.
Half Moon Creek ID 42119 ID 42119Renovation of the landscape in the area between the Half-Moon Mill, Moss Mother Cavern аnd Evergreen Grove.
Shrine to Kyne ID 43737 ID 43737Adds a traditional shrine to Kyne, on a mountain peak high above Windhelm
Unmarked Locations Pack ==NEW== ID 82662 ID 82662This mod adds more than 50 new (usually) tiny, but immersive locations for you to visit. Nice and seamless.
Ships On The Horizon ==NEW== ID 79034 ID 79034Adds ships that can be seen in the Sea of Ghosts near Solitude, Raven Rock and Tel Mithryn.
Poisonblooms & Stonehenges One or more of these words sounds good for you to be placed in Skyrim wilderness? Then check out this author profile.
Flower Fields ID 20960 ID 20960Pretty much self-explanatory name. Adds vibrant, beautiful flower fields here and there. May be not much immersive in some cases, but a great option for anyone who wanna give Skyrim a bit more fresh, spring touch.
Unique Flowers and Plants ID 29154 ID 29154Hand-placed new plants and flowers across Skyrim. Fits the spring/summer setups the best.
Master The Summit ID 4520 ID 4520Like climbing the highest mountains? Want to maybe abuse Skyrim’s glitchy physics less often for that? Try this mod that adds a lot of wooden bridges, stairs and other useful things to explore the mountains and cliffs.
Better Solstheim Locations ID 31329 ID 31329Adds several simple neutral locations to Solstheim and adds some map markers to existing ones.
Nordic Runestones ID 32019 ID 32019Adds ancient nordic runestones to Skyrim’s landscape.
Oblivion Gates Remade ID 9040 ID 9040Adds several Oblivion gates to the game. Gates are not functioning ofc, and serving more like and Oblivion nostalgia element. Use this mod or the one below.
Custom Ruins in Soul Cairn ==NEW== ID 33319 ID 33319Adds custom ruins to Soul Cairn. Meshes from The Witcher 3 converted to use Soul Cairn textures.
s6o6t LORE - Oblivion gates ID 50933 ID 50933Use this mod or the one above.
s6o6t LORE - Dark Anchors Ruins and Dolmens ID 51010 ID 51010This mod adds 6 Dolmens to both Eastmarch and Rift, placedin the exact locations they were in ESO.
s6o6t LORE - Mundus Stones ID 51191 ID 51191This mod is an ESO-inspired replacer of Skyrim Doomstones and their locations/look.
Rorikstead Basalt Cliffs ID 25718 ID 25718Adds basalt cliffs around Rorikstead, giving the town a unique atmosphere. Compatible with every Rorikstead overhaul. A couple of patches exist.
Windhelm Lighthouse ID 8453 ID 8453Adds a lighthouse north of Windhelm.
Elizabeths Tower - Azura Shrine ID 679 ID 679Increases the size of the Azura Shrine so that its visible from all around Skyrim.
Towns, cities, villages, forts & camps. Everything to make them look better, expand, and sometimes even rebuild completely. Take into account that in most of cases, you shouldn’t use more than one mod that affects the same settlement, as this will lead to major clipping issues or a completely borked look - so if you’re relatively new to modding, always just choose one mod affecting certain area. But ofc there are some exclusions and some mod covering same settlements can be used together - on-fly or with certain tweaks - I’ll notify about that. Mods that add NEW settlements/buldings will be added in the next update together with a compelte miniguide into “ultimate settlements overhaul”. Also take into account that some of these mods can heavily impact your FPS if you’re not on high-end rig.
First of all, let’s take a look at some “big” settlement overhauls - the mods that cover many settlelements at once with certain own style:
JK’s Skyrim ==FPS== ID 6289 ID 6289The most popular towns’n’cities overhaul, and it’s pretty deserved - nothing from similar mods can compete with JK’s Skyrim in terms of amount of various details and clutter added to cities and towns. Coverage: Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, Markarth, Riften, Riverwood, Dragon Bridge, Ivarstead, Rorikstead, Falkreath, Morthal, Dawnstar, Winterhold, Skaal Village and Skyhaven Temple. Don’t use it with Dawn of Skyrim, ETAC all-in-on and The Great Cities collection listed below. If you want to mix, you can choose modular version of ETAC and/or separate “great cities” mods. You can also use separate JK’s mods for certain city/town, but sadly there are only few available, unlike for Skyrim LE. Also get the the USSEP patch ==NEW== . Mod’s Files section also provides plenty of patches for other popular mods, and there’s a patch for Great City of Dawnstar mod and high poly patch for NPCs. Optionally, also install this ==NEW==.Dawn of Skyrim (Director’s Cut) My personal city overhaul favourite at the moment. Great visual improvement while having light fps impact [plus] new interiors integrated into radiant quests system. Coverage: Whiterun, Windhelm, Solitude, Markarth, Riften - you can use it with any other settlement mod that doesn’t affect cities.Expanded Towns and Cities An atmospheric overhaul with own unique touch, references and much more things here and there. The flaw of this mod is it has plenty of bugs here and there - they are not critical and don’t bloat your save or something, but if you like seamless glitch-free experience, you may want to wait until it’s more clean. Currently, despite the name, it covers only plenty of towns and doesn’t touch cities - so you can use it with city-only mods like Dawn of Skyrim. For towns and villages - read mod page compatibility notes.The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns The mod name is somewhat confusing - it doesn’t cover cities (at least, for now) - only towns, namely the Dawnstar, Dragon Bridge, Falkreath, Morthal, Rorikstead and Winterhold. This mod is my personaly favourite for towns as it has absolutely fresh, original approach, while staying lore-friendly. I’m personally using it with Dawn of Skyrim for cities coverage. You can also try separate mods from the same author if you wanna mix things up. Note: this collection currently has older version of the standalone Winterhold mod from the same author included, so if you want the newer version of their Winterhold, install both mods and get the patch from here ==NEW==. If you wanna use it with JK’s Skyrim, there’s a nice mashup plugin ID 25282 ID 25282 here (you still need both mods themselves), or this patch ==NEW== (you need the “main file 3” one). The drawback of using them together is that compatibility patches for other popular mods made either for JK’s Skyrim or Great Cities may not work properly. There’s also a few patches for various other mods available here .Settlements Expanded My personal favourite villages mod which overhauls vanilla villages and adds a few new one. Coverage: Sarethi Farm, Heartwood Mill, Kolskeggr Mine, Loreius Farm, Soljunds Sinkhole, Whistling Mine + Coldstone Mine (new village). This mod IS compatible with Arthmoor’s village mods (and it’s recommended to use them together). Mod Files section also provides plenty of patches for other popular mods.Arthmoor’s Village Mods Arthmoor provides light-weight yet neat overhauls for many vanilla villages. Sadly, all-in-one overhaul (as for Skyrim LE) is not available, so you’ll have to install the one by one and then possibly merge if you’ll need plugin space. Compatible with Settlements Expanded. About other mods covering same villages - read the mod pages. Coverage: Ivarstead, Kynesgrove, Shor’s Stone, Darkwater Crossing, Whistling Mine, Karthwasten, Soljund’s Sinkhole, Helarchen Creek.Skyrim Reborn - Whiterun Hold A massive overhaul for almost 20 “tiny” places in Whiterun hold - standing stones, bandit camps, towers etc. Compatible or close to 99% compatible with any settlement overhaul and compatible with mods of landscape overhaul - only may cause some minor clipping here and there. The only flaw of this mod is that changes for most of places of similar type are looking almost the same. ATTENTION: read the list of included mods carefully - don’t use them or mods that are possibly covering same places.Goodfellow’s Whiterun Hold ID 23968 ID 23968One more simple, but highly immersive whiterun hold overhaul.
Now, I want to point your attention on some not “whole-covering” (mostly single-settlement), but highly prominent mods that cover this or that settlement. Consider this my personal “essential mods besides the big overhauls” section:
Paradise City for Vanilla Skyrim – Great Trees for Cities ==FPS== ID 10135 ID 10135In my opinion, this one is the best cities tree mod ever - beautiful, yet logically places trees for these settlements: Whiterun, Riften, Windhelm, Rorikstead. Compatible or almost compatible (with just a minor clipping that you can just disable in console) with all mods that afffects same settlements. Works especially great with Dawn of Skyrim. Also fully compatible with DynDOLOD generator.Immersive College of Winterhold This mod a must-have. Yes, even if you’re playing not as pure mage. You still will go through College questline sooner or later, and you still will be visiting it from time to time. This mod is just enormous in its College overhaul aspect. Aesthetical visual overhaul of structures and building, new buildings, new cells, new dungeon, greatly improved College NPCs AI, new NPCs, immersive magic learning experience, new dungeon, quest and dozens of other tiny details - feel this faction as never before. Also take a look at map texture improvement , chains improvement , “3D” Trees patch and dozens other patches ==NEW== with a comfy FOMOD installer.Glorious Fort Dawnguard Ever wonder why Fort Dawnguard is so damned depressing? You arrive and the place is empty and uninspiring. Dark, old, worn down, tattered banners, and only a wet-behind-the-ears farmboy with “pa’s axe” to greet you when you arrive - well, this mod changes that. Choose between this mod or the one below.Immersive Fort Dawnguard Another Dawnguard HQ overhaul from author of well-known Immersive College of Winterhold mod - and also for both exteriors and interiors. Bigger and better fort iteself with new fortifications and buildings. Chapel, library, bathhouse and prison inside. As you progress through the quest-line, Fort Dawnguard will gradually be cleaned up and restored until its back to its original glory. Choose this mod or the one above. Also take into account that it’s pretty freshly released, so you may have to wait for various compatibility patches to appear (though with the nature of the mod, there won’t be many hard compatibility issues in first turn). Choose between this mod or the one above (I’m currently using this one). If you’re using “Landscape Fixes for Grass Mods”, get this patch . You can see a showcase of it in my video here . Better Tel Mithryn ID 643 ID 643An expansion of the settlement of Tel Mithryn. Includes docks, a main gate, new merchants, guards, and more.Quaint Raven Rock ESP-only overhaul. Extremely lore-friendly yet detailed at the same time, with interesting new features and details. A few extra patches are available, as well as navmesh fix patch ==NEW== (has two files - one for the mod itself, another corrects the mod’s patch for Clockwork).The Great City of Solitude Another great Solitude exterior/docks overhaul - compatible with mods like JK/Dawn that change Solitude inside. A patch for CFTO is available. Note: Don’t use ELFX Exteriors option with it to avoid clipping. Well, don’t use ELFX Exterior option in general if you’re aimed on heavy settlements overhaul (once again).Windhelm Exterior Altered ID 5824 ID 5824Made some changes on the existing dock also added a new dock/harbour outside Windhelm. Compatible with most of city mods.Old Hroldan Ruins Fixes a discrepancy in which there should be even the ruins of an ancient settlement of what used to be Hroldan as described in lore. Works fine together with Great Village of Old Hroldan.Stendarr’s Beacon Enhanced and Ruhmastered Absolutely essential little gem. Expands & improves Stendarr’s Beacon, making it more functional for those playing as, with, or against the Vigilants of Stendarr. Adds new, lore-appropriate interior zones, outbuildings, and decor to complement the Vigil’s aesthetic. Compatible with VIGILANT quest mod.Stonehills Reborn Mixwater Mill Reborn Anga’s Mill Reborn Greater Skaal Village Compatible with JK’s Skaal Village changes.T’Skyrim - Riverwood (Addon for JK’s Skyrim) ==FPS== Note: To be used ONLY with JK’s Riverwood (or JK’s Skyrim).Snowy AF Windhelm Makes how it’s called. For good compatibility, usage with JK’s Skyrim is recommended with this patch . Other City mods are not officially supported.Immersive Farms Tiny, totally optional but a cool mod that adds more crops to many villages/towns farms. Greatly compatible with mods of settlement overhauls.
Interior overhauls. Take into account that they may (and will in almost all cases) conflict if you’ll be trying to use them together to get the biggest possible coverage, but it’s easily fixed - just open mods affecting same cells in xEdit and delete the named cell from one of the mods and save. If you want to see more detailed tutorial with examples - watch the video below :)
So, interior mods:
Something to take into account: at this point, JK covers around 40 different interiors, and most likely, this trend will continue. His interior overhauls, asides from being great, also (usually) have good compatibility support for other popular mods, either from author himself, or from those mods (like LUX lighting overhaul, for instance). Generally, I’d say to first go through JK’s list of interior overhauls and pick what you like - and then, see how much you want to change still, and see whether you need much mods from the rest of this subsection.
Distinct Interiors ID 6130 ID 6130Small, simple changes to make interiors more distinct and recognizable. Don’t forget to get the fix addon and fps fix patch and improved barrerls look patch . A patch for Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul is available.Palaces and Castles Enhanced Bautiful overhaul for the most memorable Skyrim interiors, namely the Dragonsreach, Blue Palace, Castle Dour, Mistveil Keep, Understone Keep, Palace of the Kings and Fort Dawnguard. An essential mod, imo. Also make sure to check the Files tab for patches.Enhanced Interiors The great overhaul for dozens of interiors with amazing fantasy touch. Mod is hosted on LE page - get the “Enhanced Interiors SSE Beta” file. SE version is not officially supported tho - instead, you may want to try the lite version from here - it’s stripped down, but more compatible and updated.jkrojmal profile For over 40 (and going) standalone overhauls for various interiors cells - from Dragonsreach and Mistveil Keep, to Pawned Prawn and Warmaidens. Over 450 patches are available here and over 150 patches here ==NEW== - for all kind of interior mod combinations. Note: if you’re using MLU Simplified, check the Septimus Outpost and Skyhaven Temple MLU patches for errors and delete 2 related records.EEKs Whiterun Interiors ID 10463 ID 10463My personal favourite for the named interiors.Opulent Thieves Guild Beautiful Ragged Flagon overhaul the immersively improves the look of it while you’re progressing in TG questline. Compatible with At Your Own Pace TG module. Also grab the fix , and take a look at patches ==NEW== collection. Note: If you wanna use it with Distinct Interiors, use its modular version.GG’s Thieves Guild Headquarters ==NEW== ID 64018 ID 64018Complete rework of Riften’s Thieves Guild Cistern, new architecture, new rooms, new NPCs, dynamic clutters and lots of secrets. This mod doesn’t modify Ragged Flagon, so it is compatible with all mods which edit thieves guild tavern. Plenty of patches (including a patch for Opulent Thieves guild) available here .Temple of the Divines Frescoes Adds painted frescoes to the Temple of the Divines in Solitude and other temples and halls of the dead, now with a FOMOD installer. For AIO 4k version with upscaled textures, take a look here ==NEW==.Drengin’s Blue Palace Terrace Overhaul of the Blue Palace in Solitude. Unique appearance and enhanced interior. A great alternative to PCE’s Blue Palace. A few patches are available, as well as SFCO patch .Blue Palace Overhaul 5.0 And one more Blue Palace overhaul, somewhat simplier than previous ones, but with own spirit. Like it pretty much myself.PD Inn’s Bath Overhauls various inns interiors and adds baths to them.Enhanced Skaal Greathall A complete overhaul of Skaal Greathall.Castle Volkihar Rebuilt A simple mod to allow the player to clean up the debris and rebuild Castle Volkihar to its former glory. The North Tower is also converted into a player home with safe storage. Use this one or the mod below. A small addon for it available here , as well as some patches ==NEW== .The Royal Castle Castle Volkihar with style, dungeon, training-room and much more. Use this mod or the one above.Auriel’s Chapel Restored Restores the Chapel of Auriel and the Inner Sanctum in the Forgotten ValeBlue Palace Frescos 2.0 Wall paintings to match Elisifs beautyA project aimed at improving the interiors of Skyrim into something more unique.Anna’s Vanilla Inns Modest and immersive makeovers of some vanilla Inns: Frostfruit (Rorikstead), Four Shields (Dragonbridge), Sleeping Giant (Riverwood), and Moorside (Morthal).RYFTEN - Consistency of windows in Riften ==NEW== Add 70+ windows where there should be inside. Compatible with lighting mods.A True Arcadia’s Cauldron ==NEW== An enchanting overhaul of Arcadia’s Cauldron.The Dibellan Baths ==NEW== Adds a new location to Markarth: the Dibellan Baths, run and used by the Priesthood of Dibella.SKYHAMMER Nine new glorious gamerooms found in various cities and inns across Skyrim.
Gooood. Now a plenty of various smaller mods that changes single city/town/adds different things here and there. Take into account that some of them maybe be 100% compatible with big mods above, some may be not. Just read the mod pages attentively and you’ll be fine.
Whiterun’s Trees Overhaul ID 16230 ID 16230If you don’t like Paradise Trees for Skyrim. Work with city mods is not guaranteed though.Blubbos Whiterun 2022 ==NEW== Some patches here .Blubbos Markarth 2022 ==NEW== Blubbos Riften Trees 2022 ==NEW== Mods from the talented Blubbo, a great alternative to the Paradise Cities of Skyrim mod.Fortified Whiterun Mod seeks to bring realistic and logical defenses to Whiterun.Ruined Gardens of Whiterun This mod adds medium sized ruined gardens with a small, yet swimmable water basin to Whiterun.Environs - Whiterun Watchtower Doesn’t Stay Broken ==NEW== Rebuilds the Western Watchtower slowly over time after the dragon attack.Dark’s Whiterun market A market in Whiterun outskirts.Warmaiden Reforged A neat little mod, but compatible only with vanilla game or JK’s Skyrim.Whiterun Riverside Expansion A beautiful mods which adds several new NPCs, shops and quests along the White River, to expand Whiterun exterior area.Perfecter Whiterun More trees and plants for Whiterun - compatible (or mostly compatible with minor clipping possible which you can solve with “disable” command in console) with other Whiterun overhauls.
Winterhold Restored ID 12811 ID 12811Winterhold Restored removes the ruined buildings in Winterhold and adds new buildings, player homes, a new housecarl, merchants, followers, marriable NPCs, new horses, fishing docks, a greenhouse, a fishery and more.Winterhold - Expanded Ruins Does how it’s called. Mostly compatible with most of the mods.Mandragora’s Winterhold Overhaul Subtle and performance friendly overhaul of Winterhold.Anna’s Winterhold Restored Beautiful yet simple, pretty underrated Winderhold overhaul.ClefJ’s Winterhold Alternative approach to Winterhold renovation with some custom assets.
Dawnstar A lite Dawnstar overhaul.Dawnstar Defended ID 43283 ID 43283Adds a network of immersive, lore-friendly perimeter defenses to the town of Dawnstar.
Morthal Overhaul II ID 17536 ID 17536A well-made Morthal overhaul alternative.RedBag’s Morthal ==NEW== A pretty uhique Morthal overhaul.
Windhelm Docks Pathways ID 8697 ID 8697Compatible with most of cities mods that change Windhelm.Windhelm Bridge Overhaul Makes the Windhelm bridge less dull and boring.Gray Quarter Overhaul Overhaul of the Gray Quarter district of Windhelm with new buildings, new npcs, and a new player home.Windhelm Expansion - Grey Quarter Absolutely gorgeous and spacious expansion to Windhelm, adding a whole new city district with dosens of new interiors, NPCs and even short quests. Can be used together with the mod above. You can see a showcase of it in my video here .
SKY CITY - Markarth Rising ==FPS== ID 22482 ID 22482This beautiful mod is COMPATIBLE with most of Markarth overhauls. Some minor clipping may occur though, which is not critical and you can remove clipping objects by typing “disable” in console when clicking on them.Second Era Markarth This mod is not directly changing the existing city districts yet adds some objects and structures that were noticeably missing in the 4th era when compared to ESO’s Markarth. Can be used on top of most of other mods which overhaul Markarth.Ultimate Markarth ==NEW== Completely overhauls Markarth by combining 4 different overhauls into one enormous city.Markarth Overhaul ==NEW== Aesthetical Markarth overhaul, mostly aimed on some point dwemer elements and city trees. JK’s Skyrim compatibility patch available.Wood Choppin Markarth ==NEW== For whatever reason, there is not a single wood chopping block in entire Markarth. This mod fixes that. Compatible with most of Markarth overhauls.City Entrances Overhaul - Markarth A complete overhaul of the Markarth entrance area. Also make sure to install the fix .
Epic Cities - Solitude ID 41339 ID 41339That’s probably the most unique and most underrated Solitude overhaul, and one on most originally-made city overhaul at all. Besides being highly detailed and not just adding symbolical clutter or buildings, new buildings are functional, NPC wear near armors etc. But most important is that mod expands city not just broadwise/horizontally, but vertically as well, giving Solitude a gorgeous, truly epic look it deserves. You can see a showcase of it in my video here .RedBag’s Solitude ==NEW== Solitude (and its docks) overhaul from talented Redbag. Patch to use it together with Dawn of Skyrim’s Solitude available here ==NEW== (also, then overwrite it with this ==NEW== on top).Solitude Skyway An elevated set of stairs and walkways that has been added to the underside of the large rock arch that the city of Solitude rests upon. Patch for the Great City of Solitude here ==NEW==, and few other patches are available at the mod Files tab.Solitude Exterior Addon If you don’t like the Great City of Solitude for some reasons, you can try this.Realistic Solitude Arch For MUH REALISM. Note: not needed if you’re using the Great City of Solitude mod.Solitude Docks Updated You really thought that was the last one? Patch for Redbag’s Solitude here ==NEW==.
Riften Docks Pathways ID 9240 ID 9240Adds additional pathways and bridges connecting the Riften docks with both sides of the mainland. Compatible with mods of city mods that affect Riften.Riften Docks Overhaul Docks overhaul for Riften created by combining and tweaking several high-quality mods.Riften Fish Market A port of Riften Fish Market mod from Skyrim LE.RYFTEN - Make Your Riften - Inner ==NEW== Several additions for Riften. Has a FOMOD installer with options to choose or discard, so can be made compatible with most of Riften overhauls.RYFTEN DOWN - A little addition to the Riften canal ==NEW== A humble immersive addition to the Riften canal. Dawn of Skyrim patch available.
Simple Raven Rock Expansion ID 640 ID 640A gret Raven Rock mod alternative. You can also use this addon for it.Raven Rock Reborn One more alternative for this settlement.
This is Riverwood ID 3872 ID 3872Makes Riverwood to a more lively town. Some subtle change that keep the original feeling of this village intact.Kato’s Riverwood One more Riverwood alternative.Ideal Riverwood A “lite” version of T’Skyrim Riverwood (meant to be used with “lite” JK plugin as well).Unique Culture Riverwood Artistic overhaul for Riverwood features both changed exteriors and interiors as well as unique farmohouses look (for Riverwood only).Riverwood Bridge Reborn Replaces the Riverwood stonebridge with a custom woodenbridge.
Kato’s Falkreath ID 7509 ID 7509An alternative Falkreath exterior overhaul.Falkreath Very lightweight overhaul to Falkreath.
WiZkiD Pinewatch ID 46189 ID 46189A omplete aesthetic revamp of Pinewatch. It includes a new model for the buildings and high quality textures.
Rodryk’s Dragon Bridge ID 42510 ID 42510A new set of custom, unique buildings for Dragon Bridge. Some patches for other popular mods available here .Dragon Bridge South Side Simple as that - expands Dragon Bridge south part. Use this mod or the mod below.Expanded Dragon Bridge Vanilla style expansion of the village of Dragon Bridge that adds buildings and NPCs to the South side of the bridge, including a Blacksmith and a Chapel of Akatosh. Use this mod or the mod above.
ClefJ’s Half Moon Mill ID 24365 ID 24365A vibrant Half Moon Mill facelift.
Karthwasten - Let The Silver Flow ID 8240 ID 8240A town mod which makes Karthwasten look like it actually exports silver, is wealthy, and alive within the world.
Better Docks ID 2384 ID 2384This mod brings immersive details and life to the docks of Skyrim and Raven Rock in Solstheim. Compatibility issues, such as clipping, light or heavy, may occure - if used with many other settlement mods.Expanded Tel Mithryn An alternative if you don’t like Better Tel Mithryn.Rorikstead Revised A lightweight expansion of Rorikstead.High Hrothgar - Enhanced A spacious High Hrothgar overhaul by talented kojak747.GK Tiny Renovated Shacks Simple imporovements to many shacks across Skyrim.Penitus Oculatus Outpost Overhaul ClefJ’s Fort Dawnguard A complete architectural overhaul for Fort Dawnguard in attempt to make a proper castle from it.Archinatic profile ==NEW== Many amazing standalone overhauls (using them myself) for towns/villages, “The Great city/town of” series. Also take a look on patches and fixes here , here , here , here , here and here .Axis1211 profile For several simple yet interesting village overhauls.Ryn2g profile ==NEW== For 40+ immersive overhauls of various “forgotten” or small places - towers, camps, farms and so on. Some patches available here and here .Schlitzohr profile ==NEW== For several mods adding nice lil villages at/near previously empty small settlements, or places where a new small settlement/post would make sense.GGUNIT profile ==NEW== This author you may know as a creator or “Lux” lighting mods, but lately, he also creates other small nice mods, improving settlements outskirts look.Penitus Oculatus II ==NEW== Adds a military outpost in the mountains north of Markarth.Skaal Village Overhaul ==NEW== Completely overhauls the architecture in the Skaal Village on Solstheim and adds a new player home for you to acquire. Some patches here .Illustrated Town Panels Now ported to SE.Nordic Carving - Wallbaskets Nordic Carving - Great Portal of Dragonsreach Two mods from the same author changing/adding some decoration elements.
Fort/prison overhauls:
Imperial Stone - The Forts of Skyrim Redone ID 6481 ID 6481Absolutely great mod that overhauls many prominent Skyrim forts, making them look as they initially should: Fort Greymoor, Fort Sungard, Fort Greenwall, Fort Snowhawk, Fort Hraggstad, Fort Amol, Fort Kastav, Fort Neugrad, Fort Dunstad, Northwatch Keep. Tactical Valtheim ID 9101 ID 9101An epic redesign of Valtheim Towers into Valtheim Keep, an attempt to turn it into an actual fortress while maintaining something like the original atmosphere and style. DSR patch is available.Serenity - A Silent Moons Camp Overhaul A mod to make Silent Moons Camp into a larger bandit camp, as well as making the lunar enchantment and forge better, and make Silent Moons Camp claimable.Halted Stream Mine Halted Stream Camp is sitting on top of a decent iron mine. This mod will let you claim the mine for a faction of your choice, preventing bandits from spawning there again.Blood and Silver - Cidhna Mine Expanded ==NEW== Cidhna Mine, Skyrim’s most notorious prison and the source of Markarth’s vast wealth, finally lives up to its reputation with this MASSIVE expansion. New places, new people, new challenges. Note: if you’re using LUX and have glitches inside the mine even with the patch installed, make sure you have have from LUX version above 5.2, this will fix the issue.Skamp’s Claw Keep A complete rework of the Abandoned Prison. Compatible with ASLAL.Snowhawk Expanded - City Ruins Expansion of the area east of Fort Snowhawk to include the ruins of the former city of Snowhawk which was present in TES I: Arena and mentioned in TES IV: Oblivion. Not compatible with the Imperial Stone mod above.Bannermist ==NEW== Overhaul of Bannermist Tower with increased Bandit presence.
All mods here are NOT obligatory for installation - but it’s recommended to go through them still, as it will greatly improve hundreds of more objects not touched before, or improve better then previous “big” mods with often absolutely exceptional quality. The section below is the biggest one in meaning of mods quantity - so don’t be afraid when you’ll open it. This is a process of plesantly smashing each ugly texture left, as much as possible. Creatures, dragons, armors and weapons, food, ingots, plants and hundreds of other objects till the tiniest details, like ruined books or gold pouches. Many mods will ask you to overwrite - as your game has huge amount of objects retextured already. Just approve overwriting and keep going. It often also may come up to personal taste - so look on each mod page, choose what you like and what not. Enjoy.
First, a large chunk of standalone retexture mods for a single/few objects which don’t quite fit into some spefific category, or affect lots of objects. There are plenty of mods here, so they were grouped into a expandable subsection - click “show” to unwrap it:
A Quality World Map ID 5804 ID 5804Beautiful look for the world map it deserves. I’m using the “Vivid with Stone Roads” version.Dlizzio’s Mesh Fixes ==NEW== Corrects mesh and material errors throughout the game world. Do NOT overwrite other mods if conflicts will arise, to only get fixes for meshes not yet touched by other mods you already have.Flickering Meshes Fix ==NEW== Fixes some visual flickering problem in certain zones of Skyrim.Smoking Torches and Candles Simple as that. Tiny, but immersive and a must-have addition. Note: This mod will overwrite some other mod meshes. For example, both big “Rudy HQ” mods. You can do this, just install the respective patches for this mod from Rudy HQ mod Files sections.High Poly Project ID 12029 ID 12029Makes dozens of models great again. Comes with HD textures as well. Also grab this large fixes collection ==NEW==, this one ==NEW==, this tiny fix and texture optimisation patch , as well as this addon ==NEW== (it’s recommended to compress textures to 2k first through CAO, though). Note: when installing this mod, if you have Pfuscher’s texture pack/s, do not overwrite those. Same goes for the fixes.Inferno - Fire Effects Redux ID 29316 ID 29316The ultimate fire effects improvement with patches for some popular mods. Note: it’s recommended to install it after “The Rest” section of graphics guide if you’re planning to follow through whole graphics part of the guide.Arctic - Frost Effects Redux Improved and realistic textures applied to frost spells and effects along with new 3D meshes.RUGNAROK Best rug improvement mod.PELTAPALOOZA JS Rumpled Rugs ==NEW== Now how about those improved rug models would also have even bettter textures, but also 50+ different variations? Get this one. Note: there’s also an optional interactive addon, where some rugs can be “messy” and cause player and NPCs to trip oer when running on those. Personally, I’d advise to skip this addon, but ofc, it’s up to you.FleshFX Absolutely freaking amazing. 8 years after, we finally have flesh visuals that don’t make us cringe.Improved Sparks Simple as that.Holy Wards - a retexture MUCH better ward look.DOOR By Ramccoid ==NEW== OIL by Ramccoid ==NEW== SOUL by Ramccoid ==NEW== 2k versions recomennded for all 3 mods.Near Vanilla Project - Portal to Sovngarde Redone ==NEW== 4k version recommended.Strange Runes - Spellcasting Enhanced Cast spells in style with magic runes! Glowing glyphs will appear when casting spells or scrolls. Apocalypse, Lost Grimoire and Forgotten Magic Redone compatible. For Skyrim VR, use this ==NEW== version instead.RayMaster901 profile Beautiful texture for rags and various elegant floor textures.RUSTIC DAEDRA RUSTIC WINDOWS RUSTIC RELIEFS ==NEW== Stunning Statues of Skyrim All Skyrim statues with a high-poly models and much better textures. All-in-one. Use this mod or the one below.Remiros’ Statues HD Install on top of Stunning Statues of Skyrim and overwrite.Iconic Statues An alternative mod to the mod above, has Stunning Statues of Skyrim support as well.Forgotten Retex Project Stands for its name. Covers many objects “forgotten” by popular mods and just never being retextured before.Less Ugly Tundragrass Simple as that. Somehow missed by most of landscape/flora texture pack, ugly coverage texture is now much better.WEBS S.E. Skyrim SE Improved Puddles Better Shaped Female Creatures A matter of taste mod. But definitely much better shaped :)White Phial Replacer If using ENB, also grab this ==NEW==.EnneadShadowmarks Choose this mod or the one below.Real Shadowmarks Choose this mod or the one above.Ancient Dwemer Metal Best Dwemer automatons (and metal) models and textures ever. Install [only] textures from it (hide meshes folder if you’re using MO, and for NMM, unzip the archive, remove meshes folder, zip back, add to NMM, and so, install textures only). Then, grab SE converted meshes from here after mod installation itself. Lastly, return to that page again in the end of building your modded setup to grab needed patches.Texture Overhaul (Clutter) Some beautiful clutter retextures. May look too clean for some players though.Dovahnique’s Diverse Deathbells ==NEW== Dovahnique’s Diverse Deadly Nightshade ==NEW== Dovahnique’s Diverse Decaying Fungal Pods ==NEW== Dovahnique’s Diverse Dark Elf Lanterns ==NEW== Dovahnique’s Diverse Vendor Carts ==NEW== Randomized, high poly replacers for dark elf lanterns, well-known plants and even vendor carts, using Base Object Swapper. ENB particle light animated meshes support.Misc Retexture Project Morrowind Style Skooma Bottle ==NEW== HD Sleeping Tree Sap Replacer ==NEW== Dead Shrub Be Gone - Base Object Swapper ==NEW== Simple mod to get rid of or replace the dreaded ugly shrub type.Aetherial Crown SE Also install the WACCF patch ==NEW==.Rally’s Crates ==NEW== Realistic HD Mushrooms Remastered Realistic HD Food Remastered Also install a fix ==NEW==.Realistic HD Blacksmith Remastered Rudy HQ - Hay 3D Tundra Cotton ==NEW== 3D Thistle ==NEW== 3D Ferns ==NEW== Strongly recommended to compress textures twice of the original size.R’s Farmhouse and Handcarts These textures are already improved in your game, but who knows - maybe you’ll like this mod more :) Note: Also install the Hotfix file.R’s Windmill Same here, but for a windmill. DynDOLOD patch available.HQ Cozy Farmhouses One more alternative for farmhouse textures.Medieval Farmhouses ==NEW== And one more - I’m personally using it currently.Gemstones Replacers HD Realistic Horse Breeds by KrittaKitty More Saddles SSE - Horse Better than Nando’s Snazzy Model Ship Snazzy Quill of Gemination Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul Take into account that this mod also makes some clutter placements which may conflict to minor clipping conflicts with some interior overhaul mods.Dark Brotherhood Tenets 16K 8K 4K 2K 1K 512 Redone HD Sabre Cat Tooth Mesh and Texture This author has dozens of other similar mods for Skyrim LE. You can port the meshes yourself using CAO.HD Ruined Book Retexture 4k - 2k MAPS Realistic Boat Bobbing Plenty of patches are available.Better ropes for skyrim Realistic Skin And Hair Shaders - Giants Realistic Skin Shaders - Falmer and Hagravens 3D Mountain Flowers Also install this ==NEW==.HD Serpentine Dragon and Mesh Fix Simple Sacks SE Creepy Chaurus Eggs Silky Spider Eggs Refracting Ice Form Debris Photoreal Foxes 2K HD Retexture Cozy Campfires Note: included in Pfuscher’s AIO texture pack.Unique Dragon Aspect Salmon Retex - Realistic Salmon Better Wall Basket Feathers Dopesan’s Farmhouse Stonewall Optional. Use this one or the mod below.Farmhouse Stonewalls 4K 2k by CleverCharff Optional. Use this one or the mod above.Ultimate HD Torch LE mod. Works fine in SE.A Potato Plant ==NEW== KG’s Frost Mirriam ==NEW== KG’s Elves Ear ==NEW== Recommended to compress textures to 2k - 4k for potato and other, even smaller plants, is an absolute overkill and a waste if your VRAM.Calcelmo’s Ancient Falmer Tablet ==NEW== 4k version recommended.Honningbrew Decanter Redone ==NEW== 2k version recommended.Less ugly Solitude Catacombs Stone The Business Ledger SD version recommended (it’s actually pretty much HD, file names are somewhat misleading).CleverCharff’s Photorealistic Ash Pile Beautiful ash pile retexture. Note: ElSopa mod (profile linked below) covers ash pile as well, so choose one you prefer.Mara 2k-4k Retexture The “low saturation” version is recommended.WeldingMans Enchanting Table Variants with ENB Light ==NEW== With Rudy candle texture, Praedy clutter textures and ENB particle lights support.Velanimus Farmhouse Overhaul Provides different meshes and textures to farmhouses.Vanilla Rain and Snow Remade Optional mod - simple, vanilla-like retexture for snow and rain.Simple Snow Improvements - Skyrim (BOS) ==NEW== A simple mod to improve the snow visuals on forgotten vanilla objects with Base Object Swapper support. You can also install the addon for giant obelisks, and there’s also patch for the Great City of Winterhold (udpated standalone version).Unreal 4K-8K Mammoth Skeleton ReTexture CG4 Snow Effects Snow sprinkles/drops from trees.CG4 Trees and Bushes A beautiful little tree addon - scatters 6 types of tree onto the land of Skyrim. DynDOLOD 3D LODs patch available.High poly Mudcrab n Retexture ==NEW== Wolves of Skyrim ==NEW== Animated Tentacles for the GlowingMushrooms ==NEW== Thickets to Marsh Plants ==NEW== This mod changes the ugly thickets in the marsh by Solitude/Morthal to a much nicer marsh plant. Get the BOS version.Animated Coffins ==NEW== Animated Water Lily ==NEW== Clams HD ==NEW== Note: included in Pfuscher’s AIO texture pack.Pulsating Beating Heart ENB Light ==NEW== Ore Vein Texture Fix ==NEW== Better Blended Mushrooms ==NEW== Eternal Flames ==NEW== Replaces fire in nordic ruins with a blue eternal fire.Wine Bottle Refine ==NEW== Xyn’s Reworked Elemental Cloak Spells ==NEW== XNFRain’s Civil War Map Flag Replacer ==NEW== High Poly Dragonborn Ingredients Retextured ==NEW== ENB lights for Aetherium shards ==NEW== Solstheim mushrooms by Mari ==NEW== 4k version recommended.High Poly Solstheim Mushroom Trees ==NEW== Compatible with the mod above as it improves only model, not the texture.High Poly Dwemer Hitch Post ==NEW== Garlic - A Garlic Mod ==NEW== The Dragon Aesthetic Project Optional mod - makes dragons really huge and epic-looking. Mostly for screenshots, as these models can and will cause clipping in actual gameplay.Unique Riften Bee and Barb Specials Solitude Dome Paintings Not quite lore-friendly either, but beautiful and may be interesting for some players.Night Mummy- A Night Mother Makeover Night Mother ==NEW== Install both mods.Vanilla HD Tree Branches Compress textures to 2k, as 8k for tree branches is simply an overkill.Strongbox Replacer HD Stone Quarry and Clay Deposit HD Wheat 2K 4K NORDIC TENT 4K RETEXTURE Hermaeus Mora - Water and tentacles - My HD version Even tentacles need HDKanjs - Queen Bee ==NEW== Don’t forget to also grab the ENB particle lights patch.Amy’s Replacement Spell Runes Slightly Better Rock Cairns ==NEW== Fixed Nordic Metal Grate ==NEW== Better Butterflies ==NEW== Currently the best butterfly look improvement made for these lil flying beauties.Beehive Replacer - Mihail’s Shards of Immersion ==NEW== Apiaries Retexture by Pfuscher ==NEW== Make sure to compress some of the textures in the mod folder, that are 8k resolution, to 2k.Enhanced Spidersac High Poly Gleamblossoms Better Dirt Cliffs and Alphas WiZkiD - Hall of the Dead Stained Glass Windows 4K HQ Cowhide Yeehaw Dem fur.Renthal Nettle Juicy. Recommended to compress texture to 2k.CleverCharff’s Farmhouse Stone Floors Alternative to farmhouse stonefloor if you don’t like this texture from big packs.Meridia’s Luxon Beacon Replacer New and pretty original look for the beacon.SavrenX Gore HD face…ahem, gorelift to various related objects.ENB Particle Lights - Dwemer Lanterns Adds ENB Complex Particle Lights to all Dwemer lanterns and chandeliers.Real Rabbits HD Brand new HD realistic textures for the rabbit. 5 new colors.Skyrim 3D Docks and Boardwalks Hearthfire Crispy Dumplings SC - Cubemaps Pick one of resolution versions.Vivid Landscapes - Whiterun’s Gildergreen Tree A few optional textures from Vivid Landscapes author, which you may like more than similar texture in bigger packs.Velexia’s Candlelight and Magelight Edit Edits the candlelight and magelight spells to have the exact same lighting as torches, while making the bright white mesh orbs invisible. It also changes the inventory art as well as the lighting effects while equipped and casting.Glacies - Snow Retexture Really great-looking snow mod, one of the best I’ve seen and definitely a great alternative.Ancient Trees Of Skyrim Dark fantasy models for both Gildergreen and Eldergleam.Retexture for Bread - Hearthfire Viven Rain for ENB Nocturnal’s Portal HD Better Looking Long Bow Realistic Paper Parchment and Scroll Texture Install only the paper file.Retexture for The Scroll And now this one for scrolls retextures.4k Bedroll Cork Retexture Petty Pigeons Note: included in Pfuscher’s AIO texture pack.Some Braziers Aetherium Falmer Cave Ceiling Glow CC’s UHD Coal Piles Get the SMIM version.Renthal’s Reach Mountain Moss Desaturated version recommended. May not be needed with most of the grass mods as they usually provide own texture for this one too.High Poly Sweet Rolls Improved Dwemer Glass ==NEW== Improves the blue dwemer ‘glass’ or whatever it is which you see on the astrolabe and observatory aswell as other things. Get the ENB particle light patch from Files tab, and then also install the USSEP patch (ENB light version, main file is not needed) on top.Eldergleam Sap - High poly ==NEW== Umbral Embrace - A Nocturnal Visual Overhaul Dibella Statue Replacer Bottles Of Skyrim ==NEW== Adds unique bottles to each beverage.Higher resolution large portcullis collision mesh ==NEW== Water in Wash Basins - Mesh-only Replacer ==NEW== Also install this on top (get the version for this mod).Particle Lights for ENB - Wisps - Witchlight Particle Lights for ENB - Light Orbs - Motes Upgraded Moondial HD Reworked Shellbug Unique Stros M’Kai Rum Stalhrim Source ==NEW== Transparent retexture of the stalhrim ore and deposits from the Dragonborn DLC.Particle Lights for ENB - Stalhrim Deposits and Ore ==NEW== ENB particle lights effect for the stalhrim deposits and ore from Solstheim, has a pach for the mod above.WiZkiD Hagraven Clutter and Bones Oil Lamp Trap Retexture Windhelm Brazier Replacer Pick the proper version from Files section, depending on mod you’re using.Blended Shorelines - No more jagged water edges Note: Make sure that whatever water mod plugin you’re using (like Realistic Water Two) is loaded after this mod plugin.Better Windhelm Ground Meshes Dragon Priest Staff Replacer Improved Gourds MM - REAL ELKS Rally’s Shaggy Cows of Skyrim SavrenX Solstheim Creatures ==NEW== Spiders of Solstheim - Transparency Fix ==NEW== Also install the ENB paticle light patch (Scrambled Bugs version, overwrite the main mod).3D Riften Trellis and Roofs ==NEW== For such mods (that change settlements meshes), overwrite only Particle Patch and SMIM, and don’t overwrite meshes from your major mesh/texture packs, like Pfuscher’s.3D Solitude Market Trellis Also install this ==NEW==.3D Whiterun Trellis Also install this ==NEW==.Hawk Replacer and Eagles ==NEW== Bone Hawk Replacer ==NEW== Felsaad Tern Replacer ==NEW== High-poly replacers for these 3 birbs.Ants Replacer ==NEW== Recommended to compress textures to 1k.Northfire’s Skidmarks Solstheim Objects SMIMed - High Poly Dark Elf Furniture ==NEW== Ingredients Dwemer Pipework Reworked Beautiful glowing textures in this rework of Dwemer pipes, including Dwemer boilers.Nordic Metalworks ==NEW== Overwrite SMIM and Ruins Clutter Improved, but don’t overwrite more “detailed” mods like Rudy’s.Rally’s Weapon Racks ==NEW== Thrones of Skyrim Bears of the North Install the hotfix from the Files section and also grab patches for SIC/SkyTest/Savage Skyrim here if needed.Salmon Roe model replacer 3D Varied Chests This mod gives unique models to some loot containers and names them respective to the faction they belong to according to game records.
Texture packs changing the look of cities, guild halls and some other noticeable locations or location types (like bandit forts). Those textures, in like 95% cases are already covered by mods you have at this point, so these retextures are for you to choose from if you like their look more than current one or simply provide more high-quality retextures compared to “base” packs here and there. While all of them are just texture/model replacers which don’t add anything to the places themselves, don’t underestimate how much refreshed look they can give! Some places have more than one mod for you to pick from, so once again choose one that you prefer the most between several variants - or you can try to manually mix’n’match them yourself :)
Rally’s Solstheim Landscapes ==NEW== ID 82383 ID 82383If using ENB, make sure to install the parallax patch ID 82383 ID 82383 too.Skyrim Textures Redone - SkyHaven CC’s HQ Alduins Wall Arri’s Snow Elf Ruins Retexture CC’s Fort Dawnguard Reborn Praedy’s Fort Dawnguard Praedy’s Soul Cairn ==NEW== Praedy’s College of Winterhold 4k version is recommended, 2k is you get noticeable FPS drops with 4k one.Sovngarde HD Spice of Life - Orc Strongholds Patch for “FYX” mod series here ==NEW== .Mrf’s Castle Volkihar Skyrim Remastered - Castle Volkihar and Clutter Vanilla-upscale style.Castle Volkihar HD CC’s Castle Volkihar Reborn Northfire’s Castle Volkihar Illustrious Whiterun ==NEW== Riften of Reverie ==NEW== Two beautiful retexture mods for Whiterun and Riften, from “Trees Addon” author.Mrf’s Riften Northfire’s Windhelm Also install the fix file.Sublime Solitude - A HD Rework ==NEW== A highly detailed, hand made Solitude retexture. Highly inspired by the original concept art for the game.Extravagant Interiors - Solitude Also grab ELFX and Solitude Dome Paintings patches if using these mods.Markarth Fixed AF ==NEW== Markarth finally fully fixed, all buildings, terrains, clutters and landscape meshes have been carefully fixed and improved for proper general, lighting and shadows look. Just install it and you’ll instantly see a difference. Note: do not overwrite this mod meshes by other mods.Rally’s Tel Mithryn ==NEW== 4k version recommended for modern rigs.Riften Architectural Details ==NEW== Riften 3D Docks ==NEW== Breath Of The Wind - Temple Textures ==NEW== An airy retexture of the Temple of Kynareth. Compatible with interior overhauls.Pride of the Companions - Shields of Jorrvaskr ==NEW== Better Wooden Spikes Texture ==NEW==
Banners textures. Choose one. Note: for banner retexture mods, if you have some other mods that change textures of certain places (like College, Dawnguard HQ and such, better to NOT overwrite such mods with the banner mods for better consistensy with the texture packs for those places):
Designs of the Nords ID 8724 ID 8724Ennead - Banners Sigils of Skyrim - Banner Retexture ==NEW== Get the banner retextures from Files tab if you prefer them.
Guard shields textures. Choose one:
CC’s HQ Guard Shields ID 1129 ID 1129Ennead - Shields Sigils of Skyrim - Shield Retexture ==NEW== Get the shield retextures from Files tab if you prefer them.
Some variants for lockpicking retexture/remodel. Choose one:
Lockpicking Interface Redone ID 18028 ID 18028JS Lockpicking UI I’m using this one.Lock o Motion Security Overhaul SKSE - Lock Variations ==NEW== SKSE based framework for replacing overused lock model with unique lock variants. Doesn’t conflict with vanilla lock retexture mods. Optionally, install addons from here , here (make sure to grab this lil mod too for Soul Cairn locks to appear on the chests to begin with) and here . If you’re on Skyrim “VR”, install this as well.
Some variants for standing stones. Choose one:
Astral Aspect - 4K Standing Stones ID 18098 ID 18098Rudy HQ - Standing Stones My personal favourite.
Some variants for road signs. Choose one:
Weathered Road Signs ID 10180 ID 10180Not just provides improved textures, but places some new signposts here and there logically. Also grab the little fix for it.Road Signs Overhaul ==NEW== Similar mod with own approach.Skyland HD Road Signs My Road Signs are Beautiful This mod has a texture patch for Weathered Road Signs, so you can use this one on top of it.Five Cities Roadsigns HQ CC’s HQ Roadsigns HD Road Signs ElSopa HD - Unique Hand Painted Road Signs Definitely original work, yet also very vibrant and may look not lore-friendly for many players. A matter of personal taste.
Better looking potions. Choose one:
RUSTIC ANIMATED POTIONS and POISONS ID 2276 ID 2276Vanilla+ potions retexture from Gamwich.Awesome Potions Simplified ==NEW== Another beautiful potion replacer and my personal favourite, with animations and much fantasy look. Updated version of the original mod. Also grab the ENB particle light patch .ElSopa - Potions Redone ==NEW== Another great vanilla+ potion replacer mod from ElSopa.HQ- Engraved Bottles Ultimate and extreme potions One more potion models/textures replacer, but this time only for “ultimate” potions type.Smaller and Better Blood Potion ==NEW== Can be used on top of other “main” potion replacers.Smaller Potion of Blood Simple as that. Can be used with the mod above, patch available in Optional Files tab.
City signs mods. Choose one:
SkyFix SE - HD Blacksmith Signs ID 10606 ID 10606 + Beautiful Honey Signs ElSopa HD - Unique Hand Made Signs Overhaul ID 21704 ID 21704My personal favourite. I’d recommend to also install desaturated pack of textures on top, from mod’s Files tab.Skyrim 3D Signs Volumetric, somewhat ascetic models.WiZkiD Signs I’m using this mod from time to time as an alternative to ElSopa’s signs, or mix them together. With this mod, you can also install this one ==NEW== on top.Mystical Illumination - Glowing Signs A [very] original look of the signs, high-fantasy, I’d say. Make sure you’ve installed the proper version of main file.
Better ice and glaciers look. Choose one:
Glacierslab ID 24178 ID 24178My personal favourite.Icy Mesh Remaster - Ice Glaciers and LOD ==NEW== This mod remasters all of skyrims ice meshes. You can use it with ice texture mods that it provides patches for, but not with ice mesh overhauls. Has a patch for GlacierSlab mod above.Holy Glaciers ==NEW== Just Ice ==NEW== RIS - Real Ice and Snow ==NEW== Skyrim Remastered - Glaciers and Ice ==NEW== Also grab the textures upscale patch .
Ore/ingots retextures. Choose one:
CC’s Enhanced Ore Veins ID 1306 ID 1306I’d recommend “less glowing ore” version here. Optional ENB particle light patch ==NEW== available.Metallurgy - Ingots Ore and Veins HD The Refinery - Ingots. Ores. Veins. ==NEW== My current favourite.
Arvak look. Choose one:
The Elder Scrolls V Rewritten - Arvak ID 11999 ID 11999Optional addon available.Arvak Replace Arvak - My version
Shadowmere look. Choose one:
Archet’s Dark Brotherhood - Improved Shadowmere ID 11979 ID 11979Shadowmere Rework ShadowmereReplace
Better shrines look. Choose one:
Rens HD Shrines ID 13572 ID 13572Remiros’ Shrines HD JS Shrines of the Divines I’m using this one, though some players may find this mod textures “too glorious” compared to nordic Skyrim style. Retexture pack available here ==NEW==.
Dragon corpse textures. Choose one:
RUSTIC DRAGON CORPSE ID 17639 ID 17639I’m using this one.Frankly HD Dragon Bones
Dragon priests masks. Choose one:
4K Dragon Priest Masks of Immersion ID 4513 ID 4513Masks of the Dovah Sonaak I’m using this one. incredible details. Vanilla-wise look. A lot of options and great compatibility with armor mods.Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks A great alternative - beautiful texture and very original look.Unique Dragon Priest Masks - HD textures
Ships/boats look. Choose one:
Joy of Ships ID 28308 ID 28308DK’s Realistic Nord Ships Skyland - Ships and Shacks Rowboats of skyrim Boats and Ships 8k 4k 2k Pick between 2k an 4k versions, don’t use 8k one.
Common dragon retextures. Choose one:
RUSTIC DRAGONS ID 37700 ID 37700My personal favourite.Regal Dragons GoT Dragons ==NEW== Unusual, but of an incredible quality visual mod - changes the look of Skyrim dragons to how they looked in the Game of Thrones.
New texture/model for Alduin. Choose one:
Alduin DragonSkin retex by DarkDukla ID 28594 ID 28594Alduin’s Imprefvicticious and Chapper’s Demonic Retexture mashup Deiform Alduin Drogon Alduin - Monstrrous GoT Dragons ==NEW== Alduin based on GOT Dragons mod above.
Odahviing retextures. Choose one:
Thanatos Odahviing Replacer ==NEW== ID 60331 ID 60331Odahviing Replacers ORP - The Odahviing Retexture Project ==NEW== Nithhogg Odahviing Replacer ==NEW== Replaces Odahviing with Nithhogg by Zerofrost.
Paarthurnax retextures. Choose one:
Paarthurnax DragonSkin by DarkDukla ID 28728 ID 28728Black lava is my fav.Jormungandr Paarthurnax Replacer ==NEW== Replaces Odahviing with Nithhogg by Zerofrost.Rhaegal Paarthurnax - Monstrrous GoT Dragons ==NEW== 8k version recommended for modern rigs.
Durnehviir retextures. Choose one:
Thanatos as Durnehviir ==NEW== ID 50275 ID 50275Replaces Durnehviir with Zerofrost’s beautiful Thanatos dragon.Even More Undead GoT Durnehviir ==NEW== Durnehviir based on “GOT Dragons” mod assets.
Improved horses look. Choose one:
SC - Horses ==NEW== Probably the most beautiful and detailed horse replacer currently existing. You don’t need to pay to download it - it’s free, just hosted on authoress Patreon. Downlonad the mod archive manually, add it to your mod manager and install as usually.Light Horses of Skyrim ID 33692 ID 33692Light riding horses in Skyrim now! Correct light horse anatomy and 13 unique fur colors.Skyrim Horses Renewal ==NEW== New mesh, texture and animation for Skyrim horses.zzjay’s Horse Overhaul ==NEW== Well-made, vanilla-improved textures.
Shock spells and fx. Choose one:
ELECTRIFY S.E. ID 5253 ID 5253Voltage Thunderbolt - HD Lightning Based on the Voltage mod above (standalone).
Fine, let’s move.
Various “specialised” armor, weapons, clothing, jewels and other artifacts retextures - meaning that those items are most likely already retexture by the mods you have now, yet, these mods provide either better quality or distinct appearance by introducing new models together with improved textures. There can be several options for a same object - for example, several mods retexturing daedric armor, so there you will have several options to pick from. Note: There are some additional options for some armors and weapons (like Frankfamily faction armors or Vpulse08 weapon replacers), yet as they are highly numerous but made by same authors, those are linked later in this section.
RUSTIC CLOTHING ID 4703 ID 4703Opulent Outfits Vanilla Texture Replacer 2k version recommended.Better fur - Fine clothes ==NEW== ==FPS== Adds detailed 3D fur to the vanilla Fine Clothes. Fluffy! Compatible with all mods that change only textures (like the mods above) - but take into account that this mod may noticeably affect performance in populated areas if you have not a high-end rig.Unique Uniques Updated Skyrim SE port of a popular mod which replaces some unique weapons models and improves textures to make them look really unique.ArteFakes - Unique Artifacts Replacer A fresh similar mod which also cover many artifacts and unique weapons to look distinct, also covering numerous items not touched by the mod above.CL’s Weapon-replacer’s Installing this mod is optional, up to you. A great replacer mod for some vanilla weapons, giving them new models with unique look. Weapons affected - all ebony, orcish & daedric weapons, Dawnbreaker, Blade of Woe, Ebony Blade & Chillrend.Runed Nordic Weapons Also an optional mod - gives nordic weapons a glowing runes on the weapons edges.Real Bows Optional mod. More realistic, medieval-like vanilla bows replacers.Better-Shaped Bows of the Heavens ==NEW== A mod that keeps the vanilla look of bows, but makes them thinner.Praedy’s Staves AIO ==NEW== Overhaul of skyrim’s staves giving each staff type and enchantment it’s own unique appearance. Lots of patches for popular magic and other mods here .“Resurgence” armor retexture series==NEW== By a talented IconicDeath. Great-looking yet lore-friendly. See yourself! Patches available here , here and here .Daedric Dagger from Morrowind ==NEW== Daedric Dagger re-stylized in morrowind art.JS Unique Utopia - Daggers ==NEW== A complete visual remake of the unique daggers of Skyrim. Comes in 1k, 2k & 4k versions.Steel Weapons Replacer ==NEW== Silver Swords Replacer ==NEW== Steel and silver weapons replacers, where new models are taken from Billyro mods.Akaviri Katana - Blades Sword Replacer ==NEW== Bloodskal Blade 3 ==NEW== Vpulse08 profile For plenty of absolutely sick (and often variation-adding) vanilla weapon replacers.Refracting Stalhrim Armors and Weapons ==NEW== Superb Shield of Solitude Replacer ==NEW== ThranduilElvenKind profile A mesh/texture overhauls for close to all vanilla projectiles like arrows/bolts. New look may appear not very lore-friendly to some players though.Woodcutter Axe Redone Ebony Weapons 2017 Retexture RUSTIC AMULETS High Poly Amulets of the Divines ==NEW== SavrenX Lux Weapons Beautiful HD retextures of some weapons. Note: if using JS Dagger Utopia, don’t get the dagger retextures from this mod.I Want Better Arrows Optional mod - realistic-looking arrow models & textures. Will fit better when used with bow mods like Real Bows.Alternate Blade of Woe Auriel’s Bow of Light Optional mod. Makes the pattern and bowstring of Auriel’s bow glow in a color of your choice.QuestionableKhajiit profile For some “realism” oriented vanilla weapon and armor models/textures.Project NordwarUA Armor project which aims to replace look of near to all vanilla Skyrim armors by realism-oriented models made by NordwarUA.Dark Brotherhood HD armor retexture ==NEW== Best retexture of Shrouded armor existing, imo. Black version recommended. Works just fine in SE>Ahzidal’s Armor Set - My version Yup.Ancient Falmer Armor Replacer Replaces the Ancient Falmer Armor from the Dawnguard DLC with this set. Inspired by Lor’themar Theron’s Armor from World of Warcraft.Daedric Armor Remastered Highly detailed repatinings of all daedric wearables, ebony mail, saviors hide, masque of CV, rings of hircine and namira, and finally the spell breaker shield.Elegant Necklaces Replaces basic silver and gold necklaces. Vanilla oversized models are replaced with smaller necklaces, with some shape and color tweaks.Paragon of Mannimarco - Replacer for the Necromancer’s Amulet
The last few links are gathered exactly here for 2 reasons. Some of these works are absolutely exceptional quality and so, should be installed the very last to ensure nothing overwrites them. Secondly, most of the links are links to mod author profiles - some of them have dozens of retexture/remodel mods, and so, this will simply save a lot of space for the guide and time for you. Some of the mods you may already have though -as some of them I’ve made sure to link separately because of the great quality.
Rougeshot meshes Already almost 30 creature types received much more realistic meshes. Get’em’allYou won’t need all mods from this author, but still, there’s decent amount of various “forgotten” things retextures.Rallyeator profile Same, for many other objects.Gamwich profile Gamwich is a highly talented texture artist and also incredibly productive - over 20 texture packs (LE has twice as more of them, but you can use most of them as is without need of a conversion), from small standalone retexture (vampire hounds, spiders or horkers) to a wide-covering mods (like rustic clothing which covers several dozens of clothes in the game). Some of his most noticeable texture mods are already linked above, but he has so much more - and you may prefer his textures look over other mods. Take a peek for sureFor remodels/retextures of most various objects that mostly outclass any other mod changing the look of same things.TheBlenderAnimator profile ==NEW== For almost hundred of mods for various single objects, giving them high-poly mods and quality textures.Hanaisse profile ==NEW== For classy ingredients and some other small things retextures.Yuril profile ==NEW== For 3D meshes for many “forgotten”, usually settlements-related materials.PSBoss ==NEW== For high-qulality, NSFW look of statues and some creatures.Haladoon profile ==NEW== Even more small retextures.avebrave profile For many absolutely sick vanilla unique/quest jewel replacers. Patches for popular mods here ID 42100 ID 42100 ==NEW== .Remiros profile You thought that’s it? HaAnd even more. Elsopa mostly focuses on absolutely forgotten things in great quality. Meredia’s Beacon? Dust piles? Perk menu constellations? All that and much more.RemmyKun profile ==NEW== For lots of HD retextures and ENB particle light meshes for most different objects, as well as texture fixes for some mods.Kajuan profile Definitely the best-looking textures for many creature types.ArtByMari profile Probably too saturated for some players, but definitely beautiful, fantasy-looking retextures for some of ugly skyrim plants. Note: you may want to optimize the meshes in her mods with CAO. Also, there are some ENB particle light patches for her plants here ==NEW==, as well as some colour tweaks here ==NEW==.SDlutz profile Ultra high poly models and realistic, medieval textures for some Skyrim clutter.Hype1 profile Literally magnificent door meshes and textures for cities. Amount of mods is growing gradually, so check his profile from time to time. Optionally, install this ==NEW== .Frankly HD mods When it comes to vanilla armors (and sometimes weapons) retextures and better models, FrankFamily is simply out of competition. His mods are breathtakingly HD and detailed, while preserving original look. Unrivaled Nightingale, Dawnguard, Thieves Guild, Shrouded, Imperial, Dragonbone armors and some other great retexture mods are here.6Four9 profile ==NEW== For various animated clutter/furniture.JS Emissive Eyes ==NEW== Adds Glowing Eyes (with ENB Particle Light) to enemy NPC’s that change color based on combat status. Fully configurable MCM menu included. Also take a look on patches here and here .Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous For all clutter it covers, this Rudy mod is also unrivaled - in both terms of models and textures. Install it last, grab all optional addons you want and don’t forget a patch for Smoking Torches and Candles (if you have it). Also install this ==NEW==.Rudy’s “More Lights” mods Also check out his profile for revolutionary mesh mods that allows “Complex Particle Lights” feature from ENB to work on these objects. After installing the chosen mods, you can also grab some fixes for them here ==NEW==.Embers HD One ember mod to rule them all. Follow the installer and pick options you need. EnjoyA complete remake of fireplaces with new, 3D meshes and HD textures - compatible with the mod above. Optional retexture for logs available. Note: now, as you’ve installed these two (Embers HD and KD Fireplaces mods), reinstall the Inferno mod if you’re using it, and choose proper patch options for this mods in installer. NiceWeldingMans Smelter with ENB Light ==NEW== The ultimate smelter mod - finally with support not only for Embers HD, but also ENB particle light shader. YummySprites or Specters - ENB Light ==NEW== Scrambled Bugs Version recommended.Apocrypha ENB Light ==NEW== Misc Effects ENB Light ==NEW== Mostly arbitrary effects, see if you want those.Simplicity of Snow ==NEW== A light-weight snow mod designed to minimize conflicts. Uses your own snow texture and removes snow from under roofs.Shaders of Solstheim - Ash and Moss ==NEW== Light-weight ash and moss material shaders.Aviform profile Check it to get decent amount of qualitative retexture mods for various little things - animal ingredients, food and even insectsAuthor of the most popular texture pack for Skyrim SE, Pfuscher, has couple tens of smaller texture mods of amazing quality. Barrels, plants, animals, tents, clutter. Check them out.LossRec profile For lots of beautiful ENB light addons for different objects.IconicDeath profile For many beautiful textures for certain “forgotten” objects - from Gray Fox bust to creature retextures.CALEB2 profile For various “glowing” textures for some objects and critters.PraedythXVI profile For incredibly HQ textures and models for some vanilla weapons, armors and misc items.Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes This mod corrects numerous graphic glitches around Tamriel worldspace. It’s also still in development, so make sure to track it to always have latest version.Animated Forge Water ==NEW== Skyrim forge water still looks terrible. Fortunately, this solves the problem. Has patches for Embers HD and Elsopa anvil mods.
Better body models, head models. Better textures for skin, eyes, hair, brows, beards etc. Usually, you can install as many eyes and hair mods as you want - just be sure these mods are standalone. Situation with body and skin mods is different - you can have only one in each category (on top of UNP or CBBE, usually), so choose which you like the most. Absolutely all choices here are nothing else but matter of taste - so read the mod pages, look at screenshots and choose whatever you like. Note: Mods in this section often have textures from 1k to 4k and even 8k resolution for skin, 2k or 4k resolution for beards etc - use such high-res version only in case you’re aiming on screenarchery. For regular gameplay, taking something like 8k skin or 2k brows makes no practical sense and will just waste your VRAM. FPS hit will depend completely and only on your resolution choice.
Body/skin mods (female):
UNP Female Body Renewal - A female face and body replacer ID 1699 ID 1699Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer -CBBE- Also grab this ==NEW== if you want more feminine hands. Note: Most of other skin mods are based on either UNP or CBBE, so always read the mod page and get the proper file in case mod has different versions for UNP and CBBE.SeveNBase a custom FemaleBodyReplacer ID 10151 ID 10151UNP Blessed Body Fair Skin Complexion Mature Skin You can also grab optional specular maps replacer here .My Personal Skin Texture Skin texture aimed on realism - having stretch marks etc.Bijin Skin UNP and CBBE This mod, in my personal opinion, maintains the “golden middle” balance - it makes females look much more attractive and fresh, but not turning them into “anime-like” characters with washed out skin. But once again, everyone to their own :)Pride of Valhalla - Super HD Skin Set for UNP-UNPB-7B-CBBE Reverie - Skin ==NEW== LOVERGIRL Skin - HD Complexion for Women ==NEW== REALORE SKIN ULTIMA V2 ==NEW== The Pure CBBE и UNP — текстуры женской кожи 4K или 8K Тронутый Дибеллой Обновление женских текстур SG - CBBE Закаленные скины для женщин - UNP Соблазнительные губы HD
Модификации тела/скина (мужской):
Скины SkySight - мужские текстуры Ultra HD 4K 2K и модели реальных ног ID 6580 ID 6580Это то, чем я лично пользуюсь.Закаленные скины для мужчин Better Males Remesh для Skyrim SE Vitruvia - Капитальный ремонт текстуры кожи для мужчин REALORE MEN’S Skin Texture ==НОВИНКА== LOVERBOY Male Skin - HD Цвет лица для мужчин ==НОВИНКА==
Модификации глаз:
Глаза красоты ID 16185 ID 16185Вы также можете попробовать улучшенную версию ==NEW== .Улучшенные глаза Скайрим Глаза Калы Добавляет 51 новый глаз, включая несколько слепых и гетерохромных вариантов для мужчин и женщин.Глаза Калы - глаза эльфа обновлены с помощью Orsimer Аналогичный мод от того же автора для эльфов и орков.HUE - Уникальные глаза ручной работы Заменяет все ванильные глаза всех рас и полов, включая вампиров, на пользовательские параметры. Обновленная версия мода. Если вам нужна только версия-заменитель, вы можете получить обновленную версию здесь .Ведьмак 3 глаза Нестандартные глаза лета Стихийные глаза Глаза смотрящего Мистические глаза ==НОВИНКА== The Eyes Of Beauty - Обновленные глаза вампира ==НОВОЕ== Улучшенная версия существующего мода.Пробуждение подземного мира - гибрид глаз вампира Fangs and Eyes - Модификация внешности вампира Рубиново-красные глаза вампира Feral Eyes — Звериные глаза для гуманоидных рас ==НОВОЕ== Глаза вампира Калы ==НОВОЕ== Heterochromia Reborn — полная переработка кастомизации глаз Два новых ползунка в RaceMenu позволяют независимо управлять левым и правым глазом и выбирать из гибкого списка текстур для каждого глаза.
Модификации волос:
ApachiiНебоВолосы ID 2014 ID 2014Доступен дополнительный ретекстурный аддон .КС Прически Дополнительные ретекстурные аддоны доступны здесь и здесь , а также многоцветный аддон . Есть также HDT-версия .KS Hairdos Lite Коллекция комбинированных причесок VHR - Ванильный заменитель волос Заменитель волос Shiva’s Vanilla Эта страница патчей может пригодиться.Исправления ванильных причесок ==НОВОЕ== Настойка Мисти — иммерсивные краски для волос для Skyrim ==НОВИНКА== Замените ванильные цвета волос новыми цветами.Высокополигональные ванильные волосы Этот мод можно (и нужно) использовать с ванильными ретекстурами волос, поскольку он изменяет только сетки волос, делая их более объемными. Вы также можете посмотреть демонстрацию этого здесь .
Моды на бороды/брови:
Бороды ID 1067 ID 1067волосатые бороды СВ Бороды двемерские бороды Бороды Блэкберда Еще 17 новых бород.Бороды власти Более сотни совершенно эффектных бород всех возможных форм и длины, а также с некоторыми украшениями. Вы можете посмотреть их видеопрезентацию здесь .Щетина для бороды HD ретекстур для щетины бороды.Брови Bang’n Brows Кёэ Калилиес Брови Добавляет 15 новых бровей для женских персонажей, включая асимметричные. Совершенно потрясающее качество. Если у вас есть High Poly Head, также установите этот файл .Брови Bang’n от Кёэ ==НОВИНКА== Если вы используете High Poly Head, также установите этот файл .
Шрамы/боевые раскраски/татуировки и т.д.:
Шрамы северян ID 720 ID 720Если вы используете High Poly Head, установите его и перезапишите.Профиль DomainWolf Для огромного разнообразия впечатляющих модов для настройки персонажа - боевые раскраски, веснушки, татуировки, раскраски всего тела, шрамы и многое другое.пирсинг на лице Elewin Jewelry - Пирсинг пупка для UNP Татуировка для UNP, CBBE и Better male Dragon Age Dalish Vallaslin Face Tattoo’s для Racemenu Боевые раскраски Niohoggr ==НОВИНКА== Коллекция наборов татуировок Лиру ==НОВИНКА== Татуировки Jane’sBody для тела UNP RaceMenu - анимированные оверлеи Позволяет выбрать оверлеи RaceMenu, чтобы они отображались только во время боя, а также предлагает выбор эффектов частиц для использования в бою или вне его.Боевые ранения Добавляет реалистичные боевые раны вашему персонажу или последователям.Боевая раскраска Руты Признаки красоты Ламентии Более 50 наложений на лицо для веснушек, родинок, пигментных пятен, родимых пятен и многого другого. Они предназначены для женских персонажей, но некоторые из них хорошо смотрятся и на мужчинах.
Лучшие моды расы (каджиты и аргониане):
Женственные каджитские текстуры (серый кот и леопард) ID 183 ID 183Мужские текстуры каджитов (серый кот и леопард) Мускулистые каджитские текстуры и скелет Улучшенная текстура женского тела каджитов для тела UNP и CBBE. Симпатичный каджит Женские аргонианские текстуры (Хамелеон и Ящерица) Мужские аргонианские текстуры (Хамелеон и Ящерица) Женские драконьи аргонианские текстуры Мужские драконьи аргонианские текстуры Зверолюди ==НОВОЕ== Возврат к Морровинду, этот мод улучшает аргониан и каджитов, чтобы они больше не выглядели как люди в костюмах, а больше походили на настоящих гибридов зверей.Полный капитальный ремонт NPC - Argonians - High Poly Head ==NEW== FAR - Забытые аргонианские корни BAT — большие аргонианские хвосты BeastHHBB — каджитский и аргонианский контент — персонаж игрока и заменитель NPC Расширенные глаза каджитов — гетерохромия каджитов и не только Аргониане - Каджиты FabULook Eyes SSE Аргонианские глаза Драчиса Глаза аргонианского вампира - Стража Рассвета Глаза вампира каджитов - Стража Рассвета Светящиеся глаза каджитов Светящиеся аргонианские глаза Аргонианские Волосы Плюс Улучшенные шрамы зверорасы Kala’s Eyes - Beast Race Edition Каджит Аргонианин В некоторых преданиях есть дружественные глаза для каджитов и аргониан.Каджитский капитальный ремонт Высокополигональные сетки головы и новые тела.
Высокополигональная голова Вот так просто - более подробная сетка головы.Улучшение персонажа Ксениуса завершено ID 36985 ID 36985Огромный пак текстур для многих вещей - текстуры тела и лица, шрамы и многое другое от талантливого Ксениуса. Обычно многие хотят использовать только часть файлов - для этого скачиваете мод вручную, распаковываете, удаляете все ненужное, заархивируете нужные файлы обратно, добавляете в менеджер модов и устанавливаете как обычно.Мягкий цвет лица Реалистичные лица, чтобы добавить веснушки, морщины или другие несовершенства вашей кожи. Совместим почти со всеми модами текстуры кожи, и это относится к мужчинам и женщинам.Улыбнись в HD HD текстура зубов.Зубы высокого разрешения ==НОВИНКА== И еще один.Закрытые рты для орков ==НОВОЕ== Позволяет вашим любимым зеленым людям закрыть рты. Совместим с модом ниже.FA ORCODONTIST - Orsimer Mouth and Teeth Fix ==NEW== Исправляет застарелые проблемы со ртом орка мужского и женского пола.Накладки на раны для RaceMenu Racemenu - ползунки положения бедер ==НОВИНКА==
Вот список модов, которые улучшают внешний вид NPC - женщин, мужчин и детей. Здесь можно найти что-то на любой вкус (кроме абсолютно нереальных капитальных ремонтов, в которые не входит). Текущий список содержит (в основном) автономные моды - эти моды не требуют, чтобы другие моды работали должным образом, подключи и играй!
Прежде чем начать, если вы предпочитаете визуальное представление, вы можете взглянуть на некоторые из этих модов:
Женский ремонт.
Биджин Воительницы ID 1825 ID 1825Также установите это маленькое исправление ==NEW== .Биджин NPC Also grab a fix .Bijin Wives Legendary mods that beautify many memorable female characters. My personal favorite between all similar mods for named characters, an essential mod series for me personally. You may also be interested in alternative look addon for Lydia, Aela and Ria, as well as in “customizers” for warmaidens , NPCs and wives respectively.
Now just a minute of your attention to our best bae, Serana (and her family):
Seranaholic ID 13027 ID 13027Amazing overhaul of Serana with several different versions and options, also offering Valerica overhaul (Files tab). From the author of Bijin series. I’m using this one for Serana and Valerica.Superb Serana Pandorable’s Serana My personal #2 favorite. Optional “hood + hair” patch available.Anima Nera - SerketHetyt’s Serana Overhaul ==NEW== A beautiful Serana replacer, looking inspired by the “Another World” movie to me.Serana Re-Imagined Kalilies Serana Serana and Claire Also offers a standalone follower version with different character name (if you like this look, but also want original Serana affected by another mod).Serana no ESP Pandorable’s Valerica ThePurpleTie1’s Volkihar Family Redone Refined Volkihars - Serana Valerica Harkon
Ok, let’s continue.
Pandorable’s NPCs ID 19012 ID 19012A really great female overhaul which has a good balance between attractiveness and “not too much”. Its another huge advantage is it’s fully compatible with whole Bijin series, covering only NPCs not touched by Bijin mods.Vahdin - Female Npc Replacer A spice of life mod for female npcs.Skyrim Beautiful Followers This mod is definitely not much lore-friendly, but it covers just huge amount of NPCs and the quality is actually good. Take into account you need to install Skyrim LE version of the mod first, and then overwrite its .esp file with this one.The Ordinary Women A great alternative if you don’t like Bijin mod series. It also covers some NPCs not covered by Bijin, so you can use both together, with load order depending on your preference. Optional hair physics version available.Courageous Women - High Poly Head Female NPC Overhaul A female NPC overhaul of over a hundred!! NPCs using High Poly Head. AIO FOMOD installer with separate texture resolutions and warpaint or not warpaint choice.Kalilies NPCs Changes the appearance of 59 female NPCs.Nightmarezone profile ==NEW== For a plenty unique replaces for popular female NPCs.Fresh Faces A small NPC overhaul mod with own approach to some female NPCs look.Metalsabers Beautiful Orcs of Skyrim Dedicated and pretty good overhaul for female orc characters. Take into account that it uses [your] skin & eyes mods, so end result may vary.Metalsabers Elegant Elves of Skyrim Similar overhaul for female elves, from the same author.GLAM Karliah A visual overhaul of a fellow nightingale.SavrenX Aela Mature Mamas of Skyrim Initially this mod adds a few generic female followers, but also makes a really nice mature appearance overhaul of Delphine which you can get.Camilla Valerius Overhaul SavrenX Ysolda Aesthetic Elisif Give your future High Queen the facelift she needs.The Wolven Widow - SerketHetyt’s Elisif Overhaul ==NEW== Hathaway - High Poly Replacer of Elisif A replacer turning Elisif and Laila into Anne Hathaway. Because why not?Skyrim Ladies - Astrid A really well-made Astrid overhaul.Sensual Hagraven - A Hagraven Replacer ==NEW== A more “humane” and “witchy” hagravens replacer, giving many of them unique look.
Male overhauls.
The Men of Winter ID 10902 ID 10902You may also like this addon for it.Pride of Skyrim - AIO Male High Poly Head Overhaul What this mod lacks in diversity of the males look (many guys with it look too similar asides face-wise), it surely compensates with a high-poly head mesh for every one of them.Pandorable’s NPCs - males Pandorable’s NPCs - males 2 To me personally, these 2 mods are the ones to-go for duderinos upgrade.Dx’s Better Men of Skyrim Alternative mod for some of promiment skyrim guys.Distinct Husbands A visual overhaul of the male spouses.PoeticAnt44 profile For various male visual overhauls (and presets).The Handsome Courier Immersive Courier Vander Nightbrook - Courier Replacer An amazing mod which provides a fully voiced courier replacer with a visual overhaul as well.Dapper Deliveries - A Courier Overhaul ==NEW== A makeover mod for Skyrim’s favorite delivery boy.Wolf Twins - Vilkas and Farkas Replacers Get the mod from the Files tab.TDN Improved Lucien - Spectral Assassin Replacer Lucien in the best shape!
Mods covering both guys and gals.
Pandorable’s NPCs - Dawnguard ID 24135 ID 24135From the authoress of Pandorable NPCs mod, here goes her beautiful overhaul for many female and male Dawnguard DLC characters. Patch for Immersive Fort Dawnguard here ==NEW== .Pandorable’s NPCs - Dragonborn Hold on to your hats, we’re going to Solstheim.Inhabitants of Skyrim - NPC Overhaul Really great coverage and close-to-vanilla look in most of cases.Pandorable’s Heroes of Sovngarde Because dead people deserve to be pretty too. Another gem from talented Pandorable.Followers Hirelings and Housecarls Pretty much stands for its name - changes several dozens of NPCs, with a big care about original look.Distinct People Another big-covering overhaul. Take into account though that it requires KS Hairdos and also uses whatever skin/eyes mods you have, so the end result may vary.Realistic faces Around 80 NPCs altered, with new hairs and better skin look, while also trying to stick close to original appearance.Improved Bards Standalone mod that replaces the appearance of the bards across Skyrim.Pandorable’s Initiates A replacer for the two Dark Brotherhood Initiates. I recommend the “custom voices” version.Elevated NPCs ==NEW== Tragedian profile ==NEW== For a lots of middle-sized NPC overhauls for factions, followers and more.DylanJamesWasTaken profile Various visual overhauls of different NPCs in cities, and companions.Jarls Re-Imagined Redux Southpawe profile For a few more high-poly NPC overhauls.eeekie’s Enhanced NPCs Unique-looking, realistic NPC replacers.Project ja-Kha’jay- Khajiit NPC Diversity Overhaul ==NEW== This mod overhauls the looks of named Khajiit to add some (lore-friendly!) diversity. An absolute must-have, imo. Note: while being a visual overhaul and thus located in this section, it’s recommended to install it after you’ll finish the “Animations” section of the guide.
Children overhauls.
RS Children Overhaul ID 2650 ID 2650A well-deserved most popular children overhaul. For great compatibility with other mods, there are 2 patches pages here and here . You may also like this optional addon for it. Note: A bug leading to endless loading screen is happening when using this mod and USSEP, to fix it read the sticky post here .Realistic RS Children Overhaul ID 39359 ID 39359Currently my favourite children overhaul due to a great balance between improved appearance and realism. Make sure to install the RS Children Overhaul mod itself first, and then install this one and overwrite. You can also optionall install this addon which adds 8 new adoptable children to the game, with the similar appearance style.TK Children Note: A bug leading to endless loading screen is happening when using this mod and USSEP, to fix it read the sticky post here .Simple Children Great quality while sticking to lore-friendly look and just huge amount of patches for popular mods compatibility. Note: A bug leading to endless loading screen is happening when using this mod and USSEP, to fix it read the sticky post here .The Kids Are Alright Renewal ID 48297 ID 48297Updated version of the original “Kids Are Alright” mod.
Now let’s get to UI (shortening from User Interface) mods. Icons, widgets, notifications, proper menus look on all resolutions - that’s all UI. So a good UI mod always comes in handy. The main task of UI mods is to make your gameplay more comfortable, navigating in menus more intuitive, adding more useful widgets and spending less time in menus in general, enjoying the gameplay. Some of the absolutely essential UI mods like SkyUI or Better Dialogue/Messagebox Controls you already have - but there’re quite a few more amazing mods to serve you.
HUD overhauls and various massive UI additions:
SkyHUD ID 463 ID 463Toggle HUD elements on or off, scale sizes, change positions and swap elements with alternative version. Features dot crosshair, slim compass, alternate ammo display, detached compass markers and built-in support for font mods.Dear Diary - Paper SkyUI Menus Replacer Journal, Inventory, MCM, Favorites etc, a “paper” interface replacer and my personal favourite between similar mods. Optional “dark” skin is available here (+ a reskins for it here ==NEW== and here ==NEW==, main menu replacers ==NEW==), “wood and paper” skin here and mod-added weapon icons patch here ==NEW==.Horizons UI Overhaul ==NEW== A complete fantasy UI and HUD replacer. Modular installation through the FOMOD and optional transparent versions. Somewhat similar to Dear Diary Dark Mode, but with an own style. Alternate tween menu version available here .Outlander UI ==NEW== Modern minimal-fantasy UI skin with a focus on visibility and clarity.Less Intrusive HUD II Less Intrusive HUD II allows you to tweak / change pretty much every element in the vanilla HUD straight in game.Paper HUD - Director’s Cut A personalised version of Paper HUD, including remade higher-res images and some tweaks. Designed to compliment book UI mods such as Dear Diary.Customizable UI Replacer Absolutely amazing mod. Are you bored of default Skyrim UI look? Wanna have better control over your widgets? Various presets available - you can make your UI to look like UI in Dark Souls, ESO and so on.Compact HUD Moves most of the HUD elements at the bottom left corner of the screen and joins them together.Next Gen Modern UI - Interface Overhau ==NEW== Probably my favourite UI overhaul on pair with Dear Diary.Clear UI Modern, glassy UI replacer for SkyUI, also with a support for ultrawide resolutions.moreHUD Adds more information to the HUD about the currently targeted object, such as ingredients, weapon effects, potions, read books, v/w, enemy level etc. Note: Latest mod version makes “Display Enemy Level” mod (below) not much needed if you have this mod.moreHUD Inventory Edition Similar mod for inventory items.A Matter of Time - A HUD clock widget This mod adds a clock to the HUD showing the current time of day and more.Widget Mod A mod to show various information on HUD via widgets.TrueHUD - HUD Additions HUD additions - heavily customizable actor info bars, boss bars, player widget, recent loot log and an API for other plugins to use. Modular and customizable through MCM.Player Combat Parameters ==NEW== A UI addon to display some combat related attributes.Enemy Combat Parameters ==NEW== Skse plugin that displays extra enemy information with an optional beastiary mode to unlock stats as the player kills more of the enemy type.STB_ResistsWidget ==NEW== adds a widget, that shows your resistances and speed.
Sovngarde - A Nordic Font ID 386 ID 386My personal all-time favourite font.Sanguis - An Oblivion Font From author of the mod above. My another favourite.Morrowind Font Replacer ==NEW== Berserker - A God of War Font ==NEW== Thepriest - A Merlin Font ==NEW== Font from British fantasy-adventure drama television programme “Merlin”. My #3 favourite between many of available fonts for Skyrim.Enderal Font for Skyrim SE (Dumbledor Font) ==NEW== Odinson - A Font Replacement ==NEW== Roboto - Modern Font Replacer ==NEW== Scribes of Skyrim - a font extension This mod adds over 100 fonts to the books, notes & journals of Skyrim and Legacy of the Dragonborn creating true variety.
Loading screens:
Pause Menu After Load Screens ==NEW== ID 62031 ID 62031Uses a custom menu to force the game to pause fully after loading screens. After receving any key input it will automatically close the pause screen and continue the game instantly.Improved Loading Screen Colors ==NEW== Removes tint, contrast and saturation altering effects that are applied to loading screens, so that loading screens appear in their original colors. Most noticeable when using image based loading screens.Lore-Based Loading Screens Adds 160+ new loading screens steeped in Tamrielic lore. Become deeper immersed in the Elder Scrolls mythos with tons of quotes from in-game books (from Skyrim and past Elder Scrolls titles), history, mythology, and little-known facts about the world of Tamriel.Oblivion-like Loading Menu Absolutely beautiful work.TESG Loadscreen Replacer - SSE Port ==NEW== Replaces the loading screens in Skyrim with 205 screenshots that have been processed to resemble paintings.Nexus Loading Screens Reborn Mod adds 62 new loading screens for your game made from beautiful community screenshots.iLuvLoading Loadscreen & main menu replacer mod (200 new HD Loading screens, mostly adult).The Elder Scrolls Legends - Loading Screens Adds 56 high quality and lore friendly artworks from “The Elder Scrolls: Legends” as loading screens. Works as a vanilla replacer and alongside vanilla loading screens.Starlit Lakes Loading Screens ==NEW== A collection of 100 new loading screens, accompanied by various snippets of Tamrielic and Skyrim-oriented lore.Immersive The Elder Scrolls Lore Loading Screen Simple Load Screens Loading screen mod which is made as a combination of assets from 2 loading screen mods mods above.Immersive Load Screen Message Overhaul ==NEW== Grammar and context fixes for loading screen texts. Compatible with most load screen image replacers above. Edits Skyrim’s load screen messages to offer full immersion and better cohesion with mods. No more irrelevant gameplay tips.
Main menu visual/audio replacers:
Main Menu Randomizer ==NEW== ID 33574 ID 33574Randomizes the main menu each time Skyrim is started. Read the mod page for explanation of usage.Main Menu Design Replacer Centered, cleaned-up menu structure. Compatible with menu look replacers.Anthology Menus Lore-friendly main menu replacers from author of Sovngarde font.Main Menu Redone ==NEW== 14 randomize lore-friendly, animated wallpapers in the single style. Stylistic music from the vanilla game for each art and sound design. Requires Main Menu Randomizer.Cristysan profile ==NEW== For several adult, yet highly aesthetic main menu replacers.Proph’s Main Menu Main Menu Music Replacer - Eliott Tordo’s The Dragonborn Comes ESO Animated Main Menu Replacer Vintage Skyrim MainMenu Replacer Blue Steel Retro - TES Main Menu Replacer with Music ==NEW== Main Menu Wallpaper by Mari Clean Menu Plus Mods removes: Intro, Bethesda logo, Loading icon, Menu and loading screen fog, Add-ons, Creation Club, Mods, Credits and News buttons.
Everything else:
FileAccess Interface for Skyrim SE Scripts - FISSES ID 13956 ID 13956This mod itself doesn’t do anything, but you’ll need it for many other UI mods to be able to make interfance presets, which is very useful.UIExtensions Adds various custom menus to Skyrim for modder use. Needed for some other complex mods - if mods you wanna use don’t require it, you can skip it.JContainers Another “core” mod required for some other mods below. Constellations Retextured ID 20464 ID 20464 + Constellations Retextured The DLC Absolutely stunning rework of skills constellations appearance. Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture ID 1523 ID 1523This mod is a collection of many options for new textures that you can pick and choose to replace the vanilla skill interface textures.iActivate Immersive Activate removes the small icon and adjacent text that indicates what action is available when activating an object, whether it is talking to a person, opening a door, searching a chest or what have you. This mod helps improves immersion by suppressing the notion that you are playing a game. Oblivion Interaction Icons ==NEW== ID 52743 ID 52743Adds custom icons to world interactions like “Talk”, “Harvest”, “Sleep”, “Activate,” inspired by Oblivion. Note: this mod serves literally the opposite functions of what iActivate does, so don’t use both together. Also read the mod page for compatibility with some other popular UI mods.AH Hotkeys - Skyrim Hotkey Manager Superior hotkey manager mod. The objective of it is to allow anything that can be equipped to be hotkeyed, including sets of equipment, and to enable autocasting of spells and shouts. Equip Sets can contain weapons, armour, clothing, spells, shouts, powers, scrolls, potions, food, ingredients and other equip sets.Serio’s Cycle Hotkeys Pretty useful and simple hotkeys mod.Infinity UI ==NEW== This SKSE plugin aims to put an end to incompatibilities between UI mods with an easy-to-use framework, allowing customization per UI element.Informed Mail Delivery ==NEW== Displays the names of delivered items.Disease Pop Up Alerts ==NEW== Pops up a message box alert when you contract a disease. Highly compatible in MCM.CoMAP - Common Marker Addon Project ==NEW== SKSE based framework that allows the adding of custom map/compass marker designs, editing marker discovery music and changing marker assignments without any need for an esp. Ships with a large variety of built in marker types for you to use and premade config files for various mods.Casting Bar ==NEW== Progress bar for spell casting similar to MMOs.Fishing Map Markers ==NEW== Adds map markers for exterior fishing sites.Smaller Vanilla Cursors If default size bothers you. Also make sure to checkout ElSopa profile once again - he has some other neat little UI mods.Unread Books Glow With MCM ==NEW== Simple as that. An essential addition for bookworms. Now with MCM. You can also watch a showcase of it here .Favorite Things - Extended Favorites Menu for SkyUI This mod improves your experience with Favorites quick menu. Faster scrolling, more entries, longer entry texts etc.Better SkyUI Config - Smart sorting by type Makes SkyUI sorting smarter, so you don’t need to change the sorting of different views when you play. Equipped items always on top, all items/spells by type, effects by time etcMiniMap This mod adds a MiniMap. The terrain, doors, quests, and actors are displayed on it.Minimalist Dialogue Interface Small edits to the dialogue interface that removes some of the clutter. Ovewrite Better Dialogue Controls mod - this one has same features included.Dialogue Interface ReShaped A complete redesign of the dialogue interface. More immersion with fixed controls. Comptaible with Minimalist Dialogue Interface.Minimal Oblivion Dialogue Menu A minimal Oblivion dialogue menu. Clean, simple and it just works.Convenient Dialogue UI ==NEW== Quality of life improvements for the dialogue menu: Better dialogue controls, number keys to select topics, more topics displayed, configurable list and NPC name position, different skins. Ultrawide compatible.Convenient Reading UI Quality of life improvements for the book menu: faster pages animation, configurable text size and configurable bottom bar.Simple Colored Map Markers Mod recolors quest markers to orange and player markers to green to be distinctive from the others.Simple No-Spoiler Quest Alert For Map Markers Adds a * (and nothing else) to both ends of any map marker whose dungeon is used for a non-radiant quest. This allows you to avoid the location until on the appropriate quest, without spoiling anything else in the process.Remove Menu Blur Removes radial blur and depth of field in menus.Body Slots - SkyUI Adds a column named Slots to the Inventory, Trade, Gift and Trading Menu. Note: Install the polished version from uranreactor, look for the download link in comments.Viewable Faction Ranks Yup.No More Creation Club News Duck CC? Get this mod.Use or Take SKSE ==NEW== SKSE plugin that allows you to use/equip/eat/drink OR take items.Read ot Take SKSE ==NEW== Similar mod, but for books.Oxygen Meter 2 ==NEW== Adds an oxygen meter, when underwater. SKSE plugin. Improved version of the original mod.Constructible Object Custom Keyword System ==NEW== If you craft a lot in your walkthrough, that’s a mod for you.Show Player In Menus ==NEW== SKSE mod that rotates the camera around to face the player in menus.Constructible Object Custom Keyword System ==NEW== Improves the usability of the Constructible Object Menu with SkyUI with an extensible keyword-based category system. Note: if you’re modding SE (1.5.97), make sure to overwrite mod files with this .Complete Widescreen Fix for Vanilla and SkyUI Widescreen monitor owners, grab this mod.Weathered Cursor Exactly.SkyUI Weapons Pack Adds 11 unique icon/types to SkyUI, includes Spear, Javelin, Pike, Halberd, Rapier, Quarterstaff, Claw, Whip, Scythe, Katana, Gun. Note: You need this mod mostly only if you’ll be using weapon mods adding these weapon types. Serves close to 0 use in vanilla. A few patches available. Note: not needed if you’re using Dear Diary mod.SkyUI - Better Favorite Menu Increases the size and capacity of SkyUI’s favorite menu.SkyUI Item Card Fixes Mod attempts to fix sometimes happening non-uniformed alignment, size, positioning and general inconsistencies on a lot the information on the item card interface.Easy Wheelmenu II ==NEW== A wheelmenu to make various skills and features from other mods available with a single key. Updated version of an original mod, with more functions.
Have you ever thought that your game is boring? That it should be more challenging, realistic, more variative and interesting? Think no more - and let’s drastically imrpove Skyrim gameplay to the heights you never even imagined before! This consists of three parts - Expansion, Gameplay Features and Immersion. Expansion contains list of mods that add new lands/dungeons/quests/armors and weapons and so on. Gameplay Features part is for magic/spells/perks/combat and many other mods that affect your gameplay variety and difficulty. Immersion part contains mods that makes your playthrough more atmospheric and realistic in overall. Patches, fixes, compatibility notes and plenty of personal remarks included. Better combat, magic, perks, AI, new monsters, quests, lands, dungeons and settlements, immersion and survival realism, population, followers, armors and weapons - absolutely everything you may want and even much more, about what you haven’t even thought yet :)
From casual to absolute hardcore - you can pick up best mods yourself or proceed to unique “modules” below to see carefully pre-made mod lists for different tastes and purposes, which you just need to mimic, without worrying about incompatibilities and not spending your own time picking the mods.
Quests and new lands, dungeons, new armors, weapons and artifacts, followers and player homes. Many of quest/new land mods listed here are really big and complex and can give you dozens of interesting gameplay hours not worse then official Skyrim DLCs.
Take into account that you shouldn’t just install all the mods in this section. Moreover, statistics shows that one almost never finish all those dozens of quest mods installed in a single walkthrough. It’s recommended to get up to 4-6 big quest/new land mods and a few smaller ones. Now, first of all, a few mods which are not directly adding new quests but rather affect quest-related aspects of gameplay in general, QOL for questing to say so:
Quest NPCs Run ID 21103 ID 21103Makes slow walking escort NPCs run instead of walk.The Choice is Yours Stop quests from starting automatically. Pursue the quests you want, ignore the ones you don’t. Make your choices matter. In addition, there are times when you are given a choice to refuse a quest, but the quest will automatically start regardless of your decision or you are forced to agree to do a job before hearing the details. Now quests won’t start until you agree to them.Timing is Everything Allows you to customize the starting conditions for various quests. You can choose to delay the start of Dragonborn, Dawnguard, or Hearthfire quests, as well as other quest events. Or you can also reduce the level requirements allowing a quest to start earlier than it normally would.Quests Are In Skyrim Makes radiant quest no longer send you to locations outside of the province of Skyrim, limiting them with only nine vanilla holds.At Your Own Pace ==NEW== This mod is an overhaul of all of Skyrim’s vanilla questlines and the Dragonborn DLC, designed provide the player breaks at each stage, enhance roleplaying opportunities, and slow the game down so you can play it at your own pace. It’s also providing better coverage, more features and better compatibility support than “Not So Fast” mods, basically being a modern successor to these mods. Download any of the mod files you want and enjoy. Has a standalone plugin for every questline type (main quest, colelge, companions etc). Most of options can be configured in MCM. Patches for some other popular mods here ID 57528 ID 57528 (including the “Quest NPCs Run” mod above), and patch for Sofia follower here . Note: next mods are not needed if using plugins for respective questlines from this mod: College of Winterhold Entry Requirements, Thieves Guild Requirements.
Now, to the quest and new land mods themselves. Massive to medium sized mods - where each one can give you from a few up to dosens hours of walkthrough/exploration.
Project AHO ID 15996 ID 15996A pretty new and must-play quest mod. Don’t you even dare to skip it. Let me explain (you can also watch my video review of it): If I would make my “Top 10 Quest Mods” video today, Project AHO definitelly would be in the list of 5 best quest mods ever made. Everything in this mod is just amazing - breathtaking detective storyline with multiple endings, brilliant voice acting, stunningly beautiful worldspace design and a lot of puns and references at the same time. I never felt such a deep and detailed recreation of Morrowind vibes as in this mod. Try it for sure! Also, you may be interested in this small fix , improved meshes patch , new Telvanni-inspired weapons , some spell mods patches , SkyTest patch ==NEW== , and finally, Security Overhaul patch ==NEW==.The Forgotten City Amazing, dynamic, incredibly detailed! Beautiful, intricately detailed new city to explore. Non-linear story with several endings. Amazing orchestral soundtrack, big community of fully-voiced NPCs with backstories. Discover secrets, mysteries, and relics that are thousands of years old. Enjoy! Install this fix ==NEW== . Also grab the better entrance patch and optionally, delayed start patch ==NEW== and NPCs visual overhaul ==NEW== .The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Amazing DLC-sized mod for all who like thief gameplay. Beautiful landscapes, amazing questline, dozens of traps and puzzles and finally an ultimate prize - Gray Cowl of Nocturnal (Mask of Gray Fox).Additional patches/addons for it:HD Textures Pack Some popular mods patches installer Alikr Flora Overhaul Supreme Sandstorms for The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal and Obsidian Weathers ==NEW== More lore-friendly mask obtaining By AzuraAwesome lore-friendly mod for rebuilding Helgen. Fully voiced questline, great story wrapping around civil war and Thalmor. New dungeons, 3 new armor sets, private tower player home. Interactive display room that transforms as you play the game. You may also wanna grab more immersive start patch ==NEW== , improved textures ==NEW== for Keepers of Hattu armor, RS Children patch , CFTO patch , lootable Sigil Stones patch or ICFH patch and Great City of Falkreath patch .VIGILANT Become a vigilant of Stendarr and go through an amazing dark story. This mod is just fantastic, inspired by Dark Souls series in meaning of locations design, but staying in terms of the Elder Scrolls lore at the same time! Amazing dark and creepy locations, hordes of new creatures, giant unique bosses. New unique weapons, rings, lanterns and so on. The only thing is original mod is japanese, but there are links to English and other translations. One of the best ever made for Skyrim, this quest mod is absolutely worth to try - especially now it has the english-voiced addon made by professional and semi-professional voice actors. Other patches, improvements & addons for it: Armor retextures pack ID 45735 ID 45735 Large patch/addon collection ID 70958 ID 70958 ==NEW== Delayed start patch ==NEW== ID 57961 ID 57961 Fomod installer with many different options. Greymarch retexture ID 58390 ID 58390 ==NEW== Obsidian Weathers addon ID 24357 ID 24357 (standalone, OW is not required) Better book covers addon ID 32940 ID 32940 Custom Skills addon ID 45026 ID 45026 (with a proper English translation ) Witch Hunter Armor retexture ID 28871 ID 28871 Armor of Arkay retexture ID 60879 ID 60879 ==NEW== Umaril retexture ==NEW== ID 55654 ID 55654Pelinal retexture ==NEW== Jyggalag retexture ==NEW== For all these retextures, make sure to overwrite the armor retexture pack.Molag Bal Dragon Retexture ==NEW== GLENMORIL A WIP (already playable) quest/new land mod from VIGILANT author. Also grab the English translation patch and, optionally, custom skills addon (with a proper English translation ), armor retextures ==NEW== and Boetiah shrine improvement ==NEW==. NPC appearance overhaul is also available.Darkend Amazing new land mod inspired by Dark/Demon Souls series. Atmospheric, dark location, very detailed and interesting to explore. New creepy enemies, tough bosses and powerful weapons are waiting. Optional balance patch available.Falskaar One of the most endorsed, old but still really great quest mod. Huge new land with believable level design. Dozens of gameplay hours. Interesting and voiced questline. Amazing soundtracks, new spells/shouts and more. There are also: tweaks and enhancements patches here ==NEW== and here , RS Children patch and Lanters of Skyrim II patch .Wyrmstooth Another amazing and well-known DLC-sized mod with dozens hours of great gameplay and storyline related with dragon hunt…but it’s only a beginning! An absolutely qualitative mod of medium size is awaiting for you.Patches/addons:Climates Of Tamriel Compability for Wyrmstooth Dark Forest of Skyrim - Wyrmstooth Wiseman303’s Flora Fixes for Wyrmstooth Animated ENB Light patch ==NEW== Wyrmstooth - Player House Garden Wyrmstooth Sign Fix Wyrmstooth Thunderchild Patch Wyrmstooth Upscaled Textures Lanters of Skyrim II addon Legacy of the Dragonborn This mod is something unique. It will make you look at your playthrough from the absolute different view. This mod will inspire you to play Skyrim again and again. Mod features: Museum with 2k+ displays, over 100 exploration quests. You can save your museum progress across multiple playthroughs. Displays of visited doomstones, custom paintings, basement store, MCM and (yes!) items from different mods support. 15 new dungeons, new guild - explorers society, transmutation forge. This is only a part of full features list. Visit mod page to read more and of course try it :) Additional patches/addons for it:
Official patches page ID 30980 ID 30980More fixes and tweaks ==NEW== Fate Cards Re-texture Paintings Replacer Relic Hunter Addon Start Legacy questline already as a Guild Master (pretty cheating to me, and skipping a joyful gameplay).Legacy of The Dragonborn - Lighting Mod ==NEW== An interior lighting mod for LOTD, fully compatible with the lighting overhauls like ELFX and LUX.Legacy of The Dragonborn - museum dome sunlight and shadows Improved dome meshes ==NEW== Temper Replicas for Legacy of the Dragonborn Fish Hatchery Addon for Legacy of the Dragonborn Legacy of the Dragonborn Spelling Fixes Legacy of the Dragonborn - Followers Patch Upscaled armor textures ==NEW== Armor of the Crusader Retexture ==NEW== Overwrite the upscaled armor texture mod above.Midwood Isle patch ==NEW== Storage Control Cube ==NEW== Turtle’s LoTD Patch Collection ==NEW== Decent amount of patches for some beautiful weapon mods.Turtle’s LoTD Ave Patches ==NEW== Patches for Avebrave jewerly mods.Dome retexture Museum Exterior Fixes Blended Roads Patch Dragonmail Cuirass Enhanced Plaques Retexture Perk Menus Identity Crisis Patch ESO Skyshards patch few other quest mod patches JS Dragon Claws patch replica addon Additional Dev Aveza locations Private Armory paladin set replacer Pale Pass Extension Solitude Museum - Unique Artifacts and Item Displays This one is not actually a quest mod, but it belongs here logically as it’s a great alternative to LOTD if you only want the functionality of museum itself, without questline involved around and fetch quests.
The Wheels of Lull ==NEW== ID 748 ID 748Note: while the mod was in the guide since its release, lately, Wheels of Lull received a massive update - new content and a FOMOD installer with plenty of fixes and patches to choose from. Check it out! Awesome questline with a lot of secrets an puzzles, related with TES lore. Five dungeons within the main quest, complete with fleshed out boss battles, and massive, unique locations. A new town, complete with extensive characters. 7 side quests, 10 new weapons, new armors and even a new custom race. Also make sure to install a high-quality retextures ID 79112 ID 79112 ==NEW== pack for it.The Brotherhood of Old Amazing, fully-voiced, thrilling Dark Brotherhood mod with multiple endings. Mod continues DB questline after you finished the vanilla storyline, giving you a lot of new opportunities to either destroy DB completely or bring it to absolutely new level of glory! You can see a showcase of it here . Optional Vala Amatius replacer available.The Notice Board Great immersion mod. Radiant quest overhaul and framework. This mod adds new and alternative radiant (and side) quests. It was inspired from other good games like The Witcher which make use of notice boards in their gameplay. Also install this and this ==NEW== . If using the Great Town of Ivarstead, install the patch .Missives A good addition to previous mod if you liked it, or a simplier alternative. Adds a large number of localized radiant quests found at Missive Boards of varying difficulty and with varying rewards. Note: Still has some minor bugs, but mod author is actively updating the mod. There’re also some retextures , patches , Great Cities patch ==NEW==, Dawn of Skyrim patch , CFTO patch , bigger trigger box patch ==NEW== .Beyond Reach Huge area with the span of ~3 Skyrim Holds, rich detailed. New factions - Arnima, Evermore, The Witchmen, Orsinium’s Sons, Dragonstar Mercenaries, The Exiles and The Afflicted. Voiced main quest with backstories as wel as 28 side quests, news spells, armors & weapons, 25 new dungeons. Don’t forget to install the fix patch (as well as this ==NEW== tiny one), and there are some optional patches here and RS Children patch here ==NEW== , CACO/Immersive Sounds/ABT here ==NEW== , and finally, Dark Forests of Skyrim trees addon ==NEW== if needed.The Tools of Kagrenac Go on a quest to recover the legendary Tools of Kagrenac. Encounter new allies and enemies, explore sprawling dungeons and add powerful new artifacts and spells to your arsenal in this new and fully voiced quest mod.Moonpath to Elsweyr Amazing DLC-sized tropical/desert mod that give player a chance to travel into the lands of Elsweyr to explore, survive and enjoy amazing playthrough. It contains dozens of unique locations, new enemies, items, custom follower and a player home. Awesome and absolutely must-play mod. There are also: Unofficial patch for it, improved khajiits look ==NEW== (absolutely essential, imo), a better lighting patch and this neat retexture addon ==NEW==, as well as hyena replacer ==NEW==.Godfred’s Tomb ==NEW== A dying man is visited by an ancient ancestor who warns him of a rising evil within a forgotten tomb. In his last days, he puts together an expedition to investigate but they are never heard from again. You are the last hope as you can “get things done.” Descend into the darkness and discover the secrets that lie in Godfred’s Tomb.Hestra’s Nest ==NEW== Travel deeper into the Reach than you’ve ever gone before. With custom assets and lively characters, this new lands collaboration is brought to you by the students and teachers of the Arcane University.Isle of Artaeum ==NEW== A huge, vast new land and quest mod. The story is centered around the Psijic Order and their long awaited return to Tamriel. After completing the College of Winterhold you will be allowed to travel to their magical island, and eventually visit their homeland of Summerset. Mod is still in development, so may have some bugs here in there, but they are being fixed on fly. Absolutely incredible work.Elden Root - A Tale Of Valenwood ==NEW== Visit the city of Elden Root and its huge forests around.The Second Great War In the aftermath of the Civil War, the Aldmeri Dominion is stirring. There are rumors of Dominion soldiers close to the border of Cyrodiil and increased numbers of Thalmor agents in the Imperial City. Are you prepared to defend Skyrim once more or are you drawn to the power and promise of the Dominion? Timing Is Everytying patch here ==NEW== .Skygerfall – Daggerfall’s Main Quest in TESV Absolutely titanic work here. A new land mod where you can literally play through the entire Main Quest of TESII: Daggerfall in the TESV engine, at the end of which you can choose to continue your character’s adventures in Skyrim, taking all your loot, experience and new spells with you. You can watch a brief showcase here .Invasion of Skyrim - The Force Awakens - Grand Admiral Thrawn Awesome quest mod related with new race arrived in Skyrim, inspired by Star Wars. 15+ armor sets, a unique “quest shell-system” that enables dozens of radiant quests pertaining to the mod to be active at a time, 26+ enchantments, 220+ NPCs, both enemy and ally. Enemies who can cripple you in a number of ways if your combat skills are poor. Enemies are tough, veterans, and skilled combatants. 2+ Worldspaces, 15+ radiant enabled locations, 2 player bases, unique classes and combat AI for every character, many scenes and interactions. Travelling merchants, nasty assassins and much more. A player ranking system among the Resistance. Over a thousand handpicked lines of dialogue that plays both in combat from enemies and followers, and much more.Midwood Isle Travel to beautiful Midwood Isle, a small island home to the Sonmer, filled with quests and adventures. A middle-DLC-like in size. Also take a look on some patches here ==NEW== . If using Wyrmstooth quest mod too, install a patch ==NEW== , and there’s also Great City of Solitude patch ==NEW==. You can watch a review here .New Vominheim A new land called Vominheim roughly the size of Solstheim. Features dozens of new locations to discover and explore. Optionally, grab the unique rewards addon ==NEW== . You can also install a new mod from the same author which continues this one, from here .The Shadow of Meresis This mod adds an extensive quest, leading you to various places all over Skyrim. In addition to new locations and dungeons you’ll meet new NPCs with more than 200 fully voiced lines of dialogue spoken by three actors, 2-3 hours of gameplay.Mythic Dawn Expansion This mod adds the Mythic Dawn into Skyrim. It includes three path playthroughs known as the Path of Warrior, Shadow, and Necromage. It adds in a main quest. All quests have real-world impacts.Inferno- Advents of Flame Inferno- Envoys of End Inferno- The Blood Marked 3 amazing mods inspired by Dark Souls. Interesting storylines ‘hellish’ cells, gigantic and hard bosses. You’ll remember this journey for sureA world made to be used with survival mods. Huge, no civilization. Can be used to expand the Falkreath forest, four portals between Chanterelle and Falkreath hold. Some merchants specialized in hunt products to help you stay longer here.Nyhus and the border of Cyrodiil Folkstead and the Border of Hammerfell Haafstad and the Border of High Rock Three great mods from the same author that add new regions on borders with the named regions, filled with the level design representing them, new towns, some quests etc. There are also Alternate Start addons for these mods here , here and here respectively.Akavir. The curse of the immortals The players are to go to the southern part of Akavir, and explore a massive, living world. Note: It’s pretty bugged atm, but it’s expectable with its immense size and still a WIP state - asides of this, that’s some really promising new land mod worth to try fo sho.The Lost Wonders of Mzark SE port of a well-known dwemer/puzzle oriented quest mod.Prince of Lies Ever thought the Whispering Door quest of Mephala in vanilla Skyrim was a little underwhelming? This is a far more suitable quest for such a grand Daedra, set on a completely new island off the coast of Skyrim. It includes 30 new quests to complete, over 50 new voiced NPCs to meet and many new areas to explore.Northpoint A new worldspalce consisting of 4 regions with own weather system, new town, 13 new dungeons, new type of monsters and items, as well as new ingredients, books, notes, and misc items.KAGRENFAHLZ - The Dwemer University Skyrim breathes philosophy, but rarely expresses it. Kagrenfahlz fixes that by giving Tamriel a philosophical tradition. Dovahkin can now finally challenge his or her assumptions and become a critical thinker. This mod adds books, philosophers, quests, dungeons and a new land for you to explore.
Medium to small quest and new lands mods - where a mod will give you up from one to couple hours of walkthrough/exploration.
Carved Brink ID 24351 ID 24351A true gem of level design - it will take your breath out. Much shorter, but incredibly original, beautiful quest mods with unique worldspace from the same authors. Get the small fix for it. There’s also imrproved assets patch ==NEW== , ICFH patch . You can watch my review of it too.Clockwork A brilliant quest mod - somewhat short, but absolutely breathtakingly-written! It was developed about 4 years, and the time spent is totally worth. Amazingly detailed cells design, detective and sometimes disturbing quests with unique creatures involved, while still being pretty lore-friendly. Thrilling journey that will you will definitely like! There’s also a plantable addon and an immersion patch ==NEW== available as well.Moon and Star Short but great detective story. Interesting questline, 4 side quests, 9 voiced NPCs. New town, weapons and dungeons with new boss fights. Ingame aftermath events that take place after the main quest has been completed. Your actions have consequences! There’s also small patch that fixes various minor cosmetic overlooks, better lighting patch and cleaned plugin replacer.Ravengate - Riften Underground Amazing and atmospheric arena/quest mod with challenging bossfights and thrilling characters backstories! Try it for sure, no matter which class you’re playing.Konahrik’s Accoutrements Make encounters with the named Dragon Priests a more challenging and rewarding experience - meet them in unique dungeon, summon them for challenge and craft unique sets of equipment. A few patches and upscaled textures are available.Konahrik The Priest - A Quest Mod This mod adds a quest to the game that fleshes out the lore behind the Konahrik mask and its eponymous dragon priest, as well as allowing you to upgrade the mask with a better enchantment. That’s right, you get to take on the mighty Konahrik himself. Use this mod or the mod above.Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest Amazing small quest mod, absolutely lore-friendly, feels like initial part of the game and drastically expanding one of the most popular vanilla male followers. Also get this little fix and a high-poly appearance patch .Spectraverse - Magic of the Magna-Ge Mod adds interesting questline during which you can obtain 42 new destruction spells. Questline is based on TES lore, it has 5 voiced NPCs, 6 locations and 6 quests. There’s also a standalone addon which contains only its best (and sometimes rebalanced) spells, plus couple of new ones.Unslaad Quest mod of Half-Dragon. Not much “lore-friendly”, but as usual from Vicn - with unique level design and abmbience. Also install voice addon and armor retextures ==NEW== for it and optionally (but recommended though), the delayed start ==NEW== addon.Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion A freshly released alternative to mods like “Paarthurnax Dilemma” and “Paarthurnax Ultimatum” to solve a one of the most plainly designed choice in the game. A new “gray” choice between “spare” or “kill” ones, around 60 new dialogue lines, and most importantly - fully voiced. Not bad, isn’t it?Jayserpa’s Quest Expansions & Lil New Quests ==NEW== From the author of the mod above, multiple nice little mods mostly expanding notable vanilla sidequests with more options and possibilities. Take a peek! May also grab a few patches for other mods from here .The Sinister Seven Ambient backstory quest involving assassins and investigation.Boethiah for Good Guys Complete Boethiah’s quest without betraying a friend.Namira for Good Guys Play a trick on Namira! Complete Namira’s quest “The Taste of Death” without sacrificing a priest to cannibals.Identity Crisis Investigate the madness afflicting the Northern Asylum of Julianos, and earn the boon of the Madgod himself. Legacy of the Dragonborn patch available .Heart of the Reach ==NEW== Delve into the depths of an unground swamp in the aid of a priest in order to heal the Heart of the Reach.Legends of Aetherium ==NEW== Explore the lost Dwarven Ruins of Itharzel and hunt down lost custom Aetherium weapons and armours.Following Mercer So, what did Mercer do with all the stuff he took from the vault? He stored it in his various hideouts all over Skyrim, of course. Now you get to track it all downAdds over a hundred new types of cheese, hand-placed in an immersive way throughout Skyrim, and a fully voice-acted quest with Sheogorath. Some patches ==NEW== available.The Unbroken Blade - Part One ==NEW== Is the Dragonborn truly worthy of leading the Blades? Uncover the mysterious pasts of those who took part in Skyrim’s civil war. Witness how connections are forged and broken in the white-hot heat of conflict. Note: mod currently doesn’t have voice acting, only silent dialogues, so make sure to enable dialogue subtitles in game settings.Curse of the Hound Amulet A newcomer requests your help in aiding her to clear out some mysterious new inhabitants of a cave. In this quest discover new enemies, armors, hair, weapons, and more.Better Vampire Weapons Mod adds several unique, vampire-themed weapons, scattered across Skyrim, with a quest to obtain them. You shouldn’t be a vampire in order to use the weapons.Blood of the Nord Its a mid-sized quest mod that serves as the opening chapter in a series of plugins that explore the aftermath of Stormcloak victory, including the inevitable war with the Aldmeri Dominion. - Over 500 lines of dialogue - One new weapon - Includes several new dungeons and small worldspaces - The main quest provides roughly 2 hours of gameplay.The Isles Esroniet Isle of Esroniet, without new quests, but just a cool place to explore, some shops, 8 dungeons and new creatures.Warbird’s Dwemer Train Stations A vast Dwemer train station network, providing an immersive and fast way to travel around Skyrim and Solstheim. It’s practically an underground city, with merchants, inns, guards and travellers.Revenants of the Forbidden Order A brief non-scripted quest that leads to a fun boss battle with a nice glimpse in the history of the armor and characters.Lagoon - Skyrim Tropical Island MOD Beatiful tropical place - made mostly for screenshots though.The Grand Paladin (Remake) Journey beyond Skyrim and uncover the legacy of the ancient Dragonborn order in this small 70 to 100 minutes DLC. A remake/improvement of the same-named mod from its author.The Final Cataclysm From the author of previous mod. An end-game quest that will take you beyond Tamriel, and the 4th era.Voyage to the Dreamborne Isles Amazingly detailed new land mod. Beautiful for exploration and screenshots. Now has a questline as well.Jurgholm A late game multi-cell dungeon with a questline.Shadows of the past An underrated little gem, paying a tribute to TES IV: Oblivion.The Secrets of Arc Cyrae The story of a young bosmer and adds new dungeons, characters, followers, quests and a player home to the game.Blood on the Ice Redux Ever wanted to catch the Butcher before he kills again? Then this is your mod.The DoubtSuspended Quest Pack A pack of quests mods - each one is small, yet absolutely incredibly immersive and feels like a native part of game.Fortune’s Tradehouse One more neat little quest mod from the same author.The Enemy Of My Enemy A quest/battle mods wrapping aroud the war events, with massive battles.Betrayal at Hrothgar Resolve the civil war once and for all during the Hrothgar peace talks.The Haven From The Cold And Dark Beautiful new land mod that adds a set of Green Bosmer islands that are located between the Summerset Isles and Hammerfell. Player home, many shops and vendors, bath house and inn, many NPCs and guards. Working map and LOD and many beautiful places to explore/take screenshots.The Island Shipwrecked off the coast of an unknown island, you must survive while searching for a way off the island and on to Skyrim. While searching for a way off you may discover an ancient Dwemer city and other ruins lost to time.Finding Velehk Sain This mod creates additional content surrounding the strange gauntlet in the Midden Dark, as well as the four missing Apprentices from the College of Winterhold.It Beats For Her A mystery tale set in Falkreath. You receive a note from a stranger who recruits you in his quest to find and stop a dangerous predator. But is it really a simple monster hunt or is there more to the story?Merte’s The McMiller Chronicles Running a few errands for the merchant Angus McMiller results in a quest of deceit, revenge and treasure. Fully-voiced. Also recommended to install a lil patch for it.Defy the Gardener ==NEW== Gives the player another way to learn the final Word of Power of the Bend Will Shout. Storn lives, and you can also claim a new Black Book for your own.Savos Aren’s Regrets Restored - Cut Content Restoration ==NEW== This mod restores cut content from the quest “The Staff of Magnus”. The cut content consists of 7 scenes with Savos ghost, that will play after the visions scene of the past.The Legend of Slender Man- Daunting Scars from Childhood ==NEW== For generations, the legend of Slender Man has been used in Falkreath to scare naughty children, teaching them not to disobey their parents. Stories of a tall, pale gaunt creature that kidnaps children in the forest, which are never seen again. But every legend has a grain of truth, and it can be far more macabre than a simple child-eating monster.Runic Dawnguard - Separated Lost Relic Questline ==NEW== Splits the Lost Relic radiant questline into a separate, parallel questline like Ancient Technology, making it reasonable to get all Dawnguard Rune artifacts.Missing in Action Delayed ==NEW== Missing in Action is a mess in both writing and gameplay. Mod adds an extra condition to start the quest so that at least you have to be the Dragonborn to see the scene in Whiterun’s market.Vittorias Alternate Wedding ==NEW== This mod allows you to attend Vittoria’s Vici wedding, after (if) you destroy the Dark Brotherhood. Some patches here .Markarth - Help the Warrens and A Cure for Cairine Skyrim is a harsh place, but few places are as depressing as the Warrens of Markarth. Have you ever wished you could help? Now you canTell Eltrys you want nothing to do with the violent conspiracy the guard is clearly trying to suppress. You have to take care of yourself first, of course.Plenty of Pendants - Completable Pain in the Necklace Makes Pain in the Necklace a non-Misc quest, prevents respawn of pendants, adds map markers, and provides a small bonus for completing the questline.Leaps of Faith - A Misc Quest Simple mod that adds yet another fun activity for your character to do in the world: 12 epic “Leaps of Faith” across Skyrim for you to discover and complete as you play. Jumping from one of these places will play a custom jumping and falling animation and give you a small (well-earned) bonus. You can also watch a showcase of it here .Fists of Fury - Skyrim ==NEW== Brawl against some of Skyrim’s fiercest fighters and become Skyrim’s finest brawler. LUX patch here .Here There Be Monsters - Sign of Cipactli Travel to the southern shores of Black Marsh on the hunt for a giant monster, revered by the Argonians as a god.Here There Be Monsters - The Call Of Cthulhu Continue the hunt as you face terrible creatures from beyond the stars, and unravel a terrifying plot to consume Mundus and return it all to the Void.Here There Be Monsters - Trollhunter Go on the hunt for a man named Hans, the Trollhunter, and take up his quest to rid the world of five gigantic trolls before they awaken and destroy SkyrimJoin the Adventurer’s Guild and help the bright eye’d Isobel Sirulius as you two set out in search of ancient artifacts, piles of treasure, and explore forgotten ruins. You can also watch a showcase of it here .There Is No Umbra - Chapter II A quest mod where storyline is focused entirely on Daumbra: the newest incarnation of the cursed sword Umbra. Note: There’s no “Chapter I” separately as it’s included in this mod.Glamoril - The Maze of Labyrinthian Shalidor the Archmage was famous for his exploits in the First Era. Various tales tell of him battling Dwemer legions single-handedly, building the city of Winterhold with a whispered spell, stealing the secret of life from Akatosh, or constructing Labyrinthian himself. Find the source of his power and unveil the secrets of the Glamoril.Primeval Real Estate In the foothills of The Throat of the World, the young Gundar has run into a bit of trouble. A wall has fallen apart in his basement revealing a vast dungeon. What lies within? Gold? Glory? Or something deep, dark, and powerful? He needs you to plunge in and unveil the truth.
Love exploring the world underground? Have new challenges, findings and ambient atmosphere? This section is for you :)
First a few simple mods that expands/improves some vanilla dungeons:
The Midden - Expanded ID 2219 ID 2219A quality dungeon and house mod that greatly expands the College Midden, with minimal changes to existing areas. A new lore-friendly player home serves as a hub for new dungeons. 100% compatible with Immersive College of Winterhold. Get the ESM version of the mod from Misc Files (main file itself is not needed).Dwemer Network Connects all of Skyrim’s dwarven ruins to Blackreach, plus a few bonus features. The doors are placed in such way that they don’t break any quests or give early access to dungeons.Streamlined Bleak Falls Barrow and Golden Claw For those who are making the Nth run of the game, this mod adds a trapdoor leading to the area with the word wall, but also adds the golden claw to the same area, saving you the trouble of going back to save Arvel.Hardcore Ansilvund This mod adds many draugrs and enemy wizards, and it also improves the ghost blade.The Chill - Expanded A small expansion to The Chill.The True Face of Anise This mod makes the “Secret” Anise is guarding a little bit bigger.Shroud Hearth Barrow Reloaded A bit more interesting in terms of enemies now.Dungeons - Revisited Overhauls and enhances Skyrim’s dungeons. Doubles the size of most dungeons and makes them much more interesting to visit. Currently covered dungeons are: Bleak Falls Barrow, Ustengrav, Embershard Mine, Steepfall Burrow, Halted Stream Camp, White River Watch, Hillgrund’s Tomb. You can also grab them separately from author’s profile . Note: take into account that mod design is kinda similar to how dungeons were made in TES Daggerfall - dungeons affected by this mod becoming quite “maze”-like. This can be a double-edged sword for different people depending on the preference, so think if that’s your kind of fruit before installing it.
Сейчас куча отличных модов, добавляющих новые подземелья разного типа. Сначала давайте посмотрим на некоторые «наборы» подземелий, которые добавляют несколько или более подземелий:
Подземелье Скайрима ID 131 ID 131Один из самых удивительных модов подземелий, в которые я когда-либо играл! Подземная система подземелий с 43 большими и 26 маленькими ячейками. Туннели соединяют разные города Скайрима. Также постоянно обновляется. Удивительный дизайн, мрачная атмосфера, тонны новых жутких существ, с которыми нужно сражаться, и просто ОГРОМНЫЙ размер в целом. На мой взгляд, этот мод абсолютно необходим. Также установите текстуры в апскейле ==NEW==Также установите для негоСкайрим канализация 4 Мод добавляет доступную канализационную систему в города Солитьюд, Вайтран, Виндхельм и Маркарт, а также небольшие канализационные туннели в форт Сангард и Гринволл + новое нестандартное оружие и уникальные книги. Есть беженцы вне закона .Наборы подземелий Хаммета Отличный пакет подземелий, в настоящее время содержащий 31 новое подземелье в Скайриме и Сольтеиме. Подземелья в этом паке в основном ориентированы на высокоуровневых персонажей с уровнем 40 и выше. Radiant-квест включен. Некоторые подземелья содержат новые предметы и книги заклинаний. Необязательно (но рекомендуется) получить уникальные награды ==НОВОЕ== аддон.Набор подземелий EasyerRider Добавляет 7 новых подземелий по всему Скайриму, с совершенно потрясающим дизайном подземелий - плюс, поскольку в нем довольно мало подземелий, вы можете свободно использовать его с одним из нескольких вышеперечисленных модов (использовать все слишком много, имхо - я думаю, вы не хотите натыкаться на новые подземелья каждые 5 минут игры). Также необязательно (но рекомендуется) установить это ==NEW== .Иммерсивные подземелья Мод добавляет 7 новых подземелий с отличным дизайном, чтобы исследовать и сражаться с атмосферным сюжетным исследованием.Обсерватория ==NEW== Семь новых взаимосвязанных подземелий. Группа некромантов исследует древнее поселение двемеров, спрятанное в горах Джералл. То, что кажется обычной группой врагов, которых нужно победить, превращается в долгое путешествие по глубинам Нирна.Солстхейм - Затерянные уровни Старый, но хороший мод подземелий для DLC Dragonborn.Набор “Подземелье Солстхейма” Простой, но хорошо сделанный мод подземелья. Разработан специально для Солстхейма. Добавляет 6 новых подземелий, чтобы разнообразить ваш опыт исследования Солстхейма.Неоконченное дело - Набор “Подземелье” Добавьте несколько коротких подземелий с короткими историями, связанными с маленькими городками Скайрима.Кроличья нора Этот мод не добавляет много новых подземелий в дикую местность — вход только один, но само подземелье многоуровневое по вертикали. На мой взгляд, она преступно недооценена и играть в нее просто необходимо. Мод добавляет систему подземелий, «кроличью нору» с 50!! уровни с возрастающей сложностью. Также много секретов и скрытых комнат, которые нужно обнаружить. Веселиться!
Теперь моды для одного подземелья, но с отличным качеством - сложные бои с боссами, захватывающий дух дизайн, а иногда даже все вместе:
Красное пламя ID 11486 ID 11486Подземелье на тему вампиров с оригинальной музыкой, Собор Дейрге находится у побережья северного побережья Скайрима. Масса камня и витражного стекла, мод включает в себя два новых блюда для вампиров, благословение Молаг Бал, уникальное заклинание вызова Горгульи и три вида оружия.Апофеоз - Безжизненные Хранилища Абсолютно потрясающий мод, вдохновленный Dark Souls. Победитель конкурса «Битвы с боссами». Удивительно детализированные клетки с 5 гигантскими и очень сложными, уникальными на вид и боевыми боссами, которые точно запомнятся вам надолго. Если вы ищете новые испытания — обязательно попробуйте этот мод! Кроме того, этот мод является лишь «предварительным просмотром» огромного предстоящего мода «Апофеоз», который будет выпущен в будущем. Примечание: Сам мод в настоящее время скрыт, так как «полная» версия квестового мода Apotheosis (который будет во много раз больше, чем одно только это подземелье, с озвученной линией квестов и многим другим) близка к своему времени выпуска — поэтому ссылка сохраняется здесь, чтобы вы может вспомнить грядущий мод :)Храм Черной Скалы Незабываемое приключение среди огромных северных руин. Еще одно смертельное подземелье для высокоуровневых персонажей.Секрет драконьей головы Удивительная, мрачная, отлично продуманная и сложная. Мод подземелья от предыдущего автора мода, MannyGT.Демоника Очень темно. ОЧЕНЬ жутко. Полно врагов. Мод подземелья с 12 этапами. Этот мод может даже кого-то напугать, он не для всех. Но если вам нравится такое жутковатое прохождение - обязательно попробуйтеИсследуйте новое подземелье, откройте силы древних нордских колдунов и призовите ужасную нежить, чтобы она сражалась на вашей стороне.Иоманганд Восхождение Отправляйтесь в Море Призраков в поисках давно затерянного полигона Седобородых. Используйте свой ум и свой ту’ум, чтобы раскрыть тайны подо льдом, уклоняясь от отряда рейдов Талмора.Хроники Торжественной крепости - Shimmerfall Springs Бандиты со всего Скайрима собирают и раскапывают когда-то заброшенные пещеры Мерцающих источников, вызывая беспокойство местных жителей. Отправляйтесь вглубь пещер, чтобы найти то, что они ищут, и остановить таинственного главаря бандитов, обладающего опасной силой.Темный Сложный, увлекательный квест и подземелье с приглушенным окружающим освещением для 40+ уровня. Головоломки, ловушки и лабиринты, растягивающие изначальные замыслы дизайнеров, и парочка смертельных столкновений.Бассейн Скьолги Детализированный мод подземелий/квестов, посвященный экспедиции в горы Скайрима.Крепость Лаквана ==НОВОЕ== Пробивайтесь через Крепость Лаквана и заявите, что она ваша. Полностью озвученное подземелье со ссылками на TES Travels: Shadowkey.Какой бы ни был профиль разработчиков ==NEW== Для некоторых коротких, но красиво сделанных подземелий.Курган мертвого камня Новое нордское подземелье к северо-востоку от Вайтрана.Путь чемпиона Многоуровневое подземелье с десятками настраиваемых объектов, с которыми нужно взаимодействовать, головоломки, которые нужно решить, ловушки, в которых нужно умереть, добыча, которую нужно найти, враги, с которыми нужно сражаться, и квесты, которые помогут вам пройти.Дозор Враге Исследуйте новое подземелье и получите возможность управлять полчищами нежити.Желтый король Нордские руины, обнаруженные Талмором, Гробница Хадрима находится между Мостом Дракона и Рорикстедом. Место упокоения проклятого короля и его семьи, мод включает в себя оригинальное оружие с уникальными чарами, доспехами и щитом.Thieves Tumble - Пещера Странная маленькая пещера, красивая, но опасная.Профиль Венджхаммета ==NEW== Автор Hammet’s Dungeon Pack - здесь около 20 автономных модов подземелий, которые не входят в пак (скорее всего, второй пак будет сделан в ближайшем будущем, а пока они выпускаются отдельно). Также при желании возьмите улучшенный аддон вознаграждений. вознаграждений .Зонденхайм Археологическая экспедиция искала сокровища Зонденхейма, подземной цитадели. Так как это Скайрим, их приключение, естественно, закончилось трагедией, и выжившие предостерегают от проникновения в руины. Однако они не были Драконорождёнными, так что вперёд, грабить гробницу ради забавы и наживы.Перевал Призывателей Ветра Отличный мод подземелья. Это меньше борьбы, больше об исследовании и поиске лучшего способа пройти, и это его лучшая особенность. Включено в Legacy of Dragonborn, поэтому не устанавливайте его, если оно у вас есть.Могила Огмунда Старое, но отличное, специальное подземелье небольшого и среднего размера с отличным дизайном и умеренной сложностью. Включено в Legacy of Dragonborn, поэтому не устанавливайте его, если оно у вас есть.Яма 100 битв Войдите в самое смертоносное подземелье Скайрима, легендарную Яму 100 битв. Многие пытались достичь дна, но все потерпели неудачу.Энгельманнс Отдых Примечание: не используйте этот мод, если у вас есть Legacy of the Dragonborn, он включен в него.Пещеры Морровинда Отправляйтесь в горы Велоти, чтобы раскрыть операцию данмеров по контрабанде.Дауоррин, город драугров Добро пожаловать в город нежити Дауоррин, сразитесь с его агрессивными обитателями, которые являются не только нежитью, но и даэдра.Легенда о Тараме Дейне Недавно обнаруженные свитки дают новые подсказки к легенде о Тараме Дейне. Исследуйте новые северные руины, полные магии, головоломок и нежити, чтобы найти древнее зачарованное оружие.Караз Гнел Ремастеринг - Рассказанный Подземелье Скавенов (Warhammer Vermintide) Наденьте свою лучшую броню, соберите отряд и окунитесь в глубины древней крепости гномов. Но будьте осторожны, что-то зловещее скрывается в глубинах…Подземелье Arcwind Point Добавляет нордское подземелье на существующую внешнюю локацию Arcwind Point.Разрушенный храм Финастера - Encore Разрушенный собор покоится под землей, поглощенный зыбучим грунтом спустя тысячи лет. Истории говорят о проблесках эльфийских духов, навечно связанных со своим древним домом.Отказ от надежды Огромное подземелье, наполненное сложными головоломками, ловушками и встречами, и довольно своеобразным подходом к дизайну в целом. У него есть собственный босс и последователь. Рекомендуется уровень 40+.Пещера забытых Стартовое подземелье с кроватью и сейфом. Не возрождается.Йорнхейм Глубоко в недрах Глотки Мира лежат древние руины Йорнхейма.Больше Скиверов в крысиной норе Добавляет больше злодеев в крысиный ход. Этот мод направлен на добавление эффекта погружения, добавляя злокрысов в место, которое кажется им почти идеальным.
For these mods, you can install as many as you want, technically, but if mod that you’re installing is affecting leveled lists, be sure to rebuild your Bashed Patch. Also take into account that leveled lists have own limitations in size, so it’s not a good idea to install 5 biggest weapon packs at the same time, because most likely you’ll never see many of items ingame even with Bashed Patch. Choose one or two big weapon/armor packs and polish this by several smaller mods you like. It’s literally impossible to list absolutely all great mod of this category here as there are hundreds or even thousands of such mods, so that’s just mostly my personal list of mods that are either beautiful and lore-friendly, or I admire them for really unique look and/or great textures quality. Still, there are many mods here that improves or rebalances vanilla items or add new, but absolutely immersive ones.
Armor/clothing mods:
Before you start, if you prefer the visual presentations, you can take a look at some of the best armor mods released in general:
Armor packs - lots to several new armors/clothes in a single mod:
Immersive Armors ID 3479 ID 3479The most famous, big and endorsed armor pack ever made. It adds hundreds of various armors, from simple to absolutely epic, while still keeping lore-friendly look. Also make sure to grab the texture improvements ==NEW==. If you’re looking for the great base of your armors variety - don’t even think, install IA. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Optional realistic textures replacer is available.Cloaks of Skyrim The most famous cloak mod for Skyrim, and almost an essential one in my opinion. It adds almos 100 new cloaks/capes. Install an improvements addon ==NEW== for the mod (also has some patches). Also make sure to grab this amazing retexture pack (or this one if you want more fancy look, also don’t forget to grab the update file too) for it. If using the first pack of textures, also grab this .Winter Is Coming - Cloaks One more big and popular cloak mod. Optional leveled lists addon available.Divine and Daedric Cloaks Set of cloaks with emblems of Divines and Daedric Princes.Ennead Cloaks ==NEW== Hoods and cloaks from the author of “Ennead” texture replacers.Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Another I’d say essential and highly immersive mod. Adds lots of pouches, bags and bandoliers to help easing your burden. A CCOR fix is available, as well as another balace patch ==NEW== (choose one or another).Girl’s Heavy Armors Fresh and original armor mod that changes models of female vanilla heavy armors, making them much more beautiful, but still protective/lore-friendly, keeping the great balance.Tribunal Robes and Masks Amazing robes pack that in addition comes in all 3 armor types - clothing, light and heavy. Also have masks collection for even more epic look. Note: This mod is included in Immersive Armors, so if you’re using IA, don’t install it separately.Guards Armor Replacer Immersive, medieval-looking new armors for all holds guards. Also grab this for proper after-civil-war armors (the “minimal” version is recommended for better compatibility with other mods) and this improvement , as well as (optional, if you have it) JK’s Palace of Kings patch ==NEW== .Heavy Legion Similar mod for the Legion, from the same talented author.Common Clothes and Armors Mod combines many vanilla and modded assets in order to create a lot of variations to regular clothing or armor sets for generic NPCs. Adds over 130 new clothes and armors to the common people of Skyrim. A few patches are also available.Apachii Divine Elegance Store Collection of clothing, armor and various little things, both looking civil and really epic, fitting warriors as well.Talos Housecarl Armor Pack Badass and 200% lore-friendly armor mod from the same author.Zzjay’s Wardrobe Collection of various armor and clothes mashups, also has decent amount of civil-looking ones.Bosmer Armor Pack A lore friendly Armor pack containing 5 main sets with 29 armor pieces and 6 weapon pieces. All races and sexes supported. Improved textures here ==NEW==. Note: This mod is included in Immersive Armors, so if you’re using IA, don’t install it separately. Also install the fix patch ==NEW==.You may be also intersted in this a bit tweaked version of one of armors from this pack.Black Mage Armor Black Mage Armor is a standalone armor mod that includes Cloth, Light, and Heavy armor sets that are all craftable, enchantable, and upgradable; all sets can be used by every race, male or female.NordWarUA’s Race Armor Expansion This mod adds new elven and orcish armors that fit the aesthetic of Skyrim. Standalone and integrated into level lists and world distribution. Textures upgrade available.Unplayable Faction Armors This mod adds armor and weapons for some of the unjoinable factions in Skyrim. Two files are provided, one version which distributes these sets to their respective factions and allows crafting, and a standalone version that allows crafting only. OBIS and OBIS Loot patches are available.New Legion New armor for the Imperial Legion. Textures upgrade available.Authentic Legion Authentic armor for the Imperial Legion in Oblivion style. USSEP and WACCF patches available.Realistic Armor Changes the standard armor to more realistic options, and also adds new armor.Armor Variants Expansion Armor Variants Expansion aims to adjust and increase variety of armors on Skyrim, by adding new armors to some vanilla and usual armor category trying to be closest to the lore friendly definition. Some patches are available here .Fashions Of The Banditry - A bandit-focused Armor Pack ==NEW== Vanilla Bandits are very lackluster in terms of armor variety. This lore friendly armor pack changes that. Compatible with OBIS (the best bandit overhaul mod below).Forsworn Fashions - More Variety for forsworn ==NEW== Forsworns have so much denominations, there is the ravager, the pillager, the looter, etc.. and all of then have the same armor, this mod changes that.Fashions of The Huntsmen - A Leather Armor variation mod ==NEW== Have you noticed that every leather armor in skyrim looks the same? Of course you did, and this mod aims to change that, by adding 9 (15 if you count all variations) new lore-friendly leather armor sets to the game, suiting other regions and races`s smithing styles. Every time you encounter someone using leather, it will be one of 15 variations.Steel Fashions- A Steel Armor Variation mod ==NEW== And now the same for the steel armors.Armors of the Velothi Pt. I ==NEW== Absolutely stunning armor pack consisting of 8 dunmer themed sets. Every set has unique, but lore-friendly look, qualitative models, and can be met in game worn by various dunmer NPCs. If playing as an argonian or khajiit, install this patch , and also take a look on some other patches here .Armors of the Velothi Pt. II ==NEW== 9 more armor sets and 7 dunmer-themed weapons from the same author. Also install fixes here and here . Some patches here .Salt Witch Garbs ==NEW== New outfits and accessories for male and female. Super native, looking like a vanilla armor mashups expansion.ARMONIZER Armors Pack Very old but still very good mod that adds various unique-looking, but still fitting armors to the game.NordWarUA’s Race Armor Expansion This mod adds new elven and orcish armors that fit the aesthetic of Skyrim. Used the assets from NordwarUA’s armor replacer mod. Standalone and integrated into level lists and world distribution.Liam’s Armoured Mage Robes Adds enchanted and unenchanted armoured robes for each school of magic along with necromancy robes and normal armoured robes. They can be crafted at the Tanning Rack or Blacksmith Forge.Fortran’s Shields Shields Of Glory Several craftable shields with glorious look. Also install two fixes here ==NEW== and here ==NEW== .Nordic Round Guards Shields Variety of Viking-style guardian shields. Guards will no longer walk with the same shields.Nordic Round Shields Adds round shields with a viking shield style.Legendary Alpha Shields Thematic lore-friendly craftable shields with epic models and hd textures, 30 in total. Some patches and improvements here ==NEW==.Legendary Alpha Shields 2 ==NEW== Even more epic shields from the same author, continuation to the mod above. Also install the improvement from here .JS Armored Circlets A set of 9 brand new standalone Circlets with the same attributes as their helmet counterparts. Also install the USSEP patch .Face Masks of Skyrim Simple as that. Compatible with beast races. Also install retexture pack .Improved closefaced helmets Wanna see the eyes of your character and other NPCs eyes under helmets? Get this. Note: will require lots of manual Xedit patching with a heavy mod list.Craftable Horse Barding Yep. Armors for your horses.Craftable Saddles from Witcher 3 ==NEW== And now some quality stuff from TW3.
Separate armors mods - one or couple armors in the mod:
Zerofrost Mythical Armors and Dragon ID 8463 ID 8463The latest armor mod pack from Zerofrost and that has definitely the absoutely amazingly armors - for male, female and both genders. Nightingale Prime armor also has replacer version for vanilla nightingale set. Note: Zerofrost, in my personal opinion, makes the most incredibly detailed and original standalone armors. He has a vast list of badass armor mods for both male and female characters, but all of them besides this single mod are not available for SE. You can try to port them yourself.Colovian Noble Clothes Imperial Fine Clothes Arcane Conjurer Robes Three qualitative clothing mods from the same author.Functional Bags Add various functional bags, pouches, and other special containers.Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer Much better armors for Storlcloaks and their officers/commanders.Kynreeve Armor Dremora-inspired, craftable set of daedric style armor, available in light and heavy variants. Also grab the upscaled textures .Grandmaster Ursine Armour Beautiful Witcher-inspired armor set.Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor A lore-friendly and badass-looking set of heavy vampire armor. Three variations can be crafted, each with a unique effect that is applied once wearing all four pieces. LOTD patch available.Hedge Mage Armor A rugged set of magically upgradable light armor for females.Wayfarer’s Coat Great clothing/light armor set for mages.DreamBurrows Regal Huntsman Armor An Assassin’s Creed Inspired Mashup.Demon Hunter Armor by Jojjo Beautiful, epic-looking and not skimpy light armor set for females.Sovereign’s Slayer Armor Amazingly beautiful and detailed, medieval-fantasy female fullplate armor. CBBE/Bodyslide conversion available.Perfect Legionnaire - Imperial Armor Reforged A deadly serious and stylish rework of the Imperial armory.Barbarian Steel Armor A set of craftable light armor for hardy Nord warriors and berserkers. Male and female versions, weight-slider compatible, works with any race or body type.Armor of Yngol This mod gives you a new uniqe set of Ancient Nord Armor as an addition to the unique Helmet of Yngol.Nordic Ranger Outfit Simple and immersive armor mashup.Dragonbone Barbarian Armors Original mashups of dragonbone armors. Female version are pretty skimpy.DeserterX profile Look into it if you wanna (often) [not] lore-friendly & unrealistic, but absolutely badass and attractive female armors.Lunar Guard Armor ==NEW== ==NEW== Adds a craftable ebony-tier heavy armor, inspired by the khajiit. If you like this armor, also recommended to get a glaive for it to finish the set and this patch if you want it to be distributed to some of Khajiit NPCs in the game.Newermind43 profile ==NEW== For plenty of various (mostly TESO inspired) armors, and some original quality sets. Author has much more amors for LE - you can port those yourself with CAO without any issues.Inquisitor Armor ==NEW== For several high-quality sets which are usually a crispy mixes of armor and clothes with HDT support.Traveling Mage Armor ==NEW== Authentic-looking battlemage clothing set.Goampuja profile==NEW== For some skimpy, but highly detailed armors.Gearshout profile ==NEW== For many craftable sets of unique and vanilla-like looking, at the same time, armors.Balanced Longcoats ==NEW== Adds four longcoats and three sets of boots and bracers, available through crafting. MLU patch here .Modular Clothing System Dress yourself as you want.Marvelous Attire - Tundra Line Tundra Line is a huge mix & match multi-colored 15-part clothing set which adds 54 new clothing items to the game.Sithis Armour Beauitiful Witcher-inspired armor set with HDT physics support.Rough Leather Armor Rogue-styled light amor for for male and female characters. Note: Included in Legacy of the Dragonborn.Imperial Dragonscale Armor A quality mashup.Stendarr Paladin Armor Set Adds a standalone set of Stendarr Paladin armor complete with a shield and two weapons.Archmage Khadgar’s Robes Technically not lore-friendly, but fitting in Skyrim anyway, a mage armor of astonishing quality.League of Assassins Armor ==NEW== Adds Talia al Ghul’s armor from Gotham Knights.Ashlander Apparel - CBBE BodySlide (with Physics) Immersive clothes mashups.SKYBLIVION - master Necromancer Robes A pure BONEkers necro robe.Dark Brotherhood Armor An original, authentic Shrouded armor approach. Comes with optional recolour variants and Blade of Woe remodel. Optional 4k and 8k retexture available here ==NEW==.Mavari Armor Amazing Mavari armor by talented Zerofrost, finally ported to SE.Knights of Thorn Armor and weapons set Two fantastic quality armor mods and little easter egg.Armor of Intrigue Updated SE port of a popular light armor set.Imperial Guard Centurion Armor Adds a unique, lore friendly armor set based on the same version from Elder Scrolls Online. Comes in 2k and 4k versions.Battle Mage Armour Mod adds 4 colour variants of a battle mage armour plus a hood and circlet. Female only.Knightranger Archer Armor Scale Nord Armor D-Armory This mod adds a total of 12 new sets of armor (Male and Female). they are all mashups from vanilla and some modded assets.Boreal Hunter Armor Nemesis Armor Set A unique craftable set of light armor from Enderal for males and females.Nibenean Armors and Outfit Colovian Leather Armor and Outfit Couple of craftable lore-friendly armors.Knight of Molag Bal - Remastered SirRumple profile For some definitely not lore-friendly, but beautiful armors or vanilla armor recolours/remodels.Daedric Light Armor Among the various daedra clans, there are those that are most comfortable wearing lighter armor, compared to the traditional heavy daedric equipment. Light daedric armor offers good protection, without weighing too much, and offering greater mobility to its users, being preferred among important clans such as the Skaafins and Xivkyns.Dremora Armor Basically, the daedric armor set from TES VI: Oblivion.Ancient Nord Armo(u)ry EXTREME Many different variations and sets of Ancient Nord armor.Arcane Mage Armor Regal Paladin Armor Morag Tong Grandmaster Armor Ash Pilgrim’s Garments A beautiful female Dunmer outfit.Moon Monk’s Robes ==NEW== More love to KhajiitsShoulderpacks Adds 4 new shoulder-style backpacks with a realistic fur style, functionally mimics Campfire’s dynamic placement for torch, woodcutters axe, pot and waterskin.Grandmaster Wolven Armor and Swords Adds craftable grandmaster wolven armor and swords from The Witcher 3.Eastern Dwemer Armour King’s Guard Armor Armor set that equals glass armor set in values\crafting, based on GOT model.zzjay and Grace Darkling Hoods With Hairs A set of hoods with hairs.Dwemer Garb Adds new dwemer-themed clothes, both enchanted and unenchanted versions, which can be found in dwemer chests and specific locations.Letho’s Pants Male only, light armor set that adds Letho’s pants, boots, and gloves.Skyblivion - 3E Cyrodiilic Steel Armor This mod contains the Cyrodiilic Steel Armor as re-imagined for the Skyblivion project.Kozakowy clothes ports Beautiful, noble, elegant female clothing.GolinskiRH profile ==NEW== Some standalone, nice quality, vanilla-like armors.Reapress ==NEW== Artwork-inspired, reaper-like armor and weapon. Get the “Gear Only” version and also install the update file. It’s also recommended to install this patch that will make the armor set modular (you can equip armor/helmet etc separately to mix with other armor pieces if needed).Redguard Noble Armor ==NEW== Dusk Hunter Armor ==NEW== Lore-friendly mashup designed for vampire hunters and spellswords, being an specialized branch of the Dawnguard trained by monster hunters, or witchers.Armor of Titus Mede I ==NEW== Adds an imperial themed light armor that once belonged to the colovian warlord Titus Mede I.Kvetchi Mercenary Set ==NEW== This mod adds a new, high-poly imperial (somewhat gladiators-inspired, imo) themed set, a weapon & a shield. NPCs distribution addon here .Dremora Robes- Mihail Armors and Clothes ==NEW== The robes traditionally worn by the Dremora are heavy, terrifying looking, and at first glance cumbersome and uncomfortable, with their sharp edges and thick metal plates.Elder Shield ==NEW== Also look for an Ancient Dwemer Metal patch here .Ryder’s Dragonfly Robes Mage set, CBBE compatible.Daedric Assassin Armor Finally ported to SE. Standalone and craftable.HD Falmer Elven Chainmail Retexture Banderger For a few iconic Witcher armor ports.Raven witch armor Raven Witch armor by Zerofrost, ported to SE.Magnus Robe Adds Magnus robe, light armor or clothing option. Male only with weight slider, beast race support.Glowing ebony armor by Mari Fabulous luminous armor in six color options.Marvelous Attire - Tawenja Armor New adventurer outfit including clothing, armor and a backpack.Cyrodiilic Thief Armor Adds two new armor sets that are meant to belong to Cyrodiilic branch of the Thieves Guild.Chevaleresse II Armor Imperial Centurion Battle Dress Somewhat skimpy yet pretty lore-friendly armor at the same time.Blood Operative Armor - Male and Female Armor A set of male and female light armor used by House Dimir’s Vampire Assassins.Toxin Doctor Outfit- Mihail Armors and Clothes Any plagues?Stalhrim Paladin Armor Full set of high quality stalhrim steel plate armorContractor Armor Yet another old-but-masterpiece from Zerofrost ported over to SE.Dark Brotherhood Mail - Standalone Ever wished you had a Dark Brotherhood armor that didn’t look like a swimsuit? Here you go.yurica chevaleresse Armor Female knight armor.Vampire Lord Dragon Priest Armour Mashup from these two.Telvanni Spellsword Armor A set of Telvanni-themed spellsword armor.Tribal Sorceress Outfit Mashup Lowered Hoods Variants of the vanilla hoods that are lowered (not over your head). Male and Female. Uses slot 45. Some patches for popular mods available.Leveled Lists Vigilants of Stendarr - Paladin Armor Adds the Paladin Armor by NordWarUA into the Vigilants of Stendarr leveled lists. It also adds some vanilla items to it making the Vigilants of Stendarr appear to actually be able fighting some Daedra.Nicos Raven Shield Finally A Steel Plate Shield Frostkeeper Drow Ranger Armor Northgirl Armor Original female armor on the edge between beauty and lore-friendliness.Thalmor Armory Adds new Thalmor equipment set in 3 variations.
Weapon mods:
Before you start, if you prefer the visual presentations, you can take a look at some of the best mods released in 2018 and in general:
First of all, let’s look on weapon packs - mods that contain many or at least several weapons inside them:
Lore Weapon Expansion ID 9660 ID 9660My personal favourite between all big weapon packs. Variative but not too big and with qualitative textures for each weapons without exceptions. And what is good, it’s really lore-friendly.InsanitySorrow Weapons Pack A compilation of standalone mods (that are not included in previous pack) from the same author, ported from LE. I humbly recommend installing this pack as well - it includes many unique weapons for warriors, thieves and archers, which are still really, really immersive.Royal Armory - New Artifacts A must-have mod. Adds special weapons to the most important characters in Skyrim with unique effects and appearance. This may sound very simple, but it really changes the way you will look on many quests and NPCs - because now they will be a more than worthy targets. Make sure to install amazing mesh/texture improvement addon for it. Optional tweaks patch available, as well as similar patch ==NEW==, but with weapons effects boost (use one or another).Heavy Armory - New Weapons One of my favourite wepon packs as well. This mod adds nearly 100 new weapons to Skyrim. You will find all new Halberds, Spears, Glaives, Shortswords, Quarter staves, Mauls, Hatchets and Clubs. Optional addon for enchanted weapons distribution is available, as well as version of the mod with new DAR-based animations from Animated Armoury mod here ==NEW==.Legendary Skyrim Crossbows and Bows Amazing mod that adds dozens of new crossbows, some bows and unique arrows/bolts to the game. Crossbows have very qualitative models.Liam’s Staves of Skyrim 45 new stavesSimple but brilliant mod that adds scopes to all vanilla bows making them look much more epic. Some compatibility patches are available, as well as VR patch .BillyRo Ultimate Swords Anthology The massive pack containing dozens of amazing standalone weapons by talented Billyro, ported from Skyrim LE.Billyro Compendium Another huge pack of most noticeable weapons made by Billyro.JaySuS Swords Old but good weapon pack that adds 53 new craftable weapons to the game.Weapons of the Third Era ==NEW== Old-but-good mod. Morrowind-themed weapons pack with a lot of new, non-replacement weapons. Also grab WACCF patch, and later patch for Animated Armoury, if you’ll be using it.Skyrim Weapons Expansion Over 100 balanced weapons into the vanilla game through crafting and leveled lists.Weapons collection 1 Weapons Collection 2 Weapons Collection 3 30 (in total for all 3 mods) new, HQ weapons from same author.Zikoru Swords Collection Small pack of weapons from another talented weapon mods author, pretty similar to Billyro’s style in general.Katana Crafting This Mod allows crafting Katana, Dai-Katana, Wakizashi and Tanto from materials; Steel, Dwarven, Orcish, Elven, Nordic, Ebony, Glass, Stalhrim, Dragonbone and Daedric. DSR patch and MLU patch are available. Note: if you’re modding AE and don’t have the CC “DLCs”, also install this patch ==NEW== (overwrite mod’s plugin).Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection Old but good weapon pack for LOTR fans. Also install the fix patch needed to correct some errors made during mod porting from Skyrim LE.The Witcher 3 Weaponry Simple as that. Great mod for Witcher series fans and fitting Skyrim world.Twinblades of Skyrim ==NEW== A mod that adds 16 different twinblade’s to Skyrim special edition that can be obtained in game via crafting or enemies looting. For these weapons to “shine” in combat fully, it’s recommended to install an animation mod that will add unique animations just for them. Worry not, you’ll see this mod further on, in the Animations section. Damage balancing patch and MLU patch available.Dwemer Tonal Energy - Twinblades ==NEW== Use ancient tonal magic to construct twinblade weapons formed of energy. Imbue the blades with power based on your knowledge of enchanting and the schools of magic.Dwemer Tonal Energy - Glaives ==NEW== A mod from the same author, now with glaives.Dwemer Tonal Weaponry - Swords ==NEW== And ofc, similar styled swords.PrivateEye’s “New Armory” mods ==NEW== New Lunar, Ash Spawn, Dragon Cult weapons and others - often with unique enchantements.Noahlong0313 profile ==NEW== For several lore-friendly weapons with high-quality models.JS Unique Utopia Standalone - Daggers ==NEW== Lazy Weapon Pack ==NEW== And one more from Billyro. Two , actually.Pixie’s Delight (Crystal Weapons) ==NEW== Craftable crystal-like daggers, swords and greatswords.Tera Weapons with Leveled List Definitely not lore-friendly, MMO-like weapons, but may be interesting for some players.Kthonia’s Unique Weapon Pack - Dragonborn Weapons Adds three unique-looking dragonbone weapons with unique effects into the game world, found in Solstheim. Also install the fix .Reforging - To the Masses (Weapons Expansion) A huge weapon pack which adds around 300 vanilla-friendly weapons to the game. Some patches are available here , here and here .Bowgasm A collection of 14 beautiful, realistic bows. Optionally, you can use a different version of the plugin to have these bows replace vanilla bows. You can a see a showcase of it here .Unique Bows Collection ==NEW== This mod adds 10 new unique bows to the game. All bows are artifacts, placed in various locations all over the Skyrim with some lore behind each. Also make sure to install the balance patch (without it, some bows will be just too overpowered).Rafael’s Weapon Pack A collection of mostly definitely not lore-friendly, but absolutely badass, epic weapons inspired by some other games.Daedric Light Weapons Many daedra prefer to use light daedric armor instead of the traditional heavy variants, likewise many of them also prefer to use lighter and faster weapons, instead of the traditional elaborate heavy armament. This weapon set may not be as robust or powerful as other Oblivion sets, but its slimmer and lighter design allows for faster strikes.Horker Weapon Pack For muh immers…horkersion?Skyforge Weapons Qualitative mod for Skyforge weapons.
Nice! Now standalone weapon mods that add a single weapon, or a couple of them:
Artifacts - The Ice Blade of the Monarch ID 13972 ID 13972Pack of 3 absolutely beautiful weapons (sword, dagger and staff) with a lore-friendly quest to obtain them.Eimar’s Edge Beautiful steel sword with silver carvings and glowing.The Huntsman Unique-looking UPGRADABLE bow.Lorkhan Moonlight Greatsword Reborn A legendary sword from Souls series in several unique variants, with custom meshes and visual effects. I also strongly recommend you to check out this author’s other weapon mods, mostly inspired by DS as well.Billyro profile For incredibly qualitative weapons mods if you want them standalone out of the pack linked above, or if you just wanna endorse his original works ;) Note that he has vastly less mods officially for SE than for LE - most you need to port yourself if you want to have them standalone.Valkyrja - Viking sword Lore-friendly, authentic-lookin, highly-detailed original sword.Sword of Ancient Tongues Beautiful runed sword in 12 variants.Johnskyrim profile For absolutely breathtaking, insane in a good meaning, stunning weapons inspired by other games like WOW or Kingdom Come.ImsumDave profile For several beautiful, half realistic, half fantasy weapons.Crazylion profile For original-looking standalone weapons and unique variations for some vanilla weapons.FunkyGandalfCat profile For badass DS-inspired weapons.Scythe42 profile For some ported weapon mods of FavouriteSoul from Skyrim LE.Tartaross profile For a small but qualitative weapon pack and several original weapon mods.Hilli1 profile For many other Skyrim LE weapon mods ported to SE.tamu75 Witcher’s Steel Sword Beautiful silver sword from Witcher, still fitting Skyrim greatly too.Occiglacies - Ancient Falmer Blade An HD Ancient Falmer blade for your travels.The Munich It’s a hand and a half sword (aLonger…longsword), based on the design from Albion Swords.The Devil’s Tooth A longsword, based on the design from the Netflix show Cursed.Lux and Noctis Katanas Rory’s Halberd Blades of Chaos Adds “Blades of Chaos” based on the blades from the God of War game which use the whip weapon type (and ofc, animations) from Animated Armoury.Leviathan Axe - Dwemer Artifacts Leviathan Axe as seen in God of War, features incredibly quality model and texture, all stages of upgrading, pommels with different effects and much more! You can a see a showcase of it here .Staff of Bloodstained Chalice Add a new vampire/gothic themed staff with unique enchantment.Fudou Myouou Katana and Tachi Serpent Dagger Beautiful glowing dagger with multiple color options and additional option for Blade of Woe replacer.Magic Blade A set of magic blades from the comic Scissor Seven.Zireael - Ciri’s High Quality Sword Fly, Swallow.Alduwuin profile For a few unique-looking, high-quality weapons.Nicoroshi profile Once widely well-known weapon mods author back in 2012-2013, he is active again and makes lots of new weapon mods with improved quality.Kanjs profile For various daedric-style (but not only) weapon mods.Vanguard’s Claymore A very large 2h sword with unique impacts.Nicos Twinblades ==NEW== Three new twinblades. For these weapons to “shine” in combat fully, it’s recommended to install an animation mod that will add unique animations just for them. Worry not, you’ll see this mod further on, in the Animations section. One-handed version available here .Blades of Ice ==NEW== Adds two frozen swords to your game. One carved from pure stalhrim and another fusing both steel and ice together.The Shattered Blade of Baziar ==NEW== A powerful sword, broken, cursed to share its shattered burden with every wielder. Find both pieces and repair the blade to end the curse and gain a boon instead. One handed and two handed options available.Gro-Kayra - Rage of the Ashen Forge ==NEW== Nagamaki Gaijin ==NEW== An euro-asian inspired katana craftable in two designs each with 11 color options.Bluthund - A Longsword ==NEW== Bluthund is a beaten and battered longsword, that’s been lost in the north of Skyrim. Find it, claim it and reforge its destinyA new bow with unique sheated/unsheated animation. You can see a quick showcase here .Dragon Tamer’s Blade - Hiccup’s Fire Sword The Lost Roscrean Blade A unique ornate Nordic style late game sword.The Soul Harvester Adds a 2h Scythe based on the weapon from Diablo II.Dawnbreaker Requiem Re-imagining of the classic Dawnbreaker. Standalone mod.Dragonbone Crossbow Adds a dragonbone crossbow and a corresponding bolt.Mehrune’s Razor Reborn Adds a longsword and dagger modeled after the Mehrune’s Razor.Dragon Slayer - Berserk Mod adds the Dragon Slayer from Berserk to Skyrim Special Edition. 4K Textures.Ayleid Crystal Saber An Ayleid crystal sword obtained through a unique heist.Valiant Nord Bow Custom nordic bow.Sword of the First Ember Beautiful semi-fantasy sword.CROSS_Crucible Absolutely not lore-friendly, but just a badass weapon from DOOM.Mjollnir If you are a fan.Dwarven Aetherial Bow Unique-looking aetherial bow. Also make sure to install a fix for it.
Both weapons and armors, new artifacts or vanilla artifacts improvements:
Reliquary of Myth - Artifact Overhaul ID 31612 ID 31612Невероятные и до сих пор (через 2 года после релиза) постоянно обновляемые артефакты капитального ремонта. Самый всеобъемлющий и креативный мод такого рода. Reliquary вкладывает душу в каждый артефакт, делая большинство из них действительно уникальными и отличными не только для ролевых игр, но и для того, чтобы значительно оживить билды персонажей. Наконец, он поставляется с отличным установщиком FOMOD, в котором есть множество патчей для популярных модов (вы можете безопасно объединить их все, только не объединяйте сам мод). Поскольку он был выпущен, это мой личный выбор, и я настоятельно рекомендую хотя бы попробовать его. Вы также можете увидеть мой обзор этого здесь .Настоящие артефакты Скайрима Довольно недооцененный мод (явно не совместимый с предыдущим, выбирайте тот или иной) с собственным подходом, который охватывает сотню артефактов.
Хорошо, давайте продолжим небольшие моды, которые в основном добавляют новые артефакты и наборы предметов!
Артефакты придворных волшебников ID 51393 ID 51393Добавляет уникальный артефакт с уникальными чарами большинству придворных волшебников СкайримаМод фокусируется только на танских наградах, что делает их действительно уникальными.Уникальное Танское Оружие Еще одна отличная альтернатива тому, чтобы танское оружие не только имело уникальные эффекты, но и выглядело уникально.Экипируемые фолианты - Поношенные книги ==НОВОЕ== Equippable Tomes — это мод, который добавляет тома и книги, которые можно носить на поясе вашего персонажа, чтобы увеличить силу его заклинаний. Незачарованные версии также включены, если вы просто хотите носить книги, которые не влияют на силу заклинаний, или зачаровывать свои собственные. Патч ребаланса здесь .Дары Акатоша Один из моих самых любимых наборов оружия и брони. Эпично, подробно и логично.Пакет контента нолдор Еще один отличный набор доспехов/оружия в стиле LOTR. Это версия с небольшим исправлением, поэтому, пожалуйста, не забудьте поддержать оригинальный мод (хотя он вам не нужен).DCR - Мега-набор King Crusader Крутой, мрачный, красивый набор доспехов (несколько вдохновленных назгулами из LOTR для меня), мечи и уникальное заклинание.Набор резных доспехов дракона Комплект тяжелой брони + оружие, выглядящий эпично и в значительной степени захватывающий. Доступны некоторые перекраски . Также установите этот патч, если у вас парящая броня, но перед установкой переименуйте папку «Mesh» в «Meshes».Артефакты - Бретонский паладин Красивый набор доспехов паладина, включающий дополнительный шлем, меч, булаву, боевой молот и кольцо.Броня берсерка — иммерсивная броня в стиле берсерка ==НОВОЕ== Незамеченный шедевр. Набор доспехов и оружия, с большим пакетом пассивных и активных функций/способностей, MCM для его настройки, баффы и штрафы за использование доспехов и т. д. Даже если вы сами не фанат Берсерка, проверьте это.Великолепная броня и двуручный меч Один из моих любимых модов на броню/оружие. Сильно вдохновлен Арториасом из серии DS.Имперский арсенал рыцаря-дракона Арсенал Героев Братьев Бури Обязательный мод для любого поклонника названных фракций. Невероятное качество! Для второго возьмите исправление .Профиль Лагри ==NEW== Два десятка визуально простых, но захватывающих, дружественных к лору и красивых наборов доспехов и одежды (и, как правило, подходящего оружия) для всех архетипов персонажей, в основном сделанных как мэшапы ванильных доспехов.Оружие Серебряного Шипа ==НОВОЕ== Набор из 34 высококачественных серебряных оружий (и несколько щитов) от Billyro.Набор оружия и доспехов Project Veil of Death_Dreaded Relics Добавляет уникальную броню с возможностью настройки и уникальное оружие.Броня северного крестоносца Добавляет доспехи скандинавского крестоносца и двуручный меч для крафта. Требуется перк Steel Smithing.Оружие и доспехи викингов ==НОВОЕ== Набор доспехов и щитов в стиле викингов, а также оружия - меч, кинжал, топоры и лук.Набор «Посланник-изгой» и «Посох гнева ведьмы» Добавляет новый тематический набор Изгоев для женских персонажей с мощным Посохом Разрушения, заменяющим Посох Гнева Ведьмы в Башне Темного Света.Кольца Лиама из Скайрима Добавляет в игру больше зачарованных колец, которые можно изготовить.Коллекция Akaviri ==НОВИНКА== Добавляет редкое акавирское оружие. Сай, нагината, дай катана и редкая безделушка, которая может кому-то показаться знакомой.Прочь - Уходи Новый квест, который проведет вас по Скайриму, чтобы получить легкий, только женский комплект доспехов, а также двуручный меч и длинный лук — каждый со своим уникальным, но тонким эффектом.Доспехи архирыцаря-вершителя и большой меч Высококачественные рыцарские доспехи и меч.Даэдрические доспехи и меч Кинвала Добавляет отдельные даэдрические доспехи и меч, чтобы вы выглядели как королевский дремора. Доступна версия заменителя.Набор артефактов забвения Добавляет в Скайрим различное уникальное оружие и доспехи из The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion. Такие, как Герб Коррола, Красная Волна, Клинок Черноводья, Драконианский Безумный Камень и многие другие.Эфириевая броня и подборка оружия Крутой и просто обязательный мод для любого фаната двемеров. Также не забудьте установить для него это совершенно невероятное улучшение модели/текстур. Артефакты - Турнир десяти кровей Goldbrand/Eltonbrand, Ходячий посох Боэтии, Испуганный, Кинжал Лирисиуса и Кольцо Шашева. Текстуры в высоком разрешении и удобный квест для их получения. Также рекомендуется установить этот патч lil balance ==NEW== .Полный комплект Elven Gilded ==NEW== Превращает эльфийскую позолоченную кирасу из ванильной в полный набор оружия и доспехов.Улучшение даэдрической брони и оружия Эпические, светящиеся даэдрические доспехи и варианты оружия. Также доступна версия ванильного заменителя.Оружие викингов Захватывающий набор скандинавского оружия и щитов просто безумного качества. Я также настоятельно рекомендую просмотреть профиль этого автора - у него есть много других модов (в основном новое оружие) - в отличие от этого мода, большинство другого его оружия не является дружественным к лору и в основном вдохновлено Warcraft, но их качество абсолютно удивительный.Броня бирюзового рыцаря ==НОВИНКА== Доспехи, оружие и квесты для мужчин и женщин.Ониксовая броня Лансера ==НОВИНКА== От того же автора.Броня и меч садовника Волкихара ==НОВОЕ== Уникальный набор тяжелых доспехов и оружие зловещего вида.ЧакраSSE ==НОВОЕ== Автор мода брони выше, у них же есть много других необычных, но качественных комплектов брони - загляните.Арсенал искаженной веры ==НОВИНКА== Indoril Armor - Моя версия ==NEW== Оружие тоже включено.Несколько исторически достоверное оружие и снаряжение викингов Порт LE-мода - название в значительной степени означает его :) Добавляет новое оружие (в основном) и некоторые доспехи.Fulcimentum - Больше посохов и жезлов Skyrim Добавляет 9 жезлов и 9 посохов, каждый со щитом той же формы. Перейдите на вкладку «Файлы модов», чтобы найти некоторые популярные патчи для модов. Патч для посохов Praedy можно скачать здесь ==NEW== , а патч для Dragonsreach JK — ==НОВОЕ== Оружейная Хаммерфелла Набор оружия и щитов в стиле редгардов.Посох Шеогората (полностью озвучен) Ага. Это все безумный бог, сияющий славой.Everlight - Факелы Скайрима 10 волшебных факелов, которые можно изготовить, с уникальными чарами, светлыми цветами и звуками. Получите также специальное заклинание для вызова атронаха холодного пламени или вызовите его с помощью одного из этих факелов.Стихийное видение Скайрима ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет мощные элементальные видения в качестве носимого аксессуара в Skyrim. Каждый элемент имеет уникальный эффект зачарования. Если вы используете ENB, также установите этот .Простые носимые фонари ==НОВИНКА== Добавляет три новых иммерсивных носимых фонаря. При желании установите этот патч баланса.Профиль Ронни Магнума Как для различного качественного оружия, так и для доспехов или наборов.Снаряжение северного странника Иммерсивный набор доспехов и оружия от Billyro.Двемерские феи ENB Частицы 9 двемерских цветных светящихся фей с автономными источниками света ENB-частицами, анимированными, экипируемыми и зачаровываемыми с пользовательскими звуковыми эффектами.Аксессуары RN Vanilla 10 аксессуаров для волос. 5 сережек +8 одна серьга. 4 букета цветов.Ювелирные изделия Stoneheart SMP Различные стильные серьги с поддержкой HDT.iD - Браслеты DovahBling Набор блестящих браслетов.РОГОВОЙ Добавляет 35 новых носимых рогов.
Skyrim modding stage is literally swarmed by follower mods, the vastl majority of which are really dull and simply briefly imported racemenu presets with nothing more. That’s why I decided I can’t skip this part and show you some really worthy follower mods - interesting, funny, badass, with own temper and/or unique look, background stories and personal questlines and so on. Using mods from this section you will be sure your companions are not only “I’m sworn to carry your burdens”.
First of all, a few great mods to give you immensely better control over your followers in all aspects and make your life with followers much more comfortable"
EFF - Extensible Follower Framework ID 7003 ID 7003Grab this mod if you will ever play with followers. It’s amazing and complex mod that adds many features to scan, control, equip your followers, give them much more commands, teleport to you if they are stuck or lost and much, much more. With a cool UI in addition! Note: Take into account that some complex follower mods, like INIGO, for example, are not compatible with EFF. That doesn’t mean your game will crash or something. They just mostly have own customized controls system, so just use it and don’t try to manage them with EFF, otherwise they may act weird. Also install this tiny fix , this one ==NEW== too, and optionally, enhanced wheelmenu addon .Nether’s Follower Framework A great alternative to previous mod, without some features of it, but with some of own unique features. Improved Traps patch available.My Home is Your Home (MHiYH 2plus) This mod will be useful as well if you like to play with many followers or just to have many of them in overall and choose different companions from time to time.Follower Death and Injury Chance - Followers Can Die This mod allows for followers to die and get injuries resulting from battles. The chances are quite low, but it will keep the game fresh and allow for more interesting experiences and narratives when it happens. Quite an essential mod for those who prefer balanced game with realism touch.Stealth Kills for Followers - Standalone Very light-weight mod that allows your followers also be able to kill enemies silently.Sleep for me now A simple standalone mod that makes followers sleep.Dynamic Mercenary Fees Simple mod that makes mercenaries ask for more or less money for their services depending on their level, your and their race and how good you are at bartering (your speech skill).No More Ugly Combat Idles for Followers Do you find annoying how your followers start acting like apes after unsheathing their weapons? They check their weapons, look around and stretches all the time, even if you replace their idle animation with a custom one. Now they won’t play those animations at all.Swiftly Order Squad - Follower Commands UI ==NEW== Swiftly give orders to your entire squad of followers, telling them all to wait, teleport to you or access their inventories with a single quick access custom menu.Quick Mass Follower Commands Hotkey ==NEW== Similar, more simple mod.Party Combat Parameters ==NEW== Skse plugin that adds hud widgets to display player, summons, follower, allies, follower summons, and optionally enemy information/avs. Also Includes a status page to view all tracked actors stats simultaneously on the same screen and options to display actor portraits. Fully customizable.Call Follower Mod that adds War Horns to general stores and loot containers around the world. Blowing the horn calls your current follower to you, even if they have been told to wait somewhere else. Includes an MCM that allows you to select whether your human or animal follower responds to the call, or both. Note: This mod should be used only [only] if you’re [not] using follower control mods like EFF/NFF (for some reasons).I’m Glad You’re Here - a follower and spouse appreciation mod Allows the player to show their appreciation to their followers , spouse and adopted kids by dialogue and a hug animation. Voiced with vanilla assets.Intuitive Dragon Ride Control ==NEW== Use intuitive ride commands to fully control your flights with any vanilla dragon, and with existing dragon follower mods.
Now let’s get to the followers themselves - the most interesting, funny, beautiful, charismatic and badass companions you can have:
INIGO ID 1461 ID 1461The one brave khajiit to rule them all. The one companion to pun them all. In my opinion, Inigo, while having not the numerically biggest amount of endorsements, is the best follower mod ever made. If you never liked to play with followers and even if you hate followes/follower mods in principle, Inigo will change that once and forever after just a couple of hours played together with him. Or maybe even after a few minutes. Inigo is a fully voiced khajiit adventuring companion with over seven thousand lines of unique dialogue - much of it about you. He doesn’t just have some “on-call phrase” - he reacts on everything and everyone around you. He will comment, he will sing, he will scream, he will joke and he will troll. Both you and your followers as well. Inigo is one of those mods that make you give a complete new look on the game. You may be also interested in optional visual changes for him here ID 38860 ID 38860 or here ==NEW== , as well as Mr. Dragonfly ENB particle light patch , improved models/textures ==NEW== for all unique Inigo items and a configurable key to whistle ==NEW== Inigo to ya.Sofia - The Funny Fully Voiced Follower “The infamous Sofia needs little introduction as she causes trouble across Skyrim”. And that’s all about her. The very original, funny and sarcastic follower voiced by professional voice actress. Sofia is quite an unusual follower. She is tough, witty and just a little bit boastful. She has a strong fondness for the player character but her deliberate attempts to disguise the fact just leads to very awkward conversations especially as she usually says exactly what she thinks. Sofia is a tease and loves to wind people up which doesn’t make her very popular with people. Her rebellious spirit and careless attitude often gets her in trouble. Not to mention her constant inappropriate comments which easily offend or embarrass people. Also take a look at customizer addon ID 7582 ID 7582 for her and a visual overhaul (or also this one or this one ). You may also love this ==NEW== lil addon.Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower Lucien is a fully voiced Imperial follower with over 2500 lines of immersive, lore-friendly dialogue. Though he arrives in Skyrim as a cowardly scholar, he’ll gradually gain strength and confidence by your side until he grows into a hero in his own right. It’s made on a level of dedication and self-awareness close to INIGO, and plays greatly together with INIGO installed. You can see a showcase of it here . You may also be interested in some handsome replacers for him here or here ==NEW==, and this lil fix patch .Vilja in Skyrim One of the most endorsed (well deserved) follower mods as well. Greatly done from all aspects, Vilja doesn’t only have her own agenda - she also has her hopes and visions, her thoughts and opinions, and a background story that she will share with you over time. There’s also a customizer for herImproved Follower Dialogue - Lydia This mod doesn’t just give Lydia a new voice - it adds over 350 lines of dialogue to make her an actually interesting character and major part of the main quest. Absolutely must have if you’re using her as a follower.Serana Dialogue Edit If you like to play through Dawnguard DLC, this mod is just essential. Serana is a character with one of the most interesting backgrounds, but dialogues with her were always a bit dull and limited. This mod goal is to fix this problem, drastically expanding her dialogues amount and giving a lot of reactions on the events around you when travelling together (especially noticable if played through Dragonborn DLC).Serana Dialogue Add-On An expansion to Serana’s dialogue in order to make her feel more organic as an interactive character with the player and the world. This includes more conversations with the player, quest awareness, radiant dialogue, and much more. With this mod, Serana should be a more engaging character not only in Dawnguard, but for the whole game. Compatible with Serana Dialogue Edit. Lots of patches here ==NEW== .M’rissi’s Tails of Troubles Half-khajiit, half-human. Meet M’rissi and decide your own role in her life. Will you be a slaver, a saviour or a lover? That’s for you to decide. Fully-voiced thrilling personal questline will also give you decent amount of enjoyable hours. There’s a visual replacer available, as well as this one , and INIGO patch .Hoth Brutal warrior companion with unique voice and amazing visual customization.Aurlyn Dawnstone - The Reclusive Philosopher Altmer sorceress with over 1000 voiced lines, own reactions on events and own temper. Visual replacer addon is available.Recorder - Standalone Fully Voiced Follower Definitely not very lore-friendly looking, but a great and original fully-voiced follower with own questline and various reactions of surroundings and your actions. Install the bugfix patch and take a look at customizer and one more visual overhaul .L u n a Not custom-voiced, but absolutely unique-looking beautiful female follower with own combat style.Alex’s Nereron - A Dunmer Companion A custom voiced Dunmer Companion with over 400 voicelines, custom features and completely standalone.Khash The Argonian A completely lore-friendly fully voiced follower mod with 770+ lines of custom dialogue. Take the young Argonian, Khash, on your adventures.Mythos An amazing and underrated follower mod from the authors of “Citizens of Tamriel”. Venture forth with two fully-voiced companions, each with their own branching quests and reactive personalities - dive into the Skyrim dangers with a party of characters worthy of any great RPG. Beautiful character replacers available here ==NEW==. You can also watch a showcase of it here .Shirley - A Skyrim Follower Mod Shirley Curry, the beloved Skyrim Grandma, finally comes to the game as a follower you can recruit! She’ll join you on your adventures, but don’t expect her to simply carry your burdens! She’s got more personality than all the vanilla followers combined, and we’re sure she’ll be a great companion, and a friend. And a grandma! You can also optionally get this visual overhaul to make her look closer to her original irl age.Nebarra - Fully Custom Voiced Altmer Follower Nebarra is a rude, blunt, and general prick of an Altmer mercenary that can accompany you in your travels. He is a fully voiced follower with 1,500+ lines.Triss Merigold - Custom Voiced Follower Triss Merigold from The Witcher series as standalone voiced follower for Skyrim with a short romance quest.LoonaShadow - Custom Voiced Follower Mod A beautiful and poetic follower with custom voiced lines.Skeever - Custom Follower An incredibly qualitative, fun and fully voiced follower of many talents - and to me, a really underrated mod. Skeever is a lore-friendly 15,000 (atm, more to come) dialogue lines that cover every single interior in the game, Breton follower who also happens to be a true-scout, everything-reading, enemy-detecting, song-singing, praying-loving, riddle-playing companion. He can smell the surroundings and tell you what kind of enemies you will encounter in the dungeon, he can advise, joke, sing and even read books for you. Whenever you do not know what to do, ask Skeever and see what he’ll have for you next. You can also watch a review of this amazing mod here .Redcap the Riekling ==NEW== YUP. A riekling follower, because why not? Fully voiced with oer 900 lines and a personal quest.Lucifer - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Follower ==NEW== Lucifer is a custom voiced Argonian follower with over 6,000+ lines of dialogue and own temper. He will listen to your commands unless he feels that it isn’t the right thing to do. Try and ask him about his past and he may or may not share any. Continue to make yourself the hero, anti-hero or villain of Skyrim and he will trust you more.. or is that what someone wants him to do? Gain his trust and he will share what he knows about himself as he doesn’t know who he really is, even though he may disagree with some of your actions, he won’t leave your side. You can see him in action here .Xelzaz - Custom Fully Voiced Argonian Telvanni Follower ==NEW== And another one great Argonian follower with over 4,000 lines of dialogue. Also has around 200 lines of voiced interaction with Lucifer, and many dialogue lines in general with several other follower mods - look on the mod page.Remiel-Custom Voiced Dwemer Specialist and Companion ==NEW== Adds Remiel to your game, custom voiced with ~2500 lines of dialogue, a Breton engineer who will accompany you in your travels. She’s travelled from Wayrest to explore dwemer ruins in Skyrim, but she needs your help. While she’s not much of a fighter, she boasts a knack for machinery and will reprogram a dwemer spider to fight alongside you both.Thogra gra-Mugur - Orc Follower and Quest ==NEW== Help an Orc widow get revenge on the one who wronged her. Multiple body options, custom dialogues, a quest with different endings and more.Telmiltarion - Fully Voiced Male Altmer Follower ==NEW== Voiced altmer companion with 800+ lines.Caryalind Thallery The Aldmeri Prince ==NEW== A complete lore-friendly fully custom-voiced follower mod of a charming Aldmeri prince. 500+ lines.Dzarkim ==NEW== An arachnophobe’s dream come true and/or worst nightmare. Fully-voiced dwemer automaton companion, ready to be thrown into the nearest volcano.Nessa ==NEW== A friendly thief companion that comes with all new quests, over 800 voiced lines, heaps of content and a whole lot of trouble.Light and Shade ==NEW== A massive, game-changing follower with reactive behaviour, tonnes of memorable dialogues (1100+ lines), special functionality and more. Read the mod page to get a grasp of her.Daegon - Standalone Custom Fully Voiced High Elf Follower ==NEW== Daegon is a fully custom voiced Altmer princess, lost in Skyrim searching for secrets and adventure, with over 1,700 lines of dialogue. Optional visual replacer here .The Hidden Blades - Akaviri Followers Bosses And Weapons ==NEW== Adds 9 new lore-friendly Akaviri followers+presets as well as new armor sets, weapons and bosses.Northern Witcher - Alenzar’s Thorin Crow-Claw ==NEW== Doesn’t have a voice acting, but just looks badass.Followers as Companions II An SE port of “Followers as Companions” mod from Skyrim LE.Alkaia Custom-voiced female follower.Companion Yngvarr Badass and (imo) WOW-inspired companion.Kirsten - Voiced Follower Kirsten can be found at Haelga’s Bunkhouse, ready for adventure and crime.Diana Vampyre Diana Vampyre adds hours of additional gameplay as well as the lovely Diana Pureblood Vampire follower. The dungeon master has stolen Diana’s spell books and it’s up to you to find them and learn the secrets of Pure Blood Vampire Magic.Toccata Follower Vivace Follower Chaconne Follower Succubus-san Beautiful followers from the author of Bijin series. She will heal you and other followers in combat. Includes a MCM that allows you to fully customize her combat behavior, class/skills, and spells.Companions and Followers Mod adds 12 generic followers travelling around the Skyrim (instead of just sitting and waiting for you).Spectral Assassin Tweaks ==NEW== Simple adjustments to everyone’s favorite Speaker of the Black Hand - to make him smarter and deadlier.
Creature follower mods - new creature followers or improved vanilla beast followers:
Gladys the Corgi - A Custom Dog Follower Mod ID 50164 ID 50164Adds a friendly corgi companion to join you on your adventures, voiced with the sounds of an actual corgi of the mod author.Inconsequential Pets Choose from a range of 74 Inconsequential Pets and share your adventures with up to 6 pets at a time. Pets are invulnerable and cannot attack or be targeted by hostiles (MMO-style pets).A Cat’s Life A Cat’s Life aims to bring cats to the land of Skyrim in the most immersive and fun way possible. Towns and villages will have both stray and household cats wandering around who you can interact with. You’ll be able to adopt cats through gaining their trust and affection and even purchase your own cats from pet stores. You can also watch a review of it here .Philmorex - A Rideable Steerable Dragon Follower ==NEW== Philmorex is a rideable, steerable dragon follower. He will accompany you in your travels, and will assist you in your battles - aside you, or while you are riding him. Use intuititve commands to fully control your flight.Garm the Husky Companion ==NEW== A port of a popular LE doggo follower.Tiikeli - Tiger Follower Fierce tiger follower to stand by your side in your battles.Werewolf Companions - Turns the Companions at Jorrvaskr into Werewolves If a member of the Companions is near death and bleeding out, they will automatically transform into a Werewolf to unleash the beast on your enemies. Once they calm down they will automatically transform back into a human and automatically re-equip their armor.Kishar - A Spriggan Utility Follower Kishar is an Alteration/Illusion caster with some very useful custom spells, similar to Clairvoyance, Waterbreathing, Muffle, Rally, and Pacify.Zephyr - Standalone Rabbit Companion and Friend This mod adds a standalone talking rabbit follower in Jorrvaskr in Whiterun.Meeko the Ghost Dog This mod turns our favorite Meeko into the ghost dog. Now he has a colorful aura, ghost resistance, immune to poison and has no level limit.Harold the pack goat Ahem….bb-beeee-eeee?Ihlenda Reconstructed A helpful dwemer doll that just needed a few bolts tightened and a good polishing.True Meeko Vigilance Reborn Frost Reborn Sabretooth - the loyal Sabrecat Companion Grunt - The Bear Companion
Drastically improved and beautified vanilla player homes, new player homes, castles, estates and hideouts. Player home is absolutely a matter of taste - size, style of design, features - that’s all up to you, so here I’ve just listed a wide “base” of various beautiful and qualitative mods of this type to choose from.
Before you start, if you prefer the visual presentations, you can take a look at some of the best mods released in 2018:
Unlimited Bookshelves ID 2885 ID 2885First of all, grab this essential mod - it does exactly how it’s named and will be very useful for you, as it’s compatible with modded homes as well. You can also grab this little patcher for better compatibility with some modded items.Self Filling Bookshelves ==NEW== Sick of trawling through your inventory looking for the books you want to display? Well, no more! Note: Not compatible with Unlimited Bookshelves mod above.Better Bookcase Retexture for books and glass replacer for closed bookcase.Obscure’s Art Editions - Noble Shelves ==NEW== Noble shelves remodel.
Vanilla player homes and estates overhauls.
Lakeview. Manor - As It Should Be ID 17007 ID 17007Remodels and decorates Lakeview Manor in absolutely beautiful, creative yet lore-friendly way. Allows you to customize you the home in many variants. The best ever existing mod for this vanilla home and one of the most qualitative in general. A member of my “best of 2018” player homes video.Breezehome Beautiful Breezehome overhaul from Elianora. Also install the improvement patch ==NEW==.Breezehome by Lupus A beautiful Breezehome overhaul. Simple yet very functional.Hjerim TNF A successful attempt to make this house more elegant and functional completeness.Honeyside TNF A mod from the same author, but for Honeyside this time.Proudspire Manor TNF And for Proudspire Manor.Proudspire Another really great, elegant Proudspire overhaul.Anduniel profile For a lot of vanilla player homes overhauls.Restoring the Aretino Residence Fix and upgrade the Aretino residence into a proper (player) home! Invite Aventus to return home! Give Sofie a warm place to sleep - or just use it for yourself. Fully voiced quest with 12 possible upgrade options. You can a see a showcase of it here .ian48 For simple yet stylish facelists for vanilla player homesProudspire Manor Remodel - Bourgeois Apartment Fancy remodel of Proudspire Manor - now with decorations, bookshelves, and wine.Snowberry Cottage - Rebuild Hroggar’s House Rebuild from the ashes! After destroying the vampires seeking to enslave Morthal, you can now rebuild Hroggar’s ruined house into Snowberry Cottage - a quaint, lore-friendly player home that includes all crafting stations, ample storage, a child’s bedroom, and an optional library and trophy room (compatible with spouses and Hearthfire adoptions).Nightingale Hall Restored - Karliah as a Follower ==NEW== Upgrades Nightingale Hall into a more liveable and functional space, and allows Karliah to become a follower. Adds a portal to the Twilight Sepulcher, ability to level up Nightingale gear, and other features.
New ones - large size - castles, mansions, estates.
Legend of the Eagles Nest ID 9961 ID 9961A fortress with amazing level of details and with everything you may need in player home, located in snowy mountains between Riverwood and Whiterun. It also contains a questline to rebuild it to proper glory.Caranthir Tower Reborn While designed for a mage character initially, this amazing magic tower can actually serve as an epic base for anyone (but ofc without magic skills at all it will be very hard to complete its questline). Yes-yes, questline. It’s not just a tower - it’s like a complete new world inside it. It offers features never seen before, customisation, and is more than just a player home. The tower must be restored through a Hearthfire style crafting system or you can simply purchase everything you need. This mod is also based heavily around player choice.Aemer’s Refuge One of my personal favourites between various player home mods. A big keep located high in mountains, with a lot of unique features, but what is the most important - unlike many other (even pretty popular) player home mods, each, even the tiniest details and clutter piece in this mod is placed exactly where it should be - and while being pretty huge, this keep is looking absolutely great with each detail on its own place. Also install this ==NEW==.LC_Build Your Noble House Ever wanted to build your own castle step by step? Seek no more! This mod will give you the chance to build your own noble castle with your own hands. You will only start with a small shed and a tent, but in time you build a whole village and your own fortified noble house. Each building will yield revenue and produce materials that will be deposited daily in your shed. A member of my “best of 2018” player homes video.Halls Of Dovahndor The ultimate home for the ultimate Dragonborn. A fully detailed, original, lore-friendly home in Sovngarde.The Scarlett - A Buildable Ship The Scarlett is a large buildable ship mod with over 200 build options to choose from, featuring two small quests and a new unique location. The ship also features a fast travel system along with plenty of storages and other functional things.Black thorn Keep Fully functional custom asset player castle with original look. Located North of Dragon BridgeTel Nalta II Tel Nalta is back! Simply the best Telvanni-themed player home ever. A huge thematic mansion with multiple floors, beautiful dunmer design and the unique mechanics of building (or, rather, growing) it. A must-have if you ever wanted Morrowind inspired player home.Raven Castle Huge (really huge), dark, ambient castle in gothic style located in its own worldspace. Will fit great any vampire/necromancer/warlock characters.Skyrimlazz profile Check it for dozens of beautiful (and mostly pretty big) castles and palaces.Mornfallow Manor Buildable player home southwest of Windhelm with complete construction system, tons of storages and all needed tools.Morskom Estate This mod is a large player home with one purpose in mind; to provide a unique home in Skyrim that you the player must build. You will have a bare old house up in Dawnstar which you purchase and renovate. The home includes support for your family and has more than enough storage for you hoarders out there.Deithwen - Witcher Inspired Home A large player home greatly inspired by the architecture and characters of The Witcher series.Silverpeak Lodge A very large player home made to house all of your followers and family.Maple Manor Player house near Ivarstead with a few functions and linked to the Legacy of Dragonborn safehouse.Springwood Estate - Player Home Purchase a new player home located in Solitude with all the features the dragonborn needs. Hearthfire adoption compatible.Fleetford Fleetford is a player home within an inn and a full surrounding settlement complete with traders, followers etc. The location is between Whiterun and Windhelm (by Darkshade and Cradlecrush Rock).The Shrouded Lair - A Vampire Home A castle of pocket realms in your own plane of oblivion for your vampire or any evil character and followers. Mod has simply an amazing interior design fitting the vampire character greatly. Also install this expansion/fix addon for it.Crystal Creek Mansion Beautifully designed middle-sized mansion near Pinewatch, with unique look and some custom features in addition. You’ll like the guardian for sure :)Azura’s Dawn A luxurious mansion situated beautifully on the Treva River, halfway between Riften and Ivarstead.Heartwood Castle Lore-friendly and highly defensible player home in the Rift. Medium sized. Family and follower friendly; crafting stations; generous number of planters; named storage; guards and other staff; mannequins and weapon displays, etc.Oars Rest Oars Rest is a new small village found on the edge of Lake Ilinalta. It’s a nice small town with secrets for the player to uncover through the use of notes and hidden secrets. Apart from its mystery, it’s a perfect stop for travelling adventures such as yourself to stop by, take a breather and sell some of your loot. Note: Also install the fix patch which can be downloaded via the link in comments section.Frostspire Tower A massive magical player home with vast amount of features - ability to craft dozens of new spells, teleport to all major cities and more.Syerscote ==NEW== Syerscote is a new town with new meshes, custom voiced NPCs, quests and a purchasable player home. Ported to SE from an LE original mod, with some extra new features and fixes.Coldstone Keep ==NEW== Supermassive custom asset player castle.DemonicTurkey profile ==NEW== For several vanilla+, but impressive and functional estates/large hideouts.Crystalwind Estate and the Waterfalls of Rielle ==NEW== A new large estate inside an own custom worldspace.Riftcastle Lodge - A Player Home for Skyrim ==NEW== Looking like inspired by Riverside Lodge mod, this one lets you to explore a large hunter’s lodge in the northern forests of the rift. The lodge includes all workbenches, player home amenities, and an exclusive separate bathhouse.Shipwreck Cove Explore a new player home island, known as Shipwreck Cove, located near Solstheim. Once home to a famous pirate king, this abandoned hideout has everything the Dragonborn needs.Haafingar Hall Haafingar Hall is a player home located in Solitude with stunning views of the capital. The home costs 23000 gold, is family friendly and also highly Customisable.Windstead Cottage A large mansion located in the mountainous hills near Morthal. Featuring a forge, alchemist greenroom, library and a grand yet simple kitchen.. The home is situated on a hill, and doesn’t require any additional questing or purchasing from the player. Note: Has some navmesh issues so followers may get stuck, but asides from this, it’s a great modHave you ever wanted to own land in Skyrim, with resources to manage and room for friends and family? To live like a true Lord, and not a mere wandering adventurer? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then welcome to Hjertesten Hall.Manor Of The Revenant Lord A massive, dark vampire style player home, located in a new custom worldspace called the Lost woods.Riverwood Falls Manor and Bleak Mines A medium-to-large mansion accommodating player and family, followers, blacksmiths, mage, apothecary, cooks, and property workers. Explore the assets and dangers of Bleak Mines and caves. Lore-friendly and feature rich including Hearthfire gardening, cooking, farm animal, immersive features, and linked and cloud storage.Fellheim - The estate with the best view in the Rift Welcome to the Fellheim fortified estate. A large player home situated near Ivarstead overlooking the Rift with some amazing views.Toxin Doctor Laboratory Located in the catacombs of a small abandoned fort in the mountains of Eastmarch, this laboratory is the ideal player home for toxin doctors, dark alchemists and all kinds of mad scientists, where ethics and morals give room for curiosity and experimentation without limits.
New ones - medium to small size - homes, small cottages and hideouts.
Elianora profile That’s with no doubts a first profile you may want to look at when it comes to player homes. Elianora is a goddess of player homes, simple as that. She is specializing mostly on small and cozy player homes of absolutely various styles - so in her profile you most likely will find a mod for no matter what character type you are playing as. You may also be interested in this little addon ID 5474 ID 5474 for it. Note: Unfortunately, Elianora has just a few of her mods for Skyrim SE, while having almost 60 for Skyrim LE. You have either to try convert the mods you like from LE yourself using CAO.Haem Projects profile Flying dwemer ship? A home on a tip of a magic staff? Tree home? Check out EXTREMELY creative, fantasy, Morrowind-inspired player homes by the authors of amazing Project AHO quest mod. Note: the dwemer ship is a part of Project AHO mod already.Terra Umbra - Mobile Floating Island ID 23845 ID 23845One of the most creatively-made player home mods I ever used. An incredible player home for master Alteration mages. New spells found on a corpse near Alftand allow you to raise a portion of the dwemer ruins, including one of the ruined towers. This tower can then be moved to any part of Skyrim, if you have the will to move it. You can a see a showcase of it here .Leaf Rest An interactive & customizable home located in the town of Riverwood. It contains a full forge & crafting area, along with some unique features including: An interactive gardening system, a wood burning fireplace, quick access bookshelves, business ledger trading system, & more. The entrance faces towards the west, overlooking the river. A patch for JK/ETAC and buyable patch are available.JK’s Riverfall Cottage A great alternative for Riverwood home from well-known JK. A cozy medium size player with everything needed.Rayek’s End A mid-sized, atmospheric hideout with a history just off the beaten path between Riverwood and Whiterun. If you don’t mind the sound of waterfalls and prefer a secluded place to kick up your feet - this may be the home for you. A buyable patch is available.Ebongrove - Recall and Teleport Player home in the volcanic Eastmarch, its flora thriving under a dwemer sun. Teleport to all the main cities, and recall anytime thanks to the previous owners’ magic experiments. All usual features of a home, and a bit of Dunmer lore. A buyable patch is available.Antennaria Beautiful, overgrown cavern temple home.Lake Haven Cliffside Cottage Pinecrest Estate Multiple adoption friendly, simple but immersive player homes from the same author (with no loading doors and see-through windows for the third one). Rooms for kids and followers, all vanilla crafting stations, named storages, planting soils, bookshelves and custom displays for all unique items. Note: If you liked this and 2 previous mods, don’t forget to check out this author’s profile in general, as he has much more player home mods.Pale Marsh Manor - A Unique Player Home Medium sized cozy home with unique custom landscaping that you can view through your house’s windows. No load doors within home.Harborside - Solitude Bridge Home A uniquely modeled, no load doors home overlooking the Solitude harbor, just under the arc. A buyable patch is available.Mona Alta A mid sized player home in the mountains of lake Illinalta, with beautiful and very unique interior.The Northern Star Retreat - Revisited A mid-sized home on the calm and cold shores of the Pale.Hunters Cabin of Riverwood This mod original part is its size. Small cabin with minimalistic interior design - to have a rest and eat, located near riverwood with a great view on the town.Personal Quarter Teleport to your personal quarter from any place and return to where you were.geekiejo profile For a few nice little thematic LE player home ports.Canalside Bunker A safe haven for rogues and sneaky thieves nestled along the Riften canal. Family and companions welcome.Astronomer’s Loft – Small Loft Library Player Home in Whiterun A small, warm, and cozy loft home located in the attic of Arcadia’s Cauldron in the center of Whiterun. You can a see a showcase of it here .The Lucky Skeever of Solitude A house, hidden away behind and the upper floors of the Winking Skeever, waiting for a new tenant.Falconroost Treehouse and a small estate.Umeguru profile For a few small, cozy player homes.Sami Hut - Cosy Player Home This cosy little home, located in Hjaalmarch halfway between the Imperial and Stormcloak camps, is based on the traditional dwellings of the Sami people, with Elder Scrolls-ish flair.Laboratorium Originally-looking player home with little extras and two quests. Note: don’t use together with “The Legend of Taram Dane” dungeon mod.SlimeSire profile A few unique-themed player homes/hideouts, with background quests and unusual look wrapping around certain deities or roleplay archetypes.Sindora’s Cottage In The Woods This mod adds a small fantasy style cottage with an Apothecary Vendor out side of Riverwood.White River Farm White River Farm is a buildable farm mod that is simple, lightweight, and cozy.Corners of Skyrim Ever felt that a few areas of Skyrim are a little empty? Ever feel that a little something was supposed to be there in a particularly bland area? Ever want a little something to spice up those empty areas? Then this mod is for you, giving small immersively blended hideouts.Ocean Saber - a Redguard Ship player home ==NEW== The Ocean Saber is a small immersive and fully functional Redguard-style player home ship in Skyrim.Red Shadow - a Redguard vampire ship player home ==NEW== Basically a twin brother of the mod above from the same author, but styled for the vampire player.Milandriel - A small piece of Valenwood in Skyrim ==NEW== Incredibly beautiful, green, small wood elf tree house.Emberveil Estate ==NEW== A cosy little hideaway in Whiterun Hold. Plenty of special features without being over the top.Moonlight Cottage - Player Home ==NEW== Player home outside Windhelm. Hearthfire compatible.Wind Lodge - A Winter Home in the Pale ==NEW== Wind Lodge is a small playerhome due South of Dawnstar in the forest, it features a unique style with storage options hinted to the survival gameplay style.Undergrowth Hollow ==NEW== Tranquil and isolated cavern that contains a cozy cabin where you can live out your life in peace. Spend your mornings enjoying breakfast on the patio or get lulled to sleep by the soft sound of the cascading waterfall.Autumngate - A Believable Player Home ==NEW== A small, believable player home situated near Ivarstead in the Rift.Millwater Retreat Millwater Retreat is a player home situated on the edge of lake Ilinalta. It’s been left in a broken state after plans to restore it went sideways. Uncover the mystery of this old mill and build it back up into a profitable business with the help of a few labourers.Silvermoon Mansion A small player island in the middle of lake Ilinalta.Faerdham Player home in Frozen marsh.Windyridge - Player home in Winterhold Windyridge cottage is located near entrance of Winterhold. Two cozy cottages with a small prequest, thematic containers, everything needed for base needs and some additional functions.Mammoth Manor A family-friendly cozy manor with a beachfront sauna by the lake Ilinalta in Falkreath.Haven Bag Portable house in a bag, simple as that. Also install a fix for it.Falkreath Treehouse Alchemist Edition - An Interactive Player Home A cozy, intricately decorated, and fully exterior (no load door) treehouse dwelling designed for an alchemist, druid, hunter, ranger, or woodland mage.Trollpacka - A house for witches and alchemists A small but detailed house in the swamps. Fitting for witches, alchemists, druids or anyone who just likes the style.Pinewood Cottage A beautiful cottage stitting on the waterfalls of riverwood overlooking Whiterun.Half-Moon Cottage Cosy cottage close to Half-Moon Mill.Shaman’s Hut Adds a tiny player home, a Shaman’s hut, to the plains of the Whiterun hold.Red Rose Mill A beautiful quaint mill, resting in the blazing forests of the rift. A great option for a starter home.White River Priory Oblivion-style Priory near Riverwood with 6 resident monks.Stalker’s Refuge - Vampire Player Home A vampire player home south west of Falkreath.The Meadows Cottage Cozy cottage within the Whiterun Hold between the city of Whiterun and Rorikstead.Sindora’s Hidden Hearth Small fantasy-themed home with 2 versions available . One for 4 Followers and one For Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions of up to 4 kids.Ilovespiders profile For a few unusually planted player homes.Adventurer’s Sanctum Adds a small to mid sized player home near whiterun with space for you & 5 followers with dynamic lighting (changes based on time of day).THE TINIEST SHACK Yup.Rolegur - An Atmoran Home Comfy, quiet Atmoran home located in the north of Skyrim.The Winking Skeever Loft A beautifully decorated starter home, suitable for those who want to live in the big city. It has a balcony with a nice view over Solitude and is highly configurable with lots of options. Solve the mystery of the previous owner who has gone missing and left behind a mysterious artifact, and find new paths to walk in and out of Tamriel.Oldhollow Chalet Adds a tiny player home in the skyrim tundras with great views and some great features.The Rippling Isle - Player Home Adds a small home on a isolated island in the middle of the sea.Frostholme - An Underground Snow Retreat A cozy and small underground retreat in the middle of the Pale.
Combat & stealth, perks & spells, AI & animations, creatures & factions. Different overhauls and improvements - everything that affects your game variety and difficulty. There is one general Skyrim issue that (thank you Bethesda) wasn’t changed at all from LE to SE. Skyrim script engine, Papyrus. It’s static in terms of how many scripts it can handle, and this can not be expanded by any means (unlike the video memory limitations for Skyrim LE, for example), it can not be fixed or changed and it doesn’t depend on 32bit or 64bit, our your PC specs - at all. Consider Papyrus a bottle which can handle only X amount of water. When it’s X+1 or more - scripts are started being cluttered in your save file instead. This generally causes so called “script lag”, save bloats, and, eventually, a broken game, and as mentioned before, the fact Skyrim SE is 64bit game doesn’t give any benefits. So when it comes to gameplay mods (most of which have scripts in this or that amount), you need to be same careful in SE. Now, a quick manual of “how to see if my game can handle more script-heavy mods”:
To test if your game overloaded with scripts or not, is very easy.When you are like starting to feel you have plenty of gameplay mods already, and not sure if your game can handle one more script-heavy survival mod, or two more combat mods etc - don’t worry. Install them.
Then, launch your game and make NEW SAVE. While you’ll be testing the game, save ONLY on that slot.
Now, go and force game to script-heavy situations. Go and fight bandits in some polulated fort, visit few big cities, run here and there. Visit locations with stormy weathers, and ofc, make actions that are depending on the mod you have just installed (like, build the camp if it’s Campfire, or change your clothings several times etc).
Game running fine? No stutters in combat or actions, no crashes? (Exactly stutters - short-time game freezes, not the regular fps drops). Great! You’re good to go. Stutters/crashes appear in combat, populated cities, during certain scripted actions? Nope. This mod is overloading your game - skip it.
And don’t forget to delete the “test” save after.
Improved and smartened vanilla creatures, hundreds of new creatures, lore-friendly and not (up to your taste), new bosses and various improvements to vanilla guilds and factions - you will find them here.
Creature mods:
Skyrim Immersive Creatures ID 12680 ID 12680Huge. Amazing. Immersive. Mod adds dozens of creatures to Skyrim. New monsters, factions battles, bosses and hundreds of encounters. All these things can be easily configured in the MCM. A must-have mod. Also grab the “Fix for Ogre Club” file and either 2k (recommended) or 4k textures pack, as the default mod textures are 1k only. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Also, grab some extra better textures/models from here and here . Lastly, there is a patch collection from the mod author for some popular mods.SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators Best animal overhaul mod even existed. Immersive and lore-friendly. It gives animals amazingly improved AI - so giving you amazing new experience. Haven’t asked yourself why wolf packs never hunted the mammoth? Or why mammoth attack don’t at least knockback you or why animals are never scared by dragons? Think no more. Install and have fun :) Also, install the “SEQ File to fix inconsistencies with the mod” file after the mod’s main file itself. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Also make sure to grab all needed patches from SkyTEST Integration Project page and install this HD textures addon.Animallica - Skyrim Wildlife Overhaul I have no idea how I missed adding this mod in the initial 2.0 release. Silly me. That’s a great mod to add plenty of new animals, both predators and non-aggressive ones, to your game. Don’t forget to grab a SkyTEST patch for it at integration project files page ;)Deadly Dragons Adds 14 new dragons and unique skills to them. Adds amazing dragon ‘assault’ system. Via MCM you can configure dragons stats - health, damage and much more. A must-have one, imo.Diverse Dragons Collection Amazing mod that adds 28 new beautiful dragons to game, with 7 ranks for each dragon type, 16 new breath attacks and 19 new abilities. Greatly configurable MCM. Compatible with all dragon mods. My personal recommendation - it’s a great addition for other dragons mods. You can see a brief showcase of it here .Chaos Dragons Mod adds 45 new unique dragons to game. It’s similar to Deadly Dragons/DDC, but much less lore-friendly. It’s compatible with dragon AI mods, BUT not compatible with Deadly Dragons so you’ll need to choose.Splendor - Dragon Variants Simply a must-have mod, no matter which your “dragon” mod setup is. Drastically increases the visual diversity of enemy dragons, while using only vanilla resources, ending with 784 possible combinations. Fully compatible with other dragon modsBeasts of Tamriel Awesome mod that adds dozens of new creatures, both monsters and critters - some are not much lore-friendly, but every creature in the mod can be disabled through MCM. If you’re looking for even more expansion of your creatures variety, try it! Also install this patch to prevent several possible crashes from appearing, plus there’s also INEED patch available.Diverse Werewolves Collection Adds variety to enemy werewolf encounters. There are now 25 werewolves and 13 werebears, each leveled at 11 possible ranks for a total of 418 new enemies.More Werewolves If you want to meet more furry enemies.Immersive Horses Amazing and very immersive mod that offers a big improvement to vanilla horses system. Many new horses types, improved and balanced horses abilities, dozens of management options and (finally!) mounted spell casting. It’s also more lightweight and stable than its predecessor, “Convenient Horses”. Also install script fixes for it.Simple Horse While being much more stable then Convenient Horses, Immersive Horses is still pretty script-heavy - so if that matters for your mod list and you still want better horses functionality, but even more lightweight one - pick this neat little mod from author of TK Dodge.Horse Whistle Key ==NEW== Call your horse, access his inventory, equip saddles and rename it using a single key. Simple, lightweight and configurable in MCM. Also recommended to install the animated whistling addon .Simple Horse Tweaks ==NEW== Stands for its name - get the “Simple Horse Tweaks” form the Files section.[One With Nature - Dynamic Animals and Creatures](https://www.nexusmods.co m/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13343)This awesome little mod gives you ability to configure how different types of animals will act related to character - allied, cowardly, friendly of defensive.MihailMods Creatures Mihail is currently one of the most active mod authors at Skyrim modding stage. His productivity simply amazes. He’s focused on making standalone creature mods - both lore-friendly and creatures ported from other games (Souls series, Witcher etc). He currently has around 150!! creature mods, and ofc while not all creatures will fit your personal taste - the huge variety will always have something personally for you. Also grab this audio fix for his “Old Gods of the Hunt” mod if using it, and if you want more crisp textures on some of his animals - retextures here ==NEW==. You can see showcases of some of his creatures here .OpusGlass profile ==NEW== Plenty great standalone creature mods - either restoring cut creatures, or adding new creatures from TES lore. From the author of DDC and Splendor. Profiled linked instead of a separate mods now, as author released more of them lately.Skinwalker21 profile ==NEW== For dozens of unique creatures, lore-friendly and not, with a custom models, animations and sounds. Introduces some neutral critters as well.Wild Horses ==NEW== Adds over 100 wild horses to the tundra plains of Tamriel.Witcher Horse Expansion ==NEW== Over 50 new horse coat colors, 20 unique horses with special effects and optional ENB light, 21 unique ESO inspired horses, wild horse herds and more. Plenty of patches for popular mods here . If using “Simple Horse Tweaks” mod, grab this patch .Fairies ==NEW== Enhance the mystical beauty of your Skyrim game with these mysterious gentle creatures. Over 150 Fairies will be added to the wilderness of Tamriel, bringing spectral light and playful joy to your game. If using ENB, also install this .Seasonal Wildlife Distribution ==NEW== Adds seasonal leveled lists to simulate hibernation, migration, and other effects of the changing seasons on Skyrim’s wildlife. Has patches for most of well-known large creatue mods, such as Skyrim Immersive Creatures or SkyTest.Battle worn creatures ==NEW== Ever wanted some of Skyrim’s creatures to look like they have been in a battle? Well now they can.Worn Undead ==NEW== Adds undead versions of a variety of Skyrim’s creatures.Otters Adds otters and wolf-otters into Skyrim. You can also get a sound addon for them to be more quiet.Skaven of Skyrim SE (Warhammer Fantasy) Adds voiced Skaven to the world of Skyrim via leveled lists.Diverse Dogs Adds diversity to the dogs of Skyrim, and optionally adds more dogs to farms, cities, and jarl’s courts.Wild Herds of Skyrim Adds four wild horse herds to Skyrim. Each herd contains six horses: A lead mare, a stallion, and two mares with foals.Butterflies Unchained Butterflies Unchained makes butterflies and moths behave more like actual animals, rather than basic resource points. They now roam freely to explore the world alongside you. You can a see a showcase of it here .Diversified Chickens Chick fillet. But diverse.Horse Stamina HUD ==NEW== Displays your horse’s stamina in the HUD when riding a horse.Arvakr This mod makes Arvak look a bit more like a normal horse, gives him better stats and a few new abilities to make him more interesting.PermaFrost A similar mod, but for Frost, from the same author.Nightmere A similar mod, but for Shadowmere, from the same author.Zooming Horses - A Movement and Stamina Overhaul Tired of useless horses that are worse than the apocalypse longstride spell? Want to play a non magic character, but don’t want to fast travel? Tired of asthmatic horses that have no stamina? Mod is for you then.Zim’s Dremora Improvements This mod has been designed as a balanced, lore-friendly improvement of the Dremora in Skyrim designed to make Dremora difficult opponents that can rival other deadly foes without making them overpowered. Also grab the USSEP patch .Better Fire Wyrms Огненные змеи сильнее и атакуют только врагов.Императорские пингвины Нелетающие птицы с ледяных берегов Тамриэля, достигающие высоты более 1 метра, эти социальные животные питаются рыбой и кальмарами в холодном океане Моря Призраков и служат пищей для некоторых из самых прожорливых хищников региона. Этот вид живет большими группами на побережьях вместе с хоркерами и другими морскими животными.Улучшенная рыба Добавляет много новых рыб в воды Скайрима. Как мелкая прудовая рыба, так и более крупная рыба в категории с лососем.Разнообразные куры Добавляет несколько пород/цветов кур (полосатые, черные, белые…) в некоторые места вокруг Скайрима.
Модификации фракций:
Во-первых, абсолютный must-have мод, который значительно улучшит основную “вражескую” фракцию Скайрима: бандитов:
ОБИС - организованные бандиты в скайриме ID 4145 ID 4145Определенно лучший бандитский мод. Он добавляет невероятное разнообразие бандитов (всего около 2500!!), десятки бандитских фракций. Бандиты группируются, позиционируются, обладают уникальными навыками и улучшенным ИИ. Есть и опциональные плагины, например, плагин, который добавит бандитские рейды по городам и деревням. Моя личная рекомендация. Вы можете увидеть краткую демонстрацию этого здесь . Патчи и аддоны: Патч ID 26766 ID 26766 Cloaks of Skyrim Исправление ID 57571 ID 57571 невидимых бандитов ==НОВОЕ== Рекомендуется использовать файл “Правильное исправление для невидимых бандитов”.
ОБИС Лут ID 10552 ID 10552Визуально изменены многие бандиты OBIS и их добыча. Также добавляет кучу другого контента. Примечание: отлично работает с последней версией OBIS.Высокополигональные головы для OBIS ==NEW== Патч сообщений ==НОВОЕ== Большие боссы для OBIS ==NEW== Получите файл “Bigger Bosses - OBIS Patch”. Отлично работает с последней версией OBIS.
Коллегия Винтерхолда:
Коллегия Винтерхолда — расширение квеста ==НОВОЕ== ID 66666 ID 66666Устали от того, что Коллегия Винтерхолда не учит вас никакой магии? Устали прыгать в Саартал после первого урока? Этот мод предоставляет 7 новых начальных уроков/квестов по магии, которые сделают вашу Коллегию Винтерхолда похожей на настоящую школу магии. Совместимость с «Улучшенный поступление в колледж — изменения линии заданий» и «Требования для поступления в колледж Винтерхолда» — обязательно загрузите этот мод после них.Улучшенное поступление в колледж — изменения в линейке заданий Выберите свою школу и другие улучшения для Коллегии Винтерхолда. Также полностью совместим с Immersive College of Winterhold.Требования для поступления в Коллегию Винтерхолда Добавляет настраиваемый уровень навыков и требования к магии для вступления в Коллегию Винтерхолда. Совместим с Immersive College of Winterhold. Примечание: этот мод не нужен, если вы используете плагин COw “At Your Own Pace”.Дни колледжа - Винтерхолд Идти в школу! Платите непомерные гонорары, чтобы над ними издевались. На самом деле станьте мастером в чем-то, связанном с магией, прежде чем стать архимагом. Совместим с Immersive College of Winterhold. Также установите этот патч .Иммерсивные неигровые персонажи колледжа Добавляет больше студентов и стражников в Коллегию Винтерхолда. Почти полностью совместим с Immersive College of Winterhold — вы можете использовать их вместе, просто небольшие косметические конфликты будут возникать редко.
Гильдия воров:
Все задания Гильдии воров одновременно ID 14883 ID 14883Позволяет одновременно выполнять все семь типов заданий Гильдии воров, а не только одно дело Делвина и одно задание Векса. Примечание: этот мод не нужен, если вы используете плагин TG “At Your Own Pace”.Менее утомительная гильдия воров Помните, что для полного опыта требуется 125 рабочих мест? Ну, забудьте об этом сейчас.Расчистка наград Гильдии воров Этот мод добавляет в «Буйную флягу» NPC, который может снимать награды с персонажа игрока за определенную плату. Также возьмите улучшенный звуковой аддон для него.Ярлык с рваной флягой Устали бегать по двум загрузочным экранам, чтобы добраться до «Буйной фляги»? Этот мод пытается упростить доступ к Тонилии и квестовым NPC Гильдии воров, добавляя люк в Рифтене, ведущий прямо к Фляге, и лестницу оттуда, ведущую обратно в Рифтен.Требования Гильдии воров Гильдия воров теперь будет нанимать только других воров. Бриньольф больше не подойдет к вам, если вы не вор, а квестовая линия Гильдии воров не будет активирована, пока игрок не выполнит необходимые требования. Вы также можете установить требования, которые необходимо выполнить, прежде чем продвигаться по квестовой линии Гильдии воров. Примечание: этот мод не нужен, если вы используете плагин TG “At Your Own Pace”.Смена руководства — плавный переход от гильдмастера к Бриньольфу Без проблем делает Бриньольфа Мастером Гильдии Воров. Мод включает в себя обновленные аудиофайлы, отредактированные сообщения и цели квеста, а также гарантирует, что все субтитры будут обновлены с новым диалогом.«Воровская ночь в городе» — Тнотт Капитальный ремонт для ярких квестов от Vex & Delvin: выбор удержания, цели во ВСЕХ удержаниях, работа и удержание, независимое отслеживание преступлений, одновременные задания, фиксированные цели в складских локациях.Квестовые письма мастера гильдии ==НОВОЕ== Небольшой мод, добавляющий 4 буквы на стол Делвина Мэллори. Письма начнут квесты «Изысканный слоад», «Имитация амнистии», «Серебряная подкладка» и «Тени Саммерсета».Исправление диалогов Гильдии воров ==НОВОЕ== Совместимая с USSEP версия существенного исправления диалоговой системы членов гильдии воров, чтобы они не рассказывали истории своей жизни практически сразу же, как только вы их встретите.Признание Мастера Гильдии Воров ==НОВОЕ== Встречи с ворами, которые пытаются вас ограбить, должны признать вас членом Гильдии воров, если вы являетесь мастером гильдии.Хранилище Гильдии Воров Добавляет предметы в штаб-квартиру гильдии воров и в «Буйную флягу» с каждым уровнем гильдии. Примечание: несовместимо с Гильдией богатых воров.Уничтожить Гильдию воров Убейте Гильдию воров, заполонившую Рифтен, и используйте альтернативные способы получения эксклюзивной добычи.
Темное Братство:
Темное братство для хороших парней ID 519 ID 519Еще один замечательный мод от того же автора. Не волнуйтесь, это не превращает ДБ в группу пацифистов, а дает вам различные альтернативные варианты.Возрождение Темного Братства - Святилище Данстар Not every super cool assassin organization wants to live in a filthy dark damp hole in the ground that has no real storage and not enough beds for everybody. It’s time for the Sanctuary to become a proper base of operations. A few patches available here .Save The Dark Brotherhood Simple as that! No more scripted deaths of your comrades - their survival now depends on you. Protect your Brothers and Sisters during “Death Incarnate” to reap their use as followers and spouses later.Your Choices Matter - A Dark Brotherhood Expansion This mod extends the Dark Brotherhood questline in many ways and adds an optional alternate ending. The ending you get will depend on the choices you, player, make throughout the story. Completely voiced dialogues. Use this mod or the one above - I’m personally using this one.Listen - Dark Brotherhood Radiant Quests ==NEW== Adds a new set of Radiant Quests to the Dark Brotherhood, to give meaning to the title of Listener. If using “Your Choices Matter” mod, place this after it in load order.Dark Brotherhood Motivations ==NEW== Adds a little backstory and motivation for some of the Dark Brotherhood contracts.Dark Brotherhood Abduction Redux ==NEW== Prevents Astrid from being able to abduct you with impunity when beginning the Dark Brotherhood questline. Conditions configurable via MCM.Destroy the Dark Brotherhood - Enhanced This mod allows the player to take a more politically neutral role in destroying the Dark Brotherhood, while also allowing players the chance to obtain all the unique loot they normally miss out on.Hidden DB Sanctuary Entrances Hides the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary entrances.Penitus Oculatus A quest where you can join the Penitus Oculatus after the vanilla “destroy the dark brotherhood” quest and get all the rewards.
The Companions - Earn your stripes ID 13965 ID 13965Simple mod delaying progress in The Companions questline in order to make the Dragonborn a regular, well-established member before actually becoming part of The Circle or even Harbinger.Proving Honor Companions Quest Progression Fix ==NEW== Silver Hand Armored Mod gives Steel Plate Armor to all the hunters of the Silver Hand so as to turn this faction into a warrior faction rather than a gang of bandits.Reasonable Silver Hand The members of the Silver Hand no longer attack you on sight like common bandits. Instead, you can find out a bit of their story and might even become a honorary member.
Bards Colelge:
Bards Reborn Student of Song Become a Bard and Bards College Expansion ID 47994 ID 47994This mod give the Bards College a massive makeover, adds a new study quest, new bardic powers, and a new character to flesh out your experience as a Bard. It includes all the great features of a well-konwn Become a Bard mod and expands on their use in the game. Compatible with the mod below if using this patch ==NEW==. You can also install this addon on top of the mod itself.Skyrim’s Got Talent - Improve As a Bard Play instruments, get better, NPCs react to your skill dynamically, many new songs, lots of easter eggs, simple implementation. A compact, yet powerful Bard Gameplay Overhaul. Note: make sure to follow the required files instructions on the mod page. Compatible with the mod above if using this patch ==NEW==. You can add an extra layer of immersion to the mod so your character now can react to other bards performance with a different idles, grab this ==NEW== great lil mod. Interesting NPCs patch ==NEW== available.Bards College Excavation ==NEW== Adds a bard excavation to Dead Men’s Respite after completing Tending the Flames, with 2 unique bard NPCs, fully voiced dialogue, and a repeatable quest. compatible with the mods above.
Everything else:
Dawnguard - Hall of Vigilant Requirement ID 23617 ID 23617A small yet logical tweak that adds an additional requirement for the Dawnguard quest to start: having been inside the Hall of the Vigilant.Faction Exclusivity ==NEW== A small mod that immersively™ prevents the player from joining multiple factions. Read the mod page for details.Stormcloaks For Good Guys-LESS RACIST A mod from “Good Guys” series author - does exactly how it’s named.Open Civil War Expands the civil war by many new battles and sieges.Hunting in Skyrim - A Hunting Guild Mod adds a fully functional hunting guide to the game, and completely overhauls the entire hunting experience. It features realistic animal skinning (like Red Dead Redemption), animal trapping, kill & stat tracking, new skills and abilities, new NPCs and locations, new dungeons, new weapons and more.Outlaws Refuges Inspired by Elder Scrolls Online, adds Outlaws Refuges to major towns and cities.Vigilant Faction Ported from Skyrim LE, mod adds a joinable Vigilant of Stendarr faction to the game, with ranks and radiant quest system.Bandit Facemask Disguise This mod adds new, standalone Facemasks to the game that will be seen on Bandits throughout the land. The player can now join the Bandits and walk among them as an ally by simply equipping a facemask.Sokco’s Guild Starter Start your own guild and choose its members, motives, and location.Akaviri History - Lore-Friendly Additions and Tweaks ==NEW== Akaviri History seeks to add some Akaviri aspects to Skyrim where it makes sense in a lore-fiendly manner.Diverse Skyrim Why you never saw even a single orc in imperial legion forces? Or a women? Why hunters were only elves and humans? If you want to change this aspect of the game - not just randomly, but absolutely logical and lore-friendly - get this mod for sure. Adds hundreds of new NPCs with unique appearences to the levled lists for added variety and diversity while staying lore friendly. Also install this fix . Patch for Unplayable Faction Armors here ==NEW== .Dealing with Daedra New factions with quests, new spells and artifacts. Magic systems offer power for a price to non-mage characters. Witchhunters Guild, School of Julianos, Gatekeepers of Oblivion, Cult of Flesh, Ghost-Sea Smugglers and much more! You can a see a showcase of it here .
You can also look on the creature/faction mods I’m personally using in my ultimate mod list , but take into account it was made for LE initially, but you can still reproduce the mod list mostly.
New spells, shouts and improved vanilla ones, immersive magic additions, rebalances and changes, enchantments.
Before you start, if you prefer the visual presentations and more in-depth review, you can take a look at some of these spell mods in action:
First, let’s see some magic-related mods that are improving spellcasting/learning experience in this or that way:
Visual Animated Enchants - VAE ID 7037 ID 7037A replacer for the visual and animation of the enchantments on weapons to make them more magical and immersive. Also install the fix for it, also choosing needed patches in FOMOD installer, or use the version better tweaked for ENB straight away instead.Elemental Destruction Effects and Reanimation ==NEW== A pretty innovative mod which adds a possibility to cause visual elemental effects on slain enemies and corpses, as well as adding a magic critical hit mechanic to all kinds of elemental magic. Pretty much an essential addition to your load order.
Between the next few mods below, choose one:
Spell Learning and Discovery ID 17446 ID 17446My personal favourite between such mods - lightweight and configurable, it prevents player form learning spells instantly, making player to study them by spending some ingame time. Mod also has other cool features like increased chances to learn spells the more spells you casted, chances of learning about new spell when talking to mages and so on. Compatible with all spell mods out of the box.Spellforge - Engaging and Convenient Spell Acquisition Tired of crowded spell vendors? Want to filter your spell selection by level, school and sub-type (e.g. Fire)? Want to feel like a powerful mage making their own spells in a torrent of arcane flames and unleashed power? Stop eating tomes and instead try out a more immersive, configurable and fun way to expand your spell book.Spell Tutor A relatively freshly released mod for alternative spell learning with own vision - really well feature-packed and greatly configurable. My personal second favourite together with Spell Learning and Discovery.Challenging Spell Learning Pretty original, but simple alternative to previous mods. In addition, compatible with absolutely all spell mods on Nexus.Grimoire - Spell Mastery Another simple and interesting implementation of spell learning. Spell mastery takes time. With Grimoire one must always have a spell tome on hand to cast its spell until mastery is achieved.
Scrollwriting in Skyrim ID 28294 ID 28294Scrolls are no longer a non-renewable resource. You can now craft your own scrolls, like any self-respecting mage who dabbles in enchanting should be able to.ScrollScribe - A Scroll Crafting Mod ==NEW== A scroll crafting system that adapts to your load order and allows you to turn modded spells into scrolls. Ever wanted to have scroll versions of all those crazy Apocalypse or Arcanum spells? Now you got ’em! Also grab this patch optionally.Spell Tome Sorting Changes spell tomes names to “Spell Tome - [School] [Rank] [Spell Name]”. Only changes spell tomes so you can buy them more easily, no spell names are changed.Atronach Friendly Fire Friendly conjured atronachs will now heal if you hit them with a spell of the same element.Vision Spiritual successor to Predator Vision, this mod is a new take on the way perception powers work in Skyrim.
Mods introducing dedicated spellsword mechanics. Remember that Ordinator has own, balanced and fun spellsword mechanics implemented in two skill trees - these mods may and most likely will make you OP on some extent - but at the same time, they have own unique features which you may like. Choose only one mod between these.
Spellsword ID 20754 ID 20754Sword or magic, why to choose? Install this mod and be able to launch prepared spells with weapon swings. Note: Ordinator has several spellsword perks and one of the perks is making almost literally the same, so if you’re running Ordinator - you don’t need this one for playing as spellsword character.The Flamebringer AIO - Immersive Spellsword Use as much as many different Spells and functions without changing spells. Combine close-combat and the wonders of magic into one very fluid combat style with unique combinations of visuals.Spellfury - Hit Stuff to Cast Spells One more approach to spellsword gameplay with pretty nonregular design. Turns magicka into a rage/fury like mechanic (no regeneration instead you gain magicka on weapon hits). Also, tries to improve the character progression of spell-sword style characters. Complete with a MCM to tweak and/or disable many features.Conduit - Short-term Weapon Infusions ==NEW== When holding a weapon in one hand and a spell in the other, you are able to temporarily “conduct” the spell through that weapon. Different categories of spells make the weapon do different things. This effect will overlay on top of normal enchants and does include additional weapon FX that will overlay too. It even works on Bound weapons.
Slice, smash, bang!
Awakened Magicka ID 8374 ID 8374Simple but effective magic overhaul. Note: You don’t need need if you’re planning to use big perk overhauls like Ordinator or Path of Sorcery.No Force for Illusion Magic Stop Illusion spells from throwing things everywhere.Conjuration Hand FX Changes the in-hand spell effects from the default purple swirl to custom colors for each of the summonable creatures. This was made in order to remove confusion from not knowing what conjuration spell is in your hand at the moment. At a glance you can now see if you have a Flame Atronach or a Frost Atronach in your handFixes several major bugs with this master tier vanilla spell.Enhanced Invisibility ==NEW== SKSE plugin that improves and fixes bugs with Invisibility effects. If you’re modding Skyrim “VR”, get this instead.Use Telekinesis on Traps ==NEW== Allow you to use telekinesis on soul gem traps, trip wires, pressure plates, and more.Cooking with Fire ==NEW== Cook food with fire spells.Magic Sneak Attacks ==NEW== Simple SKSE plugin which enables sneak attacks with magic. Note: not needed if you’ll be using perk overhaul like Ordinator or Path of Sorcery.Elegant Candlelight (with ENB Light and Toggle) ==NEW== A Candlelight replacer with four versions to choose from.
Now, the spell mods themselves:
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim ID 1090 ID 1090Самый большой и величайший мод заклинаний в истории. Несмотря на добавление 155 новых заклинаний, он по-прежнему хорошо сбалансирован и захватывающий. Абсолютно любой игрок найдет здесь что-то полезное — как для урона, так и для захватывающей ролевой игры. Он также очень совместим с другими модами магии/перков. Вы можете использовать или не использовать с ним другие моды, но вы просто обязаны использовать этот :) Один из двух моих самых любимых пакетов заклинаний для Skyrim. Не забудьте взять патч Ordinator/Vokrii в зависимости от того, какой из них вы используете. Примечание: Недавно Enai выпустила своего рода переработанную версию здесь . Это будет полезно для вас, если вы любите Апокалипсис, но считаете, что в целом это слишком много. Вы также можете взять патч для улучшения текстур , патч для улучшения звуков заклинаний и некоторые другиепатчи .Патчи/аддоны (для Апокалипсиса, а не для Одина):Любимое меню для магов по категориям - Апокалипсис Апокалипсис - Сольный концерт Окато - Автоматическое рассеивание Посохи стихий для Апокалипсиса - Magic of Skyrim Ча-пуЭтот довольно новый набор заклинаний просто и буквально захватывает дух. Он сочетает в себе новые потрясающие визуальные эффекты с новой удивительной механикой заклинаний, в результате чего получается мод заклинаний совершенно нового уровня. В настоящее время в моде доступны заклинания Разрушения, Восстановления, Иллюзии и Колдовства (читайте примечание об этом далее). Вы также можете посмотреть демонстрацию этого здесь . Примечание: последняя версия мода неправильно упакована и содержит множество ошибок, поэтому, пока автор мода не исправит - либо устанавливайте версию 3.8.2. версия (последняя до того, как был добавлен Conjuration, это нормально), или возьмите (в основном) исправленную последнюю версию мода здесь ==NEW== (получите полную версию - тогда вам не нужно будет устанавливать сам оригинальный мод - все равно не забудьте его одобрить).Магия стихийного разрушения Потрясающий мод, добавляющий 30 новых заклинаний, связанных с разными элементами. Еще одна особенность мода в том, что разные типы врагов слабее/сильнее по отношению к разным стихиям. Это может сделать ваше прохождение за мага еще более увлекательным. Доступен дополнительный упрощенный аддон , а также патч Fulcimentum .Забытая магия переделана Мод добавляет 39 новых заклинаний. Ключевой особенностью является то, что он также добавляет 10 улучшений для каждого из них, то есть всего 390 улучшений. Также установите для него исправление .Пакет теневых заклинаний Этот мод добавляет «теневые» заклинания разрушения/иллюзий и перки в Скайрим, выглядящие и действующие потрясающе. Эти заклинания основаны на истощении, уроне с течением времени и дебаффах. Отличный мод для прохождения темным магом. Патч Ordinator здесь ==NEW== .Арсенал Стражи Рассвета Удивительный мод для всех, кто любит стиль прохождения Dawnguard и паладина/охотника на вампиров. Мод добавляет новые доспехи и оружие, новые солнечные заклинания, а также улучшает существующие солнечные заклинания стражи рассвета.Spectraverse - Магия Magna-Ge Мод добавляет интересную квестовую цепочку, во время которой вы можете получить 42 новых заклинания разрушения. Линия квестов основана на лоре TES, в ней 5 озвученных NPC, 6 локаций и 6 квестов.Двемертех - Магия гномов Похож на предыдущий мод, но этот связан с лором двемеров. - 42 новых заклинания изменения, разрушения и восстановления. - 14 бионических апгрейдов - Интересный короткий квест с озвученными NPC.Триумвират - Архетипы магов Последняя работа величайшего автора модов для Skyrim, Enai Siaion. Triumvirate добавляет поддержку пяти архетипов магов (друид, теневой маг, чернокнижник, клирик, шаман) в виде 15 сбалансированных заклинаний для каждого, которые доступны через торговцев. Некоторые заклинания могут быть не совсем сбалансированы, но все они полезны для отыгрыша. Патчи для сборника иммерсивных звуков ==NEW== ,Тональный Архитектор Высококачественная коллекция заклинаний на двемерскую тематику от Enai Siaion, посвященная устройствам, мастерству и автоматам. По стилю он похож на классы Триумвирата.Метамагия Небесного Раскола Потрясающий мод, добавляющий уникальную механику заклинаний и улучшения. Зарядка заклинаний, магические удары, скачки, обмен заклинаниями, улучшенные взрывы заклинаний и еще несколько функций.Всплеск дикой магии Этот мод направлен на то, чтобы сделать магию более изменчивой и опасной, воссоздав систему дикой магии из D&D в Skyrim.Витриум ==НОВИНКА== Vitrium предлагает захватывающий, анимированный и хорошо сбалансированный набор заклинаний, инструментов и расходных материалов. Дополняет цикл игрового процесса Skyrim и добавляет подготовительный игровой процесс (включая анимацию для действий).Глубины Предела ==НОВОЕ== 10 новых заклинаний, новая система мировых событий и двухчасовое приключение, которое перенесет вас в знаковые места из ESO.Эфирные фолианты Мод заклинаний, который добавляет множество (около 100) новых заклинаний, которые заполняют недостающие роли, и изменяет несколько ванильных заклинаний для баланса.Магия искривления - Знание заклинаний руин (Warhammer Fantasy) Добавляет в игру 14 автономных заклинаний Warp-Magic.Астральная магия 2 ==НОВОЕ== Древние заклинания подключаются к потоку Этериуса, привлекая звездный свет для поражения противников. Обновленная версия мода.Эпическое восстановление Добавляет 32 ненасильственных заклинания в школу восстановления.Аура Мод с простой, но интересной механикой. Добавляет переключаемые заклинания ауры, которые обеспечивают постоянные эффекты для вас и/или ближайших союзников/врагов. Все ауры уменьшают вашу максимальную магию на определенную величину, пока они активны (стоимость содержания).Секрет кровавого арсенала Откройте секрет Арсенала крови и получите невообразимую силу. Мод заклинаний магии крови.Профиль Kittytail ==NEW== Для различных небольших пакетов заклинаний - в основном они довольно несбалансированы или явно перегружены, поэтому обычно их используют только для развлечения / скринов.Чудо полета Добавляет три вида летающего транспорта для опытных магов: ковер-самолет, парящий диск Хетота и двемерское транспортное средство. На самом деле полет не был задуман игрой, поэтому он может испортить баланс / погружение в исследование, но сам мод действительно хорошо сделан и может быть отличным для скриншотов и ролевой игры.Миграционные порталы Шалидора Добавляет новое подземелье в Лабиринт, которое становится доступным для исследования после прохождения Лабиринта Шалидора. Внутри находится небольшая камера с новой битвой с боссом и наградой в виде коллекции портальных камней, позволяющих мгновенно перемещаться на большие расстояния.Сокращение заклинаний Dragon Age Довольно уникальный мод, который добавляет 21 новое заклинание из игр Dragons Age с мощными эффектами и красивой графикой. Но главная фишка в том, что у заклинаний теперь есть время восстановления, как в серии Dragon Age. Так что имейте это в виду при установке мода :)Высшая магия крови Уникальный мод, который добавляет в вашу игру настоящие заклинания магии крови - эти заклинания стоят вашего ЗДОРОВЬЯ, чтобы использовать их. По сути, мод против вампиров.Огоньки Кагренака Этот мод добавляет крафтовые двемерские источники света. Их происхождение неизвестно, хотя некоторые говорят, что огоньки были изобретены легендарным двемерским магом-колдуном Кагренаком. Они будут освещать ваш путь в темных подземельях и пещерах. Огоньки можно экипировать, поэтому вы можете назначить их горячей клавишей.Расширены функциональные возможности вардов Капитальный ремонт волшебной палаты. Настройте величину, стоимость, скорость зарядки и скорость поглощения. Блокируйте оружие ближнего боя своим подопечным. Сломайте защиту врага своим оружием. Защити себя от стрел. Пропускайте крики через обереги. Играйте с новыми подопечными уровня эксперта и мастера.метеорокинез Вы когда-нибудь хотели управлять погодой или превратить небо во что-то красивое, например, полярное сияние? Тогда этот мод для вас. Meteorokinesis добавляет 11 новых заклинаний, изменяющих погоду, которые позволяют вам изменять погоду так, как вы хотите больше всего. Примечание: аналогичное заклинание доступно в моде «Апокалипсис», но оно немного более «широкое».Voidgate — простой городской портал Создайте портал и просто войдите в него, чтобы оказаться в городе для своего торговца/крафта/любого бизнеса. Затем используйте то же заклинание портала, чтобы вернуться в дебри или подземелье, из которого вы пришли.Городской портал ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет свиток городского портала и заклинание, которое возвращает вас в последний посещенный город или город. Вдохновленный Диабло.Путеводный свет - новое представление о ясновидении Заменяет Ясновидение более удобным и захватывающим заклинанием, которое поможет вам найти свой путь. Патч для Grey Cowl of Nocturnal доступен здесь ==NEW== .Магическая броня перебалансирована Довольно недооцененный и очень полезный мод для людей, которые играют с хардкорными или полухардкорными настройками геймплея.Энергетический щит Добавьте заклинание Mana Shield, которое можно включать/выключать с визуальным эффектом.Ионная пушка Очевидно, что это не очень удобно для лора, но что ж… орбитальная ионная пушка для Скайрима, потому что… почему бы и нет? Выглядит круто, спору нет.
Чары, крики и второстепенные связанные моды:
Summermyst - Чары Скайрима ID 6285 ID 6285Удивительный мод от автора пакета заклинаний Апокалипсис. Он добавляет в игру 120 новых чар, доступных через тысячи новых зачарованных предметов, которые легко интегрируются в списки добычи и инвентарь. Он также исправляет множество ошибок, связанных с ванильными чарами. Важный мод для увеличения вашего очарования и общего игрового опыта.Патчи/аддоны:Патч для исправления одежды и беспорядка в оружии и броне (WACCF) == НОВИНКА == Исправление зачарования Ночного Ока Loot and Degradation patch VAE Effects for Summermyst Cooki-gooThis mod replaces the enchantment on the dark brotherhood headgear with an entirely new enchantment: Snipe, which is now actually fully useful for any assassin type. Also, the dark brotherhood gear is now also disenchantable.Robes Enchantments Remade Changes the enchantments on the college robes to a more potent, interesting, but also balanced enchantment.Dragonborn Ascendant Awesome and criminally underrated mod. Its main feature is to boost to shouts cooldown per dragon killed (3% per 5 dragons, capped at 30%) Mod also balances and improves many shouts values and scales battle shouts damage each 10 levels. Don’t use together with previous mod, choose one or another.Thunderchild - Epic Shouts and Immersion This mod adds 29 new shouts and new abilities to improve your shouts. It also adds 24 new variants of graybeards robes, some new weapons and items and good configurable MCM. If you were bored with vanilla shouts variety - this mod is definitely for you.Sil Gahrot - Improved Shouts Learning ==NEW== Allows you to learn Words of Power by killing dragons. You will be able, by chance, to learn almost every shout, except main quests ones, without breaking your game. It doesn’t remove the Word Walls, so if you want to explore dungeons for them, you are still able to, but you are not forced anymore in doing all the guild questlines for a Dragonborn playthrough. Learned Words of Power are not unlocked by default, so you still have a choice on how to use your Dragon Souls. Configurable in MCM.Kyne’s Peace Reinvigorated A tiny mod that’s changing only one shout, but greatly.Slow Time Edit ==NEW== Simply makes the Slow time shout not slow the player down.Elemental Fury for Enchanted Weapons ==NEW== Simple yet effective as that. Install the “Elemental Fury for Enchanted Weapons” file (no the “Vanilla” one).SkyVoice - Become the Dragonborn Bored of pressing Z to activate shouts? Well, this mod changes that! Shout into your mic and watch as you send your foes flying with Unrelenting Force! Ofc, due how unique it is, it’s not always working properly, but it’s definitely a cool one.Shout Pronunciations and Translations - With Thunderchild and Skyvoice support A mod that will will come in handy for usage with previous mod, and with Thunderchild as well.Elemental Arrows By Fuma A lot of them. This said, many of these arrows can make you pretty OP, especially when playing with perk overhauls, so use with caution. Moreover, fully-functional elemental arrows are implemented in Ordinator. Yet ofc, you may like exactly this mod as it adds vastly bigger variety of them :)Speed Casting Makes spellcasting (charging) faster. Can make you pretty overpowered, so use with caution.
You can also look on the spell mods I’m personally using in my ultimate mod list , but take into account it was made for LE initially, but you can still reproduce the mod list mostly.
Various amazing mods that can be classified as “overhauls” - a complex rework of various game aspects/systems/ general mechanics, often with a lot of new cool features added.
Modern Brawl Bug Fix ID 1473 ID 1473This is not an overhaul by any means, but a bugfixing mod. The reason why it’s listed in the beginning of this section is because it’s included in major Enai Siaion mods like Ordinator or Vokrii, so you don’t need it if using them. But if you will be not using them - install it.Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim The one perk overhaul to rule’em’all! Mod that offers more than 400 perks to improve your game experience and class bulding. To tell this is a great perk overhaul - means to tell nothing. It’s rich, brilliant and absolutely perfect for both dedicated character skills building and roleplay. To make sure just visit mod page and read a few perks description. In addition to this it’s extremely light-weight compared to other perk overhaul mods and also greatly compatible with everything. If it’s your first try of perk overhauls - try it and you’ll enjoy it. If you’re using another similar mod - switch to Ordinator and you won’t go back. Perk overhauls are absolutely matter of taste, but this one’s quality is just amazing. ‘How much did Enai Siaion pay you?’ - you may ask. I would also ask this, yes. Until I try this amazing mod. Even if you open comments section and see what people often write, you’ll see that many players switched from other perk overhauls and don’t want to go back. Of course, it’s only my personal opinion, but statistics don’t lie and one thing you definitely need to do is to try it :) You can see a brief showcase of it here . Additionally, when using Ordinator, my series of unique modded character builds is fully available to you here (14 builds available atm with more to come). Patches/Addons:Ordinator - Scrambled Bugs compatibility (and other minor fixes) ==NEW== ID 51965 ID 51965Install and forget - by default, you will only get direct bug fixes for couple of perks. If you want an extended functionality, read the mod page carefully (totally optional).Elemental Destruction Magic - Ordinator Patch Forgotten Magic Redone - Ordinator Compatibility Patch Ordinator Enchantment Tweaks Immersive Performance for Ordinator Ordinator - Throne of Nirn Improved Dwemer Certified - Ordinator Patch Ordinator Perk Spellscribe Sound Addon Ordinator VR Patch Vokrii Ordinator Ash Pile Retexture - 2K Yes, it works for Vokrii too as you can guess :)Security Overhaul Patch for Ordinator ==NEW== Boom boom.Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim You can call this “Ordinator-lite”, a mod from the same author. Smaller and “simplier”, while still adding depth and replayability. I personally find the complexity and variety of Ordinator perks its biggest advantage, which allows that insane amount of creative character builds - but if you want something simplier, Vokrii can be a good hit. Also take a look at patches insaller which adds support for some popular mods, and there’s also a CACO patch . Optionally, install this ==NEW== (read the mod page carefully).Cosmonach - Perk Overhaul Cosmonach is a freshly relased (and updated) perk overhaul which improves all skills. It could use some balancing tweaks here and there, but in general it’s really nice perk overhaul - take a look on it for sureQualitative and unusual perk overhaul, which gives both benefits and penalties to perks, and so, your character build.Path of Sorcery - Magic Perk Overhaul Awesome magic perk overhaul. It affects Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Enchanting, Illusion, and Restoration trees. The one disadvantage is it’s incompatible with some big and well-known perk overhauls, like SkyRE/Requiem/SPERG. But as it is developed only for mage perk trees and you play as mage you can simply choose to use this mod only. Also it’s compatible with Ordinator, so you can use both of them - just load this mod after Ordinator. To choose perk overhaul it’s absolutely matter of taste - so you are free to try them all anyway :) Make sure to install this fix . There’re patches for Apocalypse and Immersive Sounds available, as well as patch for Elemental Destruction Magic, patch ==NEW== for Odin and other sound mods, and also optional and interesting addon mixing magic perks from both Ordinator and POS (will work only if you’re using them both ofc).Smithing Perks Overhaul A well-made, smithing-only affecting perk overhaul which you can use together with Ordinator, using the respective patch .Simple Smithing Overhaul A simple smithing overhaul changing recipes, adding the ability to breakdown most armour and weapons, replicate certain artefacts without their enchantments, and upgrade unique levled weapons and armour. Compatible with Ordinator, Vokrii and Smiting Perks Overhaul - can be used on top of them.
Vampire overhauls. Choose only one.
Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim ID 3928 ID 3928The second of the two greatest vampire mods and my personal favourite. Sacrosanct overhauls vampires and vampire lords. Reverse progression (stronger when fed), new abilities, powers, perks, hemomancy, various new progression systems, personal vampire questline and many gameplay tweaks for the discerning undead monster. Its main advantage over is while being absolutely revolutionary and all-embracing, it’s very lightweight at the same time, and very easy to get used to all new features. You can see a brief showcase of it here . You can also take a look on a small tweak for it here , as well as Strange Runes patch ==NEW== . Lastly, if you like the mod in general but want something more simplified, you can try the “lite” alternative from the same author (sun damage adjustable addon is available).Sanguinair Vampirism One more vampirism overhaul, with own design and vampire gameplay approach. An alternative to try if you don’t want to use Sacrosanct.Bloodlines of Tamriel - A Vampire Overhaul A more complex vampirism overhaul from the same author with lots of interesting features and own approach to vampire roleplay.Haemophilia - A Custom Vampire Skill Tree Adds a balanced but interesting custom perk tree for regular vampires. Script-light and perfectly compatible with major vampire overhauls like Sacrosanct.
Werewolf overhauls. Choose only one.
Lupine - Werewolf Perk Expansion ID 16561 ID 16561Absolutely badass werefolf perk overhaul which introduces absolutely new unique features, like two possible werewolf paths, completely new howls, looting as werewolf, werewolf armor etc. You can a see a showcase of it here Bloodmoon Rising Another, old but great werewolf mod that overhauls werewolf perks and stats. If you like to play as werewolf you should know that werewolf becomes very weak versus high level enemies. Mod helps with this. Use this OR Lupine, not both.Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim Growl is a lightweight werewolf (and werebear) overhaul from author of Ordinator and Apocalypse. It offers a much smoother werebeast combat experience, scaling, reworked perks, synergies between beast and mortal form, lunar transformations and many quality of life improvements, making werebeasts a viable choice for your character, and all this without “taking over” or imbalancing the game heavily. Mortal Enemies patch available. You can a see a showcase of it here .Sanguinaire (Revised Edition - Skyrim Vampire and Lycanthropy Experience) Another alternative for Vampirism and Lycanthropy gameplay. A complex overhaul with own vision. Once again, take into account it covers both vampire/werewolf features - that’s its biggest flaw as it’s not compatible with any other big overhaul from both vampire and werewolf sections.
Now, let’s look on some great enemy overhauls that are affecting enemies in general - their AI, skills, leveling and so on - everyting to make your enemies really worth a fight, a challenging opponents. Choose one.
High Level Enemies Redux ==NEW== ID 32801 ID 32801A bit improved version of the original mod. Simple but effective, old but good enemy mod - it places almost 900 new high-level enemies across Skyrim for much more challenging gameplay at any levels which are logically placed and will gradually appear starting from lvl 10. For those who are aimed on a harder, long walkthrough. If using Skyrim Immersive Creatures mod, also grab a patch .Revenge Of the Enemies One of my personal two favourites between enemy overhauls, with the biggest coverage, great creativity and most challenging difficulty. It improves enemies AI, scales enemies level with yours, gives unique skills to each enemy type, gives them strong cooperation and so on. Also the great advantage is that it’s very-light-weight and almost scriptless. Once again, it’s pretty hardcore - so if you’re aimed on semi-casual gameplay, it may be not for you, but if you want your game to be real challenging - that’s your perfect candidate. After you’ll see master vampires actually teleporting using the swarm of bats form, and fight some bosses (both improved vanilla bosses and new added ones), it will be hard to trade this for other mod. But once again, it’s about your personal taste. There are also some patches (as well as here ) for popular mods available.Fanatical Enemies ==NEW== My second personal favourite - I’m basically switching between ROTE and this one in my different playthroughs. Also huge in size, covering whole game, and pretty similar in ROTE in terms of being incredibly challenging, Fanatical Enemies has own approach to many unique enemies and bossfights. Highly recommended to try it.G.R.I.M. This mod is not an overhaul of whole game, unlike the mods above - it changes only one certain bossfght, but how - that’s a brand new level as for Skyrim! G.R.I.M. reworks the vanilla Dawnguard DLC Reaper boss fight into an epic battle with an elaborate mini-quest, taking place in a separate realm of the Soul Cairn which has a remarkable level design. This fight is fully repeatable, with scaling difficulty, randomized enemies, and dozens of pieces of custom loot. From a boring fight with a HP-boosted skeleton to a real lord of death. It also [can] be used together with the overhauls above without issues - just make sure to load both plugins in xEdit and keep only one mod plugin perks/abilities records affecting the Reaper, as otherwise the fight could be ridiculously hardcore. You can also see a showcase of the mod here .Ryn’s Snazzy Last Vigil - An Ebony Warrior Overhaul ==NEW== An expansive overhaul of the way you see and experience the Ebony Warrior. Once a man with no lore, no home, and nothing to show for his “undertaken quests”, nor his “villains slain”. The Ebony Warrior seemed like a last second idea, inspired by the randomly encountered Old Orc of lower levels. No more.
ASIS ID 10859 ID 10859ASIS is very underrated mod and its functionality is pretty often misunderstood by players. Also install the improved ini files after you’ll install the mod itself. ASIS is a must-have mod for interesting and challenging playthrough. I personally advise to use ASIS only for 3 features: perks and spells distribution to NPC and NPC potion usage. That’s the main amazing feature of ASIS - mods like perk overhauls, spell packs and so on, are either not adding possibility for NPCs to acces new perks and spells, or giving that on a very basic level, eventually making you more and more OP. Here where ASIS changes the game - it gives this access to NPCs. With this you can have an amazing game where all new spells/perks from mod could be used by NPCs as well as potions. Its AI option is pretty old and i don’t recommend to use it because modern combat mods have better AI improvements. Also it’s not needed to use its increased spawn features as this feature is buggy as hell and cuases random crashes, plus it’s completely illogical. But if you will not check the spawns options in patcher - you’ll be totally safe. So once again, I recommend to use ASIS with 2 features: perks and spells. For NPC potions usage, it’s better to use much more feature-packed alternative here . Also, don’t forget to run ASIS patcher each time you installed mod that adds spells/perks. Patcher is located in \Data\Skyproc Patchers\ASIS\ASIS.jar
Race overhauls. Choose one:
Imperious - Races of Skyrim ID 1315 ID 1315Awesome mod that overhauls Skyrim races abilities, from the author of Ordinator. Now each race has 3 passive abilities and ultimate active ability that can be unlocked through race quest. That also brings more immersion to playthrough. New races’ abilities are interesting and fit perfectly with each race. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Elemental Destruction Magic patch available.Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim A stripped-down version of Imperious from the same author.Aetherius - A Race Overhaul A more simple alternative to Imperious. Some of the bonuses are somewhat OP, but you can adjust that through xEdit easily.Race Balance Somewhat underrated mod. Pretty minimalistic, simple, but interesting overhaul to races.True Races of Nirn Lore-friendly changes to racial bonuses and powers so they are more useful and balanced across the board. A great vanilla+ racial overhaul.Your Race Matters - Racial Passives Making passive racial differences truly matter gameplay-wise.Legacy - A Race Overhaul ==NEW== A racial overhaul that gives every race stronger racial bonuses, but also some noticeable drawbacks, and also distributes same bonuses and drawbacks to NPC, giving a need for more tactical combat approach. Can be used with other race overhauls with minimum compatibility issues - though, it’s not guaranteed the end result will be well-balanced, which depends on your mod setup.
Standing stones overhauls. Choose one:
Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim ID 14910 ID 14910Mod replaces the default standing stone effects with tactical and interesting new powers and abilities. Each standing stone comes with one passive ability and one active power. While greatly increasing standing stones effects variety, mod is still balanced and great for immersive playthrough. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Also a tiny tweak for it is available. Note: If you like this mod in general but want something simplier/vanilla+ - take a look on a “lite” analogue from Enai as well. Use one or another, not both.Curse of the Firmament A standing stone overhaul that makes blessings more interesting, gives them all drawbacks, and optionally distributes them to NPCs as well.
Nice, let’s continue with plenty of other overhauls of most different type (click “show” to open the subsection):
Dragon Combat Overhaul ID 38022 ID 38022Essential mod that offers amazing overhaul for dragons. Dragons are DRAGONS now - powerful, frightening monsters. AI improvements, unique skills and shouts and realistic physics. You’re fighting dragon, not a butterfly! If dragon lands close to you or makes a powerful tail/wing strike and you did not block this - you’ll be ragdolled. Dragons also can grab other NPCs and just throw them in air and many more other immersive features. If you want to have a real challenge fighting dragons - this mod is for you! I’d say even more simply - this mod is absolutely essential, because no matter how beefy your dragons will be empowered by other mods, this still makes not much sense if they still have stupid vanilla AI and no realistic physics. Also get a fix ==NEW== (the “Old SSE version”) file. You can see a video showcase of the mod here . Also, it’s recommended to disable this mod Assault feature (set all related parameters to 0), and use Deadly Dragons Assault system instead.Dragon War - A Dragon Overhaul A lightweight overhaul for dragons. Not compatible with other similar mods like DCO or DD.Dwemer Certified Don’t just let those broken Dwemer Constructs and spare Dwemer Ingots go to waste- use them to build an army of steam-powered robots, upgrade and enchant their equipment, then lead them into battle from the driver’s seat of a Dwemer Centurion.Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim The latest mod and a new gem from Enai Siaion. Hands down the best religion mod you can ever have. More than 45 deities to worship, roleplay-wise worshipping mechanics and balanced unique bonuses! Grab it, don’t even think. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Patches/addons: Patches for some popular mods ID 23319 ID 23319 Skyrim Immersive Creatures patch ID 24228 ID 24228 Custom races patch ID 24745 ID 24745 Great Town of Shor’s Stone patch ID 43310 ID 43310 M’rissi patch ID 59940 ID 59940 ==NEW== Artifacts - The Breton Paladin patch ==NEW== ID 41131 ID 41131 Character Creation Overhaul ID 2725 ID 2725Character Creation Overhaul brings back birthsigns, classes, specializations, favored attributes, and major/minor skills to Skyrim. No more boring cookie-cutter characters - choice matters again! Use this mod or the mod below.Dealing with Backstories ==NEW== One more great similar mod. Choose how old your character is and how they spent their life up to this point in order to generate starting stats, skills, gear, bonuses, drawbacks and level. Optionally return later to simulate your character aging. Use this mod or the mod above.Sets of Skills - a Skyrim Class Mod ==NEW== A nonintrusive Class mod, that adds 50+ classes without making any changes to existing skill trees and as such provides maximal compatibility (yup, compatible with both mods above). Read the mod page about how to use it.Experience A complete overhaul to experience system in Skyrim transforming it to classic RPG style. Compatible with mods as well. Gain experience by completing quests, exploring wilderness, clearing dungeons and forts, killing enemies and so on. Grab the MCM addon ==NEW== for it too. You can see a showcase of it here .Archery Gameplay Overhaul Popular and great archery mod. It adds great amount of features: - dozens of animations. - enchanted arrows - new bow camera mod - arm fatigue - really, really many overall archery improvements that make archer/hunter gameplay more interesting and realistic. Optional scoped bows patch available.MorrowLoot Ultimate In-depth and, in my opinion, simply essential mod. It makes complete rebalances of various game aspects, making it to play more similar to Morrowind leveled lists and leveling system - rare items like daedric or dwarven are REALLY rare now so you will not see each 2nd bandit in daedric gear when you’ll reach lvl 80, enemies level scaling is much more balanced and challenging, and so on - many other mechanics such as leveling and alchemy were changed as well. Note #1: There are two “flaw” of this mod - it’s too complex and will have compatibility issues with just too many other mods. The second one is that it forcefully (without any practical reason) requires Creation Club “DLCs” which are not actually used by most of players. That’s why I’m personally using the “simplified” version of it, from here . A patch ID 30090 ID 30090 for Guards Armor Replacer is avaialable, as well as CCOR patch , ArteFakes patch ==NEW== , plus lots of other patches here ==NEW== , here ==NEW== and here ==NEW== . You can also get Lore Weapons Expansion patch here and Summermyst patch here . Both are for LE version of the mod, but work just fine in SE. Unique Uniques patch is available in its installer, which also covers combination for it and Reliquary of Myth. Note #2: if you want to achieve “lite” results from this mod and don’t want to use the “Simplified” version linked (get mostly only the loot and gear changes without any that can feel too intrusive/arguable in this mod), from Opitonal Files tab, also install these: Encounter Zones (Vanilla), Remove Tempering Nerf, or, once again (that’s my own pick) install “simplified” version of the mod (instead, original mod is not needed, also, patches made for MLU itself mostly work with MUS, asides a few from the MLU page itself, which also have CC “DLC” requirements for no reason).Containers and Leveled Lists Fixes - Complete Loot Overhaul ==NEW== ID 26575 ID 26575If some changes from Morrowloot, even from “simplified” version, such as “rare is better”, are not something you like still, and you want just the loot rebalance, get this mod instead.Rogue-Like Encounters - Savage North Overhaul ==NEW== A massive creature and gameplay overhaul to make Skyrim more grim and unpredictable. Make sure to read the mod page carefully - as while the mod itself is great, it’s also just huge in size/complexity and changes/adds a lot - so see if you actually want it or not.Poverty - You Hunger Reborn Successor to You Hunger mod that affects the spawn rates of almost every item in the world along with an MCM that enables user customization of item distribution. An essential mod for hardcore realism/survival fans.CIVIL WAR OVERHAUL - Redux An improved version of well-known Civil War Overhaul mod - still script-heavy, but now much less buggy. Still, it’s recommended to play a walkthrough directly through civil war to experience it and then start a new walkthrough without it.Crafting Skills Revamped A neat crafting overhaul that can be used on top of CCOR and other big mods. Read the mod page carefully though to see if you need it or not.Simple and Dynamic Skills - Improved Standing Stones Skill learning modifiers are determined by a combination of the level of the skill and investment in the primary Perks of the corresponding tree. Each skill is accordingly classified as Major (35% XP bonus), Minor (normal XP), or Auxiliary (20% XP penalty*). At low levels, only the first Perk is required for a Major Skill, but at higher levels, further investment is needed. Mod also introduces own changes to standing stones, focused on balanced changes and both pros and cons of certain stones.Arena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul An encounter zones overhaul.KS Dragon Overhaul 2 An overhaul of dragons AI and combat behaviour. Highly compatible with mods that add dragons on fly, and for some other pathes are available in mod Files tab.Ultimate Dragons Another great dragon combat overhaul, with better AI, new skills, animations etc. Choose this one or previous mod.Immersive Movement A well-made movement overhaul for player and creatures. Player, NPC, animal, and creature movements have all been redesigned to feel more believable, realistic, and unforgiving.Crime Overhaul Crime Overhaul makes changes to the way criminal activities are handled by Skyrim guards. They are less inept, getting arrested is less cumbersome, accidental attacks are more forgiving, and thaneship is more rewarding. Also install a lil bugfix/improvement patch .Skyrim Revamped - Loot and Encounter Zones Deleveled gameplay fans, this mod is for you. It’s designed to decentralize the player from the world. This is a fairly in-depth deleveling but basically loot and enemy difficulty will increase based on location and type. Yet, the introduced difficulty is somewhat artificial, as it changes mostly just the enemies stats and level. But once again, taste is taste :)Depths of Skyrim - An Underwater Overhaul Brilliant mod. Overhauls the underwater environment and adds content to the sea of Ghosts. Adds new grass types, coral and giant kelps, hundreds of new fish, treasures, encounters, fixes landscape seams etc.Opening Scene Overhaul Mod is adding the ability to escape with Ulfric, Elenwen & Tullius arguing, brand new carriage dialogue, a brand new voice for Hadvar (that has received much praise), fixing the infamous ‘it’s in the clouds’ error Bethesda made and much more.Hearthfire Extended Love building things? Mod adds new content for the Hearthfire DLC, integrated seamlessly with Hearthfire’s construction system. Build any furniture in any room. Build additional wings off your cellar. Also includes bugfixes and enhancements to vanilla apiaries, butter churns and mead barrels.Lock Overhaul Overhauls the lock system, adding new features: Lock requirement, smash locks, unlock spell and auto pick locks, with a fully customizable MCM. Compatible with Ordinator (install the alternative version).
Улучшенное качество ванильных звуков и музыки, заменители и новые автономные музыкальные пакеты, чтобы доставить максимальное удовольствие вашим ушам.
Капитальный ремонт звука:
Музыка высокого качества ID 4968 ID 4968Больше никакой грязной компрессии для игровой музыки. Только свободные файлы (без esp-плагина) и просто более качественное звучание музыки Skyrim.Капитальный ремонт звука для Skyrim Удивительный мод для перестройки звука, призванный сделать звуковой ландшафт Skyrim более захватывающим, четким, отзывчивым, впечатляющим, а также направленный на максимальную совместимость, производительность и согласованность с оригинальной игрой. Окружение, оружие, магия, движение, система реверберации, распространение звука, существа и общий микс — ключевые области изменений. Как только вы попробуете это, вы, скорее всего, больше не вернетесь к ванильным звукам.Иммерсивные звуки — сборник Еще одна полная переработка Skyrim звучит похоже на AOS, но с немного более фэнтезийным подходом к звукам. Также может использоваться вместе с небольшими совпадениями, и есть доступный патч AOS , и еще несколько патчей для популярных модов, а также некоторые моды на броню ==НОВОЕ== (патчи Armors of the Velothi I и II здесь ==НОВОЕ== ). Также установите исправление звука питья ==NEW== .Звук ясности FX Удивительный звуковой мод среднего размера, который, кстати, можно использовать вместе с AOS/ISC. Просто установите его после.Исправления улучшения акустического пространства ==НОВОЕ== Совместимый, удобный для ванили внешний вид каждой внутренней ячейки, чтобы небольшие дома и магазины не звучали как замки и пропасти.Расширение региональных звуков ==НОВОЕ== Обширная автономная региональная переработка звука для городов, подземелий и открытого мира. Расширение «Региональные звуки» добавляет логичную атмосферу городам, пустыне, сосновым лесам, разломам, пещерам, просторам, ледяному северу, подземельям, фортам и многому другому, улучшая звуковое разнообразие и общую атмосферу.Расширение внутренних звуков реверберации ==НОВОЕ== Аналогичный мод для интерьеров.
Капитальный ремонт звука пользовательского интерфейса — выберите один:
Улучшенные звуки ванильного пользовательского интерфейса ID 42909 ID 42909Просто и заметно приятноЗвуки Skyrim более деревенские и естественные. Больше никаких шумов 2011 года.MEMOSPORE — звуковые эффекты пользовательского интерфейса ==НОВОЕ== Абсолютно невероятный звуковой мод пользовательского интерфейса, вдохновленный Souls/Elden Ring.
Музыкальные пакеты:
Кельтская музыка в Скайриме ID 2980 ID 2980Этот мод добавляет в Skyrim 79 новых кельтских, фэнтезийных и музыкальных треков викингов.Дни Славы - Музыка Скайрима Заменяет все музыкальные треки Skyrim на потрясающие треки талантливого Vindsvept (да, песни, которые вы часто слышите в моих и других видео YouTube-каналов Skyrim).Musical Lore (модификация саундтрека Нира Шора) Этот мод добавляет в вашу игру множество новых оригинальных саундтреков, написанных талантливым (и недооцененным) Ниром Шором.The Elder Songs - Фанатское музыкальное расширение Freshly released pack of amazing fantasy tracks, made personally by the author of the mod, who’s a composer at the same time. Highly recommended to try it.Yggdrasil Music and SoundFX Overhaul Amazing dark folk/ambient music pack for Skyrim. Fits the most of game situations really great and gives completely new ambience touch at the same time.Immersive Music Vanilla game has around 3.5 hours of music. This mod adds 16 hours more, carefully picked up from fitting tracks.Cactus Witcher Music Overhaul Mod name speaks for its features itself. As from me - it’s a great sound overhaul, hand-picked, fitting the game greatly.The Witcher 3 Music Overhaul Witcher 3 music in Skyrim? Why not! It fits greatly.Dreams and Nightmares Music Mod Somewhat dark and melancholic music pack, made by an independent composer. Fantasy Soundtrack Project patch available.Improved Combat Music Absolutely breathtaking combat music overhaul, which is unique as tracks themselves are sounding like a more agressive, orchestral variations of vanilla ones, giving new, but so familiar experience at the same time.Hun Lovaas - Skyrim Fan-Made combat music Another great alternative in form of combat-only music overhaul.Still - Skyrim Inspired Music Chill, calm exploration music replacer.Morrowind Music Integration Seek audio nostalgia no moreBrings “Northern Diaries”, the latest album of legendary TES composer, Jeremy Soule, to your game.Symphonic Soundtrack Adds (or replaces) over 3 hours of music across over 50 tracks composed specifically for Skyrim, blending seamlessly with the original game and original music.Chapter II - Jeremy Soule Inspired Music (by Dreyma Music) Music mod that adds over 1 hour of exploration music to Skyrim using Jeremy Soule’s composing techniques. New tracks are added frequently.JaredAlexanderJohnson profile ==NEW== For various quality music packs.Nordenhamr - Viking Music ==NEW== A work in progress mod set to replace Skyriim’s soundtrack with the Nodrenhamr autor.Melodies of Civilization - Skyrim Fan-Made Music Adds 25+ minutes of lore friendly/immersive music specifically written for Skyrim.The Southerner Diaries - A Soundtrack Expansion 44 professionally mixed, lore-friendly songs to enhance your Skyrim playthroughs. Inspired by Irish folk music and other celtic influences, as well as popular film scores. Over 2 hours of custom music, lovingly composed by Pat Mahoney.Around the Fire - Skyrim Fan-Made Music Doubles the amount of tavern tracks with lore-friendly/immersive music written specifically for Skyrim.Valkyrie - Intense Combat Music Replaces every music in skyrim into a intense lore friendly combat music and sound effects from the awesome Two Steps From Hell & Motionpulse.Nyghtfall - Epic Immersive Fantasy Music Adds 2 hours of original & immersive music to the game. This includes unique themes for each major city, epic & aggressive combat music (inspired by Bloodborne, God of War & Assassin’s Creed) day/night exploration, dungeon music as well as medieval Tavern music. Comes with both replacer and standalone version.Dream of Me - a Vindsvept Music Mod Listen to 10+ hours of Vindsvept’s discography while playing Skyrim, all his albums are represented in this mod with music hand-placed to fit the atmosphere appropriately.Extra Music Pack For Skyrim A fantasy-celtic music pack.Magic College Music - Songs for Academy New tracks specifically for College.Fantasy Soundtrack Project Около 230 фэнтезийно звучащих оркестровых и инструментальных фэнтезийных/эпических музыкальных композиций для исследования городов, таверн и замков.Музыкальное слияние Soulmancer ==НОВОЕ== Довольно интересный проект - выборочно объединяет огромное количество треков из 10+ популярных музыкальных паков в один мегапак. Прочтите страницу мода для инструкций по установке.
Небольшие автономные звуковые моды:
Громовые крики ID 14352 ID 14352Дает эхо криков и гром на заднем плане, вроде криков драугров.Более болезненные звуки смерти NPC Изменяет звуки смерти NPC по умолчанию, чтобы они звучали более болезненно.Улучшенные звуки книг TB Улучшены звуки открытия, закрытия и перелистывания страниц по умолчанию.Улучшенный звук реки Берет короткую звуковую петлю реки и заменяет ее гораздо более длинным (и в целом более реалистичным) звуковым клипом.Улучшенные боевые звуки Боевые звуки теперь улучшены, чтобы улучшить общее качество боев.Звуки брутального боя ==НОВОЕ== Этот мод заменяет все скучные, низкокачественные ванильные боевые звуки новыми кровавыми, брутальными, мясистыми и кровавыми.Tasteful - ремейк звука еды ==НОВОЕ== Добавьте звук каждого приема пищи. Более 60 вкусных звуков. Прежде чем идти сюда, проверьте свой холодильникРжу не могу.Общие двери в деревенском стиле ==НОВИНКА== Аудио изменяет наиболее распространенные двери, используемые в Скайриме, чтобы они звучали более простовато и средневеково.Улучшен визуальный эффект поступи оборотня ==НОВОЕ== Шаги для оборотня улучшены, с новым ползунком для управления звуком в настройках звука игры.Новая глава - UI Sound Replacer Тонкий мод, который заменит ванильные неуклюжие звуки новой игры и звуки квестовых целей на некоторые «книжные».Аутентичный волчий вой и агрессия Заменяет звуки агрессии волков, воя и отдаленного воя на отдельные волки.Неиспользованные звуки восстановлены Восстанавливает ряд неиспользуемых звуковых эффектов.Критический удар SFX Простой аудио-реплейсер для звука, воспроизводимого при критических ударах. Короткий пульсирующий удар сердца.Реалистичные звуки хаски Добавляет более 60 совершенно новых высококачественных хриплых звуков для хаски Стражи Рассвета, включая новые атаки, лай, праздное тяжелое дыхание, стоны, «разговоры» и т. д. Доступен дополнительный патч, чтобы он работал для всех собак . Бумажные звуки пользовательского интерфейса для Skyrim Совершенно очаровательный проект по замене звуков пользовательского интерфейса Skyrim на бумажные звуки, для работы с бумажными ретекстурами интерфейса и картами.жестокие медведи Полная переработка звука для медведей — более реалистичная и устрашающая.Профиль Satafinix ==NEW== Для многих заменителей голоса - от фалмерских голосов и криков до даэдрических лордов и Тсун. Моды редактируют ванильные звуковые файлы, чтобы они звучали более устрашающе/гротескно. Много новых звуковых изменений было сделано автором за последний год. Также посмотрите на некоторые патчи здесь .Разговорчивые драконьи жрецы ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет 32 новых иммерсивных диалога с этими могущественными древними врагами-нежитью, делая ваши сражения с ними более эпическими, пугающими и уникальными.Звуки шагов восстановлены - восстановление вырезанного контента Этот мод восстанавливает несколько неиспользуемых ванильных звуков шагов, шорох тяжелой, легкой и скааловой брони, а также звуки различных поверхностей (гравий, грязь, снег и т. д.).A Bow’s Whisper — переработан звук лука. Насыщенный, детальный звук для обращения с луком. Настроено для анимации vanilla или AGO (соответственно загрузите соответствующую версию). Используйте этот или мод ниже. Вы также можете посмотреть демонстрацию этого здесь .Заменитель звуков лука Заменяет ванильные звуки обшивки, распаковки, защелкивания стрелы и выпуска стрелы для лука. Используйте этот или мод выше.Heart of the Beast - звук оборотня, обновленный Популярные звуки оборотней перенесены на SE.Бас-драконы Изменяет оригинальные SFX-файлы дракона, чтобы добавить больше басов, которые звучат как фильм LOTR.Мужские аргонианские крики - озвучены Делает мужские аргонианские крики более грубыми и близкими к аргонианам, а не человеческим голосом по умолчанию. Вы также можете посмотреть демонстрацию этого здесь .Тихие приглушенные шаги для игрока Полностью заглушает шаги игрока при применении магического эффекта «приглушения» (через заклинание или зачарование предмета). Теперь вы можете почувствовать себя настоящим молчаливым, подлым ниндзя.Бардовские инструментальные композиции в основном - поют редко Надоело постоянно слушать одни и те же бардовские песни снова и снова? Хотите еще какую-нибудь их спокойную инструментальную версию (со статичными песнями время от времени)? Не ищите большеВаша женщина-драконорожденный звучит слишком по-мужски при использовании драконьего крика? Вы бы предпочли, чтобы она звучала более женственно? Этот мод увеличивает высоту всех женских криков и основан на голосе эльфов Skyrim.Тихая скрытая атака Нет больше “тшшхуд”.Более мягкий звук заклинания Заменяет обычный звук заклинания Колдовства на более мягкий и глубокий.
Улучшенный искусственный интеллект и навыки врагов, улучшения в охоте, подкрадывании, выполнении квестов, восстановление вырезанного контента, различные варианты контроля того, что происходит вокруг вас в игре и многое-многое другое.
Моды, связанные с экономикой и добычей:
Торговля и бартер ID 23081 ID 23081Light-weight but great (and I’d say essential) trade mod that offers prices dependency from your faction status, NPC relationship with you, race, region and speech etiquette as well as some other cool features. Playing with it, you will really feel trading mechanics in game having sense. Not conflicting with almost everything. Also install the USSEP patch . Few other patches are available.Economy Overhaul and Speechcraft Improvements A pretty good balanced and wide economy mod for Skyrim that changes plenty of economy aspects of the game as well as Speechcraft perks tree. Compatible with Ordinator and Trade and Barter.True Medieval Economy Another interesting economy mod, aimed on somewhat medieval realism.DLC Integration This mod adds content from Dawnguard, Hearthfire, and Dragonborn to the world through leveled lists, merchants, and manual placement of objects.Trade Routes - Regional Economy Ever wanted to play as a traveling merchant, buying goods cheap where they’re plentiful and selling them where they’re rare for a modest profit? Than this mod is definitely for you :) Mod adds different trade aspect like regional prices, speech scaling, trade supplies, quests affeting on prices here and there and few more.Scarcity - Less Loot Mod Simple and amazing mod that does how it’s called - compatible with everything. My personal choice is x6 less loot and x4 less merchant stocks. Note: make sure all 3 this mod’s esp files are placed straight before Bashed Patch in load order when building it.Narrative Loot Mod adds 1629 new, lore-friendly items to loot lists, with an emphasis on deepening storytelling through loot.Thematic Loot Old but great and really underrated mod. It changes the loot that can be found in certain chests. Chests owned by the Dwemer, the Falmer, mages, draugrs, vampires and giants are affected. The purpose behind the changes is to make each chest more representative of the individuals who filled it with items.Dynamic Dungeon Loot (DDL) - Random Loot System A pretty old but great and really underrated mod which adds a loot drop system to boss chests found in dungeons. This system uses five tiers of loot to add variety and fun to the vanilla loot system, without breaking the balance of the game. This mod also includes 16 unique, ultra-rare artifacts to find. You can also install this hd retexture addon for it as well. You can also watch a showcase of it here .Lock Related Loot ==NEW== Containers have loot according to its type and its lock difficulty.Bounty Hunter - Bounty Quest Tweaks A collection of edits to make bounties configurable, easy to take more of, and more rewarding.Miners and Farmers sell supplies Now farmers and miners across Skyrim are more than happy to sell you their stocks as you travel.Hunter Vendors Adds 6 hunters at the entrances of towns and cities to buy your goods. Sells leather strips, leather, arrows, bows and daggers.Bounty Gold Lets you configure how much gold you get for bounty quests.DON’T GIVE ME ALL THIS STUFF - Less Charitable NPCs A simple mod that restricts the amount of stuff friendly NPCs let the player take from their homes and stores for free.Sensible Bribes - Based on Speechcraft Not Level Bribes make no sense in vanilla, as the value mostly depends on your level, not your speechcraft. This mod fixes that.C.O.I.N. - Coins of Interesting Natures Adds new types of coinage of all different values to make Skyrim’s economy more interesting.
AI and enemy related mods (note - complex/whole-game-covering enemy overhauls are resting in the “Overhauls” section):
Realistic AI Detection SE (better sneaking) ID 2345 ID 2345Simple but absolutely essential mod that recalibrates sneaking, making it much more realistic. Compatible with almost everything, including lighting mods - just read the mod description page carefully to install a proper version for your mod setup. Note: Place this mod to the very bottom of your load order, making sure it’s loaded after any other sneak rebalancing mods and mods that affect lighting (weather mods, lighting mods like ELFX and all its modules, etc). You can see a video showcase of the mod here .Dynamic Weather and Time Based Detection ==NEW== Changes NPC detection depending on the current weather and time of day. During snow, the peripheral and close range vision of NPCs are severely reduced. During rain, NPC hearing is crippled. During pleasant weather, NPC sight and detection range is increased. At night, overall NPC sight is reduced but hearing is slightly increased. MCM included. Compatible with the mod above.
Enemy resistances mods. Choose only one.
Bring Your Silver ID 66882 ID 66882This mod brings back the importance of silver weapons in combat when fighting certain enemies (via adding logical resistances to them) and add silver arrows and bolts to the game. Also pretty good compatibility-wise due to a smart scripting. A permanent slot in my personal setup. It’s LE mod, but will work just fine in SE after a simple CAO conversion of its assets and changing the USLEEP master to USSEP (LE Unofficial Patch to SE Unofficial Patch). You can also grab some patches from the Files tab, they work just fine with SE versions of respective mods.Resistances and Weaknesses ==NEW== Similar mod with own vision.Enemy Enhancer ==NEW== Yep, that’s another LE mod. It works 100% fine as is in SE - though if you’re paranoid, you can siply re-save its plugin in SE CK and that’s it. This one’s bonus is that it’s fully configurable in MCM. On top of resistances, it also allows you to furtherly modify enemy types (like skeletons/automatons/dragons/vampires etc) additionally in terms of armor/HP/damage and so on. Super simple, effective and pretty light-weight in terms of scripts.
Nice, let’s continue.
Better Vampire NPCs ID 9510 ID 9510They will be leveled according to the PC and get stronger with advanced perks, spells, and all new abilities. Vampires can now be many different classes: one or two handed, light armor, heavy armor, mage, light bowman, heavy crossbowman. More variety, more challenge, more fun. Note: All “big” 4 enemy overhauls are also covering vampires, so load this mod after if you want its changes to have the upper hand.Draugr Upgrades and Improvements Real armor effect for draugrs and not just visuals, new perks, new types of draugrs etc. Note: All “big” 4 enemy overhauls are also covering draugrs, so load this mod after if you want its changes to have the upper hand.No BS AI Projectile Dodge (Magic and Arrows) No more bandits acting like medium ninjas.Durnehviir God of Death A challenging competitor in Soul Cairn and a powerful ally, the Durnehviir that this mod delivers is a better, stronger God of Death. He is re-textured and can breathe blue or purple undead flames. Note: not needed if you’re using Revenge of the Enemies overhaul.Believable Crime Report Radius If vanilla game one is too big for you. I’d personally still recommend to increase it to 2000 instead of 1000 in xEdit.Suspicious City Guards Guards will become suspicious when they see you sneaking around.Nighteye For NPCs Khajiit, Vampires and Werewolves…any NPC who are assumed to use nighteye ability get improved eyesight in dark. Note: not needed if using “Dynamic Weather and Time Based Detection” mod.Smart NPC Potions - Enemies Use Potions and Poisons Why is the Dragonborn the only sensible person carrying at least a couple of health/stamina potions in Skyrim? This mod makes it so enemies sometimes carry and use a couple of potions and poisons just like you do. This will make combat more fair, more unpredictable and harder. Compatible with everything and customizable via MCM. Note: ASIS has the same function in it, allowing NPCs to use potions, but this mod functionality is just better in everything - more features and more control over them. If you want this feature - don’t use ASIS “NPC Potions” feature and use this mod instead. You can see a video showcase of the mod here . Use this mod or the mod below.NPCs use Potions ==NEW== A similar mod with a bit different set of functions. More performance-friendly then the mod above.Forsworn Skinchangers New Forsworn enemies that transform into werewolves and werebears in combat.Truly Undead - Reborn A port of same-named LE mod, and pretty much underrated gem. Skeletons, vampires, draugr and dragon priests will resurrect unless killed by certain specific damage sources. Congifurable in MCM.Cult of the World Eater - Dragon Priests Buff Alduin ==NEW== Super simple yet super immersive mod. Gives Alduin a series of powerful buffs which are dispelled by killing the named Dragon Priests. This encourages you to tear down the figureheads of the Dragon Cult before battling Alduin. Compatible with all mods that are changing Alduin or dragon priests.TsunDal - A Tsun Bossfight Overhaul ==NEW== A redesign and remake of the Tsun bossfight to make him more challenging and fun to fight.Ghosts of Akavir - A Boss mod ==NEW== Adds 3 lore-friendly Akavirir style bosses with unique weapons as a reward. Note: if you’re using “Hidden Blades” follower mod, this mod is not needed - same bosses are included in it.Diplomatic Dragons ==NEW== A simple plugin that disables random dragons until Sahloknir death.Lore Friendly armored falmers ==NEW== Add new falmers to the current leveled list, their wear dwarven armor, and shamans have automaton parts adapted to their body. Some patches here .NARC Remade - No Animals Report Crimes for Skyrim Tired of that chicken going up to the guards and being a nark? Annoyed because that one bear ratted you out? Upset because horses are snitches? Then this is the mod for youBethesda likes to screw up more things in newer versions of the games than in older ones. This helps a bit in this certain case.Enemy Friendly Fire SKSE plugin that enables friendly fire amongst NPCs.Sun Affects NPC Vampires Vampires that are out in the sun will suffer (a little bit) of constant damage. This affects NPC vampires and the player. Vampires will catch on fire when this damage accumulates.Deadlier Werewolf NPCs Non-player werewolves and werebears can now also perform killing blows randomly (from mauling, to decapitation bites), and also use sprint attacks when they pursue you. If using werewolf overhauls, make sure to get a patch for whatever one you’re using from mod Files tab.
Armor and weapon mechanics rebalance or new features:
ABT - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks ID 4683 ID 4683Faster arrows, ability to turn on progressive/increased damage for arrows, increase/decrease amount of arrows found in enemies and sold by merchants and some other useful, customizable settings. An essential mod if you ever planning to use a bow/crossbow.Archery Locational Damage ==NEW== Highly customizable (via ini file), script-free locational damage mod for archery.Resistances Rescaled Improves the unbalanced armor rating system as well as magic resistances in Skyrim by implementing a formula closer to what Morrowind had (ohther presets are also available). Fully configurable, a must-have mod.Signature Equipment Pretty original mod that may be very useful for some players, especially in roleplay purposes. The more you use the same equipment, the more potent and valuable that equipment becomes. It’s a lot like tempering, but you do it by cleaving through your enemies gradually. This allows for a favorite early game weapon to become a signature weapon that scales with your character. Maybe your character might intentionally build up the reputation of a weapon to sell it for a profit. Or maybe you like the way a weapon looks, but its damage just can’t keep up. That’s no longer an issue now. It’s also compatible will all possible weapon mods on fly.True Armor Are you sick of swords cutting through Steel Plate like through butter? Every hit being predictable? Every type of armor feeling the same, regardless of material? No more! Greatly increased combat depth and immersion; a sparkle of realism and balance for your fantasy game.Customize Weapon Speed Wanna implement your own vision of balance for weapons attack speed? This mod allows you to customize weapon speed by type.TDF Equipment Restriction Realistic items usage skill requirements modUltimate Spinning Arrows The see me spinnin’. They hatin’.Dynamic Equipment Manager Automatically equips/unequips various gear when applicable.
Plenty of other mods changing most different things:
Simply Balanced ID 15541 ID 15541This mod can be take as a successor of well-known SkyTweak and is a port of same LE mod. Basically, it allows you to customize pretty much close to every gameplay value - weapons, magic, potions & poisons, skills, enemy stats and experience gains. To say more precisely, if you have your load order setup precisely and know every mod is working in a good synergy - you won’t need this mod. But if you’re not sure about some balance moments, or just wanna to be able to customize your gameplay difficulty through wide system of parameters - grab it for sure.VioLens - A Killmove Mod Amazing mod that gives you full control of killmoves. Chance, immunity, camera view, new advanced killmoves and so on. This works for melee, ranged and stealth killmoves. Great work and a must-have mod.Cutting Room Floor This mod restores a lot of content that was created but never implemented in the original game - quests, NPCs, building and other different little things. RS Children patch, lighting overhaul , complete NPC overhaul , higher quality tintmasks addon , Pandorable NPCs patch and a tiny fix are available.Multiple Floors Sandboxing Have you ever wonder why the NPCs mostly just stay at the same floor, even though the cell has multiple floors? This little mod will encourage NPCs to climb stairs around them and explore their surroundings more.Skyrim Skill Uncapper Note: you do [NOT] need the “xSHADOWMANx’s Dll Loader” mod that’s listed as required file - you already have better .dll loader installed. This, imo, nearly essential mod allows you to get rid of silly vanilla “legendary” skills system by simply uncapping your skills - so now you can raise skills above 100, and all related multipliers and modifiers (even enchanting and alchemy) will grow as well. Besides that, Uncapper does tons of other useful things - you can determine leveling speed (strongly recommened to make it slower to not get lost on huge amount of new things in game if you have heavy-modded game), how many attributes you receive per at levelup (and at which level as well), how many perk points you receive at levelup (and at which level as well) and many other things. Note: only (and only in that case) if you’re you’ll see mod refuses to work properly as the .ini file is not generated at first launch, install this ID 46536 ID 46536 ==NEW== version instead (make sure to get proper file, depending on whether you’re modding SE or AE).Honed Metal ==NEW== Re-re-updated version of a well-known mod once ported to SE. It partially covers what Loot and Degradation does, but it’s focusing on this directly and adds much more features. Blacksmiths and mages all over Skyrim will be able to craft, temper and enchant your equipment, including any armor and weapons added by mods. The quality and price of their work will depend on their skill as blacksmiths and enchanters as well as your barter prowess. Fully customizable through an MCM. Ordinator patch here .Civil War Aftermath Take the fight to enemy encampments all around Skyrim.3PCO - 3rd Person Camera Overhaul - Smooth Camera Follow An absolutely must-have mod for players who spend the most amount of time in 3rd person. This mod is just revolutionary! It imitates modern AAA games camera movement, which is based on player world coordinates, giving immersive smooth camera follow effect, especially noticable in combat. You can see a showcase of it here .AIM FIX - combat camera with aiming control Makes aiming accurate out of the box. Provides total control over the crosshair position for archery and magic to match the hit point shift caused by the custom animations and mods. User determines how much easy or realistic the aiming will be. Equalizes the accuracy for 1st and 3rd person view. Tons of flexible MCM options and camera features. Note: If using lite version of the mod in pair with 3PCO, while this may look irrational logic-wise, make sure 3PCO overwrites Aim Fix, not vice versa.Cinematic Dragon Soul Absorption To please the cinematic god.GIST - Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap Mod that shows petty souls who’s boss. No more petty souls in your grand soulgems, wasting them. Similar to well-known Smart Souls mod, but newer and more customizable mod from author of Diverse Dragons Collection.Better Third Person Selection - BTPS ==NEW== Rewrites Skyrim’s crosshair selection to work more like true 3rd person RPGs - no more spending 5 minutes picking up tiny gold coins from the ground.Book Of Shadows - Behaviour Based Stealth Additions ==NEW== One of the most innovative mods released in 2022. Behaviour-based sneak additions. Fully animated masks, smoke bombs, warhorns, and sneak takedowns.Dynamic Collision Adjustment ==NEW== Adjusts the character controller collision while sneaking and swimming so you can fit under objects. Fixes some races not being affected by Actor Scale.Infinite Stamina Out of Combat ==NEW== A bit cheaty, but as simple as that.Infinite Magicka Out of Combat ==NEW== Similar mod, but for magicka.Landing Stop ==NEW== Restricts movement for a small amount of time when the player lands on the ground.Daedric Aspect ==NEW== Eating a Daedra Heart imbues you with the strength of a Daedra for a short time.Simple Offence Suppression MCM - Block Friendly Fire ==NEW== Blocks friendly fire. Toggleable in MCM.Serenity of Sleep ==NEW== Changes the well-rested buffs you obtain from sleeping to something else.Classic Oblivion Jail System ==NEW== Brings back the old Oblivion jail system to Skyrim! Now when you serve your time in jail, random stats will be decreased, according to how much days you spent in prison. Also install this .Better Harvesting Get randomised amount of ingredients from plants and loot from dead animals rather than always just one.Improved Adoptions Ever was bored with vanilla adoption system? Try this. It contains over a dozen dialogue scenes between the kids and others between your spouse and housecarl. Your kids will hang out with other kids when they’re in town, and join them in running around town. They’ll actually visit the places they say they do. If you’ve been missing for 3 or more days they’ll send the Courier packing with a message for you. You can ask your kids and spouse to accompany you to your new home and have them follow you thereAdds sweet shops just outside all of the major cities. Compatible with JK’s Skyrim, compatibility with other city mods is not confirmed.Konahrik’s Privilege Choose one of four new effects for Konahrik; Force, Fire, Fade or Time.MisterB’s Crafting Matters An alternative to Complete Crafting Overhaul if it’s too much for you for some reasons - mod that adds much more to your Skyrim crafting experience. Breakdown Recipes, Tailoring Recipes, the ability to get firewood from miscellaneous items. New crafting materials.Noisy Thief There’s a chance you’ll make noise and alert enemies when taking an item based on the items weight and optional detection when breaking a lockpick or extinguishing a wall torch.Your Soul Is Mine - Soul Gem Relinquishment Your Soul Is Mine is like Dragon Soul Relinquishment for regular souls. It adds two spells: One that allows the player to absorb soul gems to purchase various passive bonuses and one that allows the player to absorb part of the victim’s soul directly. The absorbed souls may be spent on various passive buffs.Advanced Mining Advanced Mining is a full remake of the entire mining process. It has many options, allowing you to control the ore deposits in the game in many ways, each one can be toggled individually and adjusted.MCM Ores And Firewood Mine and chop faster, all configuration directly in game at any time.Smithing And Smelting Improved Rebalanced smelting and some new crafting recipes.Souls Do Things 2 Mod which adds various new functionality to dragon souls, making them useful in the game in different ways.Better Stealing Simple but immersive mod. If you steal something and nobody sees you do it then the item will not be “stolen”.Pickpocket Changes A few changes to pickpocketing chance and how it’s calculated - pickpocket chance is no longer affected by value, only weight, and maximum pickpocket chance increased from 90% to 100%.Rebalanced Encounter Zones and Leveled Actors Simple mod that’s increasing base level and level scaling of encounter zones in game. For hardcore lovers.Encounter Zones Unlocked Useful mod for challenging gameplay with a little difference approach - dungeons don’t stop leveling after the first visit.Mystic Condenser Tired of piles of low-level potions/poisons/soul gems cluttering up your high-level inventory? Use the Mystic Condenser to combine them into their higher level counterparts.Torch Brightness Radius Makes it bigger.Vampire Sun Damage Clothes Covering Somewhat cheating mod as for me, but some people may find it useful.Civil War Neutrality You can stay neutral without having to miss important content.Useful Dogs Improves dogs functionality to be more realistic similar to how trained dogs irl can behave.Heavy Armored Soldiers Imperials and Stormcloaks now have a chance of spawning wearing their own heavy sets.Optional Starting Spells This mod removes all starting spells and adds all the novice spell tomes to your starting area. Compatible with Alternate Starts - Live another Life.Sleep to Level Up Similar to how it was in TES IV: Oblivion.Ordinary Thieves Makes thieves in the world wear regular clothing rather than guild clothing.Vampires Regen in Shade Allows all vampires to recover health, magicka, and stamina when standing in the shade, even during the daytime.Better Skill and Quest Books Names Not that much “immersive”, but definitely may look useful for some players.Holdable Candles A small mod designed for stealth characters using extremely dark interiors from ENB or weather presets. The candle illuminates a small area in front of the player, thus allowing the player to see items in front of them to steal, and avoiding the use of a torch (lighting up the entire room and increasing the risk of being detected).Altar of the Revenant Allows to “corrupt” grand soul gems into black soul gems.Selective and-or More Expensive Transmute Mod to choose which ore you want to transmute by allowing you to dual cast the transmute spell.Disarming Traps Is Dangerous Pretty much as that.Soul Exchange Sadly, Dragon Soul Relinquishment mod is pretty bugged in SE. This is a simple alternative to it. Mod allows you to convert Dragon Souls to Perks or Attributes.Cardio - More Realistic Fatigue Mod introduces fatigue mechanics to Stamina, Health and Magicka and factors in encumbrance effects. Allows full customisation attributed to this through the MCM.Left Hand Rings Modified Simple as it is. Makes it possible to wear rings on left hand :)GuruSR’s Werewolf Transformation Meter Very useful for werewolf players. The bar shows how much time left until transformation will fade off.Intoxication (Drunk and Drugged visual effects) Simple as that. Some big mods like CACO already adding such effect, but if you’re not using them and just wanna the visual effect - grab this mod.Reading Is Good This mod reworks skill books so that instead of granting levels instantly, they give you a permanent boost to your leveling speed in the respective skill. This means that you benefit more by reading them as soon as you find them. SKSE plugin.Radiant Requirements MCM Modifies select radiant quests so that they don’t send you to locations with dangerous enemies until your level is high enough. Configurable in MCM.Realistic Humanoid Movement Speed Faster walking, slower running and sprinting.Regen Adjuster SKSE SKSE Plugin to let you choose regen values outright or based on conditions.Vampire Feeding Tweaks Small mod that opens up the possibilities for feeding as a vampire, without needing a big overhaul.Curse of the Werewolf With this mod installed if you are a werewolf you will be cursed/blessed. Once a day in a situation that would normally result in your death right before the final blow you will automatically transform into a werewolf and regain full health during the transformation rendering you effectively invincible during the 10 second transformation. Compatible with werewolf overhauls like Growl or Lupine.
Everything about combat - better enemies AI and new skills, injuries, locational damage, unique player moves and overall combat improvements here and there to make dull Skyrim combat shine.
Attack Speed Fix ID 10741 ID 10741First of all, grab this mod. A simple yet almsot essential mod that allows attack speed effects to stack properly and enables attack speed debuffs. Otherwise, you’ll often have absolutely ridiculous attacks speed that’d have no sense.
Large combat mods:
Combat Evolved ID 1525 ID 1525Light-weight, script-free, old-but-good combat mod. Due to its great compatibility it can be used alongside with other combat mods for even better combat experience. Enemies are more agressive and smarter. Stagger, knockdown, enemy skills, and enemy damage are enhanced. But at the same time enemies are not ‘terminators’ - mod is good balanced. I strongly recommend to use it. I also advise to use modular version for more detailed installation process.Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim New combat mod from the author of Apocalypse/Ordinator. This amazing mod makes combat more realistic, dynamic and brings more lethality into your game. Mod ipmroves combat AI that makes enemies more smart, initiative and dangerous. Its biggest and greatest (in my opinion) feature is wide injures system. It’s really realistic and simple at the same time. It also modifies global difficulty levels in Skyrim and gives you possibility to configure these values in MCM. It also offers timed block feature as well as many other combat modifiers. It’s also pretty good compatible with all combat/magic/ perk overhaul mods and mod author also inlcuded detailed load order description list for this/that mod. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Immersive Movement patch is available.Stop On Slash - Hitstop and Screenshake Ever asked yourself why weapon weights nothing? Why your character doesn’t feel any physics after swinging two-handed battleaxe? Then this mod is for you. When the player hits an actor or an object, a “hit-stop” (a tiny pause) is added along with camera shake and blur effects. This makes weapon strikes feel more solid and heightens the sense that a hit has actually been made. Fully configurable in MCM and compatible with everything. You can see a video showcase of the mod here .TK Recoil This mod is similar to previous one, just for the bows/crossbows. When the player shot a bow or crossbow or staff, a “recoil” (a tiny pause) is added along with camera shake and blur effects. This makes weapon recoil feel more solid and heightens the sense that a hit has actually been made. Also comes with an MCM.TK Dodge Very popular and must-have mod if you’re running several combat mods that increase game difficulty. Mod adds dodge rolls (forward-back-left-right) using hotkeys. Mod also has an MCM where you can re-configure the hotkeys and dodge roll stamina cost. Xbox One gamepad addon available.TUDM - The Ultimate Dodge Mod One more great dodge mod, with own pros and cons. Pro is that it doesn’t rely on FPS in terms of dodge responsibility (with TK dodge, if you have FPS below 40, dodge responsiveness can become worse, i.e. small delay appear) - so it never has a dodge delay after hotkey pressed no matter if you fps is 60 or 25. Most of people also like its animations more. Cons - less options for configuration. Choose this mod or TK Dodge - one or another. Also install the fix patch , and, if using it, Violens patch ==NEW==. Some patches are available here , as well as RS Children patch . You can see a video showcase of the mod here .Mortal Enemies Remember how NPCs can turn to your direction just in the middle of weapon swing? Forget about this! Elemental Destruction Magic patch available. You can see a video showcase of the mod here .Wounds Simple mod focused exactly on injuries. More realistic/hard to heal comparing to Wildcat’s injuries system (you should not use them both or disable WC injuries if you want this one, otherwise it will become messy). Optional UI addon available. For injured animations variety, look here ==NEW==. You can see a showcase of it here . Use this mod or the mod below.Incremental Injuries ==NEW== A more simple and performance-friendly (as it’s an SKSE plugin) alternative to the Wounds mod above. Configurable via .ini file. You can also instal an extra addon on top.Stamina Matters - No more useless stamina Small yet pretty revolutionary mod and my personal recommendation for deep realism lovers. No attacking / blocking / jumping at zero stamina, rendering a complete new meaning for stamina in this game other than just a limiter for sprint / power attacks. Stamina is actually something that matters and you should put into consideration during combat now. Note: if you’ll be using crossbows, install this version of the mod instead.Precision - Accurate Melee Collisions ==NEW== Physically accurate collisions for melee. Procedural, physics-based hit reactions. Weapon trails. Hitstop and camera shake. Recoils when hitting certain materials. Supports both first person and third person, as well as other NPCs and creatures. Custom collisions for new movesets. Supports both SE and AE. Note: if you’re using other mods for the next: hitstop (Stop On Slash mod, for instance), weapon trails or recoil, it’s recommended to remove those mods as same features in this mod will work better with it as they are inbuilt natively. Note: VR users should use this ID 66025 ID 66025 instead.Precision Creatures ==NEW== Fixes some bugs related to hit boxes and improves attacks precision of some creatures - for instance, werewolves and vampire lords. Requires the Precision mod itself.Arena Movement - MCO ==NEW== Rebalances the movement speed of the different classes. Akin to modern games like Hellblade, Assassin’s Creed or the Witcher you can walk, you can sprint, you just can’t run around. Intensify your combat by focusing on stamina management and dodging.Strike Obstruction Systems - Combat Blocking Overhaul ==NEW== Blocking can now mitigate damage from blocked Spells, Shouts, Enchants, and Poisons. Timed Blocks can provide greater mitigation, redirect parried arrows & spells, and inflict various debuffs. All features configurable via MCM.Weapon Arts This mod adds to Skyrim weapon-arts (or weapon-skills), which are based on equipped weapon type and its enchantment. If player character has enough magicka, then using a lesser power added by the mod (Z button), the combat skill with special effects and animations will be performed.Locational Damage(SKSE Plugin) actually working, light-weight and finally really [stable] locational damage mod for Skyrim. Fully configurable via the .INI file. When using with combat mods like Wildcat, either disable locational damage in UC and/or injuries in WC, or set this mod effect chances to very low - otherwise you’ll be very OP. Note: My .INI file for this mod is available for download, suitable for mod manager installation. You can see a showcase of it here .
Smaller combat mods:
Hellblade - Timed Block ==NEW== Replaces your usual 1 second Creation Kit timed or script lagging timed block with a 0.2 second behavior timed block. Removes the normal recoil and implements it only for timed block. Reimplements unused two-handed weapon recoil animation. You can watch a brief showcase here .Realistic Melee Range ID 3378 ID 3378Simple as that. Decreases hit range for all melee weapons to be more realistic. Note: not needed with Precision mod.Non-Exploitable Crossbow Reloading Manual crossbow reload and optional stamina drain option during reloading in MCM.Visceral Combat and Movement Simple mod inspired by movement adjustment of Wildcat and other movement mods in addition to mortal enemies/attack commitment features.No Saving in Combat Simple as that, for hardcore fighters.Dynamic Stamina - combat actions and movement use stamina A simple, script-free mod that makes combat actions and movement consume stamina. Can be an alternative to similar systems in mods like Wildcat, if you don’t want to use them for some reason.Melee Power Knockback Simply adds knockback + ragdoll to power attacks.Knockout and Surrender - Non-Lethal Pacifist yielding options You can configure how easily your enemies should surrender, and you can choose to knock them out rather than killing them.Dynamic Sweep Attack Adds ability to perform a sweep attack and bind it to a preferred hotkey in MCM.Casting Aiming Reloading Impede Movement ==NEW== Casting Magic, Aiming a Bow, and Reloading a Crossbow can all reduce movement speed by a configurable percentage. Has a version with MCM for configuration.Stoppage of Staggerlock ==NEW== To prevent NPC stagger-lock, staggers now trigger a perk granting stagger immunity for a short duration.Taunt Your Enemies - Taunting Matters ==NEW== Enemies taunt you, but it serves no purpose in vanilla. Well, no more! NPCs will get a bonus to their damage after taunting you, and now YOU can also taunt them as well! And even hiss at themAdds a Charge attack to the bow. You can also add a Dodge shot and Power Shot in the MCM settings.Wait Your Turn - Enemy Circling Behaviour ==NEW== A lightweight combat add-on mod that adds circling behaviour to enemies. Enemies will no longer attack all at once. Lightweight, compatible other combat overhaul mods, and can be turned off or tweaked using the MCM.omg1234 profile ==NEW== For some tiny nice combat additions or fixes.Witcher Dodge Replacer ==NEW== TW3 dodge animation replacer for TK Dodge/TUDM mods.(SJG) Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation Simple parry mod for dual wielding/spellcasting.ArrowBlock(REAL Deflect Arrow) This mod allows you to block arrows and magic projectiles with your weapon or shield which will cost you some stamina/magicka. For making mod better balanced, I’d recommend to raise this cost value using xEdit, otherwise you can be near to invincible often for too low cost.Disarmless I personally always enjoyed this enemy ability, but if this bothers you - mod removes Disarm shout from either draugrs only, or the entire game including mods.JS Immersive Tripwires ==NEW== Tripwires will now have a chance tp trip up any NPC (including the Player) that run into them.Shouting Obliterates Skeletons ==NEW== Unrelenting Force now instantly kills weaker Skeletons and sends their bones flying. Three options in installer.
Alchemy-dedicated mods. They technically are general gameplay improvements type, but alchemy is a very popular skill with some true gems for it, so I thought it would be nice to give them a separate section :)
Before you start, if you prefer the visual presentations and more in-depth review, you can take a look at some of best alchemy mods in action:
Let’s start from a most (deservedly) known, complex and simply epic alchemy overhaul, which is close to be an essential mod for almost any walkthrough.
Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul ID 19924 ID 19924Удивительный мод, который полностью перестраивает алхимию и кулинарию. У алхимии в Скайриме большой потенциал, но в то же время это была самая скучная профессия. И теперь CACO спасает положение! Помимо потрясающего мода overhauls, вы даже можете создавать алхимические бомбы, а также воски, мази и бинты. Вы также можете использовать материалы полевой алхимии, чтобы делать зелья и яды где угодно. CACO также предлагает базовые потребности и даже эффекты опьянения. Он имеет MCM, и большинство новых функций можно настроить и отключить, если они вам не нужны.Патчи/аддоны:Центр обновлений Kryptopyr Нашивка священного зелья крови iWant Питьевые фонтанчики для CACO Алхимические исследования - Книга ингредиентов CACO ==NEW== Модернизированные Стрекозы для CACO AddFish (для CACO) Тамриэльский кофе и чай (кофе и чай из выращиваемых растений) ==НОВИНКА== Добавляет в Skyrim кофе, чай и различные напитки, а также форму растущих кустов. Также возьмите исправление (конвертировать активы с помощью CAO).
Алхимические зелья и корректировка еды ID 5877 ID 5877Мод можно брать как “облегченную” версию CACO (используйте ту или иную, а не обе). Улучшает последовательность и баланс алхимии и зелий в целом, а также исправляет некоторые читерские особенности, присутствующие в ваниле.Алхимия Skyrim и капитальный ремонт еды Еще одна простая, но хорошая альтернатива, ориентированная на несколько хардкорный геймплей. Доступно множество патчей для популярных модов.
Отравление расширенное ID 13368 ID 13368Простой, но революционный мод, который позволяет несколько раз отравлять оружие, чтобы не делать этого раздражающего действия «меню-яд-вернуться в игру» после каждого взмаха или выстрела, а на самом деле видеть, какой именно яд применен и сколько стаков осталось через уютный Пользовательский интерфейс.Toxic - модификация яда Toxic добавляет новые алхимические ингредиенты существам, которые используют ядовитые атаки, позволяя вам использовать их яды для своих собственных ядов и противоядий.Skytoxin - реалистичный опасный яд Зелья и яды становятся более реалистичными и опасными. Отлично подходит для ролевых игр и выживания.
Теперь несколько модов, которые делают использование зелий более продуманным, обоюдоострым, подобно тому, как это было сделано в играх «Ведьмак». Они абсолютно необязательны, так как они, безусловно, сделают игру сложнее. Выбери один:
Toxicity — система токсичности в духе «Ведьмака» ID 22776 ID 22776Мод накладывает мягкое ограничение на количество зелий, которые можно употребить за раз. Употребление слишком большого количества зелий приведет к повышению уровня токсичности и, в конечном итоге, к потере равновесия и возникновению галлюцинаций в виде визуальных эффектов. Он также совместим со всем из коробки.В погоне за драконом - токсичность и зависимость Более продвинутый, многофункциональный режим Toxicity, созданный как преемник мода выше (и, конечно же, используйте тот или иной). Вы можете увидеть мой отзыв о нем здесь .Терпимость к зельям Более простая и «прощающая», но захватывающая альтернатива предыдущему моду, делающая использование зелий менее «спамящим» и более реалистичным, вводя своего рода алхимическое уменьшение. Находясь под действием зелий, ваша терпимость будет постепенно увеличиваться, снижая эффективность последующих зелий. Терпимость постепенно вернется к норме после того, как все алхимические эффекты исчезнут.
Mealtime — простая переработка еды, вдохновленная ESO ==НОВОЕ== ID 30128 ID 30128Простая и отличная переработка еды, которая делает функциональность еды менее глупой и действительно полезной в качестве долговременной системы вторичных баффов. Единственное, что я бы порекомендовал изменить, — это уменьшить бонусы к сопротивлению болезням (вы можете сделать это в xEdit).Technicolor Alchemy Overhaul - уникальные алхимические растения для Skyrim Скорее всего, это не капитальный ремонт, а огромный аддон — этот мод добавляет более 3000 (80 видов) растений, расставленных вручную по Скайриму, с собственными алхимическими ингредиентами. Совместим с КАСО. Примечание. Проверьте правильно, если вы используете изменения ландшафта и надстройки статической флоры.Smart Optimal Salves - Горячая клавиша Optimal Potion MCM ==NEW== Используйте MCM, чтобы связать горячие клавиши для наиболее подходящих зелий здоровья, выносливости и магии.Справочник алхимиков Еще один простой, но захватывающий мод. Мод добавляет справочник, в котором перечислены все ингредиенты Skyrim и их 4 эффекта. Больше никаких слепых экспериментов и траты дорогих ингредиентов на неудачные зелья. Теперь вы можете найти ингредиент в своем справочнике в своем инвентаре, как настоящий студент. С другой стороны, для некоторых игроков это также может быть несколько читерским/спойлерным, так что используйте по своему усмотрению.Алхимический трактат (с поддержкой модов) Этот мод добавляет серию книг по алхимии, в которых рассказывается об эффектах каждого ингредиента, размещенных в удобных для лора местах по всему Скайриму, которые имеют встроенную поддержку нескольких популярных модов, добавляющих ингредиенты, включая CACO, Beasts of Tamriel, Immersive Creatures и Небесные птицы.Алхимические дополнения Добавляет возможность создавать ингредиенты на новой станции крафта. Новые ингредиенты и эффекты.х Сосновая смола Мод на предметы, похожие на души. Добавляет расходные материалы, которые могут временно зачаровывать оружие, такие как сосновая смола из серии Soul.Улучшить старые зелья Объедините меньшие ванильные зелья и яды в улучшенные версии.Ленивое исправление кластера ползучести Просто странный обходной путь для странной ошибки — исправление сбора Creep Cluster.Создаваемые плантаторы Hearthfire — дополнение Campfire Добавляет крафтовые плантаторы Hearthfire, которые игроки могут использовать для украшения и расширения своих садов или домов. Требуется костер.Улучшенные зелья Этот мод изменяет модели и названия созданных зелий, чтобы они соответствовали зелью добычи ближайшего уровня.Менее ценные зелья, сделанные игроками Зелья, сделанные игроками, абсурдно ценны. Этот мод уменьшает цену, по которой они продаются, не влияя на цену зелий, которые продают торговцы.Создаваемые духи и одеколоны Позволяет вам создавать ароматы для улучшения речи и других разнообразных навыков, основанных на запахе.Varietea - еще один мод для чаепития Добавляет почти 20 новых чаев. Разнообразие острое и все такое.ШОКОЛАД Знаете ли вы, что норды канонически делают шоколад? Этот мод представляет более 30 видов шоколада, которые вы можете откусить пополам.Готовьте больше ванильных блюд Вас когда-нибудь расстраивало, что вы не можете сами приготовить печеный картофель или лук-порей на гриле? Что ж, теперь вы можете. Соль по желанию.Растительный корень Джаррина Ханьи Делает Jarrin Root из квеста Dark Brotherhood пригодным для посадки, как и любое другое растение на земляных земляных укреплениях HearthFire.сделать лунный сахар Купите необходимые ингредиенты и используйте специальную пивоварню, чтобы приготовить знаменитый лунный сахар.Респектабельный инвентарь – Хорошо укомплектованные алхимики У алхимиков теперь есть полный запас ингредиентов и зелий для продажи. Лично для меня это может и, скорее всего, сделает игру слишком легкой, но многим она точно понравится.Перестройка инвентаря аптекаря Более сложная и несколько менее «упрощающая игру» альтернатива моду выше.Поваренная книга алхимика Найдите рецепты для любой полезной комбинации ингредиентов, что даст вам новый способ изучить эффекты и освоить систему алхимии Скайрима. Примечание. Прочитайте сообщение в разделе «Ошибки» о том, как исправить установщик FOMOD.Улучшения зелий кузнеца и чародея Увеличивает время действия именных зелий, вот и все. Я бы лично рекомендовал использовать именно версию «E и S Potions Duration Only».Белый флакон - доработки и улучшения ==НОВОЕ== Этот мод позволяет назначить любое зелье Белому Фиалу, чтобы он пополнялся с использованием эффектов этого зелья.Лотосный яд Откройте для себя секреты изготовления изощренных ядов. Также озвучены новые реплики диалогов.Растительный корень Нирна Этот небольшой мод позволяет вам посадить корень Нирна и багровый корень Нирна, если вы завершили «Возвращение к своим корням».Кольцо чистых смесей улучшено Вполне логичный бафф для кольца, как по мне.Реалистичная скума Этот мод делает Skooma (и Redwater Skooma) более мощным и опасным в использовании.Собрать плющ Почему бы и нет? Служит дополнительным алхимическим ингредиентом.
Больше врагов, больше внезапных встреч, больше сражений гражданской войны, а также больше нейтральных NPC. Пожалуйста, помните: большое количество модов на население вместе с сильно модифицированной настройкой геймплея может перегрузить вашу игру и вызвать нестабильность и лаги скрипта. Чтобы избежать этого, устанавливайте моды населения один за другим и проверяйте свою производительность в игре, тестируя затронутые области, такие как города, форты или сражения фракций.
Inconsequential NPCs ==NEW== ID 36334 ID 36334This mod is something game should have from day one - it’s simply essential. It’s adding various NPCs here and there in Skyrim, greatly fitting the city/town/region - you will never even think these NPCs are from the mod as they are acting absolutely seamlessly. Carriages now finally have guards, there are skooma dealers and flower girls in Riften, much more mercenaries, college studends, tavern patrons, workers, towncriers and much more. And, it works just fine in SE after a simple CAO conversion (donwload the mod archive somewhere manually, unpack it, extract BSA archive with CAO, convert meshes/textures, zip the mod back, add to your manager and install as usually). Some patches/tweaks for it: Inconsequential NPCs Tweaks ==NEW== ID 46916 ID 46916A few optional tweaks for the mod - read the mod page.Inconsequential NPCs - Crier Begone ==NEW== Yup. Minus the annoying (for some players) dude.Inconsequential NPCs Visual Overhaul ==NEW== Improved look on NPCs in the mod. Download manually, unzip, optimize assets with CAO, zip the mod back, add to your mod manager and install as usually, overwriting the files from the original mod itself.Armors/clothes improvement for some NPCs ==NEW== LE mod. Works just fine in SE as is, no conversion needed.Cutting Room Floor Patch ==NEW== Guards Armor Replacer Patch ==NEW== Khajiit Speak Patch ==NEW== Interesting NPCs ID 29194 ID 29194The biggest NPC mod ever made, an absolute titan between all of them. While Inconsequential NPCs is focusing on “not so noticable” immersive NPC addition to “fill” the gaps in game, Interesting NPCs adds characters with own stories, often with questlines and all are fully-voiced. Over 250+ fully voiced NPCs, 25+ followers, 15+ marriage NPCs, and 50+ quests. 3DNPC is like a game inside a game in meaning of size. The dialogue choices allow you to role-play, providing humor and depth to each conversation. You can be a jerk or a jester, a white knight or an assassin, as the most important character is you. Note: While the mod itself is stable, you should take into account that it adds really a lot of new NPCs and if you’re planning to use many population mods at the same time, test the game deeply before starting an actual walkthrough to be sure game performance is not affected badly with too many NPCs added. Also install the aggression fix . Patches/addons for:Interesting NPCs and WACCF Outfits Patch ID 31858 ID 31858Cuyima Interesting NPCs Tragedian’s Interesting NPCs - 3DNPC Followers Reimagined ==NEW== Interesting NPCs Visual Overhaul Interesting NPCs Zora Customizer Project ja-Kha’jay- Interesting NPCs Khajiit Addon ==NEW== Snazzy Items for Interesting NPCs ==NEW== Interesting NPC’s Imperious Patch Skyrim’s Got Talent Patch ==NEW== The Great Town of Ivarstead - 3DNPC Patch The Great Village of Mixwater Mill Interesting NPCs Patch Citizens of Tamriel ID 29069 ID 29069A tribute to old-school RPGs that adds some much-needed life to Skyrim’s NPCs. Features all new, fully-voiced characters, branching dialogue and more. My personal recommendation. Also grab a visual upgrade for its NPCs. RS Children patch available. Also, to disable a few NPCs whos presence can be arguably/weird, ues this patch ==NEW== .Denizens of Morthal - Dialogue and Character Expander Uses carefully spliced and re-purposed dialogue to allow the citizens of Morthal to interact with each another. Along with giving more immersive schedules to the inhabitants, it also expands the skills and backstories of Benor, Eisa Blackthorn, Valdimar and Erandur.Northern Encounters Awesome encounter mod that also adds lore-based storylines alongside with the new encounters.Extended Encounters A fresh encounter mod from author of well-known Wyrmstooth mod. Travel encounters and ambushes, sleep encounters and more - but most noticeably and what makes this mod to stand out, not being just “yet another encounter mod” is a wide system of immersive non-combat encounters (or at least not related to combat with player directly). City guard chasing a local thief, executioners doing their job at town squares (and resting in temple after that at evening), street performers and so much more! Lastly, it also makes bandits to actually raid cities from time to time, as well as mercenaries and adventurers to actually travel accross Skyrim so can see them hunting or dealing with local thugs. On top of that all, mod is fully configurable in MCM. To me personally, it became a lifetime denizen of my load order and an essential mod. You can a see a showcase of it here .Full Random NPC Pack Adds 600 ++ new NPCs to the random lists of bandits, guards, soldiers, vampires and others. The mod also adds a small number of travelers who are, in vanilla game, rarely found throughout Skyrim.Civil War Deserters Adds a new deserter enemy type that you can encounter in specific locations across Skyrim.Bandit Hermits 20 new locations with Bandit Hermits, in far locations, radiant enabled, make some areas less empty.Dark Brotherhood Assassins - Improvements Reintroduces a new ranged type of assassin that was cut from the game, adds new NPCs for added racial diversity and increases their overall power based on player level for better scaling into higher levelsMINPCs (More Immersive NPCs) A mod that adds many new NPC’s that wander organically throughout Skyrim using custom AI packages, in an attempt to make traveling more dangerous, and the roads less empty. Note: It’s recommended to delete Bandit Raiders from it in xEdit.Populated Solstheim More NPCs for settlements at Solstheim.BUVARP SE RE - Barely Used Vanilla Actors Recycle Project ==NEW== Updated and polished version of a great mod. Now, without hardcoded requirements many players would never use to begin with. Gives new purposes to NPCs that are barely used in vanilla game. Some patches here .dkdoubledub profile For a few tiny but immersive mods adding NPCs here and there, logically placed.Skyrim Belongs to the Nords - A Population Mod Really great and pretty underrated, all-in-one make-Skyrim-more-populated mod. It adds new citizens and peasants, labourers, dockworkers, beggars, miners, villagers and thugs to settlements and near them. Note: It’s recommended to not use Populated Cities mod (below) together with this mod, as this may result in too much overcrowded settlements.DFB - Random Encounters - MCM ID 12660 ID 12660Great and stable encounters mod from Skyrim Immersive Creatures author with cozy MCM, through which you can control hundreds of spawn across dozens of spawn types.Traveling Merchant Caravans ==NEW== Adds 7 Non-Khajiit Caravans to Skyrim. They travel between cities and inns and are always open to trade. Each caravan consists of 3 NPCs, a merchant, commoner and guard (similar to the the Fallout series) and each merchant specializes in a specific type of good. Note: Populated Lands Roads Paths does the same thing - this mod is basically for those who don’t want the rest from it.Hand Placed Enemies - More populated spawns dungeons and POIs ==NEW== Adds 1542 Hand-placed Enemies to Skyrims dungeons and POIs (both interior and exterior zones). Emphasis was placed on strategic and immersive locations. (Archers on high ground, melee by doors). Care was given for a variety of battle sizes and enemy encounters. Small rooms have smaller number of spawns, larger rooms and forts have larger numbers.Ghosts Of The Deathbells ==NEW== Adds a 1% chance of encountering a non-hostile ghost upon picking a deathbell. Ghosts will say a greetings line and then vanish.Now goes the Populated mods series - more travellers, more bandits in forts, monsters in dungeons etc.Populated Lands Roads Paths Populated Forts Towers Places Populated Dungeons Caves Ruins Populated Skyrim Prisons Cells Nice.Extra Guards Stands for its name.
Various completely new gameplay features and additions - many things that this game lacked, features inspired by other RPGs, vanilla mechanics expanded by new stuff. Combat and absolutely “civil” related as well.
ESO Skyshards ESO Skyshards places several shards throughout the province of Skyrim, including Dawnguard areas and Solstheim. Collect them to gain extra perk points.Magic Duel - Reborn ID 3957 ID 3957This mod allows you to engage magic duels with your enemies. If you want some more epicness for your mage playthrough - try it for sure. You can duel both NPCs and dragons. For dragon magic duel becomes shout duel and that’s pretty immersive. Mod also contains ingame book through which you can configure it.Outfit NPCs A port of super-cool and underrated Skyrim LE mod that simply allows you to gift any outfit to any NPC, which they will immediately equip.RE - Real Estate Continued Outside of most buildings, you’ll find a Property Sign. Interact with it to buy, sell and rent properties, from which you’ll earn income. Use a Master Ledger to review your current status. You need also to keep it up to date, to do so you just need to select the “Ledger’s quill” from your inventory. Collect your income from Safes located in each jarl’s palace. The safes are locked, so that no thieves will steal your rent. The key is automatically given to the player during the tutorial. Mod also has MCM to adjust settings.Hidden Treasures 200 hidden lootable chests with a unique design for you to discover all around Skyrim.The Egg Of Time - Dwemer artifacts from Morrowind 10 dwemer artifacts from Morrowind. Will you be able to find them all?Tavern Games - Mini Games in Skyrim Immersive mod inspired by Witcher series that adds several mini-games.Medium Armors - True Equipment Overhaul Technically an armor mod, but it adds compeltely new armor type, medium armor, as per older TES games. Around 20 new medium armor sets, integrated in leveled lists.Draw - A Dueling Mod Settle your conflicts like a real Nord! Single combat with any npc, no damaged faction relations, no strings attached. Killing your opponent is optional.Taxes of the Nine Holds This mod adds a tax system to Skyrim, fully customisable with an MCM. The tax system operates on a Hold basis, so effectively you may pay up to 9 separate taxes.Super Simple Lock Bash Simple mod that allows you to bash lock with a success chances based on your level, weapon skill, weapon quality, lock difficulty and some luck.Repair Kit - Animated Portable Tempering ==NEW== Temper armor and weapons on the go. Repair kits can be bought at any blacksmith. Note: not needed if you have the Vitrium mod - same feature is included there.Take a Peek - New Stealth Mechanic ==NEW== What’s going on behind that door? Wondering if there’s an angry troll on the other side? Now you get to know without actually going through the door.Dynamic Things Alternative - Base Object Swapper ==NEW== Interact with previously static items like archery targets, crates, mammoth skulls, taproots, and more. Improved version of the original mod.LandLord ==NEW== Amazing mod that allows you to invest in different business in Skyrim to receive long-term profit. You can also hire employees to increase you income and mercenaries to defend you business from bandits (if you are too cool to do this yourself).Skyshards ==NEW== Not-so-lore-friendly (because objects added never existed in Skyrim, but added from ESO), but pretty original mod. This mod adds 108 Skyshards, which are objects containing a magical essence that can be absorbed, throughout the 9 holds. After X Skyshards are absorbed, you will gain 1 (default value, can be configured) perk point that you can invest as you please. This may make your character pretty OP in some conditions (default amount is 3 but can be configured), but if used wisely with balanced settings (especially if you already have more perk points per level from Uncapper, or more perk points from Ordinator optional file), this mod can be really unique addition to your leveling and a good motivation for wilderness exploration. ENB particle light patch ==NEW== available.Wash That Blood Off 2 ==NEW== Wash that blood off and clean your armor by taking a swim. An improved version of the mod.Lawbringer Bring order to a chaotic world, making a real difference in Skyrim as you go about saving it. Claim bandit strongholds for the faction of your choice to keep the bandits from coming back, making Skyrim a safer place. Also install a fix ==NEW==. Optional addons available here ==NEW== and here to further expand its functionality.Skyrim Realistic Conquering - All In One A smilar mod to create even bigger coverage of this functionality across the game world. Using Fort Takeovers Framework, SRC makes immersive changes to multiple locations after you clear them. To make it compatible with Lawbringer, use its modular installer to remove unwanted locations.Zebsirious - Tamrielic Races of Skyrim Zebsirious introduces 7 new, Imperious-inspired playable races to Skyrim, bringing the total to 17. You can watch my review of the mod here .Lost Races of Aetherius ==NEW== Adds Ayleid, Dwemer, Maormer, Snow Elf, and Tsaesci playable races to the game, each with own features and abilities. Note: Aetherius mod is an actual requirement for this mod to work - just mod author subjective recommendation. Mod works just fine with any other race overhaul (or without any at all). Optionally, install this tweak .The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race ==NEW== Adds a new playable Snow Elf race, overhauls Dawnguard’s Snow Elves, introduces optional Snow Elf followers to the game, and adds craftable Ancient Falmer weapons to the leveled lists and world. Some patches available.The Timelost Dwemer - A Deep Elf Race ==NEW== Adds a new playable Timelost Dwemer race with unique chronokinetic powers, two dwemer followers, up to 28 varieties of craftable automatons, and many new and powerful trinkets, weapons, and armor to obliterate your enemies with. Some patches available, as well as here ==NEW== .Dawi (Dwarf) - Playable Race (Warhammer Fantasy) Adds a new playable race: Dawi (Dwarf). Includes optional Dwarf voice.Races of Nirn - Kapo’tun Now you’ll be able to play as the Tiger-folk from akavir, with own racial abilities.RaceCompatibility - Dialog Changes Changes (some) race checks in dialog to include (some) custom races.Teleportation Cubes ==NEW== Make mischief with fully functional teleporters, inspired by the pyramids from Divinity: Original Sin.Throwing Weapons - Skill and Perks Tree A fresh mod from the same author, but now giving you working throwing weapon perks! some of “high tier” perks may be a bit OP, as for me. Requirements are the same as for the mod above.L.V.X Magick’s - Boats Fully workable, buildable boats to use on all major bodies of water in Skyrim, & Solstheim.Stonehall Orphanage Too many adoptable children? Don’t want to adopt? Send the adoptable children to the Stonehall Orphanage in Markarth. Larger staff, more beds, this orphanage can host up to 24 kids.Skyshade - Create Your Own Paintings Create paintings of anything you can see that can then be placed anywhere you like.Skald’s Mail - A Courier Alternative Replaces the courier system with mailboxes you can rent or purchase, and includes extra features such as mail-order deliveries from shops, shipping items long distances, and sending off gear to be improved. LOTD patch available.Special Perks from Questing Innovative, immersive mod that gives the player new unique perks and powers upon completion of major and guild quest lines - similar to how it was inmplemented in Fallout New Vegas. You can watch a review here .Vampire Lords Can Fly (With Collision) Is it flying or falling with style? Well, it’s technically jumping, but Vampire Lords can now FLY. Now without needing to use the “no collision” trick or any scripts. It just fliesEver wanted Skyrim to have its own Gwent analogue? Here you go :)Training Dummies and Targets This mod allows you to practice and improve your combat skills on the practice dummies in Skyrim.Kinghall Orphanage ==NEW== Stonehall Orphanage ==NEW== Bloodhall Orphanage ==NEW== Several similar mods from the same author, allowing you to host your own orphanage to help children. What could be better?Sweeping Organizes Stuff - Use Broom to Clean Mess ==NEW== Use broom to clean up physics mess.INTERACT - BUILD - DECORATE ==NEW== The decorating, furniture building, cabin building, camp making, corpse management, trophy making and more.Hidespots Awesome mod inspired by Assassins Creed. You can hide in different containers and then perform stealthy actions to nearby objects or NPCs.Custom Skills - Hand To Hand Add new perk tree of Hand-to-Hand. Also grab the English translation here .Bone Grinder What is it to do with all those bones like human skull, troll skull, mammoth tusk, horker tusk, goat horn, dragon bone, dragon scale and dragon hearth scale?Dig up Dragon Bones and Scales Dig up dragon bones and scales from burial mounds. Gain access to bones and scales without starting the main quest or fighting dragons.Collect Bodies and Bear Traps Requested by faffman. Allows the player to collect dead bodies. Other file allows bear trap collection. Note: Ordinator has fully functional perks related to traps, works much better and immersive.Teach Followers Spells Through Spell Tomes Allows you to teach spells to followers by giving them spell tomes.Mist Flight Mod Wanna fly like dark wizards in HP? Well now you can.Simply Climb Adds ability to climb. Doesn’t have animations though.Simply Tame Tame beasts. Simply indeed.A Closer Look Adds a key to zoom your camera in. Includes MCM for configuration.
Immersion is very “wide” term in gaming. Long story short, it’s everything that makes your game realistic (i.e. similar to real life) in some way - needs system, camping, weather affecting character warmth and health, realistic physical abilities, AI packages and so on. Everything to make you feel not just playing a character in game, but to “feel” this game better and have better interaction with the world around you.
Want your character to have realistic needs in sleep, eating and drinking? Wanna have Skyrim cold weathers to actually impact your character and game world? Wanna have realistic hunting? If everything or some from this is what you’re thinking about, think no more and dive into this section.
Before you start, if you prefer the visual presentations and more in-depth review, you can take a look at some of best immersion mods in action:
First of all, the camping/resting section - mods allowing you to rest and relax in an immersive way, setup your camps and do stuff there. Can vary in complexity.
Campfire - Complete Camping System ID 667 ID 667Amazing mod that adds camping system to Skyrim. Search or buy resources, improve your camping skills (with a help of new custom perk trees), and make a camp with a warm fire to rest in any place of Skyrim.Addons/Patches:Tentapalooza for Campfire ElSopa - Campfire HD Warm Drinks - Simple Tea And Coffee Recipes - for Campfire Gather Wilderness Resources - A plugin for Campfire Campfire Collectable Deadwood and Branches ==NEW== Recommended to get the BOS (Base Object Swapper) version.Eremite Fixes & Patches Campfire Spooning Cuyi’s Campfire Backpacks Cheery Crafting - Campfire Edition Campfire - Torch fix Dark Souls style campfire replacer Good.Campsite A very simple and lightweight alternative to Campfire.Simple Bedroll A basic craftable, portable bedroll. Alternatively, you can get this instead.
Bathing in Skyrim Special Edition - Unofficial Conversion ID 23730 ID 23730Allows you to bathe in the waters of Skyrim. Compatible with DLCs, new land mods and mods like Frostbite/iNEED.Super Simple Bathing An indeed super lite alternative.Simple Inn Bath One more simple alternative.
Great! now directly the “needs” mods - your character need to eat, drink and sleep, and respective ingame bonuses/penalties. Choose one.
iNeed - Food Water and Sleep - Continued ID 19390 ID 19390Awesome and lightweight basic needs mod. It adds hunger/thirst/sleep system so finally food and drinks become valuable in your playthrough. It also offers intuitive system of widgets to inform you about current needs status. It’s very high-compatible with most popular mods and greatly customizable in MCM. It’s more immersive, has more features and have better design (Nines bless the widgets!) than Realistic Needs and Diseases in my opinion and also has much better compatibility with other mods, but if you like RnD more - install it instead. Note #1: please make sure to endorse the original mod ID 645 ID 645. Note #2: do [NOT] install/use Dangerous Diseases plugin - it was many times reported for causing crashes.Addons/Patches:CACO patch ID 19518 ID 19518Another CACO/Be A Milk Drinker patches Falskaar patch Beasts of Tamriel patch Fruits addon Kee-pooAnother great basic needs mod. Choose this one or INEED. Also take a look at Dawn of Skyrim patch and few fruits addon .Vitality Mode - Basic Needs - Eat Drink and Sleep Similar to Frostbite, this one is a lightweight sleep-hunger-thirst alternative to iNEED/RnD. My personal favourite to pick if your load order can’t handle iNeed, but you still want something feature-packed.Last Seed - Primary Needs Wellness Disease ==NEW== Initially made by a talented Chesko (Campfire, Frostfall), but not finished - as for today, Last Seed is absolutely playable. It approaches primary needs, wellness, and diseases in own way. Mod still has some bugs here and there, but it’s definitely worth to try it amongst other similar mods. Patches/addons: Last Seed - Craftable Cure Potions Add-on ==NEW== ID 57998 ID 57998Last Seed - Easy WheelMenu ==NEW== Invoke Last Seed lesser powers directly from an EasyWheel menu.Last Seed - Inn Meals ==NEW== Last Seed - Water ==NEW== Immersive Needs - For The Conscientious Modder ID 29317 ID 29317Even more simple approach, very lightweight too.Super Simple Needs Minimum minimorium alternative.
Frost survival:
Frostbite ID 27693 ID 27693As much as I personally love Frostfall, how huge and complex it is, it’s very buggy in SE due to it being a port (likely, hastily made one) in addition to being very script-heavy, so it’s not recommended for SE. That’s why it’s not listed in SE guide and I humbly recommend you to look at this fresh, lightweight, highly compatible and constanly updated mod that can be considered a simplier and vastly more safe alternative to Frostfall. Patches for Cloaks of Skyrim and Winter Is Coming available here ==NEW== .
Various other survival immersion mods - from hardcore effects to purely cosmetic ones:
R.A.S.S. Rain Ash And Snow Shaders - Wet Frost Cold Dust ID 22780 ID 22780A must-have mod for any survival immersion fan! Complex, yet pretty lightweight mod which adds visual effects to the Player and NPCs during certain conditions. Ash, wetness, cold and frost effects, bubbles of exhaling underwater etc. This mod is doing close to the same what Wet and Cold does, but much more light in terms of implementation, being very lightweight. Grab the better textures for it. You can a see a showcase of it here .Soaking Wet - Character Wetness Effect ==NEW== An SKSE plugin that makes characters and their gear appear wet when in water and optionally in the rain or snow. Works on player and NPCs with seamless soak/dry transitions and adjustable shine level. Good complementary mod to go with R.A.S.S.Dark Corners of Nirn - Stress ==NEW== A unique survival mod inspired by the game “Darkest Dungeon,” bringing certain aspects of the Stress mechanic from that game to the world of Skyrim. Unlike other “needs” mods, DCoN focuses on mental well-being, rather than bodily needs. Configurable in MCM.Skyrim Fishing A simple fishing mod. Use this one or the mod below.Fish Anywhere With Water ==NEW== Fish anywhere as long you are facing a nearby body of water. Use this one or the mod above.Exhaustion This is a simple mod that plays audible breaths from your character when your health/stamina/magicka drops below a certain percentage.Nordic Cooking Mealtime - a Food and Recipe Mod Two great mods that add plenty of new food recipes, compatible with INEED/CACO.Skyrim Food Expanded New soups and pies (and recipes for them).Loki’s Wade In Water (Redone) SKSE Plugin to make water slow actors (NPCs and yourself) down depending on how much of them is submerged. Take into account that the original mod has to be installed first.Use Those Blankets ==NEW== Skyrim is cold. Why doesn’t anyone use a blanket while sleeping? Or you know, get inside their bedroll?! This mod aims to fix this, with support for both NPCs and the player. Also looks at some addons here and here .Stop Overencumbered Scavenging ==NEW== Carry Weight is now more of a firm limit. When over-encumbered looted items are returned to their containers or dropped on the ground.Simple Encumbrance Effect Simple yet immersive encumbrance effect to increase realism when the player character is over-encumbered. Lightweight and compatible with other mods.Immersive Swimming Makes swimming feel more immersive and somewhat realistic. Geared towards simplicity and maximum compatibility, while preserving the much-needed features for a more immersive and somewhat realistic swimming experience.Gourmet Gourds Adds some new cooking recipes using gourds.General Stores sells Salt and Flour Simple as that. May be very useful when playing with needs mods.Wood Frame Backpacks Several original and super-immersive backpacks.
Various other immersion mods that are not related with survival and needs directly, but greatly improving various other aspects of the game - dialogues, birds, better questing and objectives, lore-related things, city lights and more.
Travel related mods:
Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul ID 8379 ID 8379A lightweight but immersive overhaul of both the vanilla Skyrim carriage system and Dawnguard’s ferry system, making the whole travelling system of Skyrim much more comfortable and realistic. No dirty records or script, no navmesh edits - clean, simple and effective. Also grab the improvement addon here ==NEW==. Helgen Reborn patch ID 20294 ID 20294 and some tiny patches here , here ==NEW== and here ==NEW== (several patches in author’s profile) are available. Also if you’re an ultra-perfectionist, grab this tiny fix ==NEW== too. Note: if you’re using Inconsequential NPCs mod, grab the patch from LE verison of CFTO here ==NEW== - it works just fine in SE.Wayshrines of Tamriel ID 3045 ID 3045A more simple and lightweight wayshrine fast travel system.Liminal Bridges - A portal mod Inspired by the eluvians in the Dragon Age universe, Liminal Bridges is a different take on the traditional teleportation and portal mods.Point The Way Simple, but greatly immersive one. Road signs have been placed at several major intersections that were either lacking signs, or didn’t have enough signs to indicate the full extent of where you could travel on a road.Ask The Way Another little yet immersive one - allows you to ask the way to certain places in city.Fast Travel Cost Fast traveling from the map now costs gold based on the distance traveled.Fast Travel by Horse Fast travel by horse.Delphine’s Map Reveals Dragon Mounds This mod adds map markers to all dragon burial mounds around Skyrim. When you have Delphine’s map in your inventory, you’ll have to click it (like you were equipping it.) Then the markers will be enabled and automatically revealed to you as undiscovered map markers. Atlas Map Markers patch available.Dynamic Cart Horses Dynamic texture replacer for carriage horses.Helps To Have A Map This mod restricts using the map menu. You’ll need to have a physical map in your inventory, in order to open the map menu. A few patches available.No Crime Teleport Disables the teleportation when paying off bounty. Note: not needed if you’re using Crime Overhaul.Immersive Stables Tired of your horses returning to the place you bought them from? Stable your horses anywhere, and they will return there when dismissed.Bromjunaar Journal Adds a journal in Labyrinthian giving direction on where to locate all eight Dragon Priest masks.WordWalls of Skyrim Adds a collection of journals that tells locations of all of the word walls.Road Signs Fast Travel Allows to fast travel to town and cities from road signs.Khajiit Has Wares - A Caravan Camp Overhaul ==NEW== Adds new objects around the Khajiit Caravan Camps for some exotic flair.
Dialogue/objectives/notifications mods:
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul ID 1187 ID 1187Mod adds more than 5000 voiced lines of dialogues. All lines are voiced using the original voices from the game and consists of existing lines that have been added in new and suitable situations, as well as completely new dialogues created by editing multiple lines together to form brand new ones. Friends talk to you more like friends. Followers have more much to say when speaking to them. If your spouse is a follower, he/she will talk to like a spouse instead of a generic follower. NPCs who dislike you (not bandits and forsworn, but citizens of towns and cities) will have more insults to say and may even completely stop talking to you if you continue to pester them. Note: Install the update with MCM ID 44601 ID 44601 and make sure to peek at Files tab and install respective patches needed. Optional (but recommended) khajiit look addon here ==NEW== .Guard Dialogue Overhaul Fixed and improved version of popular mod. Guard Dialogue Overhaul alters the guards dialogues, changing it from something that breaks your immersion in the world of Skyrim to something that actually increases it. You can also install an MCM addon to control some of the features in it.Realistic Conversations Every social logic in Skyrim for NPC is changed, they talk more often to each others. And will less likely greet to you from a distance, they will also greet less often too, making them to not act as much as robots. NPCs are also more clever and will know for example if they talked to a NPC and will therefore talk to another or not talk at all. Compatible with both mods above.Misc Dialogue Edits This mod improves dialogue that other mods don’t, contributing to make conversations in Skyrim as plausible and immersive as possible, while taking compatibility into account. Everything here is intended to feel like it could have been part of the vanilla game all along, but it also supports alternate start mods. Mod patches are More Dialogue Options A mod from the same author which adds dialogue options in a simple and immersive way to improve various conversations in the vanilla game. The responses are all voiced by using the original voice files of the game. The new options are meant to feel like they should have been in the game all along. Mod patches are More to Say You have more to say. NPCs have more to say. This mod adds miscellaneous inconsequential dialogue to existing NPCs. Can be used with two mods above, RDO and most of dialogue mods in general. As it’s completely standalone.Hunters Not Bandits NPC’s will not use taunts or insults when fighting animals. Especially hunters will behave in a more realistic manner, as well as fixing the odd behavior where enemies could start using greetings and other unfitting dialogues right after they killed you. Compatible with RDO and GDO.Sleeping Expanded - Animations and NPC reactions ==NEW== Ever noticed how NPCs don’t react at all to being woken up in the middle of the night? Or how characters stop breathing while they sleep? Or.. how it takes them YEARS to get in and out of bed? Well, no more! WAKE UP, JARL BALGRUUF - Sleeping Expanded is here! Interesting NPCs patch available.Bandit Lines Expansion ==NEW== Tired of hearing the same bandit lines over and over again? This mod provides 500 new spliced lines to bandits, giving each bandit prototype their own personality and making each of your encounters with them more unique, personal and unexpected. Also, if using these mods, grab patches for OBIS or Race Compatibility Dialogue .Civil War Lines Expansion ==NEW== This mod adds new lines to Imperials and Stormcloaks, giving them more personality and making them react to current events, their environment, the player, their enemies, their friends and more.Forsworn and Thalmor Lines Expansion ==NEW== Similar mod, for Forsworn and Thalmor NPCs. Requires both mods above.Radiant Dialogue ==NEW== Adds xVASynth generated radiant small talk for NPCs to engage in and new radiant children play scenes from existing dialogue lines.Immersive Persuasion ==NEW== A complete and immersive overhaul of vanilla persuasion dialogue. Mod patches are NPCs React To Necromancy ==NEW== Despite what the game and lore says, most often than not NPCs don’t really react to necromancy in any way. You can walk into town with a corpse and no one bats an eye. With this mod, NPCs will now react in ways that reflect their bias against those that openly practice the dark arts.Carriages and Stables Dialogue Bundle ==NEW== Carriage drivers will randomly comment on the weather, their day, etc.Immersive Rejections ==NEW== How comes nobody ever rejects your marriage proposal? Now with immersive, hilarious voiced rejections. From “I’m not drunk enough” to “Sorry, we’re better off as friends”. Interesting NPCs patch ==NEW== available.To Your Face SE-AE-VR SKSE plugin that stops NPC comments unless they’re directly facing the player.Immersive Speech Dialogues Vanilla speech dialogue options are overhauled to have more personality, suited for more immersive roleplaying.Random Guard Dialogues New funny and random voiced dialogues for guards.Thalmor Dialogue and Quests For those enjoying a Thalmor-themed playthrough, this mod adds many conversations for a Thalmor player character to have with the people of Skyrim, as well as some Thalmor-related short adventures.YOT - Your Own Thoughts This mod basically changes most(if not all) of the second person messages and texts in game and makes them 1st person.Reflection - Level Up Messages Reflection brings back the level up messages found in previous Elder Scrolls titles.Even Better Quest Objectives - EBQO This mod enhances the quest descriptions in the vanilla game so that you have a clear sense of where you are supposed to go and what you are supposed to do besides looking at the quest markers. Let’s face it - the quest descriptions were quite bad, not specifying where you are supposed to go by themselves, and forcing you to play with the quest markers on all the time. This affects nearly 250 quest objectives/descriptions, spanning over 160 quests, editing descriptions that were either really vague or didn’t exist at all. Quests Are In Skyrim patch available, as well as few other patches .Better Intimidation Replaces Skyrim’s whimpy intimidation dialogues with something more fearsome. Showcase here .
Everything else you wished to have and everything you didn’t even know about:
Lanterns of Skyrim ID 23378 ID 23378Простой и захватывающий мод, который добавляет фонари на главные дороги, деревни, города и поселки. Источники света фонарей горят с 19:00 до 7:00. После установки я просто не могу играть без него. Это особенно хорошо для людей, которые играют с модами погоды/освещения/ENB, у которых темные ночи. Мод также имеет MCM, через который вы можете контролировать время работы фонарей и включать/отключать фонари в поселениях для лучшей совместимости. Вам также может понравиться этот аддон за это. Пожалуйста, также убедитесь, что поддерживаете оригинальный мод . Наконец, здесь также доступна отдельная версия (расширенная и с большим количеством патчей для популярных модов) . Кроме того, здесь ID 75468 ID 75468 есть патч для JK’s Riverfall Cottage. ==НОВОЕ== . Примечание: если вы используете Lanterns of Skyrim II, а также установили Weathered Road Signs (с исправлением) и испытываете случайные сбои при быстром перемещении к поселениям или приближении к ним, установите этот ==NEW== патч ID 47360 ID 47360после установки самого LOS II. , и перезаписать собственный патч-плагин.Носимые фонари Еще один отличный иммерсивный мод от Chesko. Пусть свет всегда будет с тобой! Также возьмите исправление MCM ==NEW== .Улучшенные ловушки Вражеские NPC теперь обращают внимание, когда рядом с ними срабатывает ловушка. Кроме того, как вы помните, урон от ванильных ловушек был едва заметен. этот мод исправляет это и делает ловушки намного опаснее. Примечание. Файл «Mining Makes Noise» не нужен, так как такой же настраиваемый параметр существует в CCOR MCM.Землетрясения Солстхейма ==НОВОЕ== Этот мод добавляет события землетрясений в Солстхейме. Это настраиваемый и имеет звуковые и визуальные эффекты.Разрушаемый Скайрим - Замена базового объекта ==НОВОЕ== Окончательный мод реализма, который Skyrim должен был иметь давным-давно. Работает так, как названо - позволяет раздавить и уничтожить многие игровые объекты. Примечание. Мод все еще находится в стадии бета-тестирования, что означает, что он разрабатывается, поэтому проверьте правильность настройки вашего мода, прежде чем оставить его для реального прохождения. Улучшенная версия мода на основе Base Object Swapper.Иммерсивная прачечная Добавляет декоративные веревки для белья и другие предметы, связанные со стиркой, по всему Скайриму для придания реалистичности. Также не забудьте установить для него этот аддон улучшения от Pfuscher. Простой стук Более простой аналог популярного мода “Simple Knock”, который, к сожалению, только что сломался в SE.Простейший стук ДАЖЕ проще. Да, по-настоящему.Скайрим ветреный Скайрим — ветреное место, но в Скайриме нет никаких признаков сильных ветров. Этот мод исправит это.Колокола Скайрима Мод добавляет колокола в крупные города Скайрима, которые будут тревожить горожан в случае опасности, такой как нападение дракона/вампира/бандита.Выведи своих мертвецов Добавляет правильные места захоронения различных уникальных NPC, найденных в Скайриме. Примечание. Могут возникнуть проблемы с клиппингом модов поселений, поэтому проверьте их, прежде чем играть.Исцеление раненых охранников ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет возможность предлагать охранникам лечебные зелья через диалог, чтобы залечить их раны.Отдайте дань уважения - похороните павших NPC ==НОВОЕ== Этот простой мод позволяет хоронить павших неигровых персонажей в Скайриме, как друзей, так и врагов. МСМ настраивается.Исправление капюшона Сераны с анимацией ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет условную анимацию для автоматического надевания/снятия капюшона Сераны. Доступен патч Serana Dialogue Addon.Skyrim Souls RE - Обновлено Любитель реализма? Не хотите «волшебным образом» приостанавливать игру при открытии инвентаря или других игровых меню? Хватай этоИсследуйте Скайрим снова и снова — захватывающий мод на перестройку мира, добавляющий множество новых функций в мир Скайрима. Особенности мода: Сотни новых NPC. Еще руины, лагеря, мельницы, рынки, кладбища и так далее. Встречи с врагами, преследование повешенных из Талмора, новые фракции, визуальные улучшения городов и многое другое. Версия 2 — давно необходимая высокосовместимая версия мода, поскольку она не изменяет или почти не изменяет поселения и, следовательно, не конфликтует с такими модами, как JK Skyrim и т. д., что было самой большой проблемой оригинального мода.Каникулы Мод от того же автора, который приносит праздники в поселения Скайрима и меняет их внешний вид на основе лора TES. Доступен патч SFO .Последствия битвы в Скайриме Началась гражданская война, а зрелище не из приятных! Добавляет поля сражений гражданской войны по всему Скайриму.Накачка железа - динамичный рост мышц Этот мод очень давно не обновлялся, но до сих пор отлично работает. Он добавляет динамическую систему роста мышц. Каждый раз, когда ваш персонаж получает прибавку к боевому навыку (или кузнечному делу), его мышцы будут считаться немного натренированными. Чем больше повышается навык, тем больше тренировок. Когда «тренированный» персонаж спит, его мышцы немного растут. Также возьмите этот аддон для улучшения.Попросите владельцев таверн показать номер Вместо того, чтобы всегда показывать вам арендованную комнату, вы можете попросить владельцев таверны показать вам или сказать им, что вы знаете, где она находится. Используйте этот мод или мод ниже.Исправление ИИ таверны ==НОВОЕ== Похожий мод с немного другим подходом, читайте страницу мода. Используйте тот или иной.Улучшенная камера ==НОВОЕ== Плагин SKSE, который позволяет видеть тело, сохраняя при этом внешний вид ванили от первого лица. Широкие возможности настройки. Вдохновлен модом Enhanced Camera в Skyrim LE. Ссылка на мод по умолчанию предназначена для SE, если вы используете AE, скачайте соответствующую версию здесь . Вы также взгляните на видео демонстрацию этого.Альтернативная камера для разговоров Делает разговор с NPC более захватывающим, приближая их лица. Полностью поддерживает камеру как от 1-го, так и от 3-го лица, а также поддерживает сидячее положение и состояние блокировки. Включает стиль камеры «Ведьмак 3». Вы также можете попробовать немного измененную версию отсюда == NEW== .Заточка других мечей II ==НОВОЕ== Распределяет различные мечи и кинжалы на точильный круг и анимацию дубильной стойки.Ложиться спать Этот мод позволяет вашему персонажу спать в постели. Доступен патч DAR . Держите пограничные знамена Добавляет баннеры вдоль дорог, показывающие, в какой трюм вы собираетесь войти.Уникальные пограничные ворота Уникальные пограничные ворота изменяют дизайн пограничных переходов Сиродилла, Хаммерфелла и Морровинда, добавляя новые, уникальные и захватывающие ворота. Также возьмите исправления .Капитальный ремонт ИИ Аналогичный мод, который несколько проще, но гораздо лучше с точки зрения совместимости. Многие различные патчи доступны здесь , здесь и здесь , а также JK’s Skyrim , Dawn of Skyrim DC ==NEW== , патч ArteFakes ==NEW== и патчи ICOW . Разрушаемые витрины Ненавидите взламывать замки? Вы никогда не задумывались, почему вы не можете просто разбить эту витрину и легко забрать всю добычу? Что ж, теперь вы можете.Захватывающая война и насилие Rotmulaag - Иммерсивные размышления о словах силы Позволяет игроку медитировать с Партурнаксом при каждом крике, предоставляя новые уникальные способности и добавляя ощущение погружения.Добыча и деградация Отличный иммерсионный мод, который в основном предлагает 2 основные функции: - Враги теперь могут использовать зачарованное оружие. - Оружие и доспехи теперь будут постепенно ухудшаться из-за боя. Вы можете ремонтировать и улучшать свое оружие/броню. Мод также предоставляет полезные виджеты для отображения вашего текущего состояния брони/оружия. Посмотреть видео-демонстрацию мода можно здесь .Система долговечности оборудования Это может быть более легкая альтернатива предыдущему моду. Это также плагин только для SKSE, поэтому он не занимает слот .esp.Захватывающая война и насилие Добавляет прошлые поля сражений Гражданской войны, чтобы мир Скайрима чувствовал, что он существует без вашего вмешательства и на самом деле находится в состоянии войны.Иммерсивное красноречие Добавляет несколько вариантов диалога для большинства неигровых персонажей Скайрима (даже тех, у которых изначально не было никаких параметров диалога), что позволяет усилить захватывающее взаимодействие и ролевую игру. Совместим со всеми модами, влияющими на диалоги.Дымоходы на ферме Добавляет дымоходы в фермерские дома с каминами. Доступен патч JK для Skyrim .Время проходит Такие действия, как крафт, обмен, еда, чтение и обучение, заставят пройти игровое время.Жуткое зелье Призрака ==НОВОЕ== Используйте зелье Призрака из Кургана Очага Плащаницы, чтобы напугать мирных жителей и разыграть Вильгельма.Неуместные септимы JS ==НОВОЕ== У NPC теперь есть шанс сбросить немного золота, когда они встают с мебели.Случайный бросок бочки ==НОВОЕ== Случайным образом вращает все бочки в игре, чтобы они никогда не выровнялись в этих статических кучах.Виселицы Скайрима Мод добавляет виселицы в каждое крупное поселение в Скайриме. Заставляет ваших персонажей платить налоги за владение всем, от собственности до лошади. Совместим с предыдущим модом.Улучшенные теневые метки Улучшает размещение и внешний вид теневых меток Гильдии воров и добавляет динамические теневые метки к домам игроков и другим местам, связанным с квестами.Sepolcri — полная реконструкция могильников Делает именно так, как это называется.Выражения смерти Применяет случайные лица смерти к актерам/NPC, убитым в игре. Люди не будут выглядеть спящими после того, как их ударят ножом в живот или выстрелят в лицо. Серьезно, я не могу поверить, что у нас не было такого мода все годы назад. Вы можете увидеть демонстрацию этого здесь .Коллекция сборников знаний Imperial Knowledge Vol. 1 Мод, добавляющий в мир Скайрима несколько новых книг по различным интересным и малоизвестным темам.Простое доение коров и коз Добавляет анимированное взаимодействие, которое позволяет вам доить коров и домашних коз один раз в день.Полезный фонарь Превращает бесполезные фонари, которые можно найти по всему Скайриму, в альтернативу факелу. Фонари теперь можно использовать.Погружение и непрерывность знаний — дополнения и изменения Коллекция настроек для добавления ярких элементов из знаний, игрового мира и его историй для большего погружения.BA Khajiit Speak Redux Приветствую тебя, путник! Каджит желает, чтобы вы ознакомились с этой умной модификацией. Вы загрузите и будете использовать его в своем прохождении, да? Доверься каджиту, он не станет лгать! Это известно. Несущественный патч NPC ==NEW== доступен.Конфискация контрабанды Охранники теперь будут забирать у вас незаконные вещи, когда арестовывают вас. Если вы используете мод «No Crime Teleport», также установите патчи отсюда == NEW== и здесь ==NEW== .Беженцы гражданской войны Этот мод стремится увеличить погружение в гражданскую войну, добавляя беженцев.Заметки с чем-то почитать Добавлено что-то для чтения в заметки, используемые в анимации, выполняемой вашим персонажем или NPC.Вода тушит огонь Прыгайте в воду, чтобы облить себя, если вас подожгут заклинания или драконы.Просто отдыхайте (или спите) где угодно Одна горячая клавиша позволяет сидеть (со скрещенными ногами/на выступе) или лежать на земле (или в любом другом месте) с возможностью ожидания/сна.Воры Случайные ночные воры расстраивают город. Настраивается через МСМ.Переработка частиц Skyrim В Скайрим добавлено множество различных частиц для создания атмосферы - туманы, капающая кровь, дым и т. д. Примечание: мод также редактирует интерьеры, поэтому, если вы не хотите иметь дело с исправлением совместимости в xEdit, вы можете использовать экстерьер- доступна только версия .Ударь этот труп Физические эффекты воздействия оружия на трупы либо для погружения, либо, возможно, для случая, когда труп блокирует вас от удара по врагу.Соскользнуть со склонов Когда вы получаете урон от падения, вы подворачиваете лодыжки и превращаетесь в тряпичную куклу. Это делает парковку в горах опасной.Крепости орков используют Orchish Этот мод дает всем оркам-воинам в крепостях орочьи доспехи и оружие с самого начала игры, что делает их не просто отталкивающими от любого врага, даже дракона или банды бандитов, а также добавляет иммерсивности.Древний нордский сталгрим ==НОВОЕ== Раздает древнее сталгримовое оружие высокоуровневым драуграм вместо ванильного черного дерева.Больше воровских тайников ==НОВОЕ== Простой мод, добавляющий 25 тайников воров по всему Скайриму.Замки просто заперты Легкий и захватывающий способ скрыть уровень заблокированных объектов.Чайки из Скайрима Добавляет чаек вдоль побережья Скайрима и Солстхейма с анимированными моделями и звуками.Стада Добавляет в Skyrim динамичных пастухов со своими животными и лагерями, покупаемых и доильных коров и коз и многое другое.Серия Picta - Жизнь тварей - Дополнительные спавны насекомых Добавляет больше точек возрождения (например, горные цветы или маркеры возрождения возле прудов и озер) для появления тварей.Мумии животных - Elements of Skyrim Добавьте нотку жуткости в болота вокруг Морфала, добавив к ним мумифицированные трупы животных, погибших жертвами ловушек, несчастных случаев или даже проклятий, и которые теперь существуют в виде жутких статуй, украшающих мрачные декорации туманного болота.Кости животных - Элементы Skyrim Аналогичный мод от того же автора.Граждане с ограниченными возможностями - Михаил NPC и последователи ==НОВОЕ== В мире, разоренном войнами и конфликтами, где еще царит закон меча, и населенном самыми страшными и кровожадными тварями, следует ожидать нахождения граждан с самыми разнообразными видами увечий и уродств, вызванных этими событиями, в дополнение к тем, кто уже родился с ними.Торговцы Скайрима Добавляет новых торговцев в игру, заполняя пробелы, где торговцы были бы полезны, и используя области, которые в противном случае остаются пустыми после выполнения определенных квестовых линий.Иммерсивные каджитские мулы-караваны Маленький и легкий иммерсионный мод. Добавляет двух вьючных мулов в каждый караван каджитов, так что теперь у них действительно есть правдоподобные средства перевозки всех их палаток и товаров.Пожилые и взрослые Предлагает дифференциацию взрослых тел (независимо от того, что вы установили) и пожилых тел.Сон на Солстхейме Добавляет MCM для управления вероятностью телепортации к камню Всесоздателя во время сна на Солстхейме (0-100%). Бесконфликтный, без редактирования ванильных записей.Управляемое потомство SKSE Плагин SKSE, который делает детей убиваемыми. Никаких патчей не требуется.Рюкзаки для собак и многое другое Рюкзаки… для собак.Курьер доставляет NPC Курьер теперь будет время от времени доставлять письма NPC в Скайриме.Сторожевая башня Вайтрана не запускается сломанной Вы задерживаете приход драконов? Раздражает, что башня сломана с самого начала, еще до появления драконов? Тогда этот мод для васКогда вы впервые стали таном, вы ЧУВСТВОВАЛИ себя таном? Что ж, этот мод гарантирует, что вы это сделаете. Как только вы станете таном трюма, вы получите возможность собирать налоги, заставлять охранников трюма следовать за вами, заставлять охранников трюма арестовывать людей, обменивать свое танское оружие на лучшую версию и многое другое. Вы можете увидеть краткую демонстрацию этого здесь .Траур восстановлен Простой плагин, который восстанавливает траурное взаимодействие, которое присутствует в файлах игры Vanilla, но не используется. Уникальные NPC теперь могут выражать гнев/горе после смерти родственника или друга, убегать, чтобы их ненадолго оставили в покое, или по-другому приветствовать вас, когда они скорбят.Hearthfire исправлено Этот мод исправляет некоторые основные особенности Hearthfire, такие как варка медовухи и сбивание масла.Брызги Скайрима Плагин SKSE, который добавляет водяные брызги и рябь на основе снарядов, а также подводные взрывы.Летающие вороны Добавляет летающих ворон в различные места по всему Тамриэлю, чтобы создать более нордическую атмосферу в вашем Скайриме. Если вы хотите немного больше ворон в летающих стаях, также установите это ==NEW== .Вороны - Михаил Монстры и животные ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет воронов в некоторые деревни и фермы. Также не забудьте установить для него оптимизированные текстуры . Цыплята - Михаил Монстры и животные ==НОВИНКА== Цыплята возле кур на фермах. Также не забудьте установить для него оптимизированные текстуры . Вампиры не отбрасывают тени 2 Просто как тот. СКСЕ-плагин.Открывайте рот, когда хрюкаете Аааа!Простой мод, который настраивает основные звуки простоя, издаваемые NPC, и реализует пользовательские анимации для большинства из них.В замке Волкихар больше нет серебра ==НОВИНКА== Удаляет всю серебряную атрибутику из замка Волкихар.Сны драконорожденных ==НОВИНКА== Dragonborn Dreams позволяет вашему персонажу время от времени просыпаться, увидев (написанный) сон.Капитальный ремонт иммерсивного дисплея ==НОВОЕ== Выберите предмет, который вы хотите отобразить, из своего инвентаря, вместо того, чтобы надевать его заранее.Ночные мотыльки ==НОВИНКА== Добавляет мотыльков к фонарям ночью, с анимацией и звуковыми эффектами.Простые блочные искры — без скриптов ==НОВИНКА== Плагин SKSE, создающий эффект искр на оружии/щите во время блокирования атаки, только визуальный эффект.В запертых сундуках есть ключи ==НОВОЕ== Многие сундуки в Скайриме заперты… но правда в том, что ни у кого нет ключа, чтобы открыть их. Бандиты каждый раз взламывают замок? С этим модом у большинства запертых сундуков поблизости будет спрятан ключ, который можно использовать для открытия сундука. Вы по-прежнему можете взломать замок, как обычно, но теперь вы также можете использовать ключ… если вам удастся его найти.NPC носят амулеты Мары ПЛЮС ==НОВОЕ== Почему Драконорожденный — единственный персонаж, активно ищущий брак во всем Скайриме? С этим модом NPC теперь могут носить амулет Мары, что позволяет вам пригласить их на свидание в соответствии с нордской традицией.Прощай, супруги и дети благословляют ==НОВОЕ== Попрощайтесь со своим супругом и детьми, прежде чем отправиться в следующее приключение. Сообщите им о своих намерениях, и они могут даровать вам благословение или предвестие гибели.Профиль Kasala123 ==NEW== Для небольшой захватывающей серии модов «Места захоронений».Экипируемое нижнее белье для NPC ==NEW== Дает NPC экипированное нижнее белье, чтобы они больше не были голыми, когда вы их грабите или обкрадываете, если вы используете мод обнаженного тела.Непристойное разоблачение - иммерсивные обнаженные реакции ==НОВОЕ== Быть голым рядом с охраной и детьми теперь считается преступлением. Карманная кража одежды NPC заставляет их убегать.Профиль Mandragorasprouts ==NEW== Для множества крошечных модов, добавляющих статуи божеств TES в игровой мир.Профиль Stroudx ==NEW== Для более коротких мужчин/женщин модов.Режим плодородия Если вы играете женским персонажем и хотите большего реализма - да, даже для этого есть мод :) Также скачайте патч с исправлениями/ твиками .CG4 Лошадиная жижа Потому что… э-э… ну да.Ремейк перезарядки индивидуального крика Теперь вы можете изменить время восстановления любого крика для своих игровых целей. Однако может быть довольно OP, если использовать его слишком широко.Неудачная добыча Добавляет шанс для драугров устроить засаду при ограблении руин, у даэдра — при работе с камнями душ, а у злопыхателей — при добыче еды в подземельях.Враги следуют за мной Заставьте врагов преследовать вас через загрузочные двери.Классическое превращение в оборотня Игрок должен быть голым после обратного превращения из оборотня. Вот.Скрытые убежища Скайрима Добавляет 21 новую область, разбросанную по Скайриму.Спи сладко Усовершенствования, связанные со сном для NPC. Также возьмите исправление .Фонари для охранников и т.д. Простой мод для добавления переносных фонарей охранникам, дозорным, надзирателям и всем NPC, которые обычно носят факелы. По сути, это заменитель факелов, но без удаления факелов из мира.Грязь и кровь - динамические визуальные эффекты Ваш персонаж будет динамически накапливать грязь и кровь, которые вы можете очистить, плавая, стоя под дождем или принимая ванну. Эффекты в основном только визуальные и не влияют на игровой процесс. NPC также будут окровавлены в результате сражений. Мод разработан, чтобы быть простым и легким. Возьмите патч HD-текстур и, при желании, патч распределения мыла ==NEW== . Вместо этого вы также можете установить облегченную альтернативу .Каджиты-торговцы покупают украденное Потому что стереотипы работают.Разговорчивые драконы Вам никогда не казалось странным, что драконы, полностью разумные существа, не говорят ни слова, пока вы изо всех сил пытаетесь победить их? Этот мод меняет это. Также не все это ==NEW== (перезаписать файлы мода). Кроме того, если вы хотите контролировать, как часто вы будете встречать «разговорчивого» дракона, возьмите это ==НОВОЕ== (настраиваемое).Для крафта требуются инструменты Для крафта теперь требуются соответствующие инструменты. Лучше всего использовать в сочетании с модами выживания.Конец времен Устали от того, что успех пророчества о драконорожденных является само собой разумеющимся? Этот мод дает вашему сохранению таймер, по которому вы должны победить Алдуина, иначе он поглотит мир! Полностью настраиваемый с помощью MCM.Исцеление без повышения уровня Не дает вам полностью восстановить здоровье/магию/выносливость при повышении уровня.Делать заметки - Журнал Драконорожденного Дорогой дневник…После Гражданской войны - ремонт осадных повреждений Захватывающий способ исправить ущерб, нанесенный Гражданской войной, без использования консоли. Через двадцать дней после финальной битвы города вернутся к нормальной жизни, но щедрое пожертвование ускорит восстановление. Ремонтные бригады будут устранять повреждения.Чтение улучшает речь Получите опыт красноречия при первом чтении книги. Примечание. Я бы рекомендовал уменьшить значение награды XP в xEdit.Убежища Хайхротгара и Горячий источник Расширенная версия оригинала, добавляющая в общей сложности 3 места для сна в убежищах на Высоком Хротгаре и добавляющая горячий источник на горе рядом с первой хижиной.Императорская почта Представляет имперскую систему новостей, которая обновляется на протяжении всей цепочки квестов.Пожары Серьезно.Распусти волосы ==НОВИНКА== Автоматически переключайте прическу во внутренних помещениях или с помощью горячей клавиши.Дождь тушит пожары ==НОВИНКА== Разве не странно, что на костры не влияет дождь? Ну теперь они! Этот мод заставит пожары гаситься дождем с простой и удобной реализацией.Питьевые фонтанчики Скайрима Этот мод добавляет несколько питьевых фонтанчиков по всему Скайриму. Когда вы «активируете» фонтан, он даст вам три бутылки с водой, а если вы играете от третьего лица, вы можете увидеть анимацию.Импорт иллюстраций Skyrim Добавляет десятки картин и гобеленов в дома по всему Скайриму.Держите всадников Вдохновленный Обливионом.Реалистичная емкость Место в вашем инвентаре больше не может вмещать несколько доспехов одновременно. Вы можете без проблем носить одежду на спине и оружие на поясе, а в ваших доспехах, скорее всего, есть несколько сумок для хранения некоторых скудных припасов, но если у вас нет рюкзака, вы, вероятно, не сможете нести намного больше, чем что.Публичные казни Добавляет публичные казни в Солитьюд и возможность ловить бандитов для казней.Бутылки Скайрима Добавляет уникальные бутылки к каждому напитку.Я покупатель Позволяет есть еду и торговать с торговцами прямо из мира.Просто сделай это — способ использования предметов без инвентаря Более функциональная альтернатива моду выше.Варианты размеров существ Добавляет разнообразия существам Скайрима и обычным NPC за счет динамического изменения их размера. Настраивается с помощью MCM.Абсолютные вращающиеся стрелы Потому что ФУУУШ.Соберите эти черепа мамонта Позволяет собирать бивни со всех черепов мамонтов.Иммерсивные городские ворота Теперь охрана не пустит вас в город, когда вы захотите. Ночью города закрыты, а днем нужно платить налог за въезд. Примечание: мод может конфликтовать с городскими модами.Застывшие во времени Добавьте замороженные тела в Скайрим.Тамриэльская культура Мод добавляет различные элементы культур Тамриэля в Скайрим здесь и там. Примечание. Охват довольно большой, поэтому он может конфликтовать с изменениями ландшафта/подземелий/квестами. Доступны патчи CACO и RnD . Золотое сияние твое Прочитав документ о Золотоцвете, который вы получите от Гулум-Эй, вы фактически станете владельцем поместья. Затем вы можете оставить его себе и получать ежемесячный доход или продать Maven за приличную сумму.Знамена победы Простое исправление недочета Bethesda — после победы в войне знамена имперцев и одиночества заменяются на знамена Братьев Бури на Мосту Дракона, Солитьюде и Мрачном замке.
Улучшенная анимация движения, действий и боя, а также новые анимации.
First of all, a mod, or rather, an engine, that allows gazillions of other animation mods work to begin with - a must-have installation to proceed into this section. Note: Nemesis supports [all] mods that are dependant on FNIS - so you won’t have any issues.
Nemesis - Unlimited Behavior Engine ID 60033 ID 60033Nemesis, лучшая альтернатива FNIS следующего поколения. Ссылка ведет на страницу релизов файлов на Github — просто возьмите где-нибудь архив последней версии (обычно файл .rar), добавьте этот архив в свой менеджер модов и установите как любой другой мод. Бинго! Также возьмите этот патч . Кроме того, если у вас возникнут какие-то странные проблемы с текущей версией Nemesis, вы всегда можете попробовать другую версию на ее странице github . Еще раз: каждый, абсолютно каждый мод, который работает с FNIS или имеет «требование» FNIS, будет отлично работать с Nemesis :)
Project New Reign - Немезида PCEA ID 31667 ID 31667Как вы уже догадались - собственный мод Nemesis PCEA, современная альтернатива FNIS PCEA.
Мод, который требуется без преувеличения почти для всех современных анимационных модов для Skyrim.
Динамический заменитель анимации ID 33746 ID 33746Этот мод применяет разные анимации к каждой базе ActorBase. Используя пользовательские условия, пользователи могут настроить (в ini-файле) условия применения анимации. Чистый мод SKSE, поэтому не требует слота для плагина. Это будет обязательным модом для многих удивительных анимационных модов позже. Для SE (1.5.97) используйте версию 1.1.0, а для VR возьмите версию VR на вкладке «Файлы», а затем также это исправление ==NEW== .
И, наконец, косметическое, но удовлетворительное исправление, о котором вы даже не догадывались:
Исправление очереди анимации ==НОВОЕ== ID 82395 ID 82395Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой очередь перегружалась, когда в очереди на загрузку одновременно стояло много анимаций. Если у вас не так много анимационных модов, у вас, скорее всего, нет этой проблемы, но в то же время ее наличие совсем не повредит.
Давайте продолжим анимацию самих модов, не так ли? Теперь давайте возьмем несколько важных (по вашему скромному мнению) анимационных модов, которые послужат либо надежной основой для улучшения, либо элементом управления новыми анимациями:
Исправление ошибки медленного спринта ==НОВОЕ== Предотвращает ошибку, замедляющую вас при обшивании.XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended — XPMSSE ID 1988 ID 1988Единственный и неповторимый. Король скелетных модов. Установить через менеджер модов. Все просто, также настоятельно рекомендую НЕ устанавливать ничего, о чем вы не знаете. Просто выполните базовую установку, и все будет в порядке. НЕ перезаписывайте XPMSE после этого. Никогда. ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЙ в настоящее время «безопасный» случай — это моды мешей Rougeshot для существ (если они у вас уже установлены, просто [не] перезаписывайте их с помощью XPMSE). Также установите исправления здесь ==NEW== и здесь ==NEW== . Доступен патч AGO . Простая двойная оболочка ID 50049 ID 50049Почему ты не видишь на себе левое оружие? Почему нельзя носить щит на спине? Почему ты не видишь на себе свои посохи? Не думай больше. Дополнительные настройки здесь ==NEW== . Оружие LeanWolf улучшенной формы ID 2017 ID 2017Потрясающий мод для мешей оружия, совместимый со всеми модами ретекстурирования, который делает оружие более великолепным и элегантным. Также установите это небольшое улучшение модели Dawnbreaker ==NEW== . Если вы используете мод Sharpen Other Swords, возьмите патч ==NEW== . Примечание. Выберите между этим модом или модом ниже.Правдоподобное оружие Похожий мод отличного качества, с той же целью, что и мод выше, но с собственным подходом к моделям оружия. Выберите тот или иной. Если вы используете мод Sharpen Other Swords, возьмите патч ==NEW== .D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP анимация, дружественная к ванили Отличный мод баланса - вставайте после того, как дракон, мамонт или другой подобный враг быстрее, чем в ванили, но все же не слишком быстро. Этот мод очень нужен при игре с геймплейными модами, так как моды ИИ часто делают врагов более свирепыми и/или дают им реалистичную физику воздействия атаки, а игра со сверхдлинной ванильной скоростью анимации просто слишком часто приводит к глупым смертям персонажей. Если вы хотите еще более быструю анимацию, посмотрите здесь .Условный холостой ход EVG Абсолютно необходимый мод, как по мне. Добавляет различные анимированные бездействия продолжительностью примерно 9-13 секунд, которые воспроизводятся только в определенных условиях, таких как дождь, метель, отсутствие выносливости и т. д. Такая простая функциональность, но такое потрясающее дополнение к погружению с помощью анимации. Настраивается в ini-файле. Не занимает слот для плагинов. Вы можете увидеть мою демонстрацию этого здесь .Изменение анимации EVG Еще один мод от того же автора, значительно улучшающий другую часть анимаций для NPC. Добавляет разнообразие к существующим анимациям с помощью типов личности NPC, условий или просто случайным образом, делая NPC более живыми и как это обрабатывается в современных играх AAA. Не занимает слот для плагинов.Условные выражения — тонкая анимация лица Устали смотреть, как ваш персонаж ест хлеб, не открывая рта? Условные выражения добавляют тонкую анимацию лица, которая оживит вашего персонажа. Вы также можете посмотреть демонстрацию этого здесь .Иммерсивные взаимодействия — анимированные действия Посмотрите, как ваш персонаж выполняет контекстно-зависимую анимацию при взаимодействии с миром. Анимированное приветствие неигровых персонажей, карманные кражи, взлом замков, сбор ресурсов, ласка вашей собаки и многое другое! Примечание. Если вы используете (или планируете использовать) моды «Кошачья жизнь» и/или «Домашние кошки», установите этот патч , чтобы функция домашних животных модов работала не только с собаками, но и с кошками :3
Хороший! Теперь давайте посмотрим на другие моды с качественной анимацией. Такого типа моды вообще всегда и абсолютно дело вкуса, так что лично я здесь особо рекомендовать не буду - просто перечислю несколько качественных/оригинально выглядящих модов, из которых вы сможете выбрать сами :)
Здесь следует отметить: анимация является наиболее активной частью этапа моддинга Skyrim, и есть как новые моды, созданные для использования «олдскульной» системы анимации (проще говоря, «2D» движение и бой), так и « «моды нового поколения» («трехмерные» анимационные моды, которые основаны или созданы с учетом капитального ремонта анимации или сложных модов движения, таких как MCO / TDM и т. д.). На сегодняшний день анимационный сегмент моддинга Скайрима огромен и довольно сложен. Невозможно перечислить, совместим ли тот или иной анимационный мод с определенной переделкой поведения или каким-то другим большим модом анимации — некоторые «двухмерные» анимационные моды прекрасно работают с «трехмерными» переработками и фреймворками, некоторые — нет. Итак, в первую очередь для себя - решите, какой стиль анимации, “Элден Ринг/Адский клинок” или классический Скайрим, вам больше по душе. Затем возьмите или пропустите определенные переделки анимации — и, таким образом, создайте свою дальнейшую настройку анимации вокруг них или нет. Это займет некоторое время, чтобы поэкспериментировать, но с анимацией, что лучше - “3D” или “2D”, простые анимации или комбо и т. д. - это личное предпочтение каждого игрока.
Большие анимационные моды, которые либо полностью переделывают определенные аспекты анимации, либо добавляют приличное количество новых анимаций:
Animated Armory — новое оружие с анимацией от третьего лица. ID 35978 ID 35978This amazing (and imo, just essential) mod adds new, really working animations for rapiers, pikes, halberds, claws and more, as well as adding those weapons to the game. You can see a brief showcase of it here . Lots of various katana mods patches here ==NEW== and Ordinator better perks descriptions patch here ==NEW== . Also, some users consider whips to be the “wonky” part of the mod. Try them yourself, and if you will come to the same conclusion, try this ID 61640 ID 61640 ==NEW== version with an optional rebalance patch ==NEW== .Immersive Equipping Animations ==NEW== See your character and followers actually wearing their armors. Animations for equipping/unequipping necklaces, helmets/Hoods, cuirass/clothing, gloves and boots.Look Around - Searching Animations For NPCs ==NEW== Adds new animations that make you feel like NPCs are actually searching for you.Movement Behavior Overhaul Enhanced behaviors allowing for proper direction transitions, momentum stop, and much more. Compatible with the mod below (patch provided). To disable the sprinting stop animations, install this ==NEW==.360 Walk and Run Plus AND YY Animations Jump Behavior Overhaul Who knew jumping could be this immersive? Get ready for brand new animations, improved behavior, and much more… With NO scripts or plugins at all.Animation Motion Revolution This SKSE plugin removes the mismatch between displacement and animations (the infamous ice-skating problem).Creature Behavior Generator ==NEW== Creature Behavior Generator allows you to add new custom creature animations into Skyrim. You can add basic, sequenced, paired, and killmove animations. Supports Nemesis.Modern Combat Overhaul ==NEW== A combat behaviour mod that allows chainable power attacks, animated charged attacks, animated transitions and non linear movesets. Also, if you have some SkySA animation mods, you can convert them into MCO using the file provided on the mod page. Note #1: To properly use this mod with Animated Armoury, install this ID 74320 ID 74320 version of Animated Armoury instead the original mod. Note #2: If you’re modding with NMM, for Payload Interpreter (required for MCO), make sure to implement the instruction for “create two empty folders” (yes, it’s mentioned for Vortex, but needed all the same for NMM as well). Note #3: If you’ll be using lite (not “Distar experience”) version of the mod (regular version is recommended though), also install this ID 74200 ID 74200 .SCAR - Skyrim Combos AI Revolution ==NEW== SKSE plugin that brings up the modern ACT game‘s combos attack AI into Skyrim. Remember those unique attacks of bandits and some other creatures in Ultimate Combat mod? Now imagine these is upgraded to actual combos and used logically by the NPCs. That’s it! Can be used (and I suggest you if you like this mod idea) with the two mods below. Also, to balance NPCs combos a bit, optionally, install this patch. Note #1: If you’re modding AE, install this ID 77285 ID 77285 on top to be able to use the mod. Note #2: While SCAR doesn’t technically require MCO (mod above), it won’t make much sense without it.True Directional Movement ID 51614 ID 51614Overhauls the third person gameplay similarly to modern action RPGs, entirely through SKSE. Move and attack in any direction. Includes a custom target lock component and animated healthbar widget, target headtracking, projectile aim support during target lock, boss bars, mount support and more! Modular and customizable through MCM. Note: The mod is still WIP and has some bugs here and there, and due to being a really massive movement (mostly but not only, some more combat-related features exist in it as well) overhaul, it has compatibility issues with some other popular mods. Read the mod page carefully and test it with your current setup to see what and how. You can see a video showcase of the mod here . Patches/addons: Diagonal Sprinting Fix ==NEW== ID 53797 ID 53797Lock-On Fixes ==NEW== Better Horses Turning ==NEW== Glenmoril Boss Patch ==NEW== Wheels of Lull Patch ==NEW== Note: boss patches is simply a line in the .ini file, so if you’ll just install both, one will overwrite another. It’s generally recommended to just grab the needed line from the patch file and paste it in the latest TDM version .ini file, without fully overwriting it.UNDERDOG - Animations Highly-realistic animation overhaul for movement, sneaking and some new idles. It both changes existing animations and, most interesting, adds new. conditional diversity for existing animations. If you’ll be playing with Serana, get the fix ==NEW==, and there’s Leaps of Faith patch ==NEW== available too. You can see a showcase of it here .EVG Animated Traversal ==NEW== A new layer of world interaction immersion - climb ledges, squeeze in tight spaces, jump over walls and more. Note: due to the mod’s nature, it most likely will conflict with mods affecting same places as the mod does - city/dungeon overhauls, etc. New land kind of mods will also require patching - gladly, there are plenty available. Addons/patches: Integration Patch ID 72519 ID 72519This mod adds more than two hundreds EVGAT markers into most Skyrim and Solstheim dungeons and forts to give you a whole new experience while exploring.Dungeon Addons Some other Skyrim dungeons added. Compatible with the Integration Addon.Maleficus’ Traversal (EVGAT) Utilizes the EVG Animated Traversal framework by adding parkourable areas into the major hold capitals.Patch Collection For various mods.Bleak Falls Barrow - Animated Traversal Grab a file here if you’re using “Dungeons Revisited” overhaul for BFB.Hammet’s Dungeons patch JK Skyrim patch Note: only IF you’re using “Deadly Shadows” addon for it.Let’s continue.Immersive Equipment Displays ==NEW== Display unequipped gear and custom items on the player or NPCs. Works with any item with no additional meshes required. Does not use body slots. SKSE plugin. Custom in-game user interface for configuring everything in real-time while you’re playing. Includes a flexible positioning system for both equipped and unequipped gear. Some presets/addons for it: Use Those Horses ==NEW== ID 63271 ID 63271Immersive Equipment Displays - Mura Presets ==NEW== IED - Weapons Repositioner ==NEW== Sky Idles ==NEW== Adds over 40 idles that can be tailored to users needs and more.Take a Seat - New DAR Sitting Animations ==NEW== 14 new sit-on-the-ground/meditation animations that will play at random for you and the NPCS thanks to DAR.Random Emotions ==NEW== Adds a script that will control the player character’s facial emotions in a semi-random way. Optional version also supports up to 10 followers.Animated Eating Redux Definitive animated eating mod. Works on both NPCs and the player. MCM-configurable.Eating Animations and Sounds ==NEW== Over 100 new animations for eating. Can be used together with the mod above if player animatios are disabled in Animated Eating Redux MCM.Animated Ingredients ==NEW== Adds custom movement enabled animation for when player is consuming ingredients. Has an MCM for configuration.Animated Potions ==NEW== Adds custom movement enabled animation for player and NPCs when consuming potions. Has an MCM for configuration.Animated Potion Drinking Helping the Dragonborn be more fancy while remaining nimble. Adds a small animation when you’re drinking potions “just like Dark Souls” that works will moving. Use this mod or the mod above.Animated Poisons ==NEW== Custom movement enabled animations for all vanilla poisons with correct animation meshes. Has an MCM as well.Character Behaviors Enhanced Unique mod that adds previously non-existing moves and animations - attacks in mid air, underwater combat and so on. Its only disadvantage is no compatibility with FNIS (if you’re still using it) - but on the other hand, Nemesis supports it just fine (which is just one more reason to switch). Also grab the fix for it. Alternatively, if you want only the mid air attacks and underwater combat - you can get this lite alternative trimmed down from the original mod.Smooth Combat non Combat idle Animation Mod adds a difference between idle animations in combat and non-combat situations even when holding a weapon. You can a see a showcase of it here Conditional Armor Type Animations Changes the player and NPCs animations depending on their armor type (heavy armor, light armor, non-armored).EAD - Every Attack Different Animation replacer for all 1h and 2h attacks, but with a twist: there is a different animation for every swing, cycling between several animations for every weapon type.Diverse Random Normal Attack Similar mod that randomizes normal attacks animation.Extra Drawing Animations A behaviour edit that adds in a few extra equip animations.
Animations packs that are mostly improving large amount of existing animations in a single pack.
Immersive Animations ID 4254 ID 4254This mod can be considered an essential “vanilla animation +” mod - all animatons are still immersive and realistic, but noticeably better than dull original animations. Install this mod as base - whatever other animation mods you will install later, they will just overwrite it, and those animations not covered will be still better than vanilla ones.Pretty Combat Animations Magic Casting Animations Overhaul Pretty Female Idles Pretty Jump Animations Dynamic Random Female Idles Simple as that.New Animation for Magic Casting One more magic animations pack from XPMSE author.First Person Combat Animations Overhaul 60+ new animations to enhance your first person combat experience. New unique animations for katana style weapons and daggers. New block idles, block bashes and more. You can a see a showcase of it here . If you’re a katana lover, you can look for various katana mod patches here .JUST NEW FEMALE ANIMATIONS Just… those, yes. Running, walking, idle poses, for the main weapons: Bow, sword, magic, and some combat animations. Feminine but not oversexualized.Feral - Claw Unarmed Attacks for Beast Races - Vampires - Werewolves Animation replacer for unarmed attacks of khajiit, argonians, vampires and werewolves.ADXP l MCO Nordic Animation Complete Pack ==NEW== Large MCO-based animation pack, with nordic feel, inspired by AC Valhalla.ADXP l MCO Desert Race Animation Complete Pack ==NEW== “Desert warrior” feel, large animation pack for all weapon attacks and movement anims, for Redguard and Khajiits.ADXP I MCO elden rim moveset collection ==NEW== 130+ animations for all Skyrim weapons, adjusted for SCAR, inspired by Elden Ring.Goetia Animations - Magic Spell Casting ==NEW== 100 spellcasting animations, from currently one of my favourite animation mods author.Goetia Animations - Enchanted Staves ==NEW== Complete overhaul of staff animations.Edgemaster Animations for ADXP - MCO ==NEW== Animation replacer for MCO. Replaces animations for swords, axes and maces, daggers, rapiers, claws, scimitars, katanas, spears, greatswords, waraxes and warhammers, pikes and halberds, quarterstaves, unarmed, and dual wield animations. Supports SCAR, as well as Animated Armoury (changes its weapon anims).Akaviri Martial Arts - Oriental Swordsmanship Redux One-handed animation replacer, mainly geared towards an Akaviri/Samurai playthrough.Dynamic Sitting Idles Setups that give you a variety of sitting animations using DAR.Relaxed Sneak Animations Sneaking animations with a raised center of gravity, straighter posture with arms reeled in and no bent wrists.ndh’s Animation Overhaul New animations for walk, run, sprint for females. Run and sprint for males.Thu’um - Fully Animated Shouts Adds a toggleable shout behavior which provides unique shout animations for each shout in game. Absolutely brilliant and almost an essential mod to me personally. Use this mod or the one below.Goetia Animations - Conditional Shouts ==NEW== Similar mod from a talented Verolevi. Use this mod or the one below. My personal favourite here.
Standalone animations mods, small packs, and profiles of authors that have plenty of standalone animation mods for certain moves:
Reduce Attack Skating Movement ID 39970 ID 39970Просто как тот. Посмотрите на странице мода для демонстрации. Используйте этот мод или мод ниже. Не требуется, если вы используете MCO.Enemy Magelock — Обязательство NPC по использованию магии Очень простой мод для переключения боевого ритма, особенно для тех, кто любит моды на усиление врагов — он заставляет вражеских магов ненадолго останавливаться при использовании заклинаний. Вы также можете посмотреть демонстрацию этого здесь .Нет вращающейся анимации смерти Примечание: не требуется, если вы используете пакет анимации Underdog и выбрали там варианты анимации смерти.DAR - Динамическое плавание Дьявол в захватывающих деталях! Изменяет анимацию плавания в зависимости от уровня выносливости и веса брони. Вы можете увидеть мою демонстрацию этого здесь .YY Anim Replacer - Zweihander Двуручные анимации от талантливого YY.Отключить анимацию поворота ==НОВОЕ== Убирает анимацию поворота. Посмотрите видео на странице мода для демонстрации.Анимированное опьянение ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет анимацию пьяного безделья и ходьбы, бега и даже спрайта к большинству необходимых эффектов опьянения модов.Динамическая анимация уклонения ==НОВОЕ== 8-сторонняя анимация уклонения для конкретного оружия с поддержкой TK Dodge, Ultimate Dodge и DMCO.Профиль Verolevi ==NEW== Для многих действительно красивых и плавных заменителей анимации - движение, бой, магия и стойки.Профиль Orakin2020 За красивую анимацию альтернативного оружия ближнего боя.профиль distar66 Для различных анимаций, в основном вдохновленных темными душами.профиль stuxjr ==НОВЫЙ== Для некоторых совершенно новых анимаций для различных существ.профиль miken1ke Для некоторых хороших заменителей анимации для каждого определенного типа оружия (боевой топор, кинжал и т. д.).профиль Для средних фэнтезийных анимационных движений оружия.Профиль UncreativePontiff Наборы движений для мужественного двуручного оружия.профиль ptowndrew21 Для некоторых комбо и движений.профиль 5poiler Для различных крутых ванильных+ анимаций.ADXP I MCO ER Twinblades (SCAR Precision) ==НОВИНКА== Вдохновленная Elden Ring, эта анимация объединяет большинство движений Twinblades из Elden Ring и вносит некоторые изменения. Примечание: у вас должен быть установлен какой-нибудь реальный мод для оружия с двумя клинками, например этот или этот .Шевалье Сондербейна — рандомизированная анимация одноручного блока ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет три новые анимации произвольного блока и бездействие одноручного меча.Случайная магическая анимация от первого лица ==НОВОЕ== Рандомизированная анимация применения магии от первого лица с помощью Dynamic Animation Replacer.DAR - Скромность - Прикройся Использует Dynamic Animation Replacer — Framework, чтобы скрыть наготу с помощью анимации «Прикройся».DAR - Изнурение в ближнем бою одной рукой Этот плагин DAR изменит атакующий захват одноручного оружия актеров-людей на его более медленный двуручный аналог, если его выносливость упадет ниже 33%, и вернется обратно, если его выносливость выше 33%.Спринтерское плавание ==НОВИНКА== Этот мод позволяет вам плавать быстрее, нажимая кнопку Sprint во время плавания.Анимация большого шатания ==НОВОЕ== Плавная анимация для большого шатания. Очень затягивает в ближнем бою.Анимация в Blizzard ==НОВОЕ== Анимация в Ashstorm ==NEW== девчачья анимация Женская анимация пикапа mcgFemaleWalk для Skyrim Женский ярл сидит анимация Довольно сидеть без дела FNIS сексуальный ход Простой женский заменитель холостого хода Действительно простой заменитель женского холостого хода. Очень нейтрально.Тонкий прыжок Простой заменитель анимации прыжка.Простая женская анимация бега Просто и приятно.Мужская анимация бездействия Базовый заменитель derpy male idle, сделанный через DAR.2H анимация атаки катаной Mofu 1h Sword Power Attack вперед Phalanx Stance - заменитель анимации бездействия блока щитом Анимация боя в боковом седле Мод, добавляющий анимацию боя всадника в седле.Более сильная анимация плавания Новая анимация плавания.Исправление скорости кросса и джеба Исправляет кросс и джеб моды безоружной анимации, чтобы анимация соответствовала скорости безоружного боя в игре.Заменитель анимации артефактов от первого лица Этот мод добавляет новые анимации от первого лица к некоторым артефактам в Скайриме.Акробатический прыжок Момо Элегантный, акробатический заменитель анимации прыжков.Случайные эмоции Мод добавляет небольшой скрипт, который будет управлять эмоциями лиц игрока и до 10 подписчиков полуслучайным образом.Уникальная анимация трона игрока Простой заменитель анимации того, как ваш персонаж сидит на троне.E3 Ведьмак 3 Dodge Анимации Анимации похожи на увороты, показанные в презентации e3 для Witcher 3. Можно использовать с TK Dodge и The Ultimate Dodge Mod.Порт Samurai Killmove Самурайская анимация убийств.DAR - Анимированный страх Мод, добавляющий новые анимации NPC для страха перед магическими эффектами.Паркур в Скайриме Как всегда ярко, теперь вы можете прыгать с такими стильными элементами фрирана, как сальто вперед, сальто сбоку и т. д. Анимация прыжка доступна только игроку и воспроизводится только с оружием в ножнах.профиль sgtoy259 ==НОВЫЙ== Для довольно необычного бота так нужны были моды - новые анимации для различных атак драугров, которые являются одним из самых распространенных типов противников в игре.Профиль Austioxv ==NEW== Для анимации, вдохновленной AC.Профиль samuelga24 ==НОВЫЙ== Для различных анимаций для популярных модов (Wildcat, Wounds и т.д.) - для условий, которые раньше не анимировались.Профиль exm842 ==НОВЫЙ== За десятки высококачественных анимаций для MCO/SCAR/Precision, в основном вдохновленных DS/Elden Ring.профиль cheming1228 ==NEW== Для некоторых других вдохновленных AC анимаций для MCO.Профиль Stuxjr ==NEW== Для некоторых хороших комбо и анимаций, вдохновленных Nier Automata.Профиль LilBadJj ==НОВЫЙ== Для десятков автономных боевых анимаций для MCO.Профиль CiomeG ==NEW== Для некоторых анимаций MCO для оружия Animated Armory.Профиль Gunslicer ==NEW== Для простых, но приятных анимаций различных действий — бега, плавания, подкрадывания и т. д.Профиль Скайпиа ==НОВОЕ== Для анимационного сериала “Гладкий” для большинства действий вашего персонажа.Профиль CHIMgarden ==NEW== Для различных условных анимаций второстепенных действий в игровом мире — молитв, жестов и даже возниц.Уникальные анимации переработаны ==НОВОЕ== Переработаны две уникальные анимации: купающийся охотник возле Темноводного перехода и вступительная сцена Астрид Темного Братства. Примечание: анимация бездействия не работает, если у вас установлен EVG Animation Variance, поэтому вы можете удалить «idlelaydown.hkx» из файлов мода.Настраиваемая анимация более быстрого майнинга ==НОВОЕ== Настраиваемая более быстрая анимация резки дерева ==НОВОЕ== Не требует пояснений.Заменитель сидячей анимации Ярла ==НОВОЕ== Замените анимацию сидящего ярла на ту, которую использовал верховный викариат Виртур во время квестовой линии Стражи Рассвета. Приходит как полный заменитель, рандомизированный (DAR), как гендерно-специфический заменитель (Немезида).The Ultimate Sit Animation — мужское издание ==НОВИНКА== Созерцайте идеальную анимацию сидения для мужчин. Длинный, надежный, реалистичный заменитель анимации бездействия, предназначенный для мужских персонажей. Сидеть так, как знает только драконорожденный: как абсолютный босс.Феминизация — анимация создания ==НОВОЕ== Анимация крафта скорректирована для женских персонажей, включая игрока. В настоящее время включает в себя алхимию, наложение чар, кузнечное дело, кожевенное дело и кулинарию. Примечание. Если у вас есть моды для камеры и с ними возникают ошибки, установите версию мода только для NPC.Больше никакого плавания в воздухе — исправлен плавающий SwimIdle ==НОВОЕ== Исправлена ужасная анимация плавания, которая воспроизводилась над водой, а не под водой, из-за чего создавалось впечатление полета, а не плавания.Анимированный свист ==НОВОЕ== Свистите своей лошади правильно.Отключить растягивание NPC в режиме ожидания ==NEW== Если это вас беспокоит.MCO - ADXP - Elder Creed - Blade ==NEW== Набор движений одной рукой для MCO, вдохновленный Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.Исправление анимации флейты ==НОВОЕ== Ваши барды-мужчины играют носом на флейте? Ваши женщины-барды играют на флейте с помощью своих экстрасенсорных способностей? Быстрое решение для обоихЭто изменит парирование от первого лица для всего оружия ближнего боя и добавит колющий удар.Атака в прыжке ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет возможность атаки в прыжке с пользовательской анимацией, а также позволяет использовать оружие дальнего боя и магию в воздухе.Заменитель анимации от первого лица - Плавание ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет анимацию удара ногой по воде в режим камеры от первого лица во время плавания.Заменитель анимации от первого лица - Idle ==NEW== Добавляет легкое раскачивание камеры персонажа в режиме от первого лица.Замена Nier Automata 2B Dodge ==NEW== Замените анимацию уклонения для The Ultimate Dodge Mod и TK Dodge.Небесный спринт Эксклюзивные заменители анимации спринта, сделанные вручную игроками.Быстрый выход из постели Ага.TK Dodge AddAttack SE от Ni-iru Добавляет возможность выполнять стильную атаку при уклонении. Требуется мод ТК Додж.Двуручные анимации, вдохновленные Guts из Berserk Двуручные анимации для всех атак, кроме обычных атак, вдохновленные играми Берсерк.Рандомизированный одноручный блок и анимация бездействия ==НОВОЕ== Три новых анимации блока одной рукой (четыре с ванильным) и одна новая анимация бездействия (две с ванильным).Анимация блокировки из рук в руки AWS — Анимированная свадебная сцена Вдохните больше жизни в сцену свадьбы игрока, воспроизведя новый набор анимаций между вами и вашим новым супругом.Поцелуй Скайрима Попробуйте немного нежности: обнимите и поцелуйте любого человеческого NPC при использовании заклинания.Скайримский вальс 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3… Вальсируйте с партнером по вашему выбору при использовании заклинания. От автора мода выше.Сядьте со скрещенными ногами Ага.Ожившие анимации NPC ==NEW== Новые анимации для реанимированных NPC. Сделать мертвых рабов более бездушными.Удар кинжалом от первого лица с помощью DAR Заменяет силовую атаку кинжалом от первого лица на сильный удар вперед.Анимация оружия (Dawnbreaker) Уникальная анимация при использовании Dawnbreaker. Примечание: несовместимо с улучшенной моделью Better-Shaped Weapons/Believable Weapons для Dawnbreaker.Лучший боевой топор и анимация экипировки Warhammer от GuitarthVader Таверна Танцоры Скайрима Ракс Шарки Добавляет динамический танец для женщин в Скайриме, при условии, что они используют анимацию питья пива условным образом.Арбалет с прицелом Улучшает прицеливание от первого лица из арбалетов. Вы можете увидеть демонстрацию этого видео здесь .Анимация бездействия WheelMenu Позволяет выбирать и воспроизводить анимацию бездействия через меню колеса, например, «меню эмоций» из Fallout 76, Fortnite или других игр. Всего содержит 75 различных анимаций бездействия, все анимации можно легко выбрать и воспроизвести через меню колеса.Ведьмак Стиль Медитировать Ожидание Нажав пользовательскую горячую клавишу, вы можете медитировать в ожидании, как в Ведьмаке 3.Приседание Скольжение Добавляет приседание, когда вы бежите, нажмите клавишу скрытности, чтобы выполнить приседание, это дает вам i-frames и (необязательно) заставляет окружающих NPC отдаляться от вас. Работает и от первого лица.Нет анимации перерезания горла (скрытая атака) Всегда наносите удар в спину («Удар сзади») вместо того, чтобы перерезать горло («Удар сзади»).Перекатывание после приземления (управляемое) Позволяет выполнять анимацию перекатывания вперед после приземления с высоты, чтобы уменьшить урон от падения. Это действие активируется пользовательской горячей клавишей.Более быстрая анимация майнинга (DAR) Двойное оружие Румпеля на холостом ходу Заменитель анимации артефактов - Wabbajack Добавляет пользовательские анимации для даэдрического артефакта Ваббаджек.Анимация лица монстра (MFA) Этот мод добавляет лицевую анимацию оборотням, вермедведям и лордам-вампирам.(DAR)Вариант анимации смерти ==НОВОЕ== 5% шанс сыграть “Ты тоже Брут..!!” вид анимации смерти. Примечание: не требуется, если у вас есть анимационный мод UNDERDOG, так как там реализована похожая, но гораздо более вариативная функция.Призывы нежити появляются из-под земли Этот мод заставляет всю вызванную нежить появляться из-под земли при вызове.Более быстрая реанимация Простой мод, уменьшающий продолжительность анимации реанимации за счет редактирования трех соответствующих файлов .hkx. установить одну из предпочитаемых версий. Используйте этот мод или тот, что выше.Быстрая трансформация - в оборотня и вампира-лорда
Просто примечание: если какой-то понравившийся мод анимации доступен для LE, но не для SE, вы можете самостоятельно портировать анимации из LE в SE с помощью этого туториала ID 2970 ID 2970 .
Эти различные патчи/фиксы/маленькие моды абсолютно не обязательны, но могут быть очень полезными. Это полностью зависит от вас - устанавливать их или нет.
Различные моды, патчи и исправления - технически они могут принадлежать к любой из вышеперечисленных категорий, но обычно они очень маленькие или зависят от вкуса, поэтому сгруппированы здесь.
Патчи, твики и мелкие дополнения:
QUASIPC - Унифицированный сборник автоматически устанавливаемых исправлений Qwinn ID 18369 ID 18369Очень простой, но очень полезный мод - супер-патчер. Просто запустите установщик и позвольте ему автоматически определить, нужны ли вам один, несколько или много патчей из 103 имеющихся патчей. Использование этого патчера — это не то, без чего у вас не будет сбоев, но он решит различные мелкие проблемы совместимости здесь и там.Сборник патчей WiZkiD Еще один похожий мод патчера.Разные патчи И еще несколько патчей для некоторых модов.**В любом случае, чей это квест NG Заменяет сообщение «Квестовые предметы не могут быть удалены…» на более описательное сообщение, информирующее вас о том, к какому квесту принадлежит этот предмет.Да, я уверен NG ==NEW== Отключает надоедливые подсказки сообщений, которые спрашивают вас, уверены ли вы, что хотите создать/улучшить/выйти из меню. Обновленная версия оригинального мода.No Edge Glow — обновление магии и трансформаций Заменяет некоторые шейдеры эффектов персонажей на невидимую версию. Больше нет ярко-зеленого свечения от заклинаний брони «Изменение». Больше нет красного/зеленого/синего контура при использовании заклинаний и эффектов высасывания. Больше никаких ужасных очертаний на зачарованных доспехах, оружии и т. д.Лучший боевой побег Улучшает механизм побега\остановки в бою в оригинальной игре, чтобы вы не застревали в боевом состоянии со сверхдальним врагом.ШАГ Позволяет вам установить ТЕМП игры через MCM в соответствии с вашими личными предпочтениями. Изменяйте скорость движения для любых обстоятельств (включая NPC), решайте, насколько быстро или медленно должно размахиваться каждое оружие, и управляйте самим временем одним нажатием кнопки. Все функции переключаются через меню.BorderSense Перенесено из Skyrim LE, небольшого мода, который позволяет узнать, когда вы находитесь рядом с границами трюма. При желании уведомляет вас о вашей награде в этом трюме.Классический спринт переделан Заставляет спринт вести себя так же, как в старом Скайриме. Удерживайте вместо переключения.Чтение — это хорошо Этот мод перерабатывает книги навыков, так что вместо того, чтобы мгновенно давать уровни, они дают вам постоянное повышение вашей скорости прокачки в соответствующем навыке. Это означает, что вы получаете больше пользы, читая их, как только вы их найдете.Воронья скала - исправить выход верхом на лошади При использовании модов лошадей в Солстхейме у вас могут возникнуть проблемы с выходом из Вороньей Скалы через маленькую шахту. Этот небольшой твик призван исправить это.Get On With It - больше не нужно ждать дверей Больше никаких анимаций дверей, если вы хотите сэкономить время. Примечание. Это мод с чистой сеткой, что означает, что он перезапишет любой мод, который меняет двери в игре, например, высокополигональные моды на двери от Hype1 и т. Д. Это одно или другое.Лучшее описание ID 7134 ID 7134Не очень реалистично, но может показаться полезным для некоторых игроков — он добавляет на экран информацию и более точные имена для различных объектов, контейнеров, беспорядка и прочих предметов и активаторов.Быстрое путешествие на лошади Просто как тот.Больше не нужно стоять слишком близко Простой мод, который заставляет NPC никогда не говорить «А?» и снова отступить от тебя.Реалистичная регенерация - RealRegen Контролируйте скорость восстановления здоровья, магии и выносливости в любой момент игры.Иммерсивные украденные товары Добавляет в игру более 30 новых уникальных сокровищ, которые можно украсть из разных мест Скайрима.Пираты вооружены тесаками Ни за что, а.Относительно Чиллренда Добавляет примечание, в котором рассказывается предыстория того, как Мерсер Фрей завладел Чиллрендом.Настоящая похотливая аргонианская горничная Версия Skyrim мода “The Lusty Argonian Maid - The Untold Story” для Oblivion от BlackPuma.посягательство Солдаты форта иногда проявляют неустойчивое поведение при вторжении, нападении на последователей, даже если игрок является союзником - этот мод помогает.Бестиарий Скайрима (WIP) Вы хотите, чтобы в Скайриме был бестиарий, но не хотите написать свой собственный? Вот мое решение: создавайте бестиарии, используя компоненты существ, собранные в результате ваших убийств.Маленькая охота за загадками Шраба Небольшая охота за мусором с загадками в качестве подсказок, которая проведет вас по Скайриму в поисках сокровищ.Журналы пилы Сколько пиловочных бревен у вас осталось для постройки следующего дома? С этим небольшим плагином вы больше не сможете просматривать количество, оставшееся в вашем инвентаре.Драгоценные камни во всех шахтах Найдите драгоценные камни во всех шахтах и в глубинах Блэкрича. Этот мод также добавляет в вашу игру недостающие алмазные и гранатовые жеоды.Пальцы неквантового мастера кузни Существование пальцев Мастера кузни больше не зависит от того, наблюдаете ли вы за ними.С возвращением к пчеле и колючке Небольшая корректировка диалогов. Если вы отдадите им три аметиста, Кирава и Тален-Джей простят вас за вымогательство «причитающихся денег».Уважение к легату Тебя повысили до легата, имперцы уже должны знать, кто ты. Имперские патрули больше не будут беспокоить вас.профиль тарлазо Более сотни крошечных, но отличных модов (и некоторых исправлений) для самых разных целей.Эйла не подойдет, если ты не поможешь Вы просто случайно проходили мимо, а она подходит к вам и упрекает вас в том, что вы ей не помогаете или просто ждете и не уходите, пока вы с ней не поговорите? Больше не надо. Примечание: не требуется при использовании плагина At Your Own Pace Companions.Разумное лунатизм — проснитесь у ближайшего Камня Всесоздателя ==НОВОЕ== Спите на Солстхейме, зная, что вас не отправят в какую-то другую часть острова, когда вы проснетесь.Молитесь с амулетами ==NEW== Ношение религиозных амулетов дает вам возможность молиться где угодно, чтобы получить благословение.Бандиты, а не убийцы ==НОВОЕ== Наемные головорезы не должны вас убивать. Это работа Темного Братства. В разделе «Необязательные файлы» также есть несколько исправлений.Профиль CloudQuest ==НОВЫЙ== На некоторые мелкие доработки.профиль черепашьего бога ==NEW== Для множества патчей для самых разных модов.Дополнения в Скайхейвен Добавляет в Скайхейвен больше клинков, а также кузницу, алхимический стол, 3 торговцев и казармы.Больше соли Добавляет больше соли продавцам еды. Полезно для настроек модов, ориентированных на выживание.Евангелизация амулетов - Священники продают амулеты Жрецы продают амулеты для своего Божества.продавец карт Добавляет в игру картографа Натали Драварол. Она продает карты территорий. Если у вас есть DLC, для этих новых областей тоже будут продавцы карт. Эти карты показывают все маркеры карты на этой территории (кроме военных лагерей), но они не предназначены для быстрого перемещения.Нейтральный Хьерим После «Крови на льду» Хьерима можно купить, независимо от участия в Гражданской войне или его отсутствия.Навсетка Вайтрана ==НОВОЕ== Оптимизирована навигационная сетка для Вайтрана, что повышает производительность. Не рекомендуется, если вы используете капитальный ремонт Вайтрана, конечно.Талмор не отчитывается перед Братьями Бури ==НОВОЕ== Талмор не сообщает о преступлениях в трюмах, контролируемых Братьями Бури.Истинно нейтральные заключенные ==NEW== Наконец-то не дает этим надоедливым заключенным доносить на вас.Нет скучного меню сна-ожидания ==НОВОЕ== Теперь вы можете отдыхать/ждать без перерывов до 744 часов (31 день).Оптимизирован квест USSEP Valdr ==NEW== USSEP добавил скрипт, который якобы позволяет избежать проблем с Валдром во время его квеста. Однако этот сценарий, похоже, не заканчивается должным образом и может вызвать проблемы с производительностью из-за того, как он реализован.Исправление баннера «Тени Саммерсета» ==НОВОЕ== Знамя Саммерсетских теней теперь можно поджечь взмахом факела.Профиль AndrealphusVIII ==NEW== Более сотни различных крошечных настроек геймплея для разных предпочтений.Профиль агента ==НОВЫЙ== Для разных маленьких приятных лиловых модов - от добавленных модом ретекстур объектов, до патчей и аддонов.Профиль Mur4s4me ==НОВЫЙ== Для различных патчей между популярными модами.Маленький, но полезный — еще один патч-хаб ==НОВИНКА== Сборник из более чем 170 патчей для различных модов, в основном решающих проблемы с обрезкой.Патч для смертельных ударов заклинаний и капитального ремонта звука - интеграция иммерсивных звуков == НОВИНКА == Существует дополнительный патч для Arctic — Frost Effects Redux и Immersive Sounds Compendium, один для Lethal Traps и AOS, а также один для ISC и No Force для заклинаний иллюзий.Slow Time Particles FX восстановлен (исправление сценария) - восстановление вырезанного содержимого ==NEW== Восстанавливает плавающие частицы для всех эффектов замедления времени. Их ошибочно приучили не применять. Это может показаться небольшим, но эффект очень заметен.Spriggans Drop Wood ==NEW== Spriggans Drop Wood позволяет вам собирать сухостой и ветки, добавленные Chesko’s Campfire, из трупов спригганов и сгоревших спригганов.Действительно полезные маслобойки — замена базовых объектов == НОВИНКА == Превращает бесполезные маслобойки Hearthfire в полезные маслобойки.Вернитесь в разум Пелагиуса ==НОВОЕ== Вернитесь в разум Пелагиуса, чтобы найти вещи, о которых вы забыли.Экипируемые фолианты и книги патронташей HDT-SMP Meshes ==NEW== Нравится патронташ и/или экипируемые тома, но нужна физика? Ну вот.Патч сетки для различных модов ==NEW== Разрешение конфликтов между некоторыми популярными комбинациями модов, связанных с сеткой.Коллекция сетчатых нашивок от Andrias Bartlett ==NEW== И еще несколько.Простой кожаный рюкзак Создаваемый в игре рюкзак с тремя вариантами двух разных цветов.Простое подавление нарушений Плагин SKSE, который предотвращает превращение нейтральных NPC в враждебных, когда вы случайно наносите им удар.Изменения в лагере Анги Получение опыта за испытания Анги по стрельбе из лука переработано, чтобы оно не зависело от вашего текущего уровня навыков, и позволяет вам получать дополнительный опыт за самостоятельную практику. Ваш персонаж больше не будет новичком, если вы сможете выполнить все задания.Только мертвые любовники вызывают письма о наследстве Этот мод увеличивает требуемый ранг отношений для появления писем о наследовании с 1 (друг) до 4 (любовник).Профиль Цасиора Для некоторых полезных патчей (в основном для капитального ремонта поселений).Нет незамеченных Гильдия воров Диалог Темного Братства «Псс. Эй, я знаю, кто ты. Приветствую Ситис». Устали от охранников, говорящих вам это, когда они не должны были знать, что вы убийца? Тогда этот мод для вас.Библиотека патчей Лиззи Некоторые патчи, которые могут пригодиться.Патчи и исправления elwaps Для разных патчей/фиксов/аддонов между/для разных модов - конечно не все, но возможно некоторые из них могут пригодиться для вашей установки.коллекция патчей kj Похожие вещи.пластыри лилебонимейса И еще несколько.Профиль Janquel ==NEW== И многое другое.Необходимые ключевые настройки Когда вы пытаетесь открыть дверь, для которой требуется ключ, вы можете получить сообщение с названием ключа. Довольно просто.Не разговаривай с набитым ртом Простой мод, который предотвращает анимацию еды и питья NPC во время разговора с игроком.Заключенные, заставившие замолчать Охранники не должны позволять ходячему оружию массового поражения свободно перемещаться. Все заключенные теперь снабжены антимагическими наручниками, которые не позволяют им произносить заклинания или крики.Секретный вход в Ragged Flagon Делает секретный вход рядом с главными воротами Рифтена в «Буйную флягу» в гильдии воров. На самом деле не так уж много секрета, но определенно экономит время.
Исправления - менее «существенные» и в основном незначительные, поэтому размещены здесь, а не в разделе стабильности руководства:
**Исправление мигания глаз игрока ID 21713 ID 21713****Включает мигание глаз для игрока.Исправление положения процесса ИИ NPC Исправлена ошибка ванильного игрового движка, из-за которой позиции обработки AI NPC не могли быть обновлены после того, как вы ждали/спали/быстро путешествовали.Исправление направления шатания Исправлена ошибка с неправильным направлением пошатывания персонажа, когда пошатывание вызывалось заклинанием, криком и оружием дальнего боя.Улучшенная реанимация Некоторые исправления ошибок и улучшения с эффектами реанимации.Современное исправление переключения «ходьба-бег» Этот мод исправляет старую проблему с залипанием клавиши Shift после выхода из режима разговора или режима killcam. Обновленная и бесскриптовая версия аналогичного исправления в прошлом.Исправление постройки домов Heartfires Восстанавливает правильные модели некоторых строительных частей и мебели в меню крафта.Исправление лимита актеров **Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой, если у вас было более 128 актеров в одном месте, они начинали странно плавать. Также исправлена ошибка, из-за которой губы NPC переставали двигаться, когда их много поблизости.Ключевые слова Исправлено ==НОВОЕ== Исправлены различные ключевые слова, которые не соответствовали (или вообще не применялись) к соответствующим местам в игре. Уточнение: отсутствие правильных ключевых слов во внутренних ячейках может привести к тому, что некоторые диалоги NPC, зависящие от местоположения, не сработают, их ИИ не будет вести себя должным образом и тому подобное. Примечание: если вы используете мод «Исправления улучшения акустического пространства», загрузите его после этого.TAA Flicker Fixer ==NEW== Устранена проблема с TAA, из-за которой трава, листва и другие объекты мерцали.Исправление скрипта магической брони ==НОВОЕ== Исправлены серьезные лаги/сбои при использовании Mage Armor (редкая, но раздражающая проблема).Исправлена ошибка выгрузки LOD ==NEW== Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой объекты LOD не выгружались, если вы загружали внешнее сохранение и быстрое перемещение.Звук столкновения и эстетика снежных поверхностей ==НОВОЕ== Направлен на исправление ряда проблем, которые всегда затрагивали модели, покрытые снегом.Исправление пейзажных гор == НОВОЕ == Исправляет более 600 камней в Скайриме, затронутых горами, что исправляет большую часть скальных швов в игровом мире.Исправление маски бороды — бороды используют слот 44 SKSE Plugin ==NEW== Скрывает растительность на лице при ношении предметов, использующих слот 44, так что теперь одежда, похожая на маску, не будет портить в ней эпический вид вашего персонажа. Примечание: если вы модифицируете Skyrim SE (1.5.97), обязательно перезапишите мод этим файлом .Исправления болезней Исправлено несколько проблем с эффектами болезней, чтобы они могли иметь минимальную согласованность. Болезни могут передаваться только игроку и могут быть идентифицированы по ключевому слову.В поисках Деркитуса Исправлены некоторые проблемы с квестом по поиску Деркитуса, такие как перемещение ключа его камеры в более логичное место (т. е. не внутри его камеры с ним), раскрытие информации о квесте в вашем журнале, опциональное добавление маркера квеста и расширение параметров диалога. для всех причастных.Исправление диалога Тари Небольшое исправление для диалога Тари, чтобы она перестала критиковать ваш наряд после выполнения квеста «Подходит для ярла».Исправление исчезающих объектов в Виндхельме Когда вы гуляете по углам Виндхельма, есть несколько мест, где некоторые объекты внезапно исчезают из вашего поля зрения и тем самым нарушают ваше погружение. Этот мод исправляет их.Исправление ошибки Modern Clap Предотвращает переход NPC в анимацию бездействия при использовании определенных заклинаний рядом с ними.Исправление ошибки с домашней едой Устранена ванильная ошибка, из-за которой ваш супруг переставал давать ежедневную еду.Отбой. Исправление маяка Солитьюда Автоматически зажигает одиночный маяк во время квеста «Отбой».Исправление Дракона Горы Антор Это исправляет ошибку «неуместного дракона» на горе Антор.Исправление квеста «Источник сталгрима» Позволяет беспрепятственно начать квест «Новый источник сталгрима», если он застрял. Для тех, кто не любит использовать консоль и не считает ее иммерсивной.Исправление сбоя в Каирне Халдира Skyrim “Special” Edition настолько удивителен, что разработчики не только не исправили большинство пресловутых ошибок и виновников краша движка, но, наоборот, добавили новые. Этот мод исправляет одну из них, а именно места появления призраков внутри Пирамиды Халдира в Фолкрите, которые вызывали мгновенный сбой на рабочем столе.**Исправление боевой музыки SKSE ==NEW== **Простой плагин SKSE для исправления бесконечной ошибки с боевой музыкой, которая иногда случается.Освобожденный заключенный использует предметы ==НОВОЕ== Исправлена проблема с заключенными в сопровождении, когда у вас есть возможность освободить и дать им предметы, но они не используют предметы.Moons and Stars - Sky Overhaul ==НОВОЕ== Плагин DLL для исправления движения и фаз лун и звезд. Совместим с модами на ретекстур луны.Исправление Авроры ==НОВОЕ== Плагин SKSE, исправляющий зависание полярных сияний при переходе между мировыми пространствами.Исправление открытия тележки заключенного ==НОВОЕ== Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой сцена открытия тележки заключенного хаотично переворачивалась и подпрыгивала повсюду, когда загружено много модов. Доступны версии Fix для популярных заменителей моделей автомобилей.Исправление подергивания пластин ==НОВОЕ== Это исправление подергивания тарелок на столах, в гостиницах и домах.Исправление сбоя двемерской баллисты ==НОВОЕ== Установите это, если у вас когда-либо был сбой при убийстве двемерских баллист. Рекомендуемая версия плагина.Рифтенское исправление мерцания рваной фляги ==НОВОЕ== Исправлено мерцание Рифтенской рваной фляги из-за различных факторов как в ванильной, так и в модифицированной ячейке.SSS-CT — Рыба-убийца остается под водой — настройка столкновения == НОВОЕ == Слегка изменяет столкновение рыбы-убийцы, чтобы рыба не находилась наполовину над водой.Исправление Пустого Ландшафта Солитьюда ==НОВОЕ== Исправлена пустота ландшафта за городскими стенами в обоих мировых пространствах, Солитьюде и Скайриме.Масштабирование скорости безоружного оружия и разблокированное движение == НОВОЕ == Исправляет файлы 1hm_behavior для 1-го и 3-го лица, чтобы скорость анимации безоружной силовой атаки масштабировалась со значением weaponspeedmult AV.Исправление моста Виндхельм ==НОВОЕ== Фиксирует на нем шов рельефа.профиль robertgk2017 ==NEW== За множество исправлений мелких ошибок для различных известных модов поселений.FUS RO DON’T — настройка скрипта предотвращения сбоев PushActorAway ==НОВОЕ== Если игра попытается бросить NPC с помощью PushActorAway, но NPC еще не полностью загружен, игра вылетит. Этот мод добавляет проверки к двум ванильным сценариям, чтобы убедиться, что заклинатель и цель полностью загрузили свое 3D, прежде чем пытаться использовать PushActorAway, который предотвращает выбрасывание NPC, если игра не готова, и предотвращает сбой.Эфирный иммунитет ==НОВОЕ== Исправлена ошибка, позволяющая, помимо прочего, не дать ловушкам «поражать» эфирных актеров и накладывать на них болезни.Разрешить исправление прогресса диалога == НОВОЕ == В ванильной игре, когда вы пытаетесь поговорить с NPC, у которого уже есть какой-то диалог, вы часто не можете пропустить его, как в обычном диалоге, и поэтому вам приходится ждать, пока закончится вся диалоговая строка. Это исправление.Killmove Предотвращение паралича ==НОВОЕ== Плагин SKSE, который предотвращает паралич жертвы во время killmove. Полезно, если вы используете оружие с парализующими чарами.Исправления столкновения светящихся грибов ==НОВОЕ== Исправляет невыносимо трудную сборку светящихся грибов. Больше не нужно нажимать клавиши или пытаться выбрать крошечные щупальца с хирургической точностью! Большие, легко выбираемые хитбоксы облегчают их выбор. Имеет установщик FOMOD с некоторыми вариантами патчей для популярных модов, улучшающих внешний вид гриба.Исправления начала квеста Коллегии Винтерхолда ==НОВОЕ== Исправлены ошибки, из-за которых Коллегия Винтерхолда MG07 «Посох Магнуса», MG08 «Око Магнуса», MG05 «Сдерживание» и MGRArniel03 «Усилия Арнела» отказывались запускаться.Исправление сброса головоломки High Gate Ruins ==NEW== Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой головоломка High Gate Ruins не сбрасывалась должным образом, блокируя половину подземелья при последующих посещениях.Исправление плавающей кучи пепла ==НОВОЕ== Исправьте плавающие кучи пепла, заставив их упасть на землю.По-настоящему сгоревшая Астрид ==НОВИНКА== Изменения сожгли фейсген Астрид до безволосого во время квеста «Воплощение смерти».Исправление звука головоломки Shalidor’s Maze ==НОВОЕ== Добавляет звуковой эффект к беззвучным головоломкам с каменными ставнями в лабиринте Шалидора в Лабиринтиане.Исправление анимированной статической перезагрузки ==НОВОЕ== Плагин SKSE, исправляющий ошибку игрового движка: циклическая анимация статического объекта не активировалась повторно после загрузки сохранения.The Great Village of Mixwater Mill — Исправление курятника ==НОВОЕ== Небольшое исправление для этого мода, посмотрите на изображения на странице.Исправление боевого клича Исправлен Battle Cry, теперь он действует только на вражеских NPC. Кроме того, теперь он должен работать против нежити и даэдра (но НЕ дварфских машин).Исправления лабиринта Шалидора Небольшое исправление для некоторых проблем Лабиринта Шалидора.Исправление ошибки «Напугай моего врага» Решает давнюю проблему с радиантным квестом «Напугай моего врага».Исправление перка Skyrim Armor Это исправляет ошибку, связанную с кондиционированием / беспрепятственным перком и камнем скакуна.Исправлено движение манекена Манекены, наконец, останутся на месте.Стена Алдуина - Свен Фикс Исправлена ошибка, из-за которой свен (бард из Ривервуда) не пел во время выполнения квеста «Стена Алдуина».Исправления эксплойта Андреалфуса Сборник различных исправлений распространенных незначительных эксплойтов.Исправление сбоя появления Potema В большинстве случаев у вас вообще не будет этой проблемы, потому что эта ошибка исправлена XPMSE, которую я настоятельно рекомендую использовать. Но если по каким-то причинам у вас нет XPMSE - это поможет.Исправление стихийной ярости «Элементальная ярость» будет работать на зачарованном оружии, луках, без оружия и теперь будет корректно применяться к вашей левой руке при парном оружии.
Utility & QOL (качество жизни) моды - часто не влияющие напрямую на игровой процесс, могут иметь свой функционал, похожий на читерство и т.д., но упрощающие вашу жизнь и полезные для различных целей:
AddItemMenu — лучший обозреватель модов ID 17563 ID 17563Super-useful mod that can add any item from vanilla game or from the mod. Useful for testing or when you screwed up some quest or its item bugged out, etc. If you’re on AE, install this ==NEW== on top.ConsolePlusPlus ==NEW== Copy and paste in console. Super-useful for testing.Survival Control Panel ==NEW== Sleep to level up, arrows & lockpick weight - in a single, MCM-configurable mod. Does [NOT] require Survival Mode itself, fully standalone.No more Radial Blur ==NEW== This mod removes radial blur completely.No More Blur on Hit ==NEW== Simple as that - just for the moments when you’re being hit, other radial blur effects remain.SkyTrek - Skyrim on Autopilot This mod allows automated horse/dragon riding and walking to set and radiant destinations with varying speeds. Also includes idle mode, automated NPC following, ability to set a custom destination for travel and an automated combat system. For roleplay, videos or screenarchery etc.BlockSteal lite - Prevents accidentally pick up This mod will prevent you from stealing items. When you try to steal, nothing happens. To steal an item, you have to go in sneak mode, and then you can steal all you like.Quick Light Turn on/off a light when long press the activation key. An improvement patch is available.More Visible Enemies ==NEW== More noticebale shader for Detect Life spell.Smart Training - Tweaked Mod makes your training sessions carry over to the next level if you don’t train the max times allowed on your current level.Notification Log Caches notification messages, so you can look at them later.Disable Character Lighting Skyrim “Special” Edition also got a few absolutely useless additions transferred from FO4 (on which engine version it’s made). Use this to disable one.Player walks Indoors The mod switches to walk mode when you enter an interior area and to run mode when you leave the interior.Disable Follower Collision This mod disables collisions between the player and allied NPCs. Allied NPCs include followers, actors commanded by the player, and actors commanded by followers.NIF Preview ==NEW== Mod Organizer plugin to support previewing NIF files (3D models).Sleep In Lingerie Followers, going to bed or invited to go to bed, will remove their outfits and pick a sleep outfit from one of the lists of sleep outfits with matching conditions (name, location, worn equipment, season). They will reequip their original outfit after waking up or linger in lingerie for some time.MaskedRPGFan profile ==NEW== A nice collection of QOL scripts for various popular mods that have MCM - with support of these scripts, MCM settings of these mods won’t be reset when you start a new game. They also have some nice lil addons, like the “harvestable plants” series for popular quest/new land mods.Hide Your Quests Allows you to hide any quest in your journal. MCM-configurable.Show Animation Command ==NEW== Add a console command to display the info of the current animations clips playing on character.Scrolling Speed Optimized ==NEW== Optimized, lighter & simpler implementation of Scrolling Speed. Adjust movement speed with scroll wheel or hotkeys. Fully configurable.Pick Up Radius ==NEW== Enrich your looting experience by looting the same or similar items in a radius upon pickup. MCM Configurable.Stats Editor MCM Menu ==NEW== Allows you to edit your skills, various actor’s values, add/remove perks using MCM.ENB Input Disabler ==NEW== SKSE plugin which disables mouse and keyboard input for everything but the console, when the ENB editor is active.Simple Outfit System ==NEW== Set NPC outfits or reset them back to their original outfits. MCM to manage up to 50 NPCs.Get Out Of My Way - Push NPCs ==NEW== Push others around like you’re the schoolyard bully.Forgotten Vale Map Markers ==NEW== Adds travel markers to Forgotten Vale and back to Skyrim for mods that give it a separate world map.Regional Save Names SKSE plugin that fixes saves not being named after the region they were saved in.Menu and Load Smoke Removed for ENB Menu/loading smoke remover with latest ENB “no menu and loading screen” feature support.Essential Favorites SKSE plugin that prevents favorited items from being sold, crafted, disarmed, disenchanted, or dropped.Completionist - Quest Tracker Complete automatic MCM quest tracking of the base game, DLC and a whole load of popular quest mods.NPC Lookup An in-game menu to find any NPC. You can teleport them, spawn them, mark them on the map, select them in the console, and more. Comes with powerfully fast filters to find any NPC among the thousands that exist in the game.Marked Treasure Adds quest markers to the treasure map targets for the vanilla maps, maps added by Legacy of the Dragonborn, New Treasure Hunt, and Treasure Hunter.Skyrim auras Adds roughly 80 equippable cosmetic effects from the game for your roleplay or screenarchery purposes.Start On Save SKSE plugin that automatically loads saves on game launch.Enhanced Death Cam SKSE plugin that improves death/ragdoll camera, with free rotation/fly camera and other features.Powers Keyring Adds an MCM that allows you to add unwanted powers to a sub-menu accessed with a power.Hide Quest Items in Container Menu Hides quest items from the player’s inventory when in container menu since you can’t put quest items in a container anyways.Outfit Switcher This mod allows you to save your current outfit in its entirety, while switching to a previously saved one.No Silly Physics Damage - Carts Pots Bones etc You will no longer lose HP when walking on dynamic objects such as bones or when walking towards a cart.You Can Sleep Disables the regular restrictions on sleeping (like owned beds, being asked to leave, etc). Configurable.Jaxonz Lights Please Simple but great mod that allows you to cast light spell instantly using a hotkey.RaceMenu Poser Toggleable animations to stop character from moving or test clipping in Racemenu.Take All Loose Gold and Arrows After picking up a coin or arrow from the world, automatically picks up coins and arrows near you.Consume Loose Items Allows you to consume potions, food and ingredients from the world, rather than storing them in your inventory.Open Inventory May be useful for I have no idea what cheating/testing purposes. But still, it may be.Numerical Smithing Upgrades Changes the naming system of upgraded equipment to a number-based system. So instead of items being amended with (fine), (superior), (exquisite), etc., you have (+1), (+2), (+3) and so on.Face Light This mod adds lighting spell “Facelight” for brighter face when it’s needed, useful for screenarchery.AreYouThere - Actor NPC Follower Find all NPCs in the mod using the simple tool.No Bethesda intro Begone.
Here comes some “final” mods and/or actions that you’ll need. Due to how they are made or how they are working, you should deal with them after your mod list is more or less complete. DynDOLOD, ASIS, DSR and some other actions needed to finalize your setup. Let’s set them up - the final push is now!
Run Wrye Bash (if you don’t have it or forgot why you need a Bashed Patch, return to stability section, step #10). At the bottom, you’ll see plugin called Bashed Patch, 0. Right-click on it and click on “Build Patch” option, click ok and build the patch. It will take some time. If the process will be interrupted with some errors popped in window - just disable the mod listed and build the patch again. This happens really rare, so most likely you won’t even encounter that at all. If you’re above active plugins limit, proceed to step 2.
#2 - MERGE YOUR MODS (optional, if you’re still above 254 plugins)
Over 255 active plugins limit? Worry not! If you don’t have Merge Plugins/zMerge or forgot why you need a to merge mods, return to stability section, step #9. It’s not hard at all - just do it slowly. For MP, watch this video for “fast yet enough” instructions or this video for more in-depth turorial. For zMerge, watch this tutorial. Our main task now is to get amount of plugins to 254 or lower. Merging process itself is very easy and the main issue is to know which mods you can actually merge. Until you are building a super-heavy mod list (with like 700+ mods), you can use the next simple instructions which can consider “a simple steps for easy merging”: \0) You may remember a note about esl plugins in the beginning of the guide. If you have (most likely) some esl/ified plugins in your load order, you need to turn them back into regular plugins and then merge together with the rest of the stuff. It’s quite easy - simply load such a plugin into xEdit and unflag the esl flag on it in “File Header”. If plugin has an actual .esl extension, change it to .esp. Do this for all your esl/ified plugins. SOME mods are fine to be kept as esls, but mostly only in those cases if these mods are only adding something completely new (like new scripted gameplay features) or you’re sure their records don’t conflict with any other mods in your setup (once again, mods adding something brand new, or small patches that don’t have conflicting records with other mods). That’s it! \1) You can ofc merge everything possible into a single .esp, but that’s not recommended. Try to merge the mods of same “common” category. For example, merge weapons & armors mods in one merged .esp. patches into second and various other small gameplay mods in third one. \2) Note: if you’re using zMerge, point #3 is not needed - only check the first two - that’s one of advantages of zMerge. Follow the “Rule Of Three”. Just grab some mods you want to merge and see if: All mods you wanna merge are not directly conflicting (between themselves, conflicts with base game .esm and dlcs is fine), using the xEdit option showed on this screenshot . All mods you wanna merge do NOT have MCM. All mods you wanna merge do NOT have navmesh records (the records showed on this screenshot ). If answer to all 3 questions is “NO” - you can easily merge these mods in a few clicks using Merge Plugins basic functionality - just make sure to place them one after another in load order (to avoid “non-contiguous” error in MP). If some mods don’t fit the “rule”, just leave exclude them from to-merge list. Oh, and NEVER merge .ESM plugins. And now, the exciting detail! Remember the indicators? This indicator means that #2 and #3 in “Rule Of Three” you don’t need to check for this mod already - only check the mods for conflicts in SSEEdit and add them to the merge :) \3) Repeat this until you have as many mods to merge as possible and make the merge. Remember that in rare cases MP will show you errors in some mods, that doesn’t mean crashes - you can ignore them to add this mod to merge as well, as showed on this screenshot . \4) Remember that you can merge merged .esp plugins as well - as many times as you wannna - so better do everything slowly, step by step, merging mods by tens or so - don’t try to merge 100 mods in on fell swoop if you’re doing this first time :) \5) Merge mods until your amount of plugins will be less than 250. Profit! Note: “rule of three” is just the most “simple-to-go” one, which you can use as a “base” for merging without any additional actions required. Merging mods with navmesh records is also not hard at all - in this case you just need to rebuild navmeshes in CK Such details are coming with experience and you should not be afraid of them - and you can always be sure that the guide provides you with all needed “first steps” for modding experience. For more in-depth but easy-to-swallow tips and tricks for making more “hard” merges, check out this tasty tutorial from ETAC authoress (explains navmeshed mods merging as well). Once again, this is applied only if you’re using MP.
Run Wrye Bash and rebuild your Bashed patch, same as you did in step one.
Run SSEEdit (if you don’t have it or forgot why you need a Merged Patch, return to stability section, step #8). Now, watch the part of this video . Link is with timing, but just in case, you need to start watching from 4:45. After it’s generated, open it and delete leveled records (also shown in the video). If you’re using NMM, watch till 6:41, if you’re using MO, watch till 7:01. Deleting the leveled records is needed as Bashed Patch that we made in previous step, handles this a bit better. Don’t forget to clean unneeded masters, same as we just made for Bashed Patch.
Q: why not to use Smashed Patch ID 90987 ID 90987 instead? It’s said this tool is doing everything both Bashed and Merged patch are doing in terms of conflicts, but just better. So? A: Mator Smash is indeed an amazing work! And indeed, if often covers more conflicting records merging then Bashed nor Merged patch do, so if you’re using Smashed Patch, you don’t need neither Bashed or Merged. But the thing is, whatever its algorithm is, it’s doing those records merging pretty “wild” - often inaccurate, which can lead to various issues, from just weird ones, like double merchant stock, to more serious ones, like visible ingame bugs and crashes. No automated tool is perfect (Bashed and Merged too), but atm, Smashed Patch is just working too much inaccurate which can sometimes bring you more headache than good results. If you wanna use it instead of Bashed/Merged combination, you’re free too, but keep in mind to always check the Smashed Patch yourself manually after building it, and make a deep ingame test. Once again, this is a great tool with a lot of efforts put into it, but I simply can’t directly recommend or disrecommend it. Use at your own preference.
#5 - RUN NEMESIS, ASIS & DSR PATCHES (if using them)
ASIS patcher is file named “ASIS.jar” in \Data\SkyProc Patchers\ASIS. Remember to [not] use anything besides perks, spells and potions. Click on “Patch” and wait until it’s finished, it can take couple of minutes. Remember to run patcher each time you’ve installed mods that add/change NPCs, perks or spells. You can also just make a shortcut of “ASIS.jar” to your desktop to same time in future. DSR patcher is file named “Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar” in \Data\SkyProc Patchers\Dual Sheath Redux Patch. Just run the file, click on “Patch” and wait unti it’s finished, it can take few of minutes (usually longer than ASIS). Remember to run patcher each time you’ve installed mods that add/change weapons/armors. You can also just make a shortcut of “Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar” to your desktop to same time in future. NEMESIS patcher is file named “Nemesis Unlimited Behavior Engine.exe” in \Data\nemesis_engine.
No automated tool is perfect - so when your Bashed, Merged and ASIS patch plugins are ready, load them in xEdit and go through all sections in them yourself, seeking for irrational records. For example, you may see duplicated items on traders, wrong perks on enemies, or improper NPC visual records (which often leads to infamous “dark face” bug). In other words, just go through without a rush and see if you’ll see anything suspicious - and if you’ll see such records, correct them by dragging proper values from the mods into the bashed patch records.
What is DynDOLOD ID 32382 ID 32382? It’s a constantly updated, awesome and great, revolutionary, in some sense - but needs some time to install and use. Its a successor of Tes5LodGen, which is basically generating the LODs (optimized textures of distant objects far from you - trees, buildings, light sournces, glowing windows etc). Vanilla Skyrim LODs just sucks. For example, somewhere far infront of you (you know that let’s say) there are 200 trees. But game engine will load 10 LODs as maximum - and so, distant view will look bald, and when you’ll come closer - all the rest 190 trees will just instantly pop-up out of nowhere. Annoying, isn’t it? Secondly, neither Skyrim engine and Tes5LodGen were able to generate LODs for mods. DynDOLOD can! Yes, yes, yes - that’s what you’re thinking about. If let’s say you installed a mod that adds new houses near village - you will see these houses LODs in distance. If mod places new trees - you will see them all. If you’re playing some kind of new land mod - even here, LODs will be generated. DynDOLOD even has 3D-LODs option for trees! This literally means LODs can be generated in 3D-like look with greater quality and with meshes (LOD don’t have models by default, only flat textures, that’s why even while being dense, they still noticably differ from actual rendered trees) so you won’t actually notice the transition between regular objects textures and LODs, making exploraton almost seamless. Note: If you have a high-end rig and not problems with FPS with your current setup, you can try the new, WIP DynDOLOD resources ID 52897 ID 52897 instead of linked above, for even better quality of distant terrain LODs. That’s what DynDOLOD about - it’s absolutely essential mod that will drastically improve how your worldscape look. Absolutely simplified installation of Dyndolod looks like this:
\1) Installing DynDOLOD required mods. \2) Installing DynDOLOD core files, namely the “DynDOLOD Resource SE” via mod manager. Right after you’ve installed the resources, also install the “DynDOLOD Bright LOD Waterfall Fix” from here and this lil LOD improvement ID 43863 ID 43863. \3) Downloading the DynDOLOD files (archive with generators .exe) themselves, namely the “DynDOLOD” file, manually and unpacking it anywhere you want. \4) Installing billboards in the same order you installed trees/landscape mod (i.e. if you have tree mods A, B, C, you should install billboards for mod A, then for mod B, then for mod C, and overwrite). Note - vanilla Skyrim billboards you can get from TES5LodGen Files tab (Skyrim LE mod) - they are same for LE/SE. \5) Generating textures via texgen.exe, archiving them, dropping to your mod manager mods folder, installing via mod manager. Make sure you’re running DynDOLOD .exe files for SE, as described here . \6) Making sure no antivirus is running, or adding DynDOLOLD executable to its whitelist. Disabling ASIS, DSR/Ecotone, Cutting Room Floor, Bashed/Merged Patch, Skybirds .esp plugins (if you have them) before running the generator executable. \7) Generating dyndolod via dyndolod.exe (running it as admin), archiving the files, dropping to your mod manager mods folder, installing via mod manager. \8) Activating dyndoldod .esp plugin and plugins you disabled (if) in step 6. \9) Profit :3
Watch this awesome guide if installation still looks complicated for you. To make some lods even more detailed, you can use this ID 3333 ID 3333 and this great mods alongside DynDOLOD (install before generating). I also highly recommending this ID 23585 ID 23585 great distant “noise” (distant terrain) texture replacer for best possible blending. If you’re getting “lighting bulb glitch” no matter what, try this fix, and here are some extra patches ==NEW== to fix errors with certain quest mods. For 3D LODs instructions (they are actually more then simple), read the “3d lods help.txt” tutorial inside the main EVT file archive . I’ll make a video tutorial for 3D LODs a bit later on my YT channel. Note #1: If you want to experiment a bit, you can use Dyndolod version 3 ==NEW== (here ID 52897 ID 52897 and here ) - but keep in mind it can’t be recommended on 100% now for general use, as it’s still technically in alpha and there most likely will be some bugs, especially with a heavy mod setup. Note #2: 3D LODs and grass LODs can eat some FPS depending on your PC specs.
Congratulations, you’ve made it to the very end! If you was attentive during all the way, you will now have beautiful, interesting and challenging Skyrim journey you’ve always dreamed about. Just make a test run for a few hours first, to make 100% sure everything is fine and you didn’t forget anything. Skyrim is a legendary game and everyone who plays it deserves the best graphics and visuals. I want to say so much thanks to each mod author who put their time and knowledge into Skyrim mods to make it look so awesome. And thank you guys for reading this! Wish you a stable and exciting gameplay in your modded Skyrim. Run LOOT the last time to sort your load order, and start your journey!
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Your rig is pretty old, but you still want somehow to run ENB and some graphics mods? Don’t worry, that’s more then possible! Please take into account that “low-end” is pretty wide term, so here I will just put all possible advice and tricks that may help you. You can also refer to this section even if your PC is strong - to get more FPS for different purposes.
Have too weak rig but still wanna have some of those tasty graphics mods? Have a strong rig, but need to gain a few FPS? Look here!
\1) Open SkyrimPrefs.ini and find iShadowMapResolution= value
It’s usually set to 4096. Change this value to 2048 or even to 1024. Save the changes, close the .ini file. Changing it to 2048 will make almost zero visual quality loss for shadows, but give you 5-8 FPS boost depending on your PC specs and mod list. Changing it to 1024 will ofc make shadows looks worse, but can sometimes give up to 10-15 FPS. One-click boost!
\2) Use Cleaned Skyrim SE Textures - Performance Optimized ==NEW== ID 68055 ID 68055
Choose one of the mod versions depending on how much potato your rig is.
\3) Use Ordenador ID 12801 ID 12801
Simple as that. Still bad FPS? Just use this amazing tool to optimize textures minmaps and compress ALL your textures to 1024 or even 512. Make sure to use this ID 88817 ID 88817 .ini file. You can also read this tutorial for it.
\4) My PC can’t afford DynDOLOD and ENB DOF, but I don’t want to see these ugly LODs! What can I do?
Use DYNAVISION ID 15366 ID 15366 which gives simple DOF with literally 0 FPS hit.
\5) Use Paramount - FPS and Fixes Galore ID 26625 ID 26625
New and absolutely amazing mod for low-end rig. It Optimizes texture resolution for dozens common object types in the game and removes various minor, not much needed effects and tiny objects - you most likely won’t ever notice that, but have a good performance boost. It also comes with handy FOMOD installer, so you can choose all options you want and don’t want yourself.
\6) Still need more FPS in wilderness?
Install Less Vanilla Trees ID 43363 ID 43363 (keep only one plugin depending on how much less trees you want to have - 33%, 50%, or 66% less).
\7) Still bad FPS in cities?
Use No grass in Cities ID 18768 ID 18768.
\8) Lower you ingame resolution
For example, if you have FullHD monitor (1920x1080), set ingame resolution to 1280x720. While ofc playing on lower resolution is not what you may want, but it’s not very noticable after you play a bit, but even downscale from 1080p to 720p can give you 10-20 FPS - which you can use to run ENB and/or run DynDOLOD on low settings, and this benefit definitely overlaps the resolution disadvantage.
\9) Mod Skyrim LE .
What? How? You may ask. The thing, is, Skyrim SE by itself require much better PC to run the game itself than original Skyrim, so if you have really weak rig which struggles with performance even with the game itself on ultra settings, or with minimal graphics mods setup, modding LE is a direct way for you - LE itself requires much less resources than SE initially, and can be optimized much better than SE. Even more - for example, there was a person in our community who was able to run Skyrim with ENB (low-end ENB preset, ofc, but still a real ENB) and some graphics mods on GTX 285! This GPU, as you can guess, won’t even handle Skyrim SE itself without mods normally, but in LE, player was able to run simple ENB and so achieve much better graphics than he would get in SE. You got the point. My Skyrim LE guide also has low-end section with even more tips.
If you don’t want to go trough the whole list yourself and think about which mods and how to combine, or just don’t have time - this section is what you need! Below you can find several “plug and play” mod lists that I personally compiled - so you don’t have to worry about testing mods, finding which play well together and which not - don’t have to worry about compatibility at all. Just choose the mod list that you like the most, by reading its description - and then simply mimic it in no time. Playing modded Skyrim (or Skyrim at all) first time? Wanna have casual combat and be OP? Hardcore combat and survival? Lightweight mod list with “vanilla plus” experience or super-heavy mod list where each tiniest details are improved? Modules section has a mod list for any preference. Modules can also list certain ENB presets that I see “fitting” the mod list purpose in general and have certain advice about graphics mods in general - but these recommendations is just a cosmetical advice.
Important note #1: Each of modules assumes you already implemented Stability and Graphics parts of the guide. While graphics part is ofc totally up to you (and depends on your PC capabilities), make 200% sure you’ve implemented whole Stability section as it’s an essential one, no matter how big mod list you are planning to have. I won’t be able to provide any troubleshooting if you didn’t make the Stability part. Implement it.
Important note #2: Some of the mod lists names may be hinting their setup, some no - mostly I just picked the names I wanted and that’s it. Name of the mod list can be purely cosmetic at all. So make sure to read each module description, besides the name.
Important note #3: After you mimic the mod list (any of it), proceed to the “Mods to be installed or actions to be made in the end of modding process” section. To choose your mod list, look below ↓↓↓
This module is a perfect mod list if you’re playing Skyrim for the first time at all. Any TES game is an immensely huge, many times bigger than any other game of similar type - and it’s an unspoken canon to first time play game without changing it by mods. First of all, if you’ll install a lot of mods to your first walkthrough - you will be simply lost in amount of features, spells, items, quests and so on - because you won’t have experience of original game. Secondly, playing with original functionality will help you to see how insane is the difference between vanilla and modded game. This mod list is small and will not change any game mechanics drastically, but fix bugs or just plainly boring/silly vanilla mechanics, and add some content here and there - but in absolutely non-intrusive way. It will be still the vanilla Skyrim experience, just better.
ENB preset recommendations: Rudy ENB ID 4796 ID 4796, X ENB , NVT ENB
Additional recommendations for graphics mods: From big texture packs, Osmodius ID 1782 ID 1782 or Skyrim Realistic Overhaul are recommended. As for the main tree mod, I’d recommend to go with Lush Vanilla Trees or EVT [without] bigger trees option in installer. As for the grass mod, go for Northern Grass or Verdant . Don’t use weather mods. As for landscape overhauls, I’d recommend to not use any, maybe only Skyrim Better Roads , same goes for settlement mods - keep the vanilla settlements for now.
Mod list:
High Quality Music ID 4968 ID 4968Lore-Based Loading Screens Cloaks of Skyrim Lore Weapon Expansion EFF - Extensible Follower Framework Unlimited Bookshelves Splendor - Dragon Variants Install only the main file.Diverse Werewolves Collection Install only the main file.GRAHL - The Ice Troll (Bloodmoon Creature Restoration Project) The Falkreath Hauntings Cannibal Draugr on Solstheim (Bloodmoon Creature Restoration Project) Install the “Cannibal Draugr on Solstheim” version of main file, not the “Replacer” version.Zim’s Dremora Improvements Improved College Entry - Questline Tweaks Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest No Force for Illusion Magic High Level Enemies Take the “High Level Enemies” version of main file, [not] the “Scaled” one.ABT SE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Choose [only] faster arrows/bolts (+50%) in installer, and deeper bolts impact, nothing else.Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking) Install the “Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Lite” main file version.VioLens - A Killmove Mod Don’t forget to enable “Player Killmove Immunity” in MCM.Multiple Floors Sandboxing Serana Dialogue Edit Vampire Attacks Restored Outside of Walled Cities Mortal Enemies Install the “Mortal Enemies SE - No Run Walk Changes” version.Even Better Quest Objectives Skyrim Is Windy Hold Border Banners Realistic Ragdolls and Force Install the “Realistic Force” main file version.D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly Potema Spawn Crash Fix
Good! Now sort your load order using LOOT and you’re good to go. Also, if you’re owner of a windescreen monitor, install this fix ID 1778 ID 1778 and take a look ad low-end section of the guide if you have weak rig or just need to gain a few FPS.
Note: The “Mods to be installed or actions to be made in the end of modding process” section isn’t required for this mod list. You can make step #1 in it, but that’s up to you.
The Winking Skeever module is perfect for those who already played Skyrim and/or other TES games, and maybe even played with mods here and there, but still, never had a heavy-modded experience and not quite sure about own goals in terms of gameplay, or just played the game few years ago. Module will provide you with not only needed bugfixes and improvements, but also make add enough content & new mechanics, and make gameplay much more challenging and fun, without making it hardcore or adding too much new content - you will feel the game refreshed as much as not to become lost in new content. Just as much enough of everything to have a good “tease” of modded Skyrim yet with very fast modding process.
ENB preset recommendations: Rudy ENB ID 4796 ID 4796, X ENB , NVT ENB , Silent Horizons ENB , Intrigued ENB , Visceral ENB .
Additional recommendations for graphics mods: From big texture packs, Skyland ID 3820 ID 3820 or Noble are recommended. As for the main tree mod, I’d recommend to go with SFO or EVT . As for the grass mod, go for Northern Grass , Verdant or Veydosebrom . For a “lite” base of landscapes “overhauling” I’d recommend to get Skyrim Better Roads , Nordic Ruins of Skyrim and Skyrim Bridges . From the weather mods, I’d recommend to pick either Obsidian (also grab the MCM patch ) or COT , or just stick to vanilla weathers.
Mod list:
High Quality Music ID 4968 ID 4968Sovngarde - A Nordic Font Lore-Based Loading Screens Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture Constellations Retextured Constellations Retextured The DLC Cloaks of Skyrim Lore Weapon Expansion Unique Uniques Royal Armory - New Artifacts Also install the model improvement addon and PCE patch if using PCE.Immersive Armors Talos Housecarl Armor Pack The Gifts of Akatosh Barbarian Steel Armor EFF - Extensible Follower Framework INIGO Unlimited Bookshelves Breezehome Helgen Reborn The Forgotten City Also install a fix .Clockwork If you’re using Quaint Raven Rock settlement overhaul, make sure to install Clockwork patch from its mod page .Moon and Star Also install the tiny fix for it.Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest Hammet’s Dungeon Packs Also get the unique rewards addon.Skyrim Immersive Creatures Deadly Dragons Splendor - Dragon Variants Install only the main file.Diverse Werewolves Collection Install only the main file.The Falkreath Hauntings Zim’s Dremora Improvements Immersive College of Winterhold Also install this and this tiny improvements.Improved College Entry - Questline Tweaks All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary Also grab patches installer here .Glorious Fort Dawnguard No Force for Illusion Magic Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Also install Vokrii patch.Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim Also install WACCF patch .ABT SE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Choose [only] faster arrows/bolts (+50%) in installer, and deeper bolts impact, nothing else.Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim Also use the patcher to get a few patches needed.Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim Lucidity Sound FX Install only the main file.Trade and Barter For fBarterMax, fBarterMin, and the Buying Prices it’s recommended to set them to 6.5, 4.0 and -50% respectively in the MCM.GIST - Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap NARC Remade - No Animals Report Crimes Left Hand Rings Modified Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking) Install the “Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Lite” main file version.Alchemy Potions and Food Adjustments Poisoning Extended VioLens - A Killmove Mod Don’t forget to enable “Player Killmove Immunity” in MCM.Multiple Floors Sandboxing Serana Dialogue Edit Vampire Attacks Restored Outside of Walled Cities Combat Evolved Mortal Enemies Install the “Mortal Enemies SE - No Run Walk Changes” version.Even Better Quest Objectives Guard Dialogue Overhaul Also install an MCM addon .Realistic Conversations Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Also install USSEP patch (only the “RDO - USSEP Patch.esp” plugin from “RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final” archive) and “RDO - EFF v4.0.3 Patch Final”.Lanterns of Skyrim Install the first main file.Skyrim Is Windy Hold Border Banners Farmhouse Chimneys DLC Integration Install only one main file.Realistic Ragdolls and Force Install the “Realistic Force” main file version.D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly Immersive Animations Choose everything you would like to have in installer.Potema Spawn Crash Fix Reliquary of Myth - Artifact Overhaul QUASIPC Just download and install. Installer will automatically detect your mods and install some needed patches.WiZkiD Patches Compendium Same here.Classic Sprinting Redone This mod installation is optional.
Good! Now proceed to the “Mods to be installed or actions to be made in the end of modding process” section. Required steps are #1, #3 and #4. Step #6 (DynDOLOD) is optional - it will make your game distant objects absolutely beautiful, but it requires some time to read about the installation, so decide yourself. Also, if you’re owner of a windescreen monitor, install this fix ID 1778 ID 1778 and take a look ad low-end section of the guide if you have weak rig or just need to gain a few FPS. After you’ve finished these steps, just sort your load order with LOOT and you’re ready to go.
This “difficulty rebalance and abilities” module consists of various gameplay-altering mods - combat, AI, various overhauls, magic related mods, realism and some other, but with a specific goal - to give you a good setup of different gameplay changes so the overall difficulty, be it combat or economy, would be nor casual neither hardcore, but somewhere in the middle to appeal to most of tastes in general. If you want more things, and things to be more challenging, but you’re easily overwhelmed when there’s too much new stuff, this module is a great setup for you. It will partially cross with others, but what differs it from them is the exact pick of some mods in situations where you have the choice, to maintain the difficulty balance mentioned. You can combine it with other modules as you wish.
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim ID 1137 ID 1137Get the main file and Odin compatibility patch.Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim Evenstar - Minimalistic Standing Stones of Skyrim Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim Alchemy Redone SkyTEST - Realistic Animals and Predators Mortal Enemies - De-aimbot Your Foes Get the “No Run Walk Changes” main file, as well as “Realistic Animals Predators Patch” file.Skyrim Immersive Creatures Also grab needeed patches from here .Wounds In the mod MCM in game, set all chances of injuires to minimal values.TK Dodge Also get the sound patch .Campsite Install the main file. Optional files - up to you.Frostbite In the mod MCM in game, set all chances of injuires to minimal values.Immersive Needs - For The Conscientious Modder Mealtime - a Food and Recipe Mod Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Install the main file. Optional files are up to you, patches - as per your settlement mod setup.Spell learning and discovery Use this mod or the one below - see which one features you like more.Spell Tutor Use this mod or the one above - see which one features you like more.Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking) Get the Lite version.Resistances Rescaled Bring Your Silver Scarcity - Less Loot Mod Download the mod archive manually somewhere, unpack it and look inside the folder. Delete all plugins asides from “Scarcity - Less Loot Mod”, “Scarcity - 4x Loot Rarity” and “Scarcity - 2x Merchant Item Rarity”. Zip what you have now back, add resulted archive to your mod manager and install as any other mod.Potion Tolerance Reliquary of Myth - Artifact Overhaul Choose patches for mods you have in installer. If you’ll be installing mods after this module, reinstall this mod to make sure you have all needed patches picked for installation.
Lastly, if you’re planning to actually play as vampire/werewolf not only during Dawnguard and Companions questlines, install these (one or both):
Growl - Werebeasts of Skyrim ID 31245 ID 31245Also grab patch here .Sanguinair Vampirism
This module is a highly immersive one, for player who wanna have overall game improvements and some new feature and content here and there for sure, but want Skyrim harsh environment to be the main challenge in first turn, without hardcore combat itself. Plus all possible visual and others immersive moments here and there. The winds chilling to the bones, dangerous waters and diseases, hunger and thirst, and of course, cozy warming at your camp fire. With this mod setup, game will be cruel and dangerous to you, in first turn, because of fearsome, strongly realistic survival aspects.
ENB preset recommendations: Rudy ENB ID 4796 ID 4796, X ENB , NVT ENB , Silent Horizons ENB , Intrigued ENB , Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB , Visceral ENB , Ominous ENB .
Additional recommendations for graphics mods: From big texture packs, Skyland ID 3820 ID 3820 or Noble are recommended. As for the main tree mod, I’d recommend to go with SFO or EVT . As for the grass mod, go for Northern Grass , Verdant or Veydosebrom . From the weather mods, I’d recommend to pick either Obsidian (also grab the MCM patch ) or COT , or just stick to vanilla weathers. Lastly, you may be interested in beautiful Winter Overhaul to add to harsh winter Skyrim abmience in terms of scenery appearance. The Nordic Ruins of Skyrim and Skyrim Bridges can be a great addition too.
Mod list:
High Quality Music ID 4968 ID 4968Sovngarde - A Nordic Font Lore-Based Loading Screens Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture Constellations Retextured Constellations Retextured The DLC Cloaks of Skyrim Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Also grab the balace patch (main file).Lore Weapon Expansion Unique Uniques Royal Armory - New Artifacts Also install the model improvement addon and PCE patch if using PCE.Immersive Armors Talos Housecarl Armor Pack The Gifts of Akatosh Barbarian Steel Armor EFF - Extensible Follower Framework INIGO Unlimited Bookshelves Breezehome Campfire - Complete Camping System Tentapalooza for Campfire ElSopa - Campfire HD Warm Drinks - Simple Tea And Coffee Recipes Gather Wilderness Resources - A plugin for Campfire Cheery Crafting - Campfire Edition Frostbite
Now, choose between the next 2 mods. Both are great, and both have own advantages and disadvantages over each other. Read the mod pages and choose one your prefer yourself. I’d personally advise to go with iNEED, but once again, that’s totally up to you.
iNeed - Food Water and Sleep - Continued ID 19390 ID 19390Also install fruits addon (optionally).Realistic Needs and Diseases All-In-One for USSEP Also grab Dawn of Skyrim patch (if using it) and fruits addon (optionally).
Nice, let’s continue
Skyrim Fishing ID 17774 ID 17774Exhaustion Holidays Test the mod in game first before keeping it - it may conflict with settlement mods. JK’s Skyrim Files tab has compatibility patch for it. SFO patch is also available.Nordic Cooking General Stores sells Salt and Flour Wood Frame Backpacks Carriage and Ferry Travel Overhaul Wearable Lanterns Also grab the MCM fix .Frozen in Time Fires Hurt Skyrim Battle Aftermath Helgen Reborn The Forgotten City Also install a fix .Clockwork If you’re using Quaint Raven Rock settlement overhaul, make sure to install Clockwork patch from its mod page .Moon and Star Also install the tiny fix for it.Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest Hammet’s Dungeon Packs Also get the unique rewards addon.Hidden Hideouts of Skyrim Skyrim Immersive Creatures Also grab needed patches from here .Deadly Dragons Splendor - Dragon Variants Install only the main file.Diverse Werewolves Collection Install only the main file.The Falkreath Hauntings Zim’s Dremora Improvements Immersive College of Winterhold Also install this and this tiny improvements.Improved College Entry - Questline Tweaks All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary Also grab patches installer here .Glorious Fort Dawnguard No Force for Illusion Magic Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Also install Vokrii patch.Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim Also install WACCF patch .ABT SE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Choose [only] faster arrows/bolts (+50%) in installer, and deeper bolts impact, nothing else.Vokrii - Minimalistic Perks of Skyrim Also use the patcher to get a few patches needed.Morningstar - Minimalistic Races of Skyrim Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim Lucidity Sound FX Install only the main file.Trade and Barter For fBarterMax, fBarterMin, and the Buying Prices it’s recommended to set them to 6.5, 4.0 and -50% respectively in the MCM.GIST - Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap NARC Remade - No Animals Report Crimes Left Hand Rings Modified Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking) Install the “Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Lite” main file version.Alchemy Potions and Food Adjustments Poisoning Extended VioLens - A Killmove Mod Don’t forget to enable “Player Killmove Immunity” in MCM.Multiple Floors Sandboxing Serana Dialogue Edit Vampire Attacks Restored Outside of Walled Cities Combat Evolved Mortal Enemies Install the “Mortal Enemies SE - No Run Walk Changes” version.Even Better Quest Objectives Guard Dialogue Overhaul Also install an MCM addon .Realistic Conversations Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Also install USSEP patch (only the “RDO - USSEP Patch.esp” plugin from “RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final” archive) and “RDO - EFF v4.0.3 Patch Final”.Lanterns of Skyrim Install the first main file.Skyrim Is Windy Hold Border Banners Unique Border Gates Also grab the fixes .Farmhouse Chimneys DLC Integration Install only one main file.Realistic Ragdolls and Force Install the “Realistic Force” main file version.D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly Immersive Animations Choose everything you would like to have in installer.Potema Spawn Crash Fix
These mods are absolutely optional. You can install all of them or none, depending on your own vision of immersion depth you need:
Use Those Blankets ID 75481 ID 75481Pumping Iron - Dynamic Muscle Growth Also grab this improvement addon for it.Reflection - Level Up Messages Go to bed Bells of Skyrim Bring Out Your Dead Note: May cause clipping issues with settlement mods, so test before actually playing.Point The Way Ask The Way YOT - Your Own Thoughts Rotmulaag - Immersive Meditations on the Words of Power Equipment Durability System This mod is optional - depending on whether you want your armor and weapons degrade with time, or it’s already too much.Time Passes Reading Improves Speech Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn Public Executions I’m a Customer Dammit Harvestable Mammoth Skulls
Reliquary of Myth - Artifact Overhaul ID 31612 ID 31612QUASIPC Just download and install. Installer will automatically detect your mods and install some needed patches.WiZkiD Patches Compendium Same here.Classic Sprinting Redone This mod installation is optional.
Good! Now proceed to the “Mods to be installed or actions to be made in the end of modding process” section. Required steps are #1, #3 and #4. Step #6 (DynDOLOD) is optional - it will make your game distant objects absolutely beautiful, but it requires some time to read about the installation, so decide yourself. Also, if you’re owner of a windescreen monitor, install this fix ID 1778 ID 1778 and take a look ad low-end section of the guide if you have weak rig or just need to gain a few FPS. After you’ve finished these steps, just sort your load order with LOOT and you’re ready to go.
Drunken Huntsman is a “golden middle” in terms of heavy-modded game. It’s already a pretty heavy mod list that’s making gameplay not only expanded, but greatly challenging. It also adds much more new content as well as new gameplay features in each modding category. It’s a mod list for those who already played with mods for some time and want “advance to the next level” and build their first really heavy-modded game - but, it’s also not “that” huge to become ovewhelming in terms of both gameplay or modlist building process itself. Take into account that this module will make your game much harder - but also much more rewarding.
ENB preset recommendations: Rudy ENB ID 4796 ID 4796, Silent Horizons ENB , X ENB , NVT ENB , Mythical ENB , Natural and Atmospheric Tamriel ENB , Aequinoctium ENB , eisVogel 2 ENB , Ominous ENB .
Additional recommendations for graphics mods: From big texture packs, Noble ID 21423 ID 21423 or Pfuscher pack are recommended (you can also install Pfuscher pack on top of Noble). As for the grass mod, go for Northern Grass , Viscous or Verdant , or look at Short Grass if you wanna more “green” summer look of groundcovers. For base of landscapes “overhauling” I’d recommend to get Skyrim Better Roads , Dark Forests of Skyrim , Nordic Ruins of Skyrim and Skyrim Bridges . From the weather mods, I’d recommend to pick Obsidian (also grab the MCM patch ), Dolomite , Aequinoctium or Rustic , or just stick to vanilla weathers.
Mod list:
High Quality Music ID 4968 ID 4968Sovngarde - A Nordic Font Lore-Based Loading Screens Skyrim SE Skill Interface Re-Texture Constellations Retextured Constellations Retextured The DLC Serio’s Cycle Hotkeys Favorite Things - Extended Favorites Menu for SkyUI I’d recommend the “Adept” version.Viewable Faction Ranks Cloaks of Skyrim Divine and Daedric Cloaks Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Also grab the balace patch (main file).Lore Weapon Expansion Unique Uniques Royal Armory - New Artifacts Also install the model improvement addon and PCE patch if using PCE.InsanitySorrow Weapons Pack Legendary Skyrim Crossbows and Bows Artifacts - The Ice Blade of the Monarch Valkyrja - Viking sword Immersive Armors Black Mage Armor Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer Guards Armor Replacer This mod is optional. Install if you prefer more medieval look of guard armors. Imo, it’s still very lore-friendly, just looking more practical.Heavy Legion This mod is optional, similar to previous one. Optional crafting patch available.Volkihar Knight - Vampire Armor Talos Housecarl Armor Pack The Gifts of Akatosh Barbarian Steel Armor EFF - Extensible Follower Framework INIGO Lucien - Fully Voiced Follower Unlimited Bookshelves Breezehome The Forgotten City Also install a fix .Clockwork If you’re using Quaint Raven Rock settlement overhaul, make sure to install Clockwork patch from its mod page .Project AHO Also install this and Apocalypse patch from here .The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal Also install this HD textures pack , patcher , flora overhaul and a little immersive patch .Carved Brink VIGILANT Make sure to install English voice acting addon .Darkend Paarthurnax - Quest Expansion Teldryn Serious - A Teldryn Sero Backstory Quest Hammet’s Dungeon Packs Also get the unique rewards addon.EasierRider’s Dungeon Pack Apotheosis - Lifeless Vaults Red Flame The Midden - Expanded Get the ESM version of the mod from Misc Files (main file itself is not needed).Skyrim Immersive Creatures Also grab needed patches from here .Deadly Dragons Ultimate Dragons Splendor - Dragon Variants Install only the main file.Diverse Werewolves Collection Install only the main file.The Falkreath Hauntings Immersive College of Winterhold Also install this and this tiny improvements.Improved College Entry - Questline Tweaks All Thieves Guild Jobs Concurrently The Brotherhood of Old Dark Brotherhood Reborn - Dawnstar Sanctuary Also grab patches installer here .Dark Brotherhood for Good Guys Glorious Fort Dawnguard No Force for Illusion Magic Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim Also install Ordinator patch.Arcanum - A New Age of Magic (Fixed) Dawnguard Arsenal Dragonborn Ascendant Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim Install 9.26 version. Also install this , this and this .Imperious - Races of Skyrim Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim Lupine - Werewolf Perk Expansion This mod is optional - install only if you’re planning to play as werewolf.GuruSR’s Werewolf Transformation Meter This mod is optional - install only if you’re planning to play as werewolf.Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim Also install WACCF patch .Lock Overhaul Install the “Lock Overhaul - Ordinator Version” main file.ABT SE - Arrows and Bolts Tweaks Choose [only] faster arrows/bolts (+50%) in installer, and deeper bolts impact, nothing else.OBIS - Organized Bandits In Skyrim Also install patrols addon from mod Files tab and Cloaks of Skyrim patch .Revenge Of the Enemies Now, optionally, install this mod. Take into account that it will make fights much more tactical and realistic, but also even more hard in most of cases:Bring Your Silver Lite
AIM FIX - combat camera with aiming control ID 18524 ID 18524Also install “AIM FIX compatibility patch for iHUD” and “AIM FIX compatibility patch for non-vanilla start” files.
The next 3 mods are absolutely optional - install them if you wanna to have “lite” survival experience in your game. All 3 mods are very lightweight and won’t give any script issues to your setup.
Campsite ID 22353 ID 22353Frostbite Vitality Mode - Basic Needs - Eat Drink and Sleep
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim ID 12466 ID 12466From the mod Files tab, also instal patches for: Enhanced Blood Textures, Legacy of the Dragonborn, Lore Weapon Expansion and whatever weather mod you’re using (if you do).Lucidity Sound FX Install only the main file.Thundering Shouts Falskaar Also install this patcher which will detect some of other mods you’re using to make few other minor patchings. Also grab RS Children patch from this page Files tab if using RS Children.Trade and Barter For fBarterMax, fBarterMin, and the Buying Prices it’s recommended to set them to 10.0, 6.5 and -60% respectively in the MCM.GIST - Genuinely Intelligent Soul Trap NARC Remade - No Animals Report Crimes Left Hand Rings Modified Realistic AI Detection (better sneaking) Install the “Realistic AI Detection 2 SE - Medium Interior Medium Exterior” main file version.Alchemy Potions and Food Adjustments Poisoning Extended VioLens - A Killmove Mod Don’t forget to enable “Player Killmove Immunity” in MCM.Multiple Floors Sandboxing Serana Dialogue Edit Vampire Attacks Restored Outside of Walled Cities Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim Install only the main file.TK Dodge Skyrim Skill Uncapper This (fixed version of initial LE version port) mod is optional. It allows you to uncap your skill (i.e. progress above 100 instead of silly vanilla “legendary skills” system). You can also adjust leveling speed, how many perks/atrribute points you will receive per lvlup and and more.ASIS Mortal Enemies Install the “Mortal Enemies SE - No Run Walk Changes” version.Populated Lands Roads Paths Install only the main file.Populated Forts Towers Places Even Better Quest Objectives Guard Dialogue Overhaul Also install an MCM addon .Realistic Conversations Relationship Dialogue Overhaul Also install USSEP patch (only the “RDO - USSEP Patch.esp” plugin from “RDO - CRF and USSEP Patches Final” archive) and “RDO - EFF v4.0.3 Patch Final”.Lanterns of Skyrim Install the first main file.Skyrim Is Windy Timing is Everything Hold Border Banners Unique Border Gates Also grab the fixes .Farmhouse Chimneys Disease Fixes Install only the main file.DLC Integration Install only one main file.Realistic Ragdolls and Force Install the “Realistic Force” main file version.D13 Faster GET UP STAND UP animation vanilla friendly Immersive Animations Choose everything you would like to have in installer.Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS Install only the main file and “FNIS Behavior 7.4.5 SE add-on 3 (AGO.TK)” file.FNIS PCEA2 - Player Exclusive Animations XP32 Maximum Skeleton Special Extended Read the installer options carefully. After you’ll install the mod, go here and install “Bolt quiver meshes for XP32 Users beta1” file. Simple Dual Sheath ID 50049 ID 50049 [OR] Dual Sheath Redux Which one and what/why? First one is a freshly released SKSE plugin which should work with most of the weapons out of the box. While being still a work in progress, it has minor cons bugs here and there, but in general, works just fine (and doesn’t require patches for mod-added weapons which is great advantage) so it’s the recommended mod. Second one is well-known Skyrim LE mod that’s not officially ported to SE (but you can port it yourself). The choice here is completely up to you. You can conver DSR (LE mod) to SE using this article . If using a converted DSR, you can also convert this huge collection of patches ID 64647 ID 64647 for dozens of weapon mods.Legacy of the Dragonborn Install the main file and the update file. Then download and run the “Legacy of the Dragonborn Patches SE” patches installer. It should automatically detect all needed mods you have, but still, read the options carefully yourself. Finally, install this and this .Reliquary of Myth - Artifact Overhaul QUASIPC Just download and install. Installer will automatically detect your mods and install some needed patches.WiZkiD Patches Compendium Same here.Classic Sprinting Redone This mod installation is optional.
Good! Now proceed to the “Mods to be installed or actions to be made in the end of modding process” section and follow the steps in it. Also, if you’re owner of a windescreen monitor, install this fix ID 1778 ID 1778 and take a look ad low-end section of the guide if you have weak rig or just need to gain a few FPS. After you’ve finished these steps, just sort your load order with LOOT and you’re ready to go.
This module is for those who don’t want neither hardcore combat or survival challenges, but have and endless adventuring spirint and wish to visit as many new lands and dungeons, make as many quests, solve as many puzzles and mysteries as possible. This is an adventuring/relic hunting/questing mod list that will be a great choice if you just want to have a vivid, interesting walkthrough with huge amount of content but without altering gameplay itself. At the same time, it can be used on top of other, gameplay-changing modules. Module doesn’t include population, follower and player homes mods, as these mods are purely subjective for everyone. Also, as some of quest mods are have some patches available for mods you may or may not use (like RS Children from graphics guide, for instance), you can double-check their lines in respective sections, just to make sure. Required/major patches or patches collections I’ve linked in the module already.
Квесты и новые земли:
Квест NPCs Run ID 21103 ID 21103Побочные квесты Скайрима Не забудьте настроить MCM мода по своему вкусу :)В своем собственном темпе ==НОВОЕ== Дополнительный мод. Получите плагины для линий квестов, которые вы хотите. Также скачайте патч Quest NPCs Run отсюда .Доска объявлений Примечание: этот мод является необязательным. Установите его, если вы хотите иметь в городах доски объявлений в стиле Ведьмака, с которых вы можете выбирать рабочие бумаги, которые начнут различные квесты радианта. Также установите это .Партурнакс — расширение квеста Телдрин Серьезный - Предыстория Телдрина Серо Квест Также установите этот лиловый патч .БДИТЕЛЬНЫЙ Наверное, мой любимый квестовый мод всех времен. Вы увидите сами, почему довольно быстро. Установите также пакеты с высоким разрешением на вкладке «Файлы», если у вас обычно хорошие настройки графики. Установите английскую озвучку . Напоследок установите улучшения текстур отсюда , здесь ( несколько ретекстуров от одного автора) и здесь .Хелген Реборн Проект АХО Установите EN-версию и не забудьте также установить файл «Project AHO ESM Flag Edition» после основного файла. Также установите исправление и этот патч.Серый капюшон Ноктюрнал Также установите это , это и посмотрите на несколько патчей, которые вам могут понадобиться отсюда .Остров Мидвуд Установите один из двух основных файлов, в зависимости от мощности вашего ПК. Также установите исправление и, если у вас возникнут проблемы с местоположением корабля, одно из двух исправлений для этого. Многие патчи для других популярных модов доступны здесь .Рейвенгейт - Подземелья Рифтена Забытый город Также установите исправление .Заводной Резная грань Также установите это .Хроники Макмиллера Также рекомендуется установить для него патч lil .Кризис личности Торговый дом Фортуны Прыжки веры - разное задание
Наборы подземелий Хаммета ID 12186 ID 12186Также получите аддон с уникальными наградами .Набор подземелий EasyerRider Подземелье Скайрима Профиль Венджхаммета Автор пакетов подземелий Хаммета. Я рекомендую установить 3-5 автономных подземелий. Просто бросьте монетку и выберите свою. Теперь установите «наградные» дополнения для пакетов подземелий Hammet и установленных вами отдельных подземелий отсюда ( если вы используете их по отдельности) или здесь (если вы все вместе).Красное пламя Серия «Возвращение в подземелья» Мидден - Расширенный Получите ESM-версию мода из Misc Files (сам основной файл не нужен).
Доспехи и оружие. Обратите внимание, что я помещаю сюда только несколько примечательных и удобных для лора пакетов — если вам нужно больше, не стесняйтесь просматривать соответствующий раздел руководства:
Иммерсивная броня ID 3479 ID 3479При желании получить это .Плащи Скайрима Также установите это (рекомендуется 2k, также не забудьте файл обновления). После установки отключите оба плагина этого мода и не забудьте включить интеграцию в CCOR MCM.Патронташ - Сумки и сумки После установки отключите оба плагина этого мода и не забудьте включить интеграцию в CCOR MCM. Также возьмите патч баланса (основной файл).Расширение истории оружия Королевская оружейная — новые артефакты Также установите это .Легендарные арбалеты и луки Skyrim Fulcimentum - Больше посохов и жезлов Skyrim Получите патчи для Arcanum/Apocalypse/DSR/PCE, если вы их используете.
Все остальное - на первый взгляд, не связанное напрямую с самими квестами и подземельями, но пассивно увеличивающее ваше погружение и радость во время путешествий:
Капитальный ремонт диалога в отношениях - RDO ID 1187 ID 1187Охотники, а не бандиты Получить версию RDO.Разные правки диалогов Получите версию Skyrim Unbound Reborn, если вы используете этот мод для альтернативного запуска.Дополнительные параметры диалога Получите версию для различных правок диалога.Больше, чтобы сказать Капитальный ремонт вагонов и паромов Получите файлы дополнений в зависимости от ваших предпочтений.Фонари Скайрима Также ищите патчи для некоторых модов, которые вы можете использовать, на вкладке «Файлы» ниже. В качестве альтернативы установите этот .Вороны - Михаил Монстры и животные Летающие вороны Чайки из Скайрима Коллекция сборников знаний Imperial Knowledge Vol. 1 Бандиты-отшельники Держите пограничные знамена Hold Border Guards — окончательное издание Уникальные пограничные ворота Также возьмите патч исправления .
Теперь два эпических мода должны быть установлены последними, так как они имеют множество патчей для различных модов, включая моды из модуля выше:
Наследие Драконорожденного ID 11802 ID 11802После установки мода скачайте и запустите патчер . Они должны автоматически обнаруживать все необходимые моды, которые у вас есть, но все же внимательно прочитайте параметры самостоятельно. Наконец, установите это , это , это , это , это и, возможно, это .Реликварий Мифов - Капитальный ремонт артефакта
Хороший! Теперь перейдите к разделу «Моды, которые необходимо установить или действия, которые необходимо выполнить в конце процесса моддинга» и следуйте инструкциям в нем. Кроме того, взгляните на низкоуровневый раздел руководства по графике, если у вас слабая установка или вам просто нужно набрать несколько кадров в секунду.
Модуль, посвященный ворам/мошенникам/убийцам/лучникам. Если вы уверены, что сейчас будете играть именно с этим архетипом - обязательно загляните сюда. Этот список модов включает в себя различные моды - от боя и заклинаний до квестов и анимаций - но не только сами моды, но и некоторые советы по ним (например, какие заклинания использовать и как), и даже видео о построении персонажа от А до Я на мой ЮТ канал. Примечание. Этот модуль фокусируется на [выделенных] модах — это означает, что для полного списка модов вам все равно нужно будет пройти разделы руководства, но у вас будет прочная база основных модов именно для этого стиля игры (или вы можете посетить этот раздел просто чтобы ничего не пропустить).
Список модов:
Лунная тропа в Эльсвейр ID 4341 ID 4341Также захватите это .Старое Братство Серый капюшон Ноктюрнал Также установите это и это (необязательно, выберите то, что вам нужно/нравится).Зловещая семерка Рейвенгейт - Подземелья Рифтена Квестовые моды в первую очередь являются делом вкуса, но я рекомендую эти моды исключительно с точки зрения, которая подходит для ролевой игры персонажей-разбойников/убийц.Королевская оружейная — новые артефакты Обязательный уникальный мод оружия для всех, независимо от класса. Также возьмите этот аддон , этот патч улучшения и этот патч, если вы используете PCE.Иммерсивная броня Обязательный мод на броню для всех, независимо от класса.Уникальные уникальные Отличная основа для уникального внешнего вида многих артефактов. Обновленный порт с исправлениями некоторых изначально существующих ошибок.
Теперь некоторые доспехи, которые я лично считаю очень подходящими персонажам-разбойникам. Их установка полностью зависит от вас:
Набор босмерской брони ID 5597 ID 5597Ситисские доспехи и клинки Экипировка северного рейнджера Грубый кожаный доспех Подрядчик Броня Злой мастерРазумная броня Мифические доспехи Zerofrost Для превосходной Соловьиной брони.Броня охотника на демонов от Jojjo Королевская охотничья броня DreamBurrows Броня интриги Прочь - Уходи
То же самое для оружия:
Расширение истории оружия ID 9660 ID 9660Отличная дружелюбная к лору оружейная база.Легендарные арбалеты Skyrim и луки и луки Луки с оптическим прицелом Также возьмите этот патчер , чтобы получить лучшую совместимость, если это необходимо.Охотник Кинжалкин Катана Крафт Примечание: если вы модифицируете AE и у вас нет «DLC» CC, также установите этот патч ==NEW== (перезапишите плагин мода).Дыхание ведьмы (с анимированным глазом) Люкс и Ноктис Катаны
Хижина охотника ID 15516 ID 15516Хижина охотника в Ривервуде Animated Armory — новое оружие с анимацией Полностью анимированные когти, кнуты и многое другое! Также получите патч CCOR и патч DSR.Условный холостой ход EVG Для раненых, бездействующих магии/выносливости.Расслабленная анимация подкрадывания Капитальный ремонт поведения движения Для гораздо более реалистичного поведения движения, такого как остановка импульса и многое другое.Сопротивления изменены Апокалипсис - Магия Скайрима Также установите патч Ordinator.Арканум — новая эра магии (исправлено) Разбойники, воры и убийцы часто тоже владеют магией, особенно в школе Иллюзии — и здесь эти 2 мода могут сослужить вам большую службу, предлагая вам большое количество заклинаний.Summermyst - Чары Скайрима Нет силы для магии иллюзий Поскольку убийцы и воры довольно часто используют заклинания Иллюзии, этот мод будет полезен.Ординатор - Перки Скайрима Священное - Вампиры Скайрима Разбойники чаще выбирают вампира, а не оборотня из-за квестовой линии и аспекта ролевой игры, а Sacrosanct — отличный вариант для капитального ремонта способностей вампира в одном моде.Империус - Гонки Скайрима Множество новых и улучшенных ванильных способностей для рас, обычно используемых для классов разбойников.Андромеда — уникальные стоячие камни Скайрима То же самое для стоячих камней.Wintersun - Веры Скайрима Выберите божество, которое соответствует вашим мечтам об обманщике, и получите мощные бонусы за свою веру.Wildcat - Битва Скайрима Смертные враги - Deaimbot ваших врагов ТК Додж Добыча и деградация Также получите патч Summermyst .В своем собственном темпе Получите плагин Гильдии воров.Роскошная гильдия воров Также возьмите этот lil patcher .Темное братство для хороших парней Спасите Темное Братство Возрождение Темного Братства - Святилище Данстар Также загрузите установщик патчей здесь .ABT — настройки стрелок и болтов Рекомендуемые базовые настройки для выбора в установщике: на 50% быстрее стрелы/болты, более глубокое попадание болтов (согласно вашей дате), на 50% меньше стрел/болтов, найденных/в добыче/на складах.Реалистичное обнаружение ИИ (лучше скрытно) Внимательно выбирайте версию мода в зависимости от ваших списков модов (читайте описания файлов). Если не уверены - берите Lite версию.Подозрительные городские стражи Разумное сообщение о преступлениях Выносливость имеет значение - больше никакой бесполезной выносливости Ограничение по снаряжению TDF Динамическое определение погоды и времени Исправление скорости атаки Капитальный ремонт замка Получите версию Ординатора.Отравление расширенное Неэксплуатируемая перезарядка арбалета Теневые метки улучшены Реликварий Мифов - Капитальный ремонт артефакта Лучше ставить этот мод в конце создания сетапа, ковырять патчи по максимуму в установщике.
Между тем, вы также можете посмотреть несколько уникальных модифицированных билдов персонажей, доступных на моем канале YT:
Модуль, посвященный магам/некромантам/чернокнижникам/жрецам и т. д. Если вы уверены, что сейчас будете играть именно этим архетипом - обязательно загляните сюда. Этот список модов включает в себя различные моды - от боя и заклинаний до квестов и анимаций - но не только сами моды, но и некоторые советы по ним (например, какие заклинания использовать и как), и даже видео о построении персонажа от А до Я на мой ЮТ канал. Примечание. Этот модуль фокусируется на [выделенных] модах — это означает, что для полного списка модов вам все равно нужно будет пройти разделы руководства, но у вас будет прочная база основных модов именно для этого стиля игры (или вы можете посетить этот раздел просто чтобы ничего не пропустить).
Список модов:
Проект АХО ID 15996 ID 15996Также возьмите патч DSR (версия SE на вкладке «Файлы») и исправьте .Резная грань Также возьмите исправление .Колеса затишья Удивительная квестовая линия с множеством секретов и головоломок, связанных с лором TES. Пять подземелий в рамках основного квеста, дополненные битвами с боссами и обширными уникальными локациями. Новый город с обширными персонажами. 7 побочных квестов, 10 новых видов оружия, новые доспехи и даже новая пользовательская раса. Также не забудьте установить для него качественный пакет ретекстуров . Заводной механизм (Заводной замок) Квестовые моды в первую очередь являются делом вкуса, но я рекомендую эти моды исключительно с той точки зрения, что с точки зрения ролевой игры персонажи-маги должны больше стремиться к знаниям и путешествиям в другие измерения.Королевская оружейная — новые артефакты Обязательный уникальный мод оружия для всех, независимо от класса. Также возьмите этот аддон .Иммерсивная броня Обязательный мод на броню для всех, независимо от класса.Уникальные уникальные Отличная основа для уникального внешнего вида многих артефактов.
Теперь некоторые доспехи, которые я лично считаю очень подходящими магическим типам персонажей. Их установка полностью зависит от вас:
Броня черного мага ID 356 ID 356Одеяния верховного мага Кадгара DCR - Мега-набор King Crusader Отличный выбор для некроманта.Броня хедж-мага Магические одеяния колдуна Броня ведьмы-ворона Бронированные магические одеяния Лиама Одеяния Некромастера Броня мага Пустоты
То же самое для оружия:
Fulcimentum - Больше посохов и жезлов Skyrim ID 23825 ID 23825Everlight - Факелы Скайрима Посохи Лиама из Скайрима
Возрождение башни Карантир ID 4269 ID 4269Terra Umbra - Мобильный плавучий остров Сказка о Цатампра Хиросе Астрономический лофт — Небольшой лофт-библиотека для игрока в Вайтране. Условный холостой ход EVG Для тех, кто ранен и без магии бездействует.Капитальный ремонт поведения движения Для гораздо более реалистичного поведения движения, такого как остановка импульса и многое другое.Наконец-то магическая анимация от первого лица В своем собственном темпе Получить плагин колледжа.Лучшее заявление в колледж Дни колледжа - Винтерхолд Сопротивления изменены Апокалипсис - Магия Скайрима Также установите патч Ordinator (если вы будете использовать Ordinator, а не POS, смотрите список ниже).Арканум — новая эра магии (исправлено) Исследование заклинаний Нет томов заклинаний в качестве добычи или у торговцев Используйте 2 вышеперечисленных мода («Исследование заклинаний» и «Нет томов заклинаний в качестве добычи» или «От продавцов») для «хардкорной» версии механики изучения заклинаний, [ИЛИ] мод ниже для «облегченной» ее версии.Изучение заклинаний и открытие Summermyst - Чары Скайрима Нет силы для магии иллюзий Ординатор - Перки Скайрима Используйте этот мод [ИЛИ] мод ниже в качестве капитального ремонта перков.Путь волшебства — капитальный ремонт магических перков Используйте этот мод [ИЛИ] мод выше в качестве капитального ремонта перков.Иммерсивная Коллегия Винтерхолда Священное - Вампиры Скайрима Маги чаще выбирают вампира, а не оборотня из-за квестовой линии и аспекта ролевой игры, а Sacrosanct — отличный вариант для капитального ремонта способностей вампира в одном моде.Империус - Гонки Скайрима Множество новых и улучшенных ванильных способностей для рас, обычно используемых для классов магов.Андромеда — уникальные стоячие камни Скайрима То же самое для стоячих камней.Wintersun - Веры Скайрима Выберите божество, которое соответствует вашим мистическим душевным желаниям, и получите мощные бонусы за свою веру.Wildcat - Битва Скайрима Смертельные враги ТК Додж Магическая дуэль - Возрождение Мод предназначен для использования в основном для развлечения - но какое большое удовольствие для персонажей-магов.Добыча и деградация Также возьмите этот патч .Реликварий Мифов - Капитальный ремонт артефакта Лучше ставить этот мод в конце создания сетапа, ковырять патчи по максимуму в установщике.
Между тем, вы также можете посмотреть несколько уникальных модифицированных билдов персонажей, доступных на моем канале YT:
Модуль, посвященный воинам. Если вы уверены, что сейчас будете играть именно с этим архетипом - обязательно загляните сюда. Этот список модов включает в себя различные моды - от боя и заклинаний до квестов и анимаций - но не только сами моды, но и некоторые советы по ним (например, какие заклинания использовать и как), и даже видео о построении персонажа от А до Я на мой ЮТ канал. Примечание. Этот модуль фокусируется на [выделенных] модах — это означает, что для полного списка модов вам все равно нужно будет пройти разделы руководства, но у вас будет прочная база основных модов именно для этого стиля игры (или вы можете посетить этот раздел просто чтобы ничего не пропустить).
Список модов:
БДИТЕЛЬНЫЙ ID 11849 ID 11849Конечно, любой квестовый мод может быть пройден любым классом, но в VIGILANT есть эти огромные, эпические битвы с боссами, похожие на битвы с Dark Souls, и сражаться с ними именно как воин — самое приятное. Также возьмите аддон с английской озвучкой .Королевская оружейная — новые артефакты Обязательный уникальный мод оружия для всех, независимо от класса. Также возьмите этот аддон .Иммерсивная броня Обязательный мод на броню для всех, независимо от класса.Уникальные уникальные Отличная основа для уникального внешнего вида многих артефактов.
Теперь некоторые доспехи, которые я лично считаю очень подходящими воинам. Их установка полностью зависит от вас:
Реалистичная броня ID 36151 ID 36151Мифические доспехи Zerofrost Набор доспехов Талос-Хускарл Варварская стальная броня Кольчужная броня Тяжелая нордская броня Кинривская броня Броня северного крестоносца Ситисские доспехи и клинки Эфириевая броня и подборка оружия Для любителей тяжелых дварфских доспехов. Также захватите это .Прочь - Уходи Щит Азуры
То же самое для оружия:
Расширение истории оружия ID 9660 ID 9660Обязательный набор оружия всех типов.Легендарные арбалеты Skyrim и луки и луки профиль johnskyrim За множество не совсем реалистичного (поскольку большинство из них вдохновлено WOW), но абсолютно крутого оружия.биллиро профиль Здесь наоборот - реалистичное, средневековое, фэнтезийное, но все же “серьезное” оружие.Клеймор компании Vanguard FunkyGandalfCat профиль сумасшедший профиль Зуб дьявола Мюнхен Ведьмак 3 Оружие Радциг Длинный меч Артефакты - Ледяной клинок монарха Топор Левиафана - Двемерские артефакты
Моды, добавляющие как доспехи, так и оружие:
Оружие викингов - Johnskyrim ID 14409 ID 14409Дары Акатоша Мега-набор короля крестоносца Артефакты - Бретонский паладин Великолепная броня и двуручный меч Арсенал Героев Братьев Бури Также возьмите исправление .Имперский арсенал рыцаря-дракона Набор резных доспехов дракона Также возьмите исправление .Снаряжение северного странника
Рута — Дом Братьев Бури и Воина ID 1193 ID 1193Яггарсфельд Отдых рыцаря Замок Радун
Примечание. Для анимационных модов, требующих FNIS, вместо этого рекомендуется использовать Nemesis (все моды, использующие FNIS, также работают с Nemesis) — почему и как — смотрите в разделе анимации.
Animated Armory — новое оружие с анимацией ID 15394 ID 15394Также получите патч CCOR и патч Ecotone.Условный холостой ход EVG Для тех, кто ранен и из выносливости простаивает.Правдоподобное оружие Капитальный ремонт поведения движения Для гораздо более реалистичного поведения движения, такого как остановка импульса и многое другое.Улучшенный маяк Стендарса Великолепный Форт Стражи Рассвета ABT — настройки стрелок и болтов Рекомендуемые базовые настройки для выбора в установщике: на 50% быстрее стрелы/болты, более глубокое попадание болтов (согласно вашей дате), на 50% меньше стрел/болтов, найденных/в добыче/на складах.Сопротивления изменены Выносливость имеет значение - больше никакой бесполезной выносливости Ограничение по снаряжению TDF Исправление боевого клича Апокалипсис - Магия Скайрима Также установите патч Ordinator.Арканум — новая эра магии (исправлено) Даже воины часто используют заклинания восстановления/изменения — и здесь эти 2 мода могут оказать вам большую услугу, предлагая вам большое количество иммерсивных исцеляющих и поддерживающих заклинаний.Арсенал Стражи Рассвета Summermyst - Чары Скайрима Ординатор - Перки Скайрима Важный мод для каждого класса — и, конечно же, для воина.Рычание - Зверолюди Скайрима Воины с большей вероятностью выберут оборотня, а не вампира из-за квестовой линии и аспекта ролевой игры, а Growl — отличный вариант для капитального ремонта способностей ww в одном моде.Империус - Гонки Скайрима Множество новых и улучшенных ванильных способностей для рас, обычно используемых для классов воинов.Андромеда — уникальные стоячие камни Скайрима То же самое для стоячих камней.Wintersun - Веры Скайрима Выберите божество, которое соответствует вашей душе храброго воина, и получите мощные бонусы за свою веру.Wildcat - Битва Скайрима zxlice hitStop ТК Додж Смертельные враги Также захватите это .Раны Если вы используете этот мод, обязательно отключите раны Wildcat в его MCM.Неэксплуатируемая перезарядка арбалета Draw — дуэльный мод Супер простой замок Грязь и кровь - динамические визуальные эффекты Накачка железа - динамичный рост мышц Также возьмите этот аддон для улучшения.Добыча и деградация Также получите это .Исправление скорости атаки Реликварий Мифов - Капитальный ремонт артефакта Лучше ставить этот мод в конце создания сетапа, ковырять патчи по максимуму в установщике.
Между тем, вы также можете посмотреть несколько уникальных модифицированных билдов персонажей, доступных на моем канале YT:
Настоящий герой Скайрима. Защитник королевства. Этот модуль представляет собой окончательную настройку модов - в основном, очень близкую к тому, что я использую сам. Если вы опытный игрок в Skyrim и имеете приличный опыт прохождения модов (или просто достаточно сумасшедший ^,,^), если вы помните все его детали и хотите десятки новых историй и приключений, если вы хотите, чтобы ваш игровой процесс был невероятно сложным невероятно полезно, если вы хотите, чтобы каждая мельчайшая, мельчайшая, микроскопическая деталь игрового процесса Skyrim была улучшена, а ошибки / упущения - исправлены вместе с множеством интересных новых функций и механик, если вы хотите Nextgen, мод “дьявол в деталях” список, который удивит вас на каждом шагу, независимо от того, сколько часов (или тысяч) или часов у вас есть в этой серии - список модов Спасителя Отечества ждет.
Спаситель Отечества, модуль с самыми тяжелыми модами из всех, уже доступен на моем Patreon для всех покровителей уровня Battlemage и выше — с поддержкой опций выбора списка модов, конфигураций меню, советов по исправлению конфликтов и слиянию.
Огромное спасибо всем и каждому моему покровителю, нынешнему и прошлому, которые помогли мне продолжать работу и выпускать Skyrim Ultimate Modding Guide — без вашей поддержки у меня никогда не было бы достаточно времени для его компиляции < 3
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Виктор Бануэлос Тайлер кевтастар Фабиан Виол Эрен Т Мистер Рассеянный Бреннан Уильямс - Билински Бенджамин Аддлесон Капитан Мелиодас Шэдоурайдер Вонки Кристиан Джонатан Смит Лайам Джек Ричардсон Джинтарас Гэри Джонс Скайлер Миллер TheMissingLink Хаккира Рафаэль Вичер Шайло Холл Йосип Жгела Крад Лохк Александр Бишоп Белл Степан Бобров Терровакс Брукс Бротон Кевин benjanator862 Гордон Огбрандо, Виктор Рейес, халакабам, Пол Ямильковски
CrimzonWolf เมธา ศุกระชาต Jonathan Lomeli Dominika Jandorová Noah Connolly Adcindaze Doogz Man Jojoz IkkiThePhoenix Philip CJ2041 Tommy Rosenbach Alexander Solovyev Higgins LioHiggins Lio Helga Kravstad Roberto Kolia Barzhik GreenTeaNeco brad hill Alfonso Juarez ryan smoll-bean Matthew Quenton Livingston Pierre Lebair Austin Moss Max Oganisyan ArnoDorianWK Alejandro González Jesse Winter Andy Hunter Frank Berndt ZuZu NightKolm rc2the2nd James King Mexanixbogdan jzargo Jeremy Bassett Caleb Heppner Morgan J. Allgood CAUTION Victor Asensao Boreas VRGamelover tomohito kurosawa Alexander Nakhnikian Papazinga Red T. Basco Gabriel Noah Diederich Preacher AA Zapera Drejnaught Pannepoeper Denis Home min boss Pavol Zigo Numahr Sannamonto Alessandro Monaco zMeca- Bash David Shternberg Espen inshane0hflex Frambaar Ethan M Evans Daniel Alm Erskine James fraaba aba Joel Barnes ValiantNero Mauricio Ramírez TwoBulletsToGo jtpate1 Buck Danny Rynus Oxitus ilion stiko Jason Miller David Ceniceros technopreneur Christian Kaue Moraes Smitty Jensen Arnas Golubeckas Keith R Jan Kichuk Tobias Richter David Spring Alyssa Lu Germain SENDER Imogen Crusader Redevil387 BigOldBean BTSOneLove Osalic Somonic Ivan Antanas Vizbaras Lorenzo Saracino Ty Boone Rene Weihs mikker møkker Jeffrey Davis warrenwarrpath Melbu Frahma carlos alvarez Mefariah Austin Davis D Stever Tiberius Ryker александр сергеевич MaxSpiltz Imperial Dovahkiin James Mcneill Thomas Adams Dark Sleeper Alex Cardenas Bergur Andri Ìvarsson Elyssa Lowman Andrew Tomlinson rafiwui Andreas Fegi Bearathor12 LionHeartTheDark Hellraiser Charles King EddieCH Soro Dragonfall joseph giers Travis Sprague QuantumEnter Carlo Fitoria Big Boy Talf Lucas Buch Becausec Robert Kudlinski Dacong Justin Buffkin Xavier Warren Massaker Kevin mayconrf Berserk Олег Шинкаренко astrasz John Smith Paddy J Zachary Fuller andrew pinsent Eryk Kowal Ymir Windego Bakasteru Charles Stai yourenotsupposedtobeinhere Hasan H Rabbin Cayo Menezes GemsKnight Brisea Khaled El Tanany Grant Lindsay Mcnoodlies Bryan Brown Pedro Lucas Davide Accard Brenden James Walton Emilio Ocampo Павел Барсуков Amber Wells Thelostwanderer Scott Plummer Patrick Frank Leticia Goulart CatBru Carl D. Auer Miguel Ordoñez Kody Truelove Jessica Charteris Rick0124 Mordlust Hitoschmito Eoduun Byeoul Alex V1N Skeever Vinícius Da Silva Gerald Scheidl Patrick Toole Zion Smith Shultz NWAS Megilliar Rayhne Tess Mr. Lion Alec Lint Dalton Robertson Christopher Hernandez Tibi Mr_Barracuda KiloWhiskeyKilo Abanox Anthony Schwab Jeff Mathis Matthew Hearne Sacha Anish Hermon Shampoo Martian Tornado Hexenwerk Kn Nick rune oslen Nyah Nyx Trey Sander Devon Babb Leitner Clemens UDICA stephen Satori Franks99 Lion Escanor TygaBeast Grave Walker Steven Shanks Painterbread Bruce McLannox milton bonilla Nipple Bandit Jacinth Cédric Dulou Michael Meier Sunlit Riddle Devan Schwartz Phillip Meinkoth Benjamin Gordon Kevin Roth Mirtheck Tucker L Wyma Clay Wyma James Lairdcrajj Patrick Collins Preston Dinkle Andreas Hadjipaschalis RoyCaractere Petros Katsoulis Michelle Wyma Nicholas Morris Markus B.94 Marco Wolf M M Timo VKNask L Monica Gabrierz ASCII Star42 Isaac Kishpaugh Françoise Durand Bergonzo TimeImperatus Sahir Aleksi Sipilä Redguard 252 Carlosironman Michael Dunmyre Nathan Mortenson Leah Hart Max Weiler chem assassin goober gooberson SRW0 LittleMink Augusto J Brac Andreas Zeeb Twenty02 Bernardo Heitz Eddy Ferreira Dinoval Paul Cobb Lucas Delgado Jose Antonio Rodriguez Mat 257 FurappuJakku Eraywen Red Kent Grady Benson Vishal Doshi that_lurker Robert Coster Moonkin Moon Rhiannon Kishpaugh Alec Tester theP0M Dara Badger Johannes Thomas Martin Greg Brewton Mark Hawkins GuildMasterSev Chris Opperman Diana Biszczanik Skògrim Kitanya Tyler Robinson David Blenderman Jonathan Worsley Ryleyy Aaron Boyd อดิศักดิ์ เทียกสา Dawid Komarzyniec Fred Milano JT LT1 David Cowern Kubosz Diana Williams-Raahauge Sherry Hamilton Andy McNeil Quatre Chevrons Sam Guevenne Amanda Dopheide Butch93h Sven Hilbert Michael Condron kieran L. Borg Denis Debras Aitallias Sesk’Vati gryphon Adrian Maxwell Stoyan Kapitanov Michael DiLallo Deanna Reichardt john wynne Philip Bolton Kristofcsak Dani learclow Michael Pennington mortis grim UnknownOrigin Aidan Lukas Quwrof Roger S Haden AceBurn90 Koppjaegga Dirtie Laundry DanZ KingNabeshin John Amayo Cassie Gannon DontYouLaugh Angel Ortega Nilana Riverwind Prester Thomas my name Богдан Шкляр Jonathan B Tijuelas Game Cadu Lima Lorenz Böhm Barry noneya RYANCYREX BiX Daniel Emes Ellie Eve Strock Suratach Chingchokdee GibsonCZ Lee Scolin Matthew J. Mimnaugh Cole Odyssey Ernst Krämer Clément Jourdain AP1asticCup Zebra Cabbage Michael Courtney Skylo25 Jan Korehke Martijn van den Hoek Kostadin Hadjidinev Patrick Swann Daniel Williams Logan Johnson Dave U ZePhyr Extion Francisco Nobre Jesse Lindquist-webb Skrikch Zachary Miller william bobenrieth Tyson Mac Payer Linu johncarlos briones J Burgess dead man walking Grezna Vole nakole kingweezel Eduardo Loya Trausti Thor Andresson mohkija Khahil Trevor Sparks David Cairns Thomas Meyer Simon Andreasen Ryan Curtis Barca123 David Ethan Reed Mattia Perinello Lyumia Taylor Herzog ShurDrakdos Martin Focke Raymond Roland Schmidt Alan Vega Matthew Welch Irakli Chkonia Dylan Field OraMagi Heath Thomas-Hunt nigballs Joseph Leduc Strawberrytonic Joseph Thompson Nicholas Frees Arham Sulaiman Paolo James Lomax RickJoystick Jakoo Jelle Hermans Unique Pebble Gabriel Siegel Steffan Jones bun patta Tyler Marcelis Martin Weinand suzhou129 Robert Delcambre William Evans Nate Lawson ketsuko116 Hermann Holthusen joffrey nolting Nykolas Gaudry Joshua Cink fibriZo raZiel Cody McGregor Dusty DarthKilDu CoganTheDestroyer EnthusiasticallyDrinksPiss IzPasta Max Schäffer CeeMac dROp420 SaltySailorOnDeck Turk Han Avery Clark Luke Capicissue Dylan Joe Kadel Frank Whitehead James Leach Chris Diamond Ik-Hee Yu JOSE MANUEL NUÑEZ Chris Austin Martinez OutrageousRave Enrique Hernandez Simon Andreasen Mantys89 xKrush Koby Brian Leugemors Pimou Lane Anton Cory Stokes Alexi Flerianos Onizuka Tamsynn Claydon Chris Ecker BronzeCarp Evrim Fırıncıoğlu JustExploring Lucynyuu TYKipper AnotherNovelist Marcel Franco Sven Hilbert Oma Hansen AchillesGaming Pharlax Zachary Schroeder Sean Quinn frankie Bazi Alper Tezcanlı Shou Sheng Chu Balazs Bertalan Stratanael Joshua Wilson Roxas Ordic Diana Sæterbakken WildWhiteWolf33 peter Kalioma Poliovsky Tamsynn Claydon Derrik Layton Devoid ReidF06 Cayde6 Paweł Czubkowski Chris S jamerius sebree Connor Shea MrReghas Jalen Tyler sentient cabbage man Bryan Diego M L Altaea Allyrdici Amber O’Brien Bartosz Z Kosmosu Jaynan Kellen Pierce Máté Sall Vesselényi Anamist Ink Ryan Vita Korp3n Haisuli Glenn Wilhelm Patrick Kaletka Vitor Dias Souza TK Frank Fu Terapyn Felice Hoffmann Drokthal Edward Kietur Luis Ortega Pascal Zöphel Michael Brezocnik Ian Morris MartinITA___ Kristopher Day Ike Narttu Kranichtier Elizabeth Morgan SisterFister Nakaras Paotewa fumanchu168 CHI MAN YUE Chi Man Sterrenbeeld JimJam Guitar Ahobala ZoD1aC_88 Bruce McLannox Rex White Pete Lawrence Noah Ferrill JClark GatoWhite Garrett Alexandre MAJOU Annah Hass Eithanaur TheLost-Wanderer NIko Malloff Binh Pham bigdoinks Adam Meiswinkel Lucas Buch Artix Destiny Taylor chris debaggis MAGO NEGRO Franco Van Staden 재규어 아머킹 Jackuza R Rima Dorfränkie Vipushan Wasanthakumaran circumlocutory B0RR0 Sven Mudra Tony Dawson N Moore Anthony Larkin Eoduun Byeoul Jacob Hake Arthellion DM CptStrategy Niklas Martin Ryan Marinoff Party.gif Electron Kaleidoscope Logan Anderson Dogan Matsh Daniel L. Walters ben Joshua Schroeder Terapyn Ashfields Daniel Bresnahan Oren Stern Anthony Hubert Shadecrest M Cory Garza Derrick Trotter pT x LeG3nD Greg Brewton Jakkaphat Kaewmun Amber Wells Heyaheyaheya Supersnaxy Jasper Frith Mantakat Eric Luikart VavaBrasuca